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New? Asphalt: Urban GT (DS) screens....


explodet said:
If they do go lower - and please remember I'm not saying they will or they won't - I'm still leaning towards $179.

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. No reason to match Nintendo at $149. The PSP is such a superior value for the dollar even at a slightly higher price.
Mrbob said:
Yes, but we must ask: Is this a good thing? Everything I've seen the DS uses with a stylus has been a novelty at best and in most cases the 2nd screen is being used as a map (*yawn*).

Whats tired is your arguement. Congrats! You've just shown me how useless it is to talk about this anymore. People don't want gameplay and innovation, they want prettier pictures.

I'm done. GAF = IGN at this point.


Project Midway said:
Well there never has been so clearly superior device in the market as PSP is. And it helps its from Sony. Technically PSP and DS are from different generations and even an average consumer can see that.

That's not true. The handheld version of the PC Engine was perhaps even more ahead of the GameBoy than the PSP is in relation to the DS. It wasn't from Sony and carrying the PlayStation name, though, and I think that's going to make all the difference.


krypt0nian said:
Whats tired is your arguement. Congrats! You've just shown me how useless it is to talk about this anymore. People don't want gameplay and innovation, they want prettier pictures.

I'm done. GAF = IGN at this point.

Yeah and great innovation leads to Mario 64 DS being Nintendo's lead launch title for the DS. If any company is the antithesis of innovation it is Nintendo. They package their same tired franchises, many times ported over, onto new platforms with additional gimmicks attached too them. It would be great is the DS ushered a different type of gaming experience with NEW FRANCHISES from this company. Games without any ties to previous franchises at all. But I'm not seeing it yet.

I mean, we got Kirby, Mario, Yoshi, a Peach game, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart. Cmon. These are all tied to existing franchises in one way or another. Give us something new. If they truly want to do something new and consider this their 3rd pillar, why are all their games tieing into their existing franchises? That isn't new.

And I'm not holding the PSP to the same accord because Sony isn't going around acting like the PSP is some sort of bastion in gaming which will save us all from the doom and gloom current gaming is giving us.
TekunoRobby said:
Jesus Christ you people, any chance you get to turn it into a fanboy war. There has be more people who are positive about both handhelds.
Don't get me wrong. I think there's room in the market for both the DS and PSP. I just like giving reality checks.


The PSP is such a superior value for the dollar even at a slightly higher price.

Yeah with graphics like this PSP is surely the clear winner :p
Speaking of reality checks. I think you guys are going a little overboard with the PSP graphics praise.
seismologist said:


Yeah with graphics like this PSP is surely the clear winner :p
Speaking of reality checks. I think you guys are going a little overboard with the PSP graphics praise.

Nice job at choosing 2 of the worst looking PSP games.


seismologist said:


Yeah with graphics like this PSP is surely the clear winner :p
Speaking of reality checks. I think you guys are going a little overboard with the PSP graphics praise.

Wait till you see the pics of the Nintendo DS versions. :D

Anyway, the graphics of the DS aren't even a huge concern for me. I find it very funny that Nintendo spews all this crap about innovation, and they launch with Mario 64 DS and all their games tie into old franchises. It's very hypocritcal. They don't care about innovation. They care about repackaging nostalgia and making huge sums of money off by doing so. It is working very well by the number of people interested in Mario 64 DS (And I will admit I am intrigued as well to play the game again).

aoi tsuki

Things i think we can all agree on:

1. Graphically, RR PSP > Asphalt DS > RR DS
2. PSP is much more capable graphically than DS
3. DS has two screens

Someone please lock this thread before it falls further into the Pit of Pointless Fanboy Arguments.


seismologist said:
Is it just me or does Urban Asphalt look better than NFSU on PSP? :p

I think that would be just you. Look at the detail difference and the difference in textures on like just the road and the car. NFSU isn't looking great right now, but it's obviously pushing more things around than UA.
seismologist said:
Is it just me or does Urban Asphalt look better than NFSU on PSP? :p

Crappy looking full 3D Need for Speed with slight environment mapping and texture filtering>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mobile phone quality racer with pseudo 3D track, non-existant physics and no texture filtering

Gotta love the silly Nintendrones. Biased and blind until the end.


seismologist said:


Yeah with graphics like this PSP is surely the clear winner :p
Speaking of reality checks. I think you guys are going a little overboard with the PSP graphics praise.

Why did you choose games that are clearly superior to most anything we've seen for DS?


jecclr2003 said:
Sorry the PSP doesnt have to be worried about being "slowed down". The $200 price point more than handles that. Along with no big name launch titles. (we dont know if the GT4 port wll be done or not)

Remember the PS2?

Your average consumer wont drop $250 on a handheld and game when they could just as easily buy an Xbox or Ps2 and 2 games.

You forget the market that Sony is targeting.

Nintendo has something many people forget about in the handheld genre, longevity.

You mean like the transition between Super NES to N64 to Cube?

They are the Nike of handheld gaming, they're name is synonymous with portable handheld gaming. I think the first few shipments of the DS will sell out, gimmic second screen or not.

PlayStation brand name is second only to Coke. And of course the first few shipments of DS will sell out, Nintendo fans and those casuals interested in the DS will guarantee this. Think long-term.

Face the facts, we're an extremely small sect of the game buying public. The casual gamer will take the DS over the PSP, $50 is $50.

I said the same thing with the Cube vs. PS2 and Xbox. Look what happened there. Perceived value of PS2-level graphics > $50.

If anything battery life will be the death knell for the PSP upon launch, maybe the heat problem if they havent got that fixed either.

Battery life won't really be an issue since it's rechargable. What heat problems? That was only a rumour.

Before you attack, I'm a Nintendo whore. I'll be picking up the DS on day one, and I won't be getting a PSP for the forseeable future. I will pick one up eventually. Regardless though, you'd be crazy not to acknowledge that Sony isn't going for the jugular with the price announcement. There are more graphics whores than anything else in this industry, and even if the PSP was only 1.25 times the graphics of the DS, that would be enough to sway them.
seismologist said:
Is it just me or does Urban Asphalt look better than NFSU on PSP? :p
It's just you.

And there's no need for me to post anything regarding your poor attempt at slamming PSP's graphics quality. Everyone else pretty much owned you there.
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