1. Doom 1/2 I have no exact words to describe these games. Everything is perfect and the fact that it is played a lot to this day says it all. Kickstarted the FPS genre! (If I had to choose between them, then I'd go for Doom 2 Hell on Earth)
2. Mafia: Best story/atmosphere in a game ever. At least for me this game was exceptional.
3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : The atmosphere, the visuals, the gameplay. Man, it had flaws upon release but this still is my favorite game in years.
4. Rise of the Triad: It was a game that I got on pure luck and I was blown away. The guys that surrender and shoot you in the back when you walk past them are priceless!
5. Rise of Nations: Well, I have spend LOADS of hours in this game and I still have it installed on my PC.
6. Age of Empires 2: This game is the pinnacle of RTS. Countless hours of online matches against friends till early in the morning. I miss those times.
7. Little Big Adventure: Simply unique. The feeling of freedom, the puzzles, the atmosphere. It was all top notch!
8. Sonic The Hedgehog: Seeeegaaaaaaaaaaa!
9: Mortal Kombat 2: My first and favorite fighting game!
10. Unreal Tournament: Same thing as with AoE2, it's absurd how much I've played this phenomenal game. 'Godlike' !
Btw, it's very hard to make a top 10. Games like Deus Ex (
), Ninja Gaiden, MGS, DMC1/3, Hitman, Half-Life, Quake etc. all miss out.
2. Mafia: Best story/atmosphere in a game ever. At least for me this game was exceptional.
3. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : The atmosphere, the visuals, the gameplay. Man, it had flaws upon release but this still is my favorite game in years.
4. Rise of the Triad: It was a game that I got on pure luck and I was blown away. The guys that surrender and shoot you in the back when you walk past them are priceless!
5. Rise of Nations: Well, I have spend LOADS of hours in this game and I still have it installed on my PC.
6. Age of Empires 2: This game is the pinnacle of RTS. Countless hours of online matches against friends till early in the morning. I miss those times.
7. Little Big Adventure: Simply unique. The feeling of freedom, the puzzles, the atmosphere. It was all top notch!
8. Sonic The Hedgehog: Seeeegaaaaaaaaaaa!
9: Mortal Kombat 2: My first and favorite fighting game!
10. Unreal Tournament: Same thing as with AoE2, it's absurd how much I've played this phenomenal game. 'Godlike' !
Btw, it's very hard to make a top 10. Games like Deus Ex (