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Netflix's The Last Dance (Jordan/Bulls mini-series)


Anybody watching this? Or finished it? I tried to find a thread about this show but didn't see any.

I'm on episode 7 now and I love it. It's from the same producers of Senna and Amy.

I'm not from the US nor the biggest basketball fan but Jordan has always been that myth to my generation and I guess he still is, right? I was 13 in 98 so I remember a lot from the time and how big he was. However, with no internet and limited access to information from abroad I didn't know a lot shown in this documentary. Really good stuff.

The guy is insane. Definitely the greatest sportsman of all time and this comes from a person who was born in Pele's country lol
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Great Hair

I find it to be unwatchable, not made for everyone on this planet. There are so many cuts, jumps to the past and present ... why? After epi.4 i stopped giving a fuck about it.

Dennis shows up, has his 15min of fame and vanishes til epi.4 ... this was 100% a biopic of MJ and less of a documentary titled "Chicago Bulls Last Dance".

God damn MJ´s ego ... never seen a house more white than his. Does he get lost in other people´s homes? :p

It´s not bad, but expect many cliffhangers, many cuts, time jumps and and less in-depth "analysis" of each year, their pre and post career. It´s interesting, but only to their fans.


Since I'm not from the US I didn't know too much about it. Basically that Jordan was incredible, he played for the Bulls who won a lot and I'd heard of Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman. So I went in not knowing a lot but still loved it. You mention you are on episode 7, I believe that one has a particularly intense ending that's really stuck with me.


God damn MJ´s ego ... never seen a house more white than his. Does he get lost in other people´s homes?
Funny thing about this, none of the homes shown in the series were his because Jordan didn't want to show his own house off for... "privacy reasons". Haven't watched the show myself but this was written in the trivia section of the IMDB page:
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I find it to be unwatchable, not made for everyone on this planet. There are so many cuts, jumps to the past and present ... why? After epi.4 i stopped giving a fuck about it.

Dennis shows up, has his 15min of fame and vanishes til epi.4 ... this was 100% a biopic of MJ and less of a documentary titled "Chicago Bulls Last Dance".

God damn MJ´s ego ... never seen a house more white than his. Does he get lost in other people´s homes? :p

It´s not bad, but expect many cliffhangers, many cuts, time jumps and and less in-depth "analysis" of each year, their pre and post career. It´s interesting, but only to their fans.

Unwatchable is a bit harsh, no? Going back and forth is narrative option that builds up to the last season I guess. And of course it's focused on MJ, I see no problems here.
I watched it every Sunday. Great series. Interesting seeing some of the fallout afterward. Horace Grant doesn't seem happy with Michael saying that he leaked the Jordan Rules.

Some great footage in the doc that I hadn't seen before. When a true, true all time great like Jordan talks, I listen. I find guys like that fascinating.


I made a thread...

Was pretty good but started to zone out towards the end of the series. But overall a great look.

Like I said in my other thread, I think the 90's Bulls were probably the biggest sports team in the world ever. Era for Era I don't think there is another team that could touch them as far as their fame along with accomplishments. Not only did they have the hardware (like some other teams like Yankees, or Celtics, or Habs) but they also were a world wide phenomenon.

You see scenes of them travelling internationally and its like a Micheal Jackson concert. Bulls gear was basically a requirement for a kid in the 90's. If you didn't have something with a 23 or Bulls logo then I call BS you were alive back then. And odds are you could go to some 3rd world former USSR country that has 2 black and white TV's for the entire country and they would know Jordan/Bulls.
I made a thread...

Threadjacking is never a victimless crime. I feel your pain. I REE’d hard after The Boys was stolen from me yesterday


(im mostly kidding. Mostly 😞 )

Was pretty good but started to zone out towards the end of the series. But overall a great look.

Like I said in my other thread, I think the 90's Bulls were probably the biggest sports team in the world ever. Era for Era I don't think there is another team that could touch them as far as their fame along with accomplishments. Not only did they have the hardware (like some other teams like Yankees, or Celtics, or Habs) but they also were a world wide phenomenon.

You see scenes of them travelling internationally and its like a Micheal Jackson concert. Bulls gear was basically a requirement for a kid in the 90's. If you didn't have something with a 23 or Bulls logo then I call BS you were alive back then. And odds are you could go to some 3rd world former USSR country that has 2 black and white TV's for the entire country and they would know Jordan/Bulls.

It is maybe a tad too long.

I think it peaks by Episode 6. By then you’ve gotten Doug Collins being fired to let Phil take over, losing to the Pistons twice in a row, winning three in a row, gambling, tragic loss of Jordan’s father, retirement, baseball, Jordan busting in on a Rodman - Carmen Electra bang sesh in Vegas, Jordon throwing so much shade at Isiah Thomas, etc

The best part of the last 4 episodes is the Jordon laughing gif holding the tablet listening to Gary Payton. This one:

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I finished it the other night and while good, I can't help but think it's a pretty gross hit piece of Jerry Krause who isn't even alive to defend himself and I think MJ is a petty piece of shit after watching it. One thing to be competitive on the court during your career and it's another thing to continue to attack a dead person who had a personal vendetta against.


I finished it the other night and while good, I can't help but think it's a pretty gross hit piece of Jerry Krause who isn't even alive to defend himself and I think MJ is a petty piece of shit after watching it. One thing to be competitive on the court during your career and it's another thing to continue to attack a dead person who had a personal vendetta against.

I missed that part what did he say about Krause?


The documentary puts forward the idea that Krause wanted rid of Phil Jackson and to break up the team to prove that he was the person behind the team's success, not them.
It does, but it also puts people literally saying he wasn't a bad guy. And I mean, they got him on tape saying things that support the idea that he believe more in organizations than in players alone.
But yeah, we shouldn't trust 100% of anything ever.


It does, but it also puts people literally saying he wasn't a bad guy. And I mean, they got him on tape saying things that support the idea that he believe more in organizations than in players alone.
But yeah, we shouldn't trust 100% of anything ever.

Yeh but “wasn’t a bad guy” is kind of the best he gets. There’s people on it who respect him but not really anyone who liked him. I had no idea who he was before watching so I didn’t go in with any perception of what he’s like. He’s definitely “the bad guy” of the series, which made me curious to know more about his perspective on things.

As someone who didn’t know much going in I still don’t quite get why he wanted to let Phil Jackson go and was so adamant about it.


Yeh but “wasn’t a bad guy” is kind of the best he gets. There’s people on it who respect him but not really anyone who liked him. I had no idea who he was before watching so I didn’t go in with any perception of what he’s like. He’s definitely “the bad guy” of the series, which made me curious to know more about his perspective on things.

As someone who didn’t know much going in I still don’t quite get why he wanted to let Phil Jackson go and was so adamant about it.

It makes no sense since they were winning, right? Jordan was clear when he stated they were entitled to keep things as they were as long as they were winning championships. Also, Krause brought Jackson to the Bulls.

I think it was a relationship problem and only people there know what really happened.


It makes no sense since they were winning, right? Jordan was clear when he stated they were entitled to keep things as they were as long as they were winning championships. Also, Krause brought Jackson to the Bulls.

I think it was a relationship problem and only people there know what really happened.

Yeh that's the thing. There was the speculation he wanted to build a winning team without Jackson to prove his importance. And I suppose that makes sense but it just felt like people were guessing what he felt and extrapolating on a few comments. Him not being able to give his perspective felt like the glaring hole in the series. I get that he's now dead

Reinsdorf, the owner of the team, explained that the team broke apart because players were getting older and/or their value on the market was so high. And I can get that on some level. But that's not a reason to ditch Jackson.

Old Retro

I loved it, especially how Jordan was tough on his teamates - "don't bring that bullshit" :pie_hugging They did make Krause out to be the bad guy a little too much, especially when they even show him building the foundation of the dynasty.

I saw the Bulls play a few times during the champ years, and to think of how much of how Jordan is still revered as one of the greatest athletes of all time. Looking back, it's almost surreal.
I know, I know, Skip Bayless.

But he may be onto something here. Sooner or later the bulls would have had to rebuild, even if they went year to year. Phil didn't seem to want to have to deal with a rebuild and just jumps to LA right after. Maybe Phil wanted to get there before someone else took the helm of the next big dynasty.

Considering how weird it seems to ditch Jackson, perhaps there was something bigger going on behind the scenes than MJ/Phil are letting on.

down 2 orth

I mean, Krause was the "bad guy", if nothing other than that his priorities and those of the owner clashed with the priorities of the rest of the team. They were focused on making money and the team was focused on winning. Both sides are understandable, but since practically nobody cases about the business aspect of sports, Krause has to come off as a villain.
I still have a couple episodes to go but this is one of the best sports documentaries I've seen in a while. I think they went a little overboard on the whole going back and forth with the timelines thing but it works for the most part.

Never knew about the Scottie refusing to go in for the last play thing. I can only imagine how infuriating that would be especially when you're a star.

I always like Dennis Rodman and this doc has made me love the guy even more. He's the kind of guy you want to work with - might drive you crazy every once in a while but works as hard or harder than everyone else.


Gold Member
Good show, but man did they grill Krause. Easy to do since he died 3 years ago.

Never knew Jordan was such as ass. Arrogant to the day. Never followed him or Bulls in the 90s, so didn't know he was such a dick behind the scenes.

Didn't like how the series is all over the place. Aside from the episode about Rodman which is fine to contain in its own episode, the series some reason hops all over the place. One moment it's 1996 for 10 minutes, then 1984 for 10 minutes., then back to let's say 1997. Most of the time there was no reason or linkage.

I think what happened was they had all this material and instead of making it in chronological order (aside from Rodman being its own episode), the writers realized people would be bored if it started episode 1 as a kid.... then goes to college.... then the pros.

One of these years Jordan or Rodman will drop dead. They don't look healthy at all. Both have trouble speaking, and Jordan has yellow bloodshot eyes(?!?!) for the entire series and a gut.

But good to see the show didn't hold back. When the series got announced I thought it would be a constant ass licking fest drooling over Jordan. But turns out, just about every coach or player shown got grilled at some point. And the series makes Jordan look self absorbed and selfish. Awesome teammate if your goal is to win championships as he'll do most of the work, but not the type of person to hang out with or be good buddies after you leave the team.
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Good show, but man did they grill Krause. Easy to do since he died 3 years ago.

Never knew Jordan was such as ass. Arrogant to the day. Never followed him or Bulls in the 90s, so didn't know he was such a dick behind the scenes.

There's always been rumblings about Jordan's asshole nature. If he were playing nowadays things would be a lot different. I know some people in the entertainment business (I use that term loosely) that have heard some stories about MJ that were pretty bad and sounded to me like bullshit, but you never know.



Gold Member
I missed that part what did he say about Krause?
Similar to what others said.

Right from episode one, Krause is made fun of as a fat dickish GM. Even a couple jabs in there he's short. Only in the last episode or two, I think someone said he did a good job helping form the core team to win championships.
Grew up in early 90's Chicago so I'm a huge Jordan nut hugger. I've watched just about every documentary made about Jordan/90's Bulls, including that Imax movie which featured a lot of footage from the "last dance" season. For this reason, I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I have, but it's great. I'm glad it's bringing Jordan back into the mainstream. He is greatness personified.

Me watching MJ:


mango drank

This finally came out on Netflix in the US, and I watched through it over the last week. Was awesome, loved it.

I'm surprised Jordan never bit off his own tongue while driving to the hoop.
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