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NeoGAF's Essential RPGs - 2015 edition

Ah. Good to know. Might still eventually check it out no rush. I wanted to replay Alpha Protocol. I find it odd that it has like ZERO mods available anywhere. Not even any visual or retexturing mods. Weird.


Have you played Dragonfall? If not, you should play Dragonfall.

I enjoyed Dragonfall well enough but I wouldn't really say it's a "very story and dialogue driven" game. It might just me being a bit weird but I've found the writing of something like, say NWN2 OC, more compelling than Dragonfall. The gameplay too, actually.


May I suggest, as a very dialogue driven game - Unrest? It's a very low budget indie title and the ending is simply bad. But I had a very good time with it nonetheless and it's basically 98% dialogue.


I think you are largely mistaken.

Games like Underrail, Age of Decadence, M&M:X, Legend of Grimrock, Paper Sorcerer, Blackguards, Heroine's Quest and D:OS and Wasteland 2 are there precisely because a bunch of angry cunts were still bitching about how modern RPGs suck and how they wanted a old-school experience. Tools became cheaper, crowd-funding happened and we backed the hell out of it. That's why every time you boot up Divinity:Original Sin you see "Thank you Kickstarter Backers, RPG Codex and RPG Watch."

Read the interviews from Larian and you'll see how the press was just "eh, no one cares for this anymore". How Swen had to taught players how to think again. How many publishers, journalist and gamers told him to go real-time 'cause turn-based "was a technological limitation". That's what your "mid-score" gamer wants, because he doesn't know any better. Legend of Grimrock used fantastic graphics to fool people into trying out a genre that "died" 20 years ago, FFS.

People that got tired of yet another TR00 RPG EXPERIENCE that is multi-platform. accessible and streamlined (but still 100% hardcore - we promise). They took matters in hands. Read their interviews or talk with then in forums an you'll see how it usually comes down to "there were no games like the ones I like to play available."

And I've done a hell of a lot of work to share my love. The RPG Codex Top 70 RPGs is my work, I organized the voting, gathered the reviews and prepared the screenshots & box arts, all just so those really into RPGs could have a handy guide. Now I'm making a goddamn free book on CPRG history, with guys like Chris Avellone, Scorpia, Ian Frazier and hordes from the Codex & Watch. We released a 100-page preview a couple of weeks ago and had more than 10k downloads without any media coverage.

But I will not praise Mass Effect as teh best shit ever just so I can grab the attention of those seeking validation of their limited knowledge. You have EA's PR department for that.
Nice post man, and good work on the Codex list! Nice to see Fallout and Fallout 2 so high up where they should be =D

as somebody who is very story and dialogue driven how is divinity the original sin? I see a lot of love for the game but seems to be largely gameplay/co-op.
I'll second Durante's Shadowrun: Dragonfall recommendation if you haven't played it. Great story and tons of good conversations to go through (both for gameplay and just for flavor).
I'm somewhat interested in Dragonfall but Returns left a bad taste in my mouth. Terrible pacing, boring combat, and a dumb story.


I'm somewhat interested in Dragonfall but Returns left a bad taste in my mouth. Terrible pacing, boring combat, and a dumb story.
Dragonfall >>>>>>>>>>> Returns. In just about every way possible.

Though the combat, while better, isn't radically different.


regarding BG2, RPG Codex really does dislike RTwP combat, eh? And Aerie and ... Minsc? Oh come on
actually, there's a lot of bitterness in the comments of the entries further down the list

It wouldn't be the codex if it wasn't full of bitterness. Though since they put their money where their mouth was with this whole CRPG renaissance it's fine by me.

Anyway looking at that list I personally think Fallout 2 is rated too high. Fallout had such a well crafted world and Fallout 2 took a Bethesda approach of throwing a bunch of stuff they thought was interesting/funny with no regards for how well it fit into the world.


Interesting to see ME score significantly higher than ME2. I guess the people here consider ME1 a more proper RPG or whatever that means.


Interesting to see ME score significantly higher than ME2. I guess the people here consider ME1 a more proper RPG or whatever that means.

I think ME hits that sweet spot between "for the masses rpgs" and "grognard rpgs", which means it gets votes from both "sides".

My opinion is that it's a slog to play through compared to its sequels, but I can see the appeal.


I think ME hits that sweet spot between "for the masses rpgs" and "grognard rpgs", which means it gets votes from both "sides".

My opinion is that it's a slog to play through compared to its sequels, but I can see the appeal.

It also helps I think that if you are a fan of Sci Fi then your options are pretty much Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, or Mass Effect 3. I would kill for Obsidian, inXile, or Larian to make a Sci Fi RPG.


It also helps I think that if you are a fan of Sci Fi then your options are pretty much Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, or Mass Effect 3. I would kill for Obsidian, inXile, or Larian to make a Sci Fi RPG.

Yeah, Space Opera RPGs are very rare, as most focus on spaceship combat, like Space Rangers. Starflight, Sentinel Worlds, or Star Control... or are more linear games, usually set in just one place, like System Shock 2, KotOR, Albion, Martian Dreams, etc..

What I would really love is a modern attempt at something like Planet's Edge... An open-world game where you jump on a ship, customize it, explore & fight in space, talk with other ships & alien races, then land on countless and wildly different planets and explore & do quests it with with your party in isometric view.


Yeah, Space Opera RPGs are very rare, as most focus on spaceship combat, like Space Rangers. Starflight, Sentinel Worlds, or Star Control... or are more linear games, usually set in just one place, like System Shock 2, KotOR, Albion, Martian Dreams, etc..

What I would really love is a modern attempt at something like Planet's Edge... An open-world game where you jump on a ship, customize it, explore & fight in space, talk with other ships & alien races, then land on countless and wildly different planets and explore & do quests it with with your party in isometric view.

Can't get enough mention of Space Rangers.
I think Space Opera RPG tends to be very rare because the sheer size of its. If the RPG utilize full 3D graphics, you can't go with the whole universe or the galaxy as the setting and it'll limited to just certain solar system or one place. Isometric view of course will be much preferable if we want to keep the grand scale as Space Rangers did. With more ambitious budget than what Space Rangers have, we could have something more than just generic planetary view. But sadly Space Opera isn't very popular pick for developer in the west. Even Space Rangers came from Russia.


Post-voting discussions always make me roll my eyes so hard. So much of "people have different opinions than me, so they are obviously wrong!"

There are a million and one things that affect the votes. Which RPGs people have played, which work well on modern hardware, which ones are easily available, which ones have distribution in which parts of the world, which consoles people own, how old people are, what their language skills are, what their experience with this genre is, what their gaming history is, what their personal history is, etc. etc. etc.

A case in point, I have played RPGs for 20 years and I have a preference to turn-based and don't play shooters at all, but I still rate the Mass Effect series high because I enjoy well-crafted settings and characters more than good battle mechanics. I could give you lots of reasons that sound good as to why I like the Atelier series, but a large part of it comes from the simple fact that I like the art style. Likewise I could give a number of reasons why I didn't like FFX, but the biggest reason probably is that I found the main character grating. I loved FF X-2 because I was depressed at the time I played it and it cheered me up. I think I liked Two Worlds partly because I hadn't played a sandbox game for a while and was really itching for that kind of gaming experience. I probably would have liked Shadow Hearts II more if I wasn't so well-wersed in and tired of certain anime tropes at the time I played it. A large part of my enjoyment for Lands of Lore comes from the fact it is my first RPG. I disliked Might&Magic VI on my first try and loved in in my second, because my expectations of RPGs had changed and I had becomed experienced in how games in the series work. Same with Ultima VII. Perceptions on different games are being influenced by the stupidest random things. That goes for anyone, not just me.

Lists like this can never ever be Objectively Official Canonized Truths About Factual Quality. Everyone's votes are nothing but completely subjective opinions. Your own list of top RPGs says absolutely nothing about you, but trying to pass it as the only acceptable one does.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Are Chapters 4/5 of The Witcher 1 worth it? I played up to Ch.4 three years ago and reloaded my save and have no idea what's going on
I'm on an island
. Would have to read the wiki summary to refresh on all the events up to that point and then at that point should I just read a summary of ch.4/5 and move on to W2? Or does W1 have a really strong finish that should be seen firsthand?

Chapter 4 was my personal favorite in the game... and the endgame is pretty neat with one cool slightly-obfuscated twist to it. Witcher 1 is pretty slow in the onset but consistently gets better as you play it, the opposite of most games nowadays. I loved it even more than the sequel (and waaaaay more than any Mass Effect title).


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Yeah, Space Opera RPGs are very rare, as most focus on spaceship combat, like Space Rangers. Starflight, Sentinel Worlds, or Star Control... or are more linear games, usually set in just one place, like System Shock 2, KotOR, Albion, Martian Dreams, etc..

What I would really love is a modern attempt at something like Planet's Edge... An open-world game where you jump on a ship, customize it, explore & fight in space, talk with other ships & alien races, then land on countless and wildly different planets and explore & do quests it with with your party in isometric view.

What about KotOR is set in one place? Unless that place is the entire Star Wars universe.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I'm really curious to see the more obscure games that got very few votes on the list. And to see the number of games on the top 50 that I haven't played yet... still haven't played any Pokemon nor any Fire Emblem outside a bit of Sacred Stones.

This thread always hurts my backlog :p
What about KotOR is set in one place? Unless that place is the entire Star Wars universe.
I said USUALLY set in just one place. Kotor is just like Mass Effect, BioWare's traditional "visit to these four places in any order to unlock end-game"...

That's completely different from being able to jump on a ship and fly whatever the fuck YOU want to go, not the plot.


as somebody who is very story and dialogue driven how is divinity the original sin? I see a lot of love for the game but seems to be largely gameplay/co-op.

Story blows. Writing is ok on a line by line basis. Focus on immediate events over the stuff in the background and you'll do fine.


Yeah, Space Opera RPGs are very rare, as most focus on spaceship combat, like Space Rangers. Starflight, Sentinel Worlds, or Star Control... or are more linear games, usually set in just one place, like System Shock 2, KotOR, Albion, Martian Dreams, etc..

What I would really love is a modern attempt at something like Planet's Edge... An open-world game where you jump on a ship, customize it, explore & fight in space, talk with other ships & alien races, then land on countless and wildly different planets and explore & do quests it with with your party in isometric view.

Now that sounds like something I can get behind.
If I had to choose one what should I pick: Divinity Original Sin or Wasteland 2?

For reference I would have enjoyed Arcanum if the game didn't have such crappy dungeons and pacing.


I'm a bit late for the party but just for fun:

1. Fallout New Vegas
2. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
3. Persona 4
4. Deus Ex
5. Fallout 2
6. Final Fantasy IX
7. Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
8. The Witcher II
10. Deus Ex: Human Revolution


I don't want to push the OP at all, please take your time as life should always come first, but I was just wondering if there was a rough ETA on the results?


1.# Final Fantasy VI - GOAT of GOAT - full stop.
2.# Final Fantasy IV - Moons, Dragoons, and Cid
3.# Dragon Quest VIII - Game of the Generation, IMO.
4..# Phantasy Star 4 - Closure + Hope, and Better Nei.
5.# Final Fantasy IX - All sorts of awesome crammed in-between massive load times.
6.# Lufia 1 - "That's all right - we'll make new memories."
7.# Baldur's Gate 2 + expansion - Minsc & Boo, and You.
8.# Lufia 2 - Post-game Dungeon.
9.# Persona 4 - Dating Sim Disguised Effectively.
10.# Persona 3 - An Answer, if not The.

Tactical RPGs & and various sundries:

Final Fantasy Tactics
Tactics Ogre
Wizardry 8
Etrian Odyssey


I don't want to push the OP at all, please take your time as life should always come first, but I was just wondering if there was a rough ETA on the results?

Between work and transit, I am unavailable from 5am to 6pm Monday to Friday. As such, work on the results will have to be limited to weekends. I will likely work on the final list in installments. Hopefully I can get the first part up this weekend.

If anyone would like to write summaries for the following games (in the style of 2013's thread), that would be helpful:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Divinity: Original Sin
Dragon's Dogma
Final Fantasy 8
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Kingdom Hearts 2
Super Mario RPG
Here's a quick summary for Path of Radiance, although it could probably stand to say more about PoR's specific virtues:

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance is a turn-based tactics RPG in which the player controls a small mercenary company fighting to restore a princess to her throne. It is the ninth game in the series and the first of two set on the continent of Tellius, where humans ("Beorc") co-exist uneasily with various tribes of shape-shifting beasts ("Laguz"). As with many other games in the series, it marries simple rules -- such as a rock-paper-scissors weapons triangle in which lances beat swords, swords beat axes, and axes beat lances -- with stiff consequences to create challenging, addictive gameplay. Path of Radiance was the first Fire Emblem to feature three-dimensional graphics. It also introduced bonus experience that the player could distribute between battles to compensate for a character's weakness, poor availability, or bad luck with random level-ups. If you enjoy fast-paced, tactical combat and gameplay that generates its own drama, Fire Emblem is a series worthy playing. In the world of Fire Emblem, death is (usually) permanent. Beloved characters make heroic stands against all odds only to fall to an enemy's critical strike. Reset for a perfect run, or push ahead to avenge your fallen ally. The story is yours to write.
That's a lot of work you're putting into it man, thanks \o

Looking forward to the results. I'd write the summary for KH2, but my grammar is not up to the task, sorry =X (English is not my first language).
Between work and transit, I am unavailable from 5am to 6pm Monday to Friday. As such, work on the results will have to be limited to weekends. I will likely work on the final list in installments. Hopefully I can get the first part up this weekend.

If anyone would like to write summaries for the following games (in the style of 2013's thread), that would be helpful:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Divinity: Original Sin
Dragon's Dogma
Final Fantasy 8
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Kingdom Hearts 2
Super Mario RPG

Here's a brief summary of Deus Ex: Human Revolution for you, hope it's okay!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a prequel to the original Deus Ex, taking place 25 years prior in a futuristic Detroit. The game centers around Adam Jensen, a security manager for the biotechnology firm Sarif Industries. After a terrorist attack at the companies headquarters, a critically wounded Jensen is forced to undergo surgery to replace a majority of his body with advanced augmentations. When Jensen returns to work after recovering, he is determined to find the ones responsible for the attack. The player is given the freedom to choose how they want to approach confrontations; they can either take a nonlethal, stealthy approach, or go in with intent to kill. There are advantages and disadvantages to both styles of play. Augmentations can be purchased throughout the game to improve Jensen's skills, ranging from abilities that help improve combat to hacking upgrades. The outcome of many events in the game are heavily influenced by social interactions. These interactions are shaped by the player, along with Jensen's moral compass. The player is not forced to stay on one moral path or choose only one play style, giving them the freedom to be inconsistent.


I think it's worth mentioning Human Revolution's fantastic dialogue "boss battles" - those were some of the most tense moments I've experienced in any game ever and in the end they were just conversations.


Figured this might be a good place to ask this question. I am interested in giving The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky a go and noticed it is on sale this weekend on Steam for $13.99. How does it play on the PC?


Tragic victim of fan death
Between work and transit, I am unavailable from 5am to 6pm Monday to Friday. As such, work on the results will have to be limited to weekends. I will likely work on the final list in installments. Hopefully I can get the first part up this weekend.

If anyone would like to write summaries for the following games (in the style of 2013's thread), that would be helpful:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Divinity: Original Sin
Dragon's Dogma
Final Fantasy 8
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Kingdom Hearts 2
Super Mario RPG

I'll do FF8, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Kingdom Hearts 2 since those are fresh for me at the moment.
I think it's worth mentioning Human Revolution's fantastic dialogue "boss battles" - those were some of the most tense moments I've experienced in any game ever and in the end they were just conversations.

Do you mean like the conversation you have with Zeke Sanders during the hostage situation?


Banners and summaries are up for the Top 10. Thanks to kayos90 for the Fire Emblem Awakening summary. If anyone wants to write a summary for one of the following titles, I would be grateful:

Divinity: Original Sin
Dragon's Dogma
Super Mario RPG

I'm basically looking for 90-150 words summarizing some of the notable features of each title. I edit summary submissions for length and style, so don't worry too much about your writing skills (as long as you are somewhat coherent of course!).

If anyone wants to revise or expand any of the summaries in the top 10 (other than FE Awakening), let me know.

Finally, I want to eventually include gameplay and soundtrack samples for each game as I did in the previous version of the list. This is an area I can use a lot of help with, since a lot of our YT links from 2012 are broken. If you know of any videos that show representative gameplay for a game in the Top 10 (without being too spoilerly), please pass on the link. Ditto for soundtrack submissions.

Everyone who contributes will eventually receive a credit (as was the case last year)


Some interesting things in the top 10. Particularly the meteoric rise of Persona 3 up 29 places from 2 years ago. There weren't even any re-releases of the game, though I suppose the movie, the Arena games and Persona Q may have sparked some interest...Still, I'm happy it's moved so high up.

Also FE:A in the top 10? I'm genuinely surprised about that.

Also, I was honestly kind of expecting Persona 4 to dethrone Chrono Trigger, but I guess the battle rages on. P4G released over 2 years ago, yes, but a lot of people have played it since then and like Persona 3 it has received a lot of media while Chrono Trigger has had nothing in recent memory.
Also FE:A in the top 10? I'm genuinely surprised about that.

Probably for the same reason that Xenoblade is above Xenogears, it's more recent and more people remember about it.

But yeah, Persona 3 actually surprised me. Nice to see that, I love that game as much as P4.
Good list so far, but disappointed by the lack of CRPGs. Though that isn't surprising.

I still don't get what people see in Dark Souls. The game was very mediocre to me.
I have Dark Souls (PTDE) on PC and I am attempting to use my DS4 as a controller, which works fine with other PC games I have on steam and otherwise.

With Dark Souls however I just spin around uncontrollably, anyone else have this issue, as I really want to dive into Dark Souls.


The list clearly shows that gaf is mostly a console board. Or else you would never see Torment at 10. And BG2 missing from the Top10
I'm okay with this top 10, I'd change some stuff but that's without a doubt a good list.

Persona 3 being in the top 10 is what has surprised me the most, as the rest are pretty obvious picks. I'm also not a big FE: Awakening fan, but seeing it in the Top 10 still makes me happy, hopefully the next game in the series has more mission variety and is more balanced.

Nocturne being in the list instead of FF7 would be the only change I'd make if I could.


Fire Emblem Awakening is a great game but essential RPG with the others on that list? No.

Mass effect definitely doesn't belong.

Xenoblade I also think doesnt belong. The combat was horrible, and while the story was mildly interesting it wasn't enough to carry the gameplay.

But at least Persona and chrono made it like they rightfully deserve :)


The list clearly shows that gaf is mostly a console board. Or else you would never see Torment at 10. And BG2 missing from the Top10

This has been a growing trend in recent years. CRPGs did better vs console games in earlier lists. You can probably blame the decade where the genre was pretty sparse. New GAF members tend to be younger GAF members, so we are getting waves of people who grew up in the 2000s rather than the 1990s (as was the case for most members when I joined a decade ago). When we start getting further into this year's list, you'll notice the same general trend with the JRPGs. PS1 era titles are dropping, while the PS2 era games are starting to climb. Of course the pinnacles of the genre continue to do well.

Maybe we will see a return of CRPGs if someone decides to do one of these lists for the GAF of 2025. The genre is now in the best shape it has been in since the 90s.


I love the list. I guess the people on GAF are getting younger. A lot of stuff I never expected in the top 10. Awakening and P3 mainly.

I remember reading reading the 2013 edition of this list and thinking "okay, I need to go play a bunch of these top RPGs". I've played a few hours of Torment and couldn't get into it. Same with Baldurs Gate 1.

Loved Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and Dark Souls/Demon's Souls.

So I've tried to diversify my RPG tastes and they have changed a fair bit. But I just can't get into the older 90's CRPGs. I wish I could. Torments combat was just so poor. It felt like a chore to play. If only it had Divinity: OS's combat. I backed Pillars of Eternity so hopefully that is good.
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