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Neogaf writers lounge.


I just thought it would be nice for some of the creative types to have a place where they would be able to show off some of their work.

A few questions for all.
1) What is your writing process?
2)How long does it take you to get started and to finish? Am I the only weirdo that writes the ending first?
3)What is your favorite genre to write and which is the most difficult for you to write?

I would advise not posting anything that you are not comfortable sharing. Most of my stuff is copywritten so I'll post something light to start.

1)My process, I generally buy a five subject notebook and fill it with notes. Character names, places, motivations, plot points, conflicts, and resolutions. Then I write out a general outline starting with the third act/ending. After I know how my story/script will end I go back to the beginning and use my notes to start filling in the blanks.

2)It generally takes me around a month to start and complete a 120 page script. A bit longer if I'm working on a series as I generally write notes for future episodes while working on whatever episode I am currently on. That way I can lead into those events or add hooks that will build anticipation for those events.

3) I don't really have a favorite but I specialize in horror, fantasy, sci-fi and drama. I think comedy is the absolute hardest thing to write well.

As far as what I will share. Just the intro of something I am currently working on. It's not edited and still rough but here it is.

Edited to add:
Had an issue posting the excerpt going to have to take screenshots but it's coming.

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1. I’m writing my first novel mostly on my phone, and sometimes on my computer.
My process was coming up with an unresolved question, answering that question, and turning that question into a story which has evolved into five novels. I outlined what would occur in each chapter of the first novel before starting to write. I completed my first draft, went back over it and filled out more details, completing the second draft. I then checked for any continuity errors, completing the third draft. I’m now, and still am editing the fourth and final draft, to ensure rhythm is enthused within each and every line.

2. I started writing in 2018, first draft was completed in 2019, second draft in late 2020, third draft in early 2021, and around halfway through my 4th draft currently. Hopefully the next book will be churned out faster. :-/

3. I like a good mystery, my story is mystery/sci-fi/action/fantasy, set in the near future.

I’m also currently building a website for writers, which I hope will be finished this side of Christmas.

I’d love to share my work but am not in a position to do so publicly yet.


Gold Member
I started a novel about 8 years ago. I know the story inside out. Ive written a good polished 34,000 words and just got bored of telling me the story in my own head repeatedly. So it sits there unfinished.

I also dicked about trying to find something better than word to organise the chapters and messed it up so spent about two months correcting the formatting into one doc again.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I enjoy writing but never published anything professionally. My brother is a novelist with a few published works, so anything I would do would get compared to his stuff by most of my family and probably not favorably.

He uses notebook.ai for keeping track of everything and making prompts and stuff


I started a novel about 8 years ago. I know the story inside out. Ive written a good polished 34,000 words and just got bored of telling me the story in my own head repeatedly. So it sits there unfinished.

I also dicked about trying to find something better than word to organise the chapters and messed it up so spent about two months correcting the formatting into one doc again.
I recently started using Siri to read back my work during editing, it works well but I wouldn’t use it for the very last read.

Also, I’m writing in OneNote.
Sections I use for each book, and Pages are used for each chapter.


Reseterror Resettler
It was the worst of times; it was the worst of times. Things were adequately terrible. Shit was prettier and smelled nicer than these times. These times were like 9:35 AM on Monday. In the Winter. In Hell. It's like if it something happened to you that sucked, aaaaannndddd then you get hit in the willy by a random stray wild turkey, who is dead set on headbutting some cock. It was a time of plenty. Plenty of shit just absolutely being absurd in how unabashedly terrible it is.

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1. I’m writing my first novel mostly on my phone, and sometimes on my computer.
My process was coming up with an unresolved question, answering that question, and turning that question into a story which has evolved into five novels. I outlined what would occur in each chapter of the first novel before starting to write. I completed my first draft, went back over it and filled out more details, completing the second draft. I then checked for any continuity errors, completing the third draft. I’m now, and still am editing the fourth and final draft, to ensure rhythm is enthused within each and every line.

2. I started writing in 2018, first draft was completed in 2019, second draft in late 2020, third draft in early 2021, and around halfway through my 4th draft currently. Hopefully the next book will be churned out faster. :-/

3. I like a good mystery, my story is mystery/sci-fi/action/fantasy, set in the near future.

I’m also currently building a website for writers, which I hope will be finished this side of Christmas.

I’d love to share my work but am not in a position to do so publicly yet.
NDA's are serious business.


I can go into more detail about my writing habits later, as I'm pressed for time at the moment. But this thread comes at a good time, with this year's NaNoWriMo just around the corner. I've finished it a couple times and am unsure if I'll be doing this this year as my writing has fallen off as of late due to certain outside pressures:

National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand new novel. They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists.


I can go into more detail about my writing habits later, as I'm pressed for time at the moment. But this thread comes at a good time, with this year's NaNoWriMo just around the corner. I've finished it a couple times and am unsure if I'll be doing this this year as my writing has fallen off as of late due to certain outside pressures:

That is an absolutely awesome idea. Not sure I could knock it out in a month with my current deadline but I am definitely going to check it out.
i go by the pen name Excly (xlee)

i have coined a collection title for all my works called Libro Consiliorum or roughly Book of Plans/Designs

please have a look/read
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Gold Member
There onces was a member of GAF
Who thought he'd make other members laugh
So he posted a reply
then started to cry
As he realised his limerick was naf.


Reseterror Resettler
There onces was a member of GAF
Who thought he'd make other members laugh
So he posted a reply
then started to cry
As he realised his limerick was naf.

There once was a member of Era
Who hated bigots and had blue...hair...uh
So they (unsure of pronouns) posted their creed
Clutched their pearl beads
And was [Banned: Permanent. History of being unable to rhyme, dismissal of poetry that doesn't need to rhyme over multiple posts. Hypocrisy.]


My ex wife would camp out in the bathroom for ages on her phone every time she went. As there was only one toilet in out house you can imagine the amount of times I had to bang on the door to get her to hurry up. Eventually she learned to let me know if she was going.

I'm going to the toilet now. Do you want to go first?
Are you sure?

One time not ten minutes later I got the gut cramps and really needed to go badly. She had just asked and not wanting to have a big blow up (Because she was mental) I needed a solution to maintain the "Domestic bliss". It was during the daytime and the back of my house was overlooked by other houses, so dropping one in the garden was not an option.

So there I am grown ass man squatting down in my kitchen squirting foul liquid shit into a supermarket carrier bag, at least there were kitchen paper towels there for clean-up duties. I then dumped that bio hazard bag behind the shed. Now my kitchen smells like someone took a really nasty shit in it for some inexplicable reason. Fabreeze wasn't going to come to the rescue on this one.

So I made some toast and burnt it, I burnt it multiple times until it resembled Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. Wife comes out the bathroom 30 minutes later.

What's that smell?

*Me sweating, can she smell shit still or burnt toast?* I burnt some toast.

Fucking idiot she goes, now the whole kitchen smells of burnt toast.

The perfect crime...

During the height of the pandemic whilst everywhere was locked down.
I was a bearer at a funeral care company. We had a big service that day where a husband past away and two days later his wife did. The family had organized a double funeral.

This funeral was an absolute pain as it was a church service taking place in a small village. Everybody knew them. The family wanted the hearses and limbos to go around the hot spots the couple used to frequent. I.e where they met, where they had dates, dancing etc etc.
Fortunately I wasn't a driver that day so I had all the easy roles (maybe not so fortunate). Get to the church beforehand and make sure everything is set up right.
As it was a large funeral, it was myself and three others doing these tasks and one of my co-workers actually lived in said village. We had a long wait at the church for everyone to arrive so my co-worker invites us around to his where his wife would make us
some cappuccinos :messenger_grimmacing_.
I had not drunk a cappuccino for many years but for some reason I couldn't remember why.......

30 Minutes go by and we head back to the church, do a final check and then line up ready for the convoy to arrive. About a minute after I had lined up, my stomach immediately starts doing flips.
Then like a vision for god I remember why I don't drink these brews that the devil had spawned. It gives me explosive diarrhea.
I start sweating and panicking. I look down the road and see no sign of the convoy yet. I quickly head into church and ask the very old and very slow priest if I can use his toilet.
He bumbles around for a few minutes looking for the key to the outside (very dilapidated and teaming with spiders) toilet. "ohh i'm not sure where the key is oohhh ohhh".
I quickly look outside and the convoy had just turned the corner and was heading up. "fuck"
I get back inline and cast away my nihilist attitude by praying to what ever god is around that I don't shit my pants in the middle of this service.

Hearses and limbos pull up. Everybody bows bar myself. I'm not risking that. The other bearers proceed to take the flowers out of the hearses and take them into the church. Not me.
I'm not fucking moving until I absolutely have to. Not until that dreaded moment where I have to put a coffin on my shoulder and walk inside. This will be my moment of men from the boys.
I might also add that the other bearers have noticed there is something wrong with me. They keep giving me odd looks. One of them keeps asking what the matter is. I'm stone cold silent. Buddhist monks would envy my concentration.
It's game time. We take the coffin out from the hearse, lift it on our shoulders and link arms.

By this point i'm dripping in sweat. My stomach is going nuts and very audible.
We begin to walk. Me and the bearer I've linked with are at the feet end of the coffin (The front) so we (or I should say i'm) setting the pace of how we walk. It was not a slow respectable pace.
We get up the yard and to the church doorway. I can see the Funeral Director wasn't happy. By this point I think the other bearers have figured out what the matter is.
Now I have to walk slow as the FD is in front and setting the pace.
Every god dame step felt like a life time. I'm gushing in sweat now. It's dripping off me. My ass is holding a Kraken and it wants out. I'm practically going blind by how tense I was.
We get about three quarters down the aisle and horror hits. Something had happened down their. Nothing to be noticed by others yet. But I know something has happened. Either that is sweat going down my leg or......

We get to the alter.
Now normally you would place the coffin on some stands and place the flowers around it. Make sure everything is right. Wait until the FD is ready and we would all bow in unison. Not today chum.
We place the coffin down. I 180 spin on my heel, walk around the aisle and immediately head for the door. I'm outside. I'm eyeing up grave stones and bushes. Morals and dignity are for better people than I at this point.
There are other people outside who can't come into church because of fucking covid.
I spy a pub a little ways down the road. Of course it's going to be closed. That feeling and sensation is getting much worse by this point. I'm holding on for dear life.

I take off in a mad dash down the road. I've got a good 40 mins to sort this red alert situation before I have to go back into the church.
I start hammering on the pub door like a psycho. "let me in, let me in, let me in. Please god you've got to let me in."
Eric Andre GIF

Like a fucking Angel a woman appear leaning out of an upstairs window. "Are you OK lovie?"
I plead with her to let me use her fertilitys. She can see i'm in pain. Anyone could by this point. I looked a fucking mess.
She hurry's down to let me in and directs me to the toilets.

I destroyed that toilet. I think I lost a stone in just 30 seconds. I felt like I needed an I.V drip.
Thank fuck the pub was closed as I need that toilet to myself. It was a fucking massacre in their.
Pant's are ruined.
Mess down my leg.
Bad smell.
All the general horrors you can think of for that general situation.
I cleaned myself up as best as I could using the sink (basically having a bath in it), toilet roll and soaps at hand.
It looked like a murder had taken place. I felt so bloody guilty. I went out and explained to the landlady what had happened and profusely apologized.
She bursts out laughing and says don't worry about it. She says she hates her cleaner anyways. She then offers me a pint. "Could I just get a water please".
That woman was a gift from fucking god.

edit: Facilities :messenger_expressionless:

I'd like highlight and nominate these two very talented NEOGAF writers!


I have written quite a few plays. Most of them we have produced ourselves with my friend who is actor-director. Couple of plays have been shown on professional theater stage.

Been writing for 30 years. In one form or another.


Neo Member
I write in chinese, normally i will do a middle length writing, for about 40000 words.I don't know how to convert it in English writing standard.
On this situation, i need to take about 2 weeks to finish this work.After this, i need to have a 3 or 4 weeks for rest, until i can began my next work.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Currently writing a novel that i originally came up with the concept when I was in 7th grade. Lots of starts and stops. But have decided to just push through, so I can live without regrets

1) What is your writing process?
I dedicate at least half an hour a day to it. It doesn't sound like much, but when you have a full time job and a family, it's about all you can squeeze out. This ensures at least getting SOME progress done.

2)How long does it take you to get started and to finish? Am I the only weirdo that writes the ending first?
I have an outline that I wrote, but I don't hold myself too tightly to it. Sometimes ideas come up during the writing that i want to explore.

At the start of each chapter, I write out a bunch of questions regarding various characters thought processes in that chapter. What are they thinking about current events and their situation. That sort of thing. That way, I make sure to keep it in mind.

3)What is your favorite genre to write and which is the most difficult for you to write?
I'm a nerd, so Sci Fi / Fantasy.

Von Hugh

Gold Member
The cat sat on the mat.

Today, the cat shat on the mat.

The very same mat my grand father had bought from a Moroccan market right after the first World War. He had sworn many a time to my father (a son of my grand father) while he was an adolescent that this was, indeed, a special mat. It was, in fact, a flying carpet.

Factual or not, the mat went flying this evening. I took the cat, wrapped that furry Ron Perlman looking mother fucker inside the mat with the shit still in it, and threw the catshitmat burrito out from the balcony to the streets.

The furry bastard survived. The shit didn't. I am a happier man now.



I have one question. What do you think is harder, to write in first person and present? Or third and past?

I started to write something in first person but a friend told me he found that very difficult so... It would be great to hear some more opinions :)


I have one question. What do you think is harder, to write in first person and present? Or third and past?

I started to write something in first person but a friend told me he found that very difficult so... It would be great to hear some more opinions :)

Third person is much easier. You don't limit the narration to what the protagonist is seeing and going through. Neither is better, just more challenging.
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