I bought the AKAI Mini and I've been playing around with the DAW that comes included with it: Ignite, it's probably the most user friendly DAW I've used yet, so far I've this:
edit: reuploading because the encoder totally ruined the last part
edit2: fixed: http://firez-tbr.tumblr.com/post/72794936470/wip-2
Can I get some feedback on it? I'm extremely noob, so sorry beforehand, if this rather laughable, I've some segments that sound better but I still don't know how to "connect them" with the rest of the song, some others don't even match the rythm but I've not discarded them because I came up with them by pure chance.
edit: reuploading because the encoder totally ruined the last part
edit2: fixed: http://firez-tbr.tumblr.com/post/72794936470/wip-2
Can I get some feedback on it? I'm extremely noob, so sorry beforehand, if this rather laughable, I've some segments that sound better but I still don't know how to "connect them" with the rest of the song, some others don't even match the rythm but I've not discarded them because I came up with them by pure chance.