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NEOGAF's Official Music Production Thread: calling all producers


The bass could be a bit lower volume-wise and lacks a bit of low end, the snare is clipping because is too loud, lower it.
Overall i've found the track quite shallow to be honest. Looks like you focused a lot on making the vocal stand out (and you surely achieved that) and forgot the rest of the track.
Kickdrum needs some work too,if you haven't,try using multiple samples mixed togheter, or Kong's transient shaper to better adjsut attack and decay.

I see, thanks for all the feedback, I'll keep it in mind! You're right, so far I've been focusing a lot on the vocals and bass, haven't forgotten about the rest though :) the track is not nearly finished yet and I'm aware it still needs quite some work.

I'll try lowering the snare then, and maybe adding a clap or something on top of it. And I definitely need to experiment more with Kong, yeah. Most of the times I get lazy with the drums, just pick some samples in Redrum and that's it. I'll check out the transient shaper and see if I can get the hang of it.


I'll check out the transient shaper and see if I can get the hang of it.
Yeah, have fun with it, it's a very useful tool, give it a go with all of your percussive stuff (snares\hats\claps whatever).
Redrum is always my choice when coming to rythmics, but after i started using Kong i have to admit it's a well designed thing. A bit more complicated than Redrum, but once you set up it for your needs, it's a pleasure to use.

I finished my remix of ff7's "holding my thuought in my heart" -and finally gave it a name:)-.
I plan to submit this on overclocked.org, but since judges there can be pretty severe, i'd like to have some more opinion.
Track was done in Reason and mastered with Audacity


It seems like the compression on Soundcloud and other sites is pretty ruthless to more delicate material, but idk, at least they still offer the original as a download. I could try and combat the compression to match my intentions but then the downloadable file would be needlessly tweaked.
I have a small Eurorack system and I'm interested in generative melodies/rhythms. I've started messing with Puredata, and the most "normal" stuff I've done so far has been 70s-style arpeggiator-driven stuff (lots of fun to make). I like to experiment and play around with timbres. Not sure where I'll settle down with this, but I'm totally uninterested in sequencing with a DAW, and it's a lot of fun to try crazy new things. I generally record into Logic and use mixture of hardware and software effects.



I've posted a bit there before (virgin post here). It struck me like that was the one to talk about projects and show off ideas where this topic was for more technical production stuff. So I guess there's more overlap?

EDIT: Eh, I did some catching up and it seems I'm not adding much to the discussion with this post. I guess for what it's worth, consider it how a newcomer understands the purpose of the different threads.


I finished my remix of ff7's "holding my thuought in my heart" -and finally gave it a name:)-.
I plan to submit this on overclocked.org, but since judges there can be pretty severe, i'd like to have some more opinion.
Track was done in Reason and mastered with Audacity

I gave it a listen and I like it a lot, the original track is one of my favorites from FF7. It sounds very nice, especially the piano section at 3.10 and the build up after that. I don't know how severe the judges are on that site but in terms of both composition and production it's a really good track in my opinion.


I gave it a listen and I like it a lot, the original track is one of my favorites from FF7. It sounds very nice, especially the piano section at 3.10 and the build up after that. I don't know how severe the judges are on that site but in terms of both composition and production it's a really good track in my opinion.
Thank you, it's nice to hear it from a fan of the original!
beat with my friend rapping for y'all to rate:

Nice beat, reminded me of Moby.

Question: i have this file text i want to rap in a song, but i have never rapped and i'm not really into the genre. Any tip on where to start? Tempo signature?
Can anyone tell me the product that is basically a flat row of round pads/buttons(?) with colored outlines (bright green, orange, etc) in a white setting? Simplistic with a few control knobs on the end. I think it is only a few years old.


I've got a new track:

Recently got Ableton Live Suite, which includes lots of drums. That in combination with Max for Live's Convolution Reverb really impressed me. Great stuff to work with.

Also tried messing with lots of layers here. What do you guys think?
Can anyone tell me the product that is basically a flat row of round pads/buttons(?) with colored outlines (bright green, orange, etc) in a white setting? Simplistic with a few control knobs on the end. I think it is only a few years old.
Not the Teenage Engineering OP-1, right? all that's coming to me
Got one of these Guitar to Midi convertors a while back and its still freaking awesome.


Eagerly awaiting for a polyphonic version of one of these things though.

I've got a new track:

Recently got Ableton Live Suite, which includes lots of drums. That in combination with Max for Live's Convolution Reverb really impressed me. Great stuff to work with.

Also tried messing with lots of layers here. What do you guys think?

Really digging this. Sounding really professional

I love the tension that comes from the melody pitching up slowly and slightly, it starts working just before your ears really figure out what's happening:


edit: Dat soundcloud 128kbit downgrade. My highs, my lows... :(

dat buildup and drop near the end


Can anyone tell me the product that is basically a flat row of round pads/buttons(?) with colored outlines (bright green, orange, etc) in a white setting? Simplistic with a few control knobs on the end. I think it is only a few years old.

Ableton Push, APC 40 or even a Maschine controller?

Sounds great! Cool percussions.

Thanks man!

I've got a new track:

Recently got Ableton Live Suite, which includes lots of drums. That in combination with Max for Live's Convolution Reverb really impressed me. Great stuff to work with.

Also tried messing with lots of layers here. What do you guys think?

Classy stuff! Love the talking sample, very clever.
"Eagerly awaiting for a polyphonic version of one of these things though."


Not quite the same as it doesn't take your guitar signal but instead uses an extra pickup, but functionally it's a polyphonic midi pickup.

Damn thats pretty neat. Anyone have experience with that thing? Gonna go research it a bit

I don't have experience with that, and I've posted about it before, but I really like the Jam Origin guitar to midi VST. It's pretty affordable and works much better that you might think. It has some very minor latency issues if you are playing fast, but for the most part, it works like a charm.


I don't have experience with that, and I've posted about it before, but I really like the Jam Origin guitar to midi VST. It's pretty affordable and works much better that you might think. It has some very minor latency issues if you are playing fast, but for the most part, it works like a charm.

That thing looks amazing. Thanks! going to try that out.

Thanks guys! I usually don't care what others think while making tracks, but once they get released I start to worry I made something awful.

I've actually done the talking myself but it does work well I think.

I know that feels bro


New tune, kind of a tech house sort of thing? I dunno, genres are all a blur to me these days.


Had fun slamming the drums in this with the Slate VBC comps, they're so sweet sounding when pushed hard. The SSL and Focusrite Red are my fave comps atm. A few layers of Spire and a couple of layers of Virus as the counterpoint melody starts building. Tbh the bass sounded a tiny little bit slow flabby and there was a bit too much treble in my cymbals but the soundcloud compression has really evened my frequencies out lolol.

I used the Faderport in my workflow too for the first time for a whole tune, that thing is luxury. It doesn't matter what view I'm in or what I've got open I've always got fader and transport control over whatever channel I'm tweaking at the time.


Are there any headphones that can decently substitute for studio monitors? I'm guessing no, but headphones are a little kinder to the neighbors.
"Are there any headphones that can decently substitute for studio monitors? I'm guessing no, but headphones are a little kinder to the neighbors."

For electronic music, Sure. Decent "neutral" (at least as neutral as Headphones get) sounding headphones + a solid DAC/amp. Hit the Headphones-GAF thread.

Stuff like Beyerdynamic DT880, Sennheiser HD600, Etymotic ER-4S, and so on. You'll need to double check your stuff on other sound systems, but you need to do that anyway.

For mixing live instrument stuff...not really.


Ok cool. Yeah, I'll mainly be doing electronic stuff but will be using a lot of live samples. No straight up playing instruments though.

I currently have a pair of Senn 555s + an Apogee One (not advertised as an amp but does contain one). Could use an upgrade on both fronts, although they do make for nice listening as is.


Are there any headphones that can decently substitute for studio monitors? I'm guessing no, but headphones are a little kinder to the neighbors.

I have some DSP trickery built into my Focusrite Pro 24 DSP soundcard that emulates different room environments which makes my headphones a lot more useful for mixing on. If my tune sounds badly mixed in any of the emulated settings it usually needs more tweaking.
If you mix mainly on headphones, listen to the mix later on your car stereo (engine off). If it sounds good on both the headphones and the car, it's probably a good mix. Headphone mixes are fine but I've noticed I need to check on speakers to make sure the bassline isn't too loud and the lead sounds too low (which is what tends to happen on my initial headphone mixes)

Engine off and stationary because engine and road noise rumble will mask the true bass.
Does anybody around these parts use Pure Data or Max/MSP? I've been getting pretty heavily into Pd, which makes it the first music-production software I've used that's really gelled with me creatively.
Does anybody around these parts use Pure Data or Max/MSP? I've been getting pretty heavily into Pd, which makes it the first music-production software I've used that's really gelled with me creatively.

I had to use Max/MSP at college, but I never really gelled with it. I use Reaktor almost exclusively now as my modular environment. Although I did recently watch a video of BT where he was using something called Composers Desktop Project, which looks insanely powerful. But for the life of me, I can't work out how to install it.
so i have a question that i feel i should know the answer to but don't, haha.
anyone use audio/guitar interfaces at all? i've been meaning to get one so i can add some live/real guitar to my music as that's been my main instrument for years, but i'm not sure what to look for.
what is the difference between this:

and something like this:


i've seen 'audio interfaces' that seem to combine microphone/xlr inputs and 1/4 inch jack/line level inputs for guitars. are they any different, bar the ability to connect mics AND instruments at the same time?


You answered yourself. They all do the same shit, bringing audio into the computer from an external source. Just get the one with the features you need.


So I just ordered Maschine MK2, and I'm quite excited; I've been making all my music in Logic for the past 7 years, and I'm looking forward to switching up my workflow. I have Ableton, but I never got a hang of working with the loops; I always end up playing and tweaking the same shit over and over again.

I hope the same problem doesn't happen with Maschine. But I've been wanting to get into sampling and chopping beats, as opposed to straight composition as I've been doing up to now, so it seems like this is the way to go! I've been watching a lot of videos on youtube. Anyone got any tips or sites I should dig into?


Are there any headphones that can decently substitute for studio monitors? I'm guessing no, but headphones are a little kinder to the neighbors.

I've been producing on HD-600s exclusively for about 4 years now. No one has complained about my mixdowns so far. You'll be fine as long as you know you headphones well and reference other productions you like (which you should do regardless).


So I just ordered Maschine MK2, and I'm quite excited; I've been making all my music in Logic for the past 7 years, and I'm looking forward to switching up my workflow. I have Ableton, but I never got a hang of working with the loops; I always end up playing and tweaking the same shit over and over again.

I hope the same problem doesn't happen with Maschine. But I've been wanting to get into sampling and chopping beats, as opposed to straight composition as I've been doing up to now, so it seems like this is the way to go! I've been watching a lot of videos on youtube. Anyone got any tips or sites I should dig into?

What is it specifically about chopping and sampling that you can't get your head around, or is it doing the whole thing on ableton that's confusing? I have pretty much the opposite problem to you lol.


What is it specifically about chopping and sampling that you can't get your head around, or is it doing the whole thing on ableton that's confusing? I have pretty much the opposite problem to you lol.

Chopping and sampling is fine. I managed to get it working in Live, but I just don't like the Ableton workflow. I've never made a track I've been happy with in Ableton. I've been able to make sketches, but they've never really moved on from there to being finished tracks.

Maschine, to me, seems more straightforward with the beat-making and sampling and I like the hardware/software hybrid (yeah, I know there's Push as well)... but I dunno, it's really hard to say until I actually get my hands on it.

I mean, I have my Logic Pro workflow down to a science, but it's getting a bit boring, I just want to mix it up a bit!


In case you haven't tried this, here's what I like to do with samples in Ableton.

Apply yellow warp markers at all the transients in an audio clip. This isn't always necessary, but I like to be specific when working with samples.


In the Sample Editor window, Right-click and select 'Slice to new midi track.


A window will pop up with a couple of drop down menus. Examine and experiment with the options here, but for now I'm just gonna go with 'Create One Slice Per: Warp Marker' and 'Slicing Preset: Built-In' and click OK.


What this does is non-destructively slice and assign the sample to a Drum Rack Instrument in a new midi track - the original sample is still intact in case you need to recall it whole.


You can still see the original track that had the original audio clip, and the new midi track with the audio clip sliced and assigned in a Drum Rack instrument. This takes literally a few seconds to do, depending on how many warp markers you want to assign to a sample, if any at all - you'll see in the options here that step may not be necessary depending on your needs. Replay all the chops in any order you want from your midi input device or draw them in with your mouse. When you're talking about workflow you're talking about speed and efficiency. If that's not fast and efficient then I dunno what is.

On the new midi track you've just created there will be a midi clip with the sample slices played in sequential order - you can delete that clip and just create your own. You can also feel free to delete the original track with the audio clip in it since this method is non destructive and the whole clip is still intact and will be in your project folder when you save.

Useful shortcut for working with Drum Rack: once you adjust a setting on one of the pads, you can right click and select 'Copy value to siblings' if you need it the same on all the pads. Huge time saver.

Also in regards to workflow, if you haven't already, take some time to set up the default session so that all your most commonly used instruments and effects are all loaded up as soon as you start working.


so i have a question that i feel i should know the answer to but don't, haha.
anyone use audio/guitar interfaces at all? i've been meaning to get one so i can add some live/real guitar to my music as that's been my main instrument for years, but i'm not sure what to look for.
what is the difference between this:

and something like this:


i've seen 'audio interfaces' that seem to combine microphone/xlr inputs and 1/4 inch jack/line level inputs for guitars. are they any different, bar the ability to connect mics AND instruments at the same time?

Those are okay in a pinch but all they do is carry guitar audio into your PC, if you're gonna start making music it'd be worthwhile buying a proper soundcard with an instrument/high-gain input. That way you also get some decent outputs for your speakers and headphones and proper audio drivers to bring down the overall latency of your DAW. Whats your budget?
Those are okay in a pinch but all they do is carry guitar audio into your PC, if you're gonna start making music it'd be worthwhile buying a proper soundcard with an instrument/high-gain input. That way you also get some decent outputs for your speakers and headphones and proper audio drivers to bring down the overall latency of your DAW. Whats your budget?

ah bugger. i bought one of these: m-audio m-track which does the trick (ie. gets audio in to logic, haha) but now i'm interested in what you suggest? my budget would probably be around £100-200 at a push.
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