Oh trust me, this isn't my first TV
I've done everything you can think of, watched several videos by Classy and Tech with KG and such. Lowering these settings really was my last resort. When I say I was disappointed with how games looked when it comes to black levels, that's an understatement. Because it was supposed to be accurate out of the box.
For some reason it isn't with Xbox. I don't have a PS5, but on Reddit I saw an older post of someone with the same issue. Yet the PS5 didn't have this. I'd make photos of how it looks with default settings vs to now, but my phone camera makes it look way darker than it truly is. But a night race in FH5 is supposed to be dark, where you really see the highlights. With default settings the night sky was like medium blue, far from dark blue, it looked washed out. Like how it looks if you set hdmi black level setting wrong.
First I tried with black level slider to 49, didn't make much of a difference. I went lower until I got it at 46. Still far from ideal, so I went to black adjust and putting that at high made it truly great.
RDR2 has proper dark nights now and the lights have never shined this bright in the game, not even on the S95B and that's quite impressive and unexpected. Ideally everything is great out of the box, without having to change a thing, but nope. I don't get it either, it's weird.
On the C9 I never had to change anything regarding brightness and on the S95B I would maybe lower shadow detail just a bit.
Yeah, that TV was damn great. I remember how I first saw Fortnite on it years ago, must have been One X. Super crisp and beautiful colors. But then when I started playing some other games such as Sea of Thieves I noticed how the blooming of bud elements really started to annoy me.
I went back to LG OLED with the C9 after that.
I am loving what I'm seeing of the A95K now that I finally got black levels good on Xbox. Any game I start up I immediately notice that it looks significantly crisper than the S95B, just more detail and I actually managed to get RDR2 looking amazing in HDR. I never managed to get that done on the Samsung. Also tested some Netflix content with Dolby vision, it is glorious. And 1080p content is crisp as hell.
I'm starting to see the hype and praise for Sony TVs. I now see what people mean with motion too, in 30fps games it is nowhere near as juddery as on any other TV. That being said, I am curious to try out some motion interpolation in game mode, see how rdr2 looks that way.
What are absolute must sees for Dolby Vision on Netflix with this TV? And which HDR/DV demos on YouTube?