51. Fire Emblem (GBA)
I've played a few FE games, but I'm not really a big fan. I don't see myself ever playing this.
54. Warioware Inc. Mega Microgames!
Wario Ware games are great. Might play this in the future.
58. Animal Crossing New Leaf
Wild World was still extinguishing my thirst for Animal Crossing when this came out, and I don't think I had a 3DS back then. I'll likely skip this but will probably play the next one.
59. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Never finished Path of Radiance, so why play the sequel?
63. Pikmin 2
Read what I said about Pikmin 3.
67. Metroid Fusion
Like with Super Metroid, I'm working my way here.
68. Fire Emblem Fates
I liked the addition of Casual Mode in Awakening (yeah, burn me at the stake), so I'm more tempted to play this over any other Fire Emblem game, but I'm still not a big Fire Emblem guy, so I'll likely not play this.
76. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Read what I said about Prime 2.
77. Advance Wars Dual Strike
Advance Wars 1 & 2 were great. This game is definitely on my radar.
82. Punch-Out!! (Wii)
I really liked Punch-Out!! on the NES. I will play this.
83. Elite Beat Agents
Seems like a fun rhythm game. I'm not that big on games like this, but I might play it.
87. Tetris Attack
While I haven't played this SNES game, I have played games like it and I've liked them, but I don't see myself ever going back to play this game in particular.
91. Wii Sports Resort
I've heard pretty good things, but I'm just not interested in it. I'm sure it improves on Wii Sports thanks to the Motion Plus, though.
92. Picross 3D
I do like Picross, but... Is there something special about this version? Seeing it two places higher than Bowser's Inside Story is surprising to say the least.
98. Star Fox
It's 50/50 whether or not I'll ever play this. I really like Star Fox 64, so I'm interested in seeing where it started, but I mean, I'll probably never get tired of SF64, and it's a remake of this one, so I'm unsure about it.