1. Uncharted The Lost Legacy: Left Behind was an amazing standalone release for The Last of Us and this is going to be larger than that, while fitting together with Uncharted 4. Also, love Chloe and Nadine!
2. Gran Turismo Sport: Played this at PSX and they FINALLY fixed the engine sounds. Felt solid on a wheel, and while the VR mode being so limited is a letdown, I'll still check it out.
3. Farpoint: Also tried this at PSX and WOW it's my favorite implementation for FPS controls and looked really good. Already have PS4 Pro and continue to scour the internet for PSVR at regular price.
4. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild: I'll be honest, Zelda hasn't excited me in years until now, and even if the Switch ends up being crappy I can just get a Wii U for super cheap later in the year to play this game.
5. Gravity Rush 2: While the first one was severely limited by being on Vita (in terms of storytelling and what they could technically achieve) I still loved it to death! The demo for part 2 was short but left me wanting much more.
6. Star Trek Bridge Crew: Everyone I know who has tried this (a handful of people) seemed to love it. I'm a big fan of Star Wars, but just as much a Star Trek fan and the fact that Ubisoft said it'll be cross platform makes it even better.
7. Resident Evil 7: Been wanting it to go back to the roots of being survival horror and not the action co-op stuff it had turned into, and in VR it's even freakier so there is that too. Might even livestream me sh***ing myself.
8. Yooka-Laylee: Backer, fan of original Banjo games, and loved how this feels so far. Can't wait to get my hand on the full thing later in the year and the snarky charm and lewd writing is definitely my cup of tea.
9. Wipeout Omega Collection: Sure, it's mostly the same tracks we got before, but I've been starved for more Wipeout now that I'm on PS4. PLEASE LET ME PURCHASE VR ADD-ON, THANKS! (Wipeout branded puke bags, too)
10. Horizon Zero Dawn: While underwhelmed by limited demo at PSX, I've been excited for this for some time now. Can't wait to for impressions of final build, as the music and visuals are amazing and the gameplay was solid.
You KNOW they are coming out this year, lol, but it's not official yet. Dreams, Detroit, God of War, and Spider-Man are technically at the top of my list, but not yet confirmed so... there you go.