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Netflix loses subscribers for the first time in 10 years


subscriptions services are the future ©
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I cancelled this month, along with PS+ and Amazon Prime. That’s a decent monthly saving without really losing a lot.
If you regularly buy things from Amazon, then Prime is a good deal. You only need to buy something once a month.
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The last months have been really dry, I have multiple shows and movies I'm looking forward to set as reminder but nobody knows when they'll launch, if it's days, weeks months or years. Plus like many already mentioned, their obvious push for woke agenda makes many productions simply unattractive. If it wasn't for acvount sharing I'd never subscribe in the first place, but for a mere 3$, I don't mind.
Netflix philosophy seems to be throw as much shit at the wall as you can and see what sticks. Unfortunately what ends up happening is they have a huge pile of shit that no one wants to dig through to find the handful of decent shows they produce.
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Gold Member
Netflix philosophy seems to be throw as much shit at the wall as you can and see what sticks. Unfortunately what ends up happening is they have a huge pile of shit that no one wants to dig throw to find the handful of decent shows they produce.
I use JustWatch to see what new NF content shows up every few days. The past year or two, literally like half of the new stuff in Canada is Indian and Korean tv shows and movies. Great news for people who like those ethnic shows, but zero interest for me.
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  • Mindhunter season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Mindhunter season 2: almost nothing that made season 1 great remains (after first few episodes), replaced with forced LGBT romance that takes up huge percentage of runtime and poorly fitting social justice storyline
Netflix cancels Mindhunter, citing low watch numbers for season 2

  • Altered Carbon season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Altered Carbon season 2: showrunner Laeta Kalogridis fired and replaced with incompetent activist, writing team and cast also replaced, politically sanitized across every relevant dimension, now has zero redeeming qualities
Netflix cancels Altered Carbon, citing low watch numbers for season 2

I was just thinking about Mindhunter the other day.

So unfortunate, I'm sure there are many others.
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Gold Member
IMHO Netflix started a steep downward trend when they removed the ratings. I don't know what algorithm creates that "% match for you" BS but it sucks. Their earlier shows were much more consistent and interesting to me, once they turned over production to the A.I. that massages any script into their four quadrant target all the uniqueness and originality are lost.

I think at this point their goal is to be bought by Amazon or Apple. No way can they realistically compete with the coffers of those two goliaths, Amazons BILLION dollar LOTR investment is just mind blowing and Apple could easily do the same if they cared. A merger with a few of the other B and C tier services would help a little. HBO I think will keep separate as long as the veneer of prestige sticks around.


advanced basic bitch
  • Mindhunter season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Mindhunter season 2: almost nothing that made season 1 great remains (after first few episodes), replaced with forced LGBT romance that takes up huge percentage of runtime and poorly fitting social justice storyline
Netflix cancels Mindhunter, citing low watch numbers for season 2

  • Altered Carbon season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Altered Carbon season 2: showrunner Laeta Kalogridis fired and replaced with incompetent activist, writing team and cast also replaced, politically sanitized across every relevant dimension, now has zero redeeming qualities
Netflix cancels Altered Carbon, citing low watch numbers for season 2

Have you tried Ozark? I've been trying to champion that. Great show. Very dark. Great acting.
  • Mindhunter season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Mindhunter season 2: almost nothing that made season 1 great remains (after first few episodes), replaced with forced LGBT romance that takes up huge percentage of runtime and poorly fitting social justice storyline
Netflix cancels Mindhunter, citing low watch numbers for season 2

  • Altered Carbon season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Altered Carbon season 2: showrunner Laeta Kalogridis fired and replaced with incompetent activist, writing team and cast also replaced, politically sanitized across every relevant dimension, now has zero redeeming qualities
Netflix cancels Altered Carbon, citing low watch numbers for season 2


You're Goddamn right, Mindhunter was one of the best - if not the best - show on Netflix....
Amazing cast, fantastic cinematography, superb OST, terrific direction , so much so that it didn't feel like a Netflix production but an HBO one.
Season 2, well, it wasn't as good as the 1st one but it was still A-OK, of course it was cancelled/put on hiatus.
That and stranger things were the only reason i subscribed to the service.
Ozark was/is also cool.
F1 drive to survive...last season was completely cringe with all the wub-wub music and edited shit for dramatic effect amongst other things, don't care about the next season.
The Witcher - a long awaited show, is some of the worst shit/badly produced shows i've ever watched : terri-bad CGI, bad practical effects, awful location spots, awful cinematography, TERRIBLE props where EVERY wall/buildings interior look completely fake/plastic , i mean, the budget's just not there for what it tries to do, also : that casting - no comment.
Vikings Valhalla : not even gonna comment.
The Mire (Polish show) : Pretty good but i ain't paying again to continue watching.
The King was an OK movie.
The devil all the time was nice.
The Power of the Dog was really good but NF originals like these only come out once in a blue moon.

Nowadays, i spend more time scrolling through that God awful UI trying to find something to watch than actually watching something, everything is absolute shite, there's about tens of obnoxious Ryan Reynolds movies, Dwayne Johnson ones, your typical BS American B-tier straight to video stream® shit (mostly NF originals) and least i forget, about a hundred of crime docus about some sick fuck(s) doing sick shit back in the 70's/80's/90's.

You know what boys/gals ? The (rumored) upcoming password-sharing crackdown might be the best thing that ever happened in the sense that many people (including me) will drop NF in an instant like the bad habit that it is.Fuck its mediocre content and fuck its pricing policies, meanwhile, i watched HBO's Tokyo Vice's first 2 episodes and damn if the difference in quality compared to the average NF show isn't immediately visible/felt, like, holy shit, HBO and their cinematography man, amazing stuff...

Which brings me to : I'm cancelling NF at the end of the month, i just don't care about it anymore, what streaming services available in Europe would you recommend ?
- Disney + : not interested in Star wars, not interested in shitty Marvel IP's, to me it feels like Netflix 2.0 with its content, in the end , i'm just not part of its demographic.
- Amazon Prime is OK and cheap and i do like shows like Bosch but the UI is a mess and not interested in most of the other content on offer.
- Apple + : don't know a thing about it, don't know about its prices, don't know if it's available in Italy.
- HBO Max : This would be my up of tea and i'd happily subscribe to it in a heartbeat but...it's not available in Italy damn it, i guess i could try the VPN method but...that would just add extra costs to the whole thing plus, if anything happens with my account i suppose that i'd be told to fuck off by the CS due to the VPN shenanigans.
i really don't know what to do, i'm cancelling Netflix for sure but it seems that there aren't that many great available alternatives to streaming services (besides HBO max which isn't available over here).
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Netflix isn't woke. They're a business and they make shows to try to appeal to different types of people. People with extreme ideologies on both ends of the spectrum that they can no longer enjoy entertainment should consider taking a step back.



Junior was the first thing to come to my mind. Remember seeing the trailer in the theatre. Never watched the movie

I use JustWatch to see what new NF content shows up every few days. The past year or two, literally like half of the new stuff in Canada is Indian and Korean tv shows and movies. Great news for people who like those ethnic shows, but zero interest for me.
My lady is Korean so that part of Netflix checks out. (y)
I feel the worst with Netflix is that they just cancel things, out of nowhere. I mean, you invest time watching two seasons and then they just cancel a show based on whatever.
Which brings me to : I'm cancelling NF at the end of the month, i just don't care about it anymore, what streaming services available in Europe would you recommend ?
- Disney + : not interested in Star wars, not interested in shitty Marvel IP's, to me it feels like Netflix 2.0 with its content, in the end , i'm just not part of its demographic.
- Amazon Prime is OK and cheap and i do like shows like Bosch but the UI is a mess and not interested in most of the other content on offer.
- Apple + : don't know a thing about it, don't know about its prices, don't know if it's available in Italy.
- HBO Max : This would be my up of tea and i'd happily subscribe to it in a heartbeat but...it's not available in Italy damn it, i guess i could try the VPN method but...that would just add extra costs to the whole thing plus, if anything happens with my account i suppose that i'd be told to fuck off by the CS due to the VPN shenanigans.
i really don't know what to do, i'm cancelling Netflix for sure but it seems that there aren't that many great available alternatives to streaming services (besides HBO max which isn't available over here).
If HBO isn't making their content available in your region then I think it's totally fair to use "alternative" ways to watch it. If you feel like HBO is your jam then try it, life is too short to watch crap you don't enjoy. Just do subscribe when they make it available in Italy which I'm certain they will at some point.

Apple+ also seems to have some interesting stuff but I haven't tried it yet.
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The drop was expected to happen once lockdown ended.
More people are cancelling because times are financially more difficult and netflix raising the prices doesnt help.

Netflix's response to lower numbers? They're going to crack down on password sharing. Because that worked out so well when they cracked down on the DNS exploit.
Shower thought: Netflix to be purchased by Sony or Microsoft?

Sony could fold Netflix in to their existing movie/tv production and have a platform for their game/film cross-overs.

Microsoft could add Netflix to Gamepass and offer games and TV/Movies, streamed via Xcloud. It would bump the Gamepass numbers up while diversifying their offerings and as an added bonus would help the Xbox become the centre of the living room.

The Pleasure

Gold Member
  • Mindhunter season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Mindhunter season 2: almost nothing that made season 1 great remains (after first few episodes), replaced with forced LGBT romance that takes up huge percentage of runtime and poorly fitting social justice storyline
Netflix cancels Mindhunter, citing low watch numbers for season 2

  • Altered Carbon season 1: compelling show with great story and characters, instant hit
  • Altered Carbon season 2: showrunner Laeta Kalogridis fired and replaced with incompetent activist, writing team and cast also replaced, politically sanitized across every relevant dimension, now has zero redeeming qualities
Netflix cancels Altered Carbon, citing low watch numbers for season 2

Changed shit and then it got cancelled because it lost its fans?
Netflix is nowhere near what is used to be now that is has competition. The ratio of trashy content to quality content is embarrassing.

I look forward to cancelling Netflix as soon as I can convince the rest of my family. Password sharing is the only thing keeping me from canceling it.
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Netflix has cancelled good shows but they did not cancel Mindhunter. David Fincher (director) didn’t want to do it any more and it is on ‘indefinite hiatus’.



IMHO Netflix started a steep downward trend when they removed the ratings. I don't know what algorithm creates that "% match for you" BS but it sucks. Their earlier shows were much more consistent and interesting to me, once they turned over production to the A.I. that massages any script into their four quadrant target all the uniqueness and originality are lost.

Good point. This is what happens when a technology company tries to be a creative entertainment production house as well. An algorithm for everything.

On the ratings, I think they removed that after an Amy Schumer special got royally blasted by the audience.


Gold Member
Shower thought: Netflix to be purchased by Sony or Microsoft?

Sony could fold Netflix in to their existing movie/tv production and have a platform for their game/film cross-overs.

Microsoft could add Netflix to Gamepass and offer games and TV/Movies, streamed via Xcloud. It would bump the Gamepass numbers up while diversifying their offerings and as an added bonus would help the Xbox become the centre of the living room.
Netflix market cap is like 150 BILLION, or maybe 100 B now if that is pre drop. So I think it is out of the realm of Sony for sure, maybe MS if they don't plan on keeping up the 20B a year media development burn. Apple and Amazon seem to be more serious players, particularly Amazon.

The long term problem with Netflix, IMHO, is that they don't own anything with legs. Syndication is kind of a dead thing these days I think, but those types of shows, the evergreen domestic bliss fillers that folks tune into over and over year after year that filled the airwaves back in the day. I have almost no interest in exploring the netflix back catalogue, I'm not sure how long they even have most of their stuff, particularly the foreign and early shows, so if they stopped making new content what do they really have to sell? Anyone salivating at an annual watch of Six Underground? Even if you did want to see something, the show count for almost all of their stuff is like 10-30 eps, no where near the fabled 100 ep metric that used to usher in a show to the hallowed halls of perpetual distribution that guaranteed enough content for anyone to watch almost forever.

There just isn't the momentum for specific TV shows anymore, and the talent is spread too thin. It's a miracle that you can get the right writer, cast, and production team together now because all of the quality folks are being pulled in a hundred directions and lots of incompetents are filling in the gaps.


Gold Member
On the ratings, I think they removed that after an Amy Schumer special got royally blasted by the audience.
Yes, I believe that was the stated reason, though I suspect they were planning on doing it regardless. If you see a sea of 3 star shows, are you really gonna be excited? Fringe dogpiling of "wrongthink" shows, from either side, is a bummer for ratings but with an audience cap above a certain number, just how many MAGA haters or vocal christian fundamentalists are really out there to affect ratings? Something like Cuties I could see a preponderance of downvotes being significant, that was just egregious, but are there enough trans allies to knock down a Chappelle special that everyone else enjoyed?

Amazon still has star reviews and I use them primarily when sifting through their ocean of low budget horror or sci-fi 'cause no one has time to research that stuff and I already acknowledge that most of it is pretty much crap.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
There just isn't the momentum for specific TV shows anymore, and the talent is spread too thin. It's a miracle that you can get the right writer, cast, and production team together now because all of the quality folks are being pulled in a hundred directions and lots of incompetents are filling in the gaps.

There are just too many shows being produced. Quantity over contents is a short term strategy, in the long run people would rather have less shows of which a substantial amount are worth watching than thousands of shows that are mostly trash.
If HBO isn't making their content available in your region then I think it's totally fair to use "alternative" ways to watch it. If you feel like HBO is your jam then try it, life is too short to watch crap you don't enjoy. Just do subscribe when they make it available in Italy which I'm certain they will at some point.

Apple+ also seems to have some interesting stuff but I haven't tried it yet.

Thanks man.
Unfortunately, i had to sail the 7 seas this week to be able to see what the fuss was about tokyo vice and...yep, HBO still remains the best place to watch quality content.
i'm not OK with taking the "side route" since i always like to pay for my entertainment/stuff i enjoy but they're not making it easy to watch their content legally.

Netflix HAS to go, i'm rarely using it lately, plus, when i do use it, i usually spend 20 mins trying to actually find something worthwhile to watch just to actually close the app in disgust in the end, their content is a dumpster fire, endless trash like Tiger King, Inventing Anna, The Witcher (god-awful production), TheTinder swindler (Loooord) , serial killer/pedo guy show/docu series No.121975, Emily in Paris, Ryan Reynolds shit movie no.21432554678 etc etc, nope, don't think i'm gonna keep paying for this shite (and i do account sharing like the majority of people out there to boot).

The only problem Bonfires is that taking the VPN route with HBO Max is gonna be the pricing, 15 a month for HBO + i don't know how much for the VPN, plus, while i can use a VPN for watching on my PC, i'm not exactly sure how i'll be able to do so through my xbox series x.

thanks for chiming in friend, cheers ;)


I canceled after nine years when I got my LG CX and discovered the beauty of HDR. I hate that they lock it (and 4K) behind their highest tier. I don't need to watch on more than one screen and refuse to pay extra for what should be standard on all tiers.

Gave them that feedback when I cancelled as well but nothing came from it.

Boss Mog

I use JustWatch to see what new NF content shows up every few days. The past year or two, literally like half of the new stuff in Canada is Indian and Korean tv shows and movies. Great news for people who like those ethnic shows, but zero interest for me.
Not really sure what you have against "ethnic" shows but there's really a ton of great Korean shows that fit any mood.

Netflix isn't woke. They're a business and they make shows to try to appeal to different types of people. People with extreme ideologies on both ends of the spectrum that they can no longer enjoy entertainment should consider taking a step back.
Right on cue. :pie_eyeroll:. Tell me they pay you at least.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
That's what happens when you get rid of fan favorite shows, lose rights to others, and push out bad original content while having stuff competition from other services.

HBO Max and D+ are just better values right now with better libraries of content. Netflix is still acting like this is 3 years ago. They need to quickly learn that it's not.


Not really sure what you have against "ethnic" shows but there's really a ton of great Korean shows that fit any mood.

Right on cue. :pie_eyeroll:. Tell me they pay you at least.

Nope, just not a fan of people politicizing everything. Netflix has no agenda other than to make money.. like any other business. If they were determined to be "woke" they would've caved to the angry mob and canceled Dave Chappelle. Instead of that, he's got a new series.


Gold Member
Nope, just not a fan of people politicizing everything. Netflix has no agenda other than to make money.. like any other business. If they were determined to be "woke" they would've caved to the angry mob and canceled Dave Chappelle. Instead of that, he's got a new series.
One outlier. One.

And even Chappelle is more tame than he was 20 years ago. They just have a limit on how far they will push vs money.


Great news!Fuck Netflix and all of their woke shows/movies.I got tired of them and unsubbed a couple of years ago.Hope the stock sinks:messenger_savoring:


I feel Netflix really leaned into the "binge" concept which quickly gets people to consume what little good content they actually have.
I used to think they had the best docuseries, but HBO Max crushes them on this now as well.

Their sweet spot is trash, shit programs like Ultimatum, Tiger King, Is It Cake - basically tv for 14-year-olds (I do admit I have watched all this garbage).
Netflix makes Reacher seem like Othello.


One outlier. One.

And even Chappelle is more tame than he was 20 years ago. They just have a limit on how far they will push vs money.

Pretty big outlier. People actually protested Netflix and blamed Chappelle's jokes for ridiculous things like the murders of transgender people. It was a huge controversy (which was well documented here on GAF.) The protesting employees wanted to form a council to control content on Netflix and make sure there was no "transphobia" in any of it. I would think a "woke" company would've jumped at the chance, instead Netflix told them to go fuck themselves.


Gold Member
Pretty big outlier. People actually protested Netflix and blamed Chappelle's jokes for ridiculous things like the murders of transgender people. It was a huge controversy (which was well documented here on GAF.) The protesting employees wanted to form a council to control content on Netflix and make sure there was no "transphobia" in any of it. I would think a "woke" company would've jumped at the chance, instead Netflix told them to go fuck themselves.
A handful did, the main people voted with their wallets.

Seemingly like they're doing now.
Thanks man.
Unfortunately, i had to sail the 7 seas this week to be able to see what the fuss was about tokyo vice and...yep, HBO still remains the best place to watch quality content.
i'm not OK with taking the "side route" since i always like to pay for my entertainment/stuff i enjoy but they're not making it easy to watch their content legally.

Netflix HAS to go, i'm rarely using it lately, plus, when i do use it, i usually spend 20 mins trying to actually find something worthwhile to watch just to actually close the app in disgust in the end, their content is a dumpster fire, endless trash like Tiger King, Inventing Anna, The Witcher (god-awful production), TheTinder swindler (Loooord) , serial killer/pedo guy show/docu series No.121975, Emily in Paris, Ryan Reynolds shit movie no.21432554678 etc etc, nope, don't think i'm gonna keep paying for this shite (and i do account sharing like the majority of people out there to boot).

The only problem Bonfires is that taking the VPN route with HBO Max is gonna be the pricing, 15 a month for HBO + i don't know how much for the VPN, plus, while i can use a VPN for watching on my PC, i'm not exactly sure how i'll be able to do so through my xbox series x.

thanks for chiming in friend, cheers ;)
I share your feeling on Netflix. There is a lot that looks good to me at a glance, but then I watch it and I realize it's another mediocre and bloated show. There is good stuff too but it's buried under a mountain of crap.

HBO Max launched here in Sweden last fall and I managed to snag a lifetime 50% off deal (which is pretty insane) which they offered for a month or two at launch. So hopefully they will offer something similar when they launch in Italy.


Gold Member
Nope, just not a fan of people politicizing everything. Netflix has no agenda other than to make money.. like any other business. If they were determined to be "woke" they would've caved to the angry mob and canceled Dave Chappelle. Instead of that, he's got a new series.
I dunno. While I'm not sure Netflix has a specific agenda they want to push, I'm pretty sure if you tried to pitch a new Robin Hood show set in 1200's england using casting and gender roles appropriate to the accepted historical record they would either pass on it or push for more diversity in casting and more action parts for the ladies. Viking:Valhalla certainly bears this out, though whether it is the creators choice or netflix, who can say? But having women fill the shield wall or row a longship into battle...yeah that's an AI driven choice, if not a specific agenda to portray women as equal fighters to the men in defiance of all archeological evidence and common sense.

Show me a domestically produced show that doesn't have color wheel casting to the point where the script has to run loops around itself to explain it (October Faction) or it's just straight nonsensical given the ethnic based dialogue in the script (Shadow and Bone and Witcher). For YA trash shows, who really cares, but it irks for shows with better source material.

I get it, they have a global market and want every possible identity to "see themselves" on screen as much as possible. But I find it tends to make for unfocused, easily distracted, bland plots where the quality of the final product is a distant second to the press release heralding how stunning and brave the creative choices were. Seems to me most of their recent successes are imports coming from homogeneous places with vision, not excessive DEI initiatives.
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