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Netanyahu Claims It Was the Palestinians Who Convinced Hitler to Exterminate Jews

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He is characterized many ways, but the most false characterization is that he's dumb. Not only is he a literal genius, but statements like these are deliberate and calculated, I'm sure.

So much this.

Bibi is a political genius and a great mastermind but you would be wrong if you said he had a real vision. He knows how to get re-elected again and again even though the country is doing worse on a economical and social standpoint under his regime. The problem with his policies is that the only thing he can do is to preserve the status quo, promise things right and left and never act on it.
Disgusting how far the Israeli right will go to twist and peddle myths about the Shoah for their political goals. Another example of how Zionists are adopting the behaviour of anti-semites.
Racist incitement via historical revisionist conspiracy theory? Once again, the stalwart defenders of Zion take a page from the (actual, not imagined) anti-Semites' playbook.


This is the man who went on TV and begged the right to vote because the Arabs were voting and said there would never be a two state solution and got reelected.

Nothing he does surprises me.


I've heard it all now.

The Muslims caused the Holocaust.

This shit-stain and his ilk will no doubt try to rewrite the history books.


This is the man who went on TV and begged the right to vote because the Arabs were voting and said there would never be a two state solution and got reelected.

Nothing he does surprises me.

Palestinians need to begin a mass exodus, because they ain't gonna get any form of justice this century.


Says the man who is somewhat mimicing Hilter's actions in Palestine...
Still in character. In Nazi Germany that was applied. No matter the enemy, jews were the puppet masters behind him. Now fir the state of Israel palestinans are behind everything.
What in the actual fuck, how can so much stupidity emanate out of the mouth of a single man, why is Israel still getting this clown elected.


Guys, it was Muslims that chased Moses out of Egypt.

they also crucified Jesus.

Able's death? also muslims.


I mean when his shtick keeps getting him re-elected why do you expect him to say anything different? He's going to keep batting that point home that the world would murder them all if given a chance.


Guys, it was Muslims that chased Moses out of Egypt.

they also crucified Jesus.

Able's death? also muslims.
They also poisoned our wells and stabbed the german soldiers in the back in WWI. And let's not forget how they cancelled Firefly.


I've never heard of the guy he's talking about. Was he really pro-holocaust or was that complete lie? Did he even ever meet with Hitler or anybody from German govt?

EDIT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haj_Amin_al-Husseini#Al-Husseini_and_the_Holocaust

Seems pretty bad, honestly. Doesn't mean he came up with the idea, though.

Ironically, looks like one's point of view might depend somewhat on which Nazis you choose to believe. But yeah even taking only the most damning accounts, it's still ridiculous to conclude it wouldn't have happened if not for al-Husseini. Seems like there's plenty of evidence to support that he knew of it, lobbied for it, and approved of it though.


And this attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, "If you expel them, they'll all come here." "So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, "Burn them."

Dead Man

Fucking hell. That's one of the more blatant and stupid statements he's made, and he's made some real winners in the past. Utter cunt.
It's not surprising it will come from him because he will stretch anything and thinks everything from Palestine/Arab and/or muslim world is anti-semitism. Nazi Germany and the Arab part of the world had a lot of links at the time, they had shared enemies/hostilities such as the imperialism, colonialism and zionism experienced in the Arab world from other countries in the West. An enemy of my enemy is my friend/ally etc even though the Arab world was very conflicted with Nazi ideology, sharing enemies had positive links. Colonialism in the region in the arab world by nations like the British and French meant that when Nazi Germany viewed these nations as enemies then Nazi Germany was also seen favourably even if perhaps they didn't agree with a lot of Nazi ideologies but a lot of people did not see their pro-British or pro-French regimes favourably either. Yes, Palestine and Nazi Germany had said they share a common cause against the Jewish people but this was not Palestine influencing Hitler - Hitler already had these ideas but the Mufti agreed with them (after the Final Solution was made known). Netanyahu is stretching it and insinuating that these ties had Palestinians or Muslims in general "influence/convince" or "come up with the idea" of the extermination of Jewish people since they shared common enemies. The Arab world at the time was very anti-colonialism and anti-zionism but it was not anti-semitism for the most part but I guess Netanyahu doesn't see a difference, he sees everything as anti-semitism when it comes from the Arab world.

It is crazy people like him have power and really the only way he got re-elected now was due to his fear-mongering bullshit regarding Palestine and screw people who voted him into power, he uses stuff like what the Mufti said regarding the "jewish problem" during WW2 as justification for Israel's treatment of Palestine and now has gone a step more crazy and is making the claims that Hitler did what he did because of Palestine/the Mufti convincing/influencing him - he's trying to get more justification by stretching/revising history basically. There is no denial of the common view of Jewish people regarding Palestine and Nazi Germany (the drive to find a solution of the Jewish problem/danger) but saying that Palestine convinced or heavily influenced Hitler to do what he did is such revisionist bullshit - Hitler had these ideas on his own due to his own perceived Jewish problem in Europe.

I mean hell, al-Husseini/the Mufti made many declarations/statements about wanting Nazi German support of removing the Jewish people from their land but Hitler did not want to make such a public announcement at the time and told al-Husseini that he plans to go to their regions any ways and remove the Jewish people there after his total conquest of Europe. These were ideas that existed regardless - Hitler planned the extermination of Jewish people from all over irrespective if people agreed or disagreed, the Mufti did not convince or influence if Hitler always had the plans to begin with. All of these declarations and the like came already after the fact that the sentiment and atrocities towards Jewish people in Europe had been going for years. Netanyahu makes it out to be that Palestine was at the core of the ideas to begin with which is total bullshit. I did some Googling and found it on wikipedia:

Encouraged by his meeting with the Italian leader, al-Husseini prepared a draft declaration, affirming the Axis support for the Arabs on 3 November. In three days, the declaration, slightly amended by the Italian foreign ministry, received the formal approval of Mussolini and was forwarded to the German embassy in Rome. On 6 November, al-Husseini arrived in Berlin, where he discussed the text of his declaration with Ernst von Weizsäcker and other German officials. In the final draft, which differed only marginally from al-Husseini's original proposal, the Axis powers declared their readiness to approve the elimination (Beseitigung) of the Jewish National Home in Palestine.[158]

Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Adolf Hitler (December 1941).
On 20 November, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop[159] and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November.[160] He asked Adolf Hitler for a public declaration that 'recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation, and that would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland'.[161] Hitler refused to make such a public announcement, saying that it would strengthen the Gaullists against the Vichy France,[162] but asked al-Husseini 'to lock ...deep in his heart' the following points, which Christopher Browning summarizes as follows, that

‘Germany has resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time, direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well'. When Germany had defeated Russia and broken through the Caucasus into the Middle East, it would have no further imperial goals of its own and would support Arab liberation... But Hitler did have one goal. "Germany’s objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power". (Das deutsche Ziel würde dann lediglich die Vernichtung des im arabischen Raum unter der Protektion der britischen Macht lebenden Judentums sein). In short, Jews were not simply to be driven out of the German sphere but would be hunted down and destroyed even beyond it.’
So this gives him the right to handle Palestinians like shit?

Also, let's forget Muslim countries took care of Jews when they were blamed for everything killed and handled like second grade citizens in the west for a great period of time.
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