It's believed that ADD is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Some believe that the imbalance is due to a variety of things like food allergies and whatnot. Some people think the reason why it wasn't so much of an issue in the past is because nutrition. People didn't drink soda all the time in the past. Produce has lost nutritional value because farmers have done things to maximum quantity and appearance, but not nutritional value. They're using more and more pesticides and herbicide (also believed to contributed to ADD and other brain misfunctions).
I know that food allergies plays a role in my ADD because after I eat beef, It'll get worse and nasal passage will clog up some.
But I also think once you're born and raised with it, you can't permanently get rid of it. The condition is likely determined by genetics, and early development.
I've been co-oping the past few months as a computer engineer and I've had the freedom to manage my diet and cook everything myself. My symptoms have halved, but are still there.
So lately I've been looking around natural supplements and I came across the XTEND-LIFE company which seems to be sincere. I think they're sincere because they've got tons of ingredients and clinical studies and explanations to back up the benefits of each ingredient. It doesn't sound like one of those crazy things like you see on TV, claiming that a massive quantity of one supplement is a miracle fix. Instead, they've got a bunch of natural ingredients, and they explain that they are needed together to work.
They've got a product designed specifically for treating these sorts of disorders naturally. For $40, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm still very skeptical. It's still shipping (I ordered yesterday). $40/mon seems expensive, but if this stuff works, I won't have to pay for Ritalin and it should benefit my overall health.