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Nepal plane crash video is terrifying as fuck - NSFL


Reseterror Resettler
Thank you, I'll probably give it a miss, I'm going bed soon, don't think I want this playing on my mind, I think it would make me sad.

RIP to all the passengers though.

Perfectly fair take to have.

I don't shy away from stuff like this because I think death is an important aspect of life and One that's basically swept under the rug and hidden in developed countries. It's like an entire facet of the human experience that contemporary culture says we need no exposure or preparation for.


Yeah, after seeing the slow-mo of that dudes finger being ripped off by the lion I’ll pass on this.

RIP to the victims.


Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF


°Temp. member
That's horrifying. One minute everyone is smiling and then the next burning. What caused the plane to go down like that so sudden?

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Perfectly fair take to have.

I don't shy away from stuff like this because I think death is an important aspect of life and One that's basically swept under the rug and hidden in developed countries. It's like an entire facet of the human experience that contemporary culture says we need no exposure or preparation for.
Im not watching and I'm Mexican I used to go to the cemetery and polish great grandma's bones on El Dia de los Muertos. 🤣 That's enough exposure.
Lastly, Death is not the opposite of Life it is the opposite of Birth. Life has no opposite imo.
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Lil’ Gobbie
There's a terrible joke in there somewhere about what happens when you leave your phone on during landing :messenger_hushed:


Perfectly fair take to have.

I don't shy away from stuff like this because I think death is an important aspect of life and One that's basically swept under the rug and hidden in developed countries. It's like an entire facet of the human experience that contemporary culture says we need no exposure or preparation for.
I used to think like this and watched a lot of insane stuff, but as I get older I wish I never did.

It's true that people are generally naive about how the world is, almost comically so in some instances. But you can develop trauma from exposing yourself to shocking videos. If you see something that hits you the wrong way, it can stick in your mind for years.

I think people are better off staying away from this and there is a lot of problems caused by it being so easily found. I have no idea why governments havent cracked down on sites sharing videos like this.
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There’s an external video of the plane basically rolling sideways for no reason on approach

Looked to me like another case of pilot suicide

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Reseterror Resettler
Im not watching and I'm Mexican I used to go to the cemetery and polish great grandma's bones on El Dia de los Muertos. 🤣 That's enough exposure.
Lastly, Death is not the opposite of Life it is the opposite of Birth. Life has no opposite imo.

That's pretty hardcore. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say your experience isn't necessarily the majority of people's experiences.

Also, I never said it was the opposite of life, I said it was an element of life. This is just a fact. If you're born, you're living. If you live, you eventually die. I personally prefer some exposure to things that I may encounter in my life (be it death, violence, fixing the toilet, pronouncing a big word, whatever) so that when that time comes that I encounter these things, I won't look like an idiot at best and a corpse at worst. Or at the very least, giving me a better chance of avoiding either of these outcomes, at least. Regardless, have a blessed day.
I legit find it hard to believe that not only could the phone have survived that but it kept on recording with a working camera and streaming with a working antenna to the nearest cell tower.


Reseterror Resettler
I used to think like this and watched a lot of insane stuff, but as I get older I wish I never did.

It's true that people are generally naive about how the world is, almost comically so in some instances. But you can develop trauma from exposing yourself to shocking videos. If you see something that hits you the wrong way, it can stick in your mind for years.

I think people are better off staying away from this and there is a lot of problems caused by it being so easily found. I have no idea why governments havent cracked down on sites sharing videos like this.

Yeah, I mean, all things In moderation as the saying goes, and it's tricky because every individual person has their own threshold and tolerance for things like that. Morbid curiosity and intrusive thoughts are things everyone deals with in life, that's why slasher films got so huge, it was a mainstream way to explore a cultural sort of taboo in a completely safe environment. With the internet and the advent of mobile phones it's become all too easy to find the real thing, and it's an interesting topic overall.

It straddles the line between being absolutely evil and voyeuristic, but if death is a part of life, then it should be held in the same regard as videos of childbirth, in a all's fair and equal world. I think it comes from the taboo association like I said. It's taught to be an ugly, fearful, sad thing in Western culture, and so anyone who watches it must have a screw loose or be a freak. And those people do exist, for sure. I usually chalk it up to frequency and intent of viewing.

I've only ever happened upon it accidentally or really searched for it for educational reasons. 4chan rekt compilations and Nick the Necro shit are worthy of criticism, but

I dunno. I get the trauma bit, I'm with you there. It's definitely way too easy to access, kids shouldn't be exposed to that regardless.


Gold Member
God damn. About the only thing I can think of right now is that at least it was quick and I imagine most only had a second or two to panic.

Fuuuuuck. I figure we will be getting more and more of these going forward as we go into a 100% recorded future.


Gold Member
Not an expert but that looked like a stall so your flight surfaces have no control and you're at the mercy of gravity and physics at that point. Terrible stuff
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I legit find it hard to believe that not only could the phone have survived that but it kept on recording with a working camera and streaming with a working antenna to the nearest cell tower.
Seems like some people survived the initial impact. I'm guessing most phones on the plane survived the initial impact.


Gold Member
Not going to watch this. If this was 10 years ago, I'd watch some LiveLeak stuff (enjoyed watching Brazil cops kicking the shit out of crooks). But I have no stomach for real gory stuff like this anymore.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
That's pretty hardcore. I'm willing to go out on a limb and say your experience isn't necessarily the majority of people's experiences.

Also, I never said it was the opposite of life, I said it was an element of life. This is just a fact. If you're born, you're living. If you live, you eventually die. I personally prefer some exposure to things that I may encounter in my life (be it death, violence, fixing the toilet, pronouncing a big word, whatever) so that when that time comes that I encounter these things, I won't look like an idiot at best and a corpse at worst. Or at the very least, giving me a better chance of avoiding either of these outcomes, at least. Regardless, have a blessed day.
I suppose. I had an infant son pass so I'm not scared of death. Life goes on till it doesnt.


Gold Member
Take offs and landings...the most dangerous parts of any flight. Maximum stress on the aircraft and maximum stress on the pilots.


Gold Member
Take offs and landings...the most dangerous parts of any flight. Maximum stress on the aircraft and maximum stress on the pilots.
Yup. I read stuff like that too when the internet came about. Never knew that since every time you see a plane crash in the movies it's always a swan dive into the ocean from 30,000 ft. So misleading.


Completely unsurprising.

I've flown in Nepal a lot. Honestly, I preferred it when they used the Mi-17s for passenger transport. Loud and shakey as fuck, but they tended to be much more reliable. And in the mountains, it really doesn't matter if a plane can glide, as there's nowhere to emergency land.

And the corruption in Nepal is astounding. Absolutely no surprise that there's no decent weather radar and aviation forecasting service there.


Gold Member
Im too old for morbid curiosity these days.

After being consensually exposed to enough of these types of videos since the dawn of the internet I’ve noticed my interest to watch go down and empathy for the victims go up. reading a few words describing the content is enough to satiate me. Don’t need the visuals/audio burned in as core memories etc


I legit find it hard to believe that not only could the phone have survived that but it kept on recording with a working camera and streaming with a working antenna to the nearest cell tower.
Everything is a fucking conspiracy with you lot.

The plane was travelling very slowly (likely causing it to stall and roll into a dive) and at a very low altitude, so the speed of impact will have been low. As about four people seem to have survived, that also suggests it wasn't a major impact (for what it is).

And smartphones are pretty durable.


I think they're referring to the video of the 2 hitchikers in iirc Pakistan. They're sleeping in a tent, 2 men walk in and start sawing them at the neck. The girls are screaming for their mother the whole time, choking on their blood
Wasn't that in Morocco?


Gold Member
RIP. I wonder what mistakes were made to bring that plane down?

who knows. it seems like a failure of some sort. I heard that taking off and landing are the most dangerous part of a flight.

at that height, maybe something related to the undercarriage (a domino effect)
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