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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


So I got to play some new games this last weekend.

Baseball Highlights 2045.
Only barely got to play this one, it took longer than expected to get the mechanics down, but by the end i am pretty sure we got it right and in the future it should be a lot faster. It seems like it has good potential.

Freaking love this deckbuilder. I started watching some real baseball even woah.


Scoville was pretty neat, but I felt that the market action (selling peppers for cash) was a rather pointless thing to do. It would have been cool if it was a viable alternative to scoring recipes and stuff.


Got crushed by Pandemic: The Cure this weekend; on normal too! I think there were 2 cascading outbreaks in the first 7-8 turns.

Our character "match-up" was a bit awkward though. Generalist, Dispatcher, Scientist. Not so good for actually dealing with the dice build up.


Anyone like Strategy games based on logistics? WWII based Quartermaster general is your thing.
Axis verses Allies card driven Wargame. Light Wargame tho. Plays upto 6 players Germany,Great Britain,Italy,Russia,Japan and United States all get there own decks. Each deck plays differently. Italy for example has the least amount of cards to represent there weaker country. Synergies with Germany well tho.
Your deck represents your country's economy. Once you've run out of cards your in the shit.

Best game 2014, hands down. Even non wargamers can get behind this.
Thank me later.

Been really really trying to play this. Sounds right up my alley.

Mista Koo

Time's Up fans: go to Amazon and buy Monikers. Thank me later.
I want to buy Monikers or Time's Up but I really don't think I would be good at it. Besides gaming my popular culture knowledge is terrible.
I'm seriously thinking of making a video games pack specifically for me to play with my gaming friends.


They're both pretty pop culture but Monikers WAY more so. Lots of internet memes in there.

Speaking of Monikers, here's a snippet from a convo I had with a buddy about it lol:



I have been playing Caverna on a weekly basis. I need to find a better solution for organizing all the pieces in this game without spending too much money. Small bags aren't doing it for me.


Time's Up fans: go to Amazon and buy Monikers. Thank me later.

Saw Shut Up & Sit Downs review of it and they loved it, sounded like a fun party game. I know its supposed to be available freely online to print'n'play but I would have liked the printed copy of it, so far no luck finding it in Europe.

Still, no rush for it, waiting for a copy of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective to arrive.


Just realized the copy of Wasabi I have is out of print. Nice, sort of!

Just got the latest expansion to Small World (box is so full now...)


Saw Shut Up & Sit Downs review of it and they loved it, sounded like a fun party game. I know its supposed to be available freely online to print'n'play but I would have liked the printed copy of it, so far no luck finding it in Europe.

You can always just play it where everyone gets 3-4 pieces of paper and writes whatever down to throw in a bowl. It'll result in way more dick jokes, but that's probably fine for most groups. We've been playing Fishbowl that way for years and it still works real well.


Got to play the pathfinder ACG last night, its definately fun! Im not sure how much replayability it has without expansions, but its definately scratching that tabletop RPG itch(without story ofcourse).
A couple of weeks ago we finally finished the Rise of the Runelords adventure path, my character died twice during the game (we houseruled the permadeath thing > your character looses a random card of his/her preferred type and one random blessing). That game gets brutal near the end, quite a lot of fun indeed. Actually, my group had so much fun with the game that they bought me Skull & Shackles with all expansions so we can continue playing Pathfinder ACG.
Just realized the copy of Warosabi I have is out of print. Nice, sort of!

Just got the latest expansion to Small World (box is so full now...)

We played Smallworld this weekend and I don't know why I just don't feel the game. I think coming from playing game like Civ, it was hard for me to wrap around the concept of letting your faction go into a decline.

My in-law only have the core set and we play it when he first got it couple years ago, but we sort of play it wrong. He went to a tournament (and learn how to play properly) and won a cool little metal crown for round market, however he said the experience was terrible as people at the game store was pretty mean and rude to him and his kid. (You know the type that can't stand loosing a game.). It sort of turn him off to boardgaming because he think all the people that play boardgame are crazy and only care about winning.

I just can't believe how many expansions there are for Smallworld.


Joining board game GAF big time. The past two weeks I went from owning TTR only to buying Splendor, 7 Wonders, Small World, and Morels.

I've only had the chance to have one board gaming night so we played Splendor and Small World 4 player. Both games are awesome.

I've been playing lots of Splendor and Morels 2 player with the wife since 7 Wonders and Small World play better with larger groups. Too bad since we tried a few games of 7 Wonders and while I enjoyed it, I could tell it would really shine with more players.

My wife loves Morels though. I bought it yesterday and we played it for almost 3 hours straight nonstop.


We played Smallworld this weekend and I don't know why I just don't feel the game. I think coming from playing game like Civ, it was hard for me to wrap around the concept of letting your faction go into a decline.

Going into decline is pretty straight forward though. As soon as your race has either been killed out by opposing players or is spread far too thin where you have to give up regions in order to have enough tokens to attack, you go into decline.

The only downer is it's the only thing you can do for that turn and you lose a lot of point abilities but it helps if you have Stout or any other race that has native defense boosts like Trolls to hold your regions.

I like the concept overall - it makes you strategize when you should keep forging ahead and it lets you sample a lot more races than you would if everyone just played with one.


Anybody here think digital CCGs actually work? Is there any reason for an established paper card game to go digital?

I can only speak anecdotally here. I only know a half dozen people that are into CCG stuff, which is mostly MTG. They show up to the store for release events, but otherwise, seem happy to just do endless cube drafts online.

For existing games, I can see a reason to go digital if you already have a rabid fanbase. A new one though? Not sure how it would ever differentiate itself from other F2P games.

Do you have a specific example in mind?


Well, I meant "does it make sense" for the company itself, and also "does it make sense" as far as the way CCGs are designed.

I mean, videogames have had "loot drops" that are sort of like opening a booster pack, but if you want me to pay you $2 to open a digital booster, I'd rather go buy a real one - the high is even better.

Obviously, finding people to play card games with online is easier than in person (and often times, preferable to braving the dank lairs that a lot of FLGSes appear to be).

But from a company perspective, why would they care to put Magic or Pokemon or Yugioh online, if they're interested in maintaining their paper business model? Can their paper model even work in a digital way? Nobody seemed thrilled to buy digital Magic cards, and that's by far the most popular CCG.


Well, I meant "does it make sense" for the company itself, and also "does it make sense" as far as the way CCGs are designed.

I mean, videogames have had "loot drops" that are sort of like opening a booster pack, but if you want me to pay you $2 to open a digital booster, I'd rather go buy a real one - the high is even better.

Obviously, finding people to play card games with online is easier than in person (and often times, preferable to braving the dank lairs that a lot of FLGSes appear to be).

But from a company perspective, why would they care to put Magic or Pokemon or Yugioh online, if they're interested in maintaining their paper business model? Can their paper model even work in a digital way? Nobody seemed thrilled to buy digital Magic cards, and that's by far the most popular CCG.

A lot of it feels like the F2P model where the company really only needs a tiny percentage of whales to make it profitable. Those same whales are probably still showing up at the game store for friday night magic, and buying boxes or whatever they're called. I just don't think they're cannibalizing their own business enough to care. It does spread awareness to some degree as well. That same friend who plays MTG all the time has gifted me and others copies of it on Steam. I know a few people who at least tried it that way, that would NEVER have shown up to play MTG in person. So I think it probably helps them reach groups of people who might otherwise avoid it.

Overall, I think it makes sense for Wizards of the Coast, at least. I can't speak to any of the other ones.

It feels like LCGs would make more sense, overall. Does Netrunner have an online version?


It has an unofficial thing that's still up, as far as I've heard.

The LCG model might make more sense for digital, because you're buying a package that 'feels' like a game, and not some leeching f2p thing?

I know those Duel of the Planeswalkers games started out pretty limited (no deck construction), but they keep making new ones. Did they change?
Anybody here think digital CCGs actually work? Is there any reason for an established paper card game to go digital?

It work pretty well for Blizzards with Hearthstone. I used to play Sanctums (digital card game) back in the day but every times I bought their digital pack I often feel like I am throwing away money because part of the appeal of CCG is getting rare that you can trade. These day I don't buy CCG to trade and rather prefer fix deck or LCG model.


It has an unofficial thing that's still up, as far as I've heard.

The LCG model might make more sense for digital, because you're buying a package that 'feels' like a game, and not some leeching f2p thing?

I know those Duel of the Planeswalkers games started out pretty limited (no deck construction), but they keep making new ones. Did they change?

I might actually be confusing planeswalkers with their main online service.


It has an unofficial thing that's still up, as far as I've heard.

The LCG model might make more sense for digital, because you're buying a package that 'feels' like a game, and not some leeching f2p thing?

I know those Duel of the Planeswalkers games started out pretty limited (no deck construction), but they keep making new ones. Did they change?

the magic games have changed extra modes with each release, and the latest one is basically a set of cards that you can make decks out of. The next one is going to be free to play though.

Well, I meant "does it make sense" for the company itself, and also "does it make sense" as far as the way CCGs are designed.

I mean, videogames have had "loot drops" that are sort of like opening a booster pack, but if you want me to pay you $2 to open a digital booster, I'd rather go buy a real one - the high is even better.

Obviously, finding people to play card games with online is easier than in person (and often times, preferable to braving the dank lairs that a lot of FLGSes appear to be).

But from a company perspective, why would they care to put Magic or Pokemon or Yugioh online, if they're interested in maintaining their paper business model? Can their paper model even work in a digital way? Nobody seemed thrilled to buy digital Magic cards, and that's by far the most popular CCG.

While people being willing to buy digital magic cards is one thing, introducing people to the game and having them learn the mechanics is another. Magic online was an attempt to make a digital community for magic, and it turned out okish. The plainswalker games on the other hand were designed to bring new players into magic, and they worked well. The goal of these would be to get people interested in magic and then try to get them to go to paper events so they start buying the physical cards and giving them money. The sales of the game likely helped magic get noticed again, and in general they needed a presence in the digital space just to help keep knock offs from appearing.

I mean the same thought process can be done with a lot of the board games that show up on tablets. They are both a way to make some money selling to people who potentially wouldn't normally buy their game, as well as a way to advertise their game and future projects. Lets take the sentinals of the multiverse app for example. It's a very solid app, includes the entire base game for a fraction of the physical game, it is eventually getting the expansions, but those are behind. So anyone that wants to play the newest content right away will need to go out and buy the game physically, while people who are more a casual fan of the game and likely wouldn't spend money on the physical version anyways can just wait for it to come digitally. The mobile market is huge and has great potential for advertisement if you do things correctly. I mean I know a couple people I have told to try the sentinals app that ran out and bought the physical game shortly after. It's about diversifying your product and making it accessible to as many people as possible to increase the stability of your business.

I tend to get ranty late at night so instead of some grand final thought I am just gonna shut up >.>


Joining board game GAF big time. The past two weeks I went from owning TTR only to buying Splendor, 7 Wonders, Small World, and Morels.

I've only had the chance to have one board gaming night so we played Splendor and Small World 4 player. Both games are awesome.

I've been playing lots of Splendor and Morels 2 player with the wife since 7 Wonders and Small World play better with larger groups. Too bad since we tried a few games of 7 Wonders and while I enjoyed it, I could tell it would really shine with more players.

My wife loves Morels though. I bought it yesterday and we played it for almost 3 hours straight nonstop.

Morels just arrived for me and my fiancee last night! I am going to try to crack it tonight. I tried buying Seasons for a two player card drafting game but it was WAYYY too intense for us. Morels appears to be more our speed.


Anyone pick up Dominion Adventures yet? I'm almost ready to order that one but I need to figure out how I'm going to make dividers.


Morels just arrived for me and my fiancee last night! I am going to try to crack it tonight. I tried buying Seasons for a two player card drafting game but it was WAYYY too intense for us. Morels appears to be more our speed.

Did you try seasons with the recommended starting cards? Its a great way to ease into the game without too much tension?
Reason I ask is because its one of my wife and I's favourite card games, but might not have been if we had not started out with the basic setup (and without the draft), getting to know the cards is very important in Seasons.


I don't know if anyone had heard of the KS guy Rik Falch who did Airborne in Your Pocket and was sued...apparently the lawsuit is done and can move forward with the project, not that they have any money for it left?


I don't know if anyone had heard of the KS guy Rik Falch who did Airborne in Your Pocket and was sued...apparently the lawsuit is done and can move forward with the project, not that they have any money for it left?

I'm a backer.

The lawsuit is done - they settled & got a chunk of cash back, most of which is likely gone to lawyers. They're now saying they're going to try to find another publisher to take over the project (why would another pub want to get involved with the legacy of a bunch of backers expecting their copy for free??).

It's a huge giant mess (and Up Front is even worse) and those guys are idiots at best, conmen at worst.


Did you try seasons with the recommended starting cards? Its a great way to ease into the game without too much tension?
Reason I ask is because its one of my wife and I's favourite card games, but might not have been if we had not started out with the basic setup (and without the draft), getting to know the cards is very important in Seasons.

I watched the rahdo video on Seasons and what stopped me from buying the game was when he said how nasty the game is in that you're always constantly attacking each other and siphoning off points every round.

"Honey you forgot you owe me a point!"

With a gaming group that probably isn't a problem but I don't really want to play that kind of game with my wife.
I watched the rahdo video on Seasons and what stopped me from buying the game was when he said how nasty the game is in that you're always constantly attacking each other and siphoning off points every round.

"Honey you forgot you owe me a point!"

With a gaming group that probably isn't a problem but I don't really want to play that kind of game with my wife.

It is a strategy/counter-strategy game. The whole reason for drafting cards to start is to determine how your three years will play out and also, see how your opponent is planning to too. Card draw, dice rolling, etc. factor into how it turns out, but Seasons is definitely not an isolated vs. playhouse like Dominion used to be.

However, it's still a fantastic game and I still highly recommend it


Yeah, when you're starting out with Seasons, DEFINITELY skip the draft and start with the recommended setup of cards. It makes no sense to draft cards you don't even know the usefulness of.

Seasons isn't hard to play, but you learn how the cards work as you go along, and you eventually start coming up with ideas about what cards would be good to play in the different stages of the game.

I watched the rahdo video on Seasons and what stopped me from buying the game was when he said how nasty the game is in that you're always constantly attacking each other and siphoning off points every round.

"Honey you forgot you owe me a point!"

With a gaming group that probably isn't a problem but I don't really want to play that kind of game with my wife.

It's really not that nasty of a game at all. The gains you make from doing your own thing can outpace the effects of the attack cards; I can't really think of how you would get wiped out by them. I think Rahdo overemphasized the point, but even he mentioned that you can just take those cards out of the rotation if you really don't like them.


Yeah, when you're starting out with Seasons, DEFINITELY skip the draft and start with the recommended setup of cards. It makes no sense to draft cards you don't even know the usefulness of.

Heck I usually skip the draft in general. wife much prefers to just have cards dealt out.


Joining board game GAF big time. The past two weeks I went from owning TTR only to buying Splendor, 7 Wonders, Small World, and Morels.

I've only had the chance to have one board gaming night so we played Splendor and Small World 4 player. Both games are awesome.

I've been playing lots of Splendor and Morels 2 player with the wife since 7 Wonders and Small World play better with larger groups. Too bad since we tried a few games of 7 Wonders and while I enjoyed it, I could tell it would really shine with more players.

My wife loves Morels though. I bought it yesterday and we played it for almost 3 hours straight nonstop.

Splendor is a LOT of fun. I really like that game. I've only played it once but it was awesome.
I watched the rahdo video on Seasons and what stopped me from buying the game was when he said how nasty the game is in that you're always constantly attacking each other and siphoning off points every round.

"Honey you forgot you owe me a point!"

With a gaming group that probably isn't a problem but I don't really want to play that kind of game with my wife.

Also, you are watching Rahdo, he doesn't like conflict in his games. He prefer game where you move cubes, build your engine and then collect points.


I'm a backer.

The lawsuit is done - they settled & got a chunk of cash back, most of which is likely gone to lawyers. They're now saying they're going to try to find another publisher to take over the project (why would another pub want to get involved with the legacy of a bunch of backers expecting their copy for free??).

It's a huge giant mess (and Up Front is even worse) and those guys are idiots at best, conmen at worst.
A big mess indeed. I saw a recent post on BGG from one of the guys involved, talking about the commitment to get the product made and to the backers, and could only laugh (not at the misfortune of the backers, which is a shame, but at this guy being like "And now we are free to try really hard to do what we were supposed to).
I got into the hobby long after Up Front, D-Day Dice, and Airborne in Your Pocket had run their course on KS. I'm glad I did though because they would have taken me for a ride along with everyone else. I did get everything from D-Day Dice (minus the messenger bag) from a guy on BGG and just recently got an official Print and Play Productions copy of Airborne in Your Pocket from a GeekAuction, so I'm pleased to at least get to try them in physical form.


I watched the rahdo video on Seasons and what stopped me from buying the game was when he said how nasty the game is in that you're always constantly attacking each other and siphoning off points every round.

"Honey you forgot you owe me a point!"

With a gaming group that probably isn't a problem but I don't really want to play that kind of game with my wife.


Try watching this review. He describes how the game is much less mean in the two player mode, since you always know what the other player has and you can play around the screw you cards.
Also the game is much more about learning to make your cards combo together rather than simple take that.
I'm math trading away a game where my wife and I had painted the minis ;_;

It's Talisman which I don't love but it still breaks my heart because I'm proud of some of them

Goodbye, little guys! I hope you see more table time than you ever had with me



I'm math trading away a game where my wife and I had painted the minis ;_;

It's Talisman which I don't love but it still breaks my heart because I'm proud of some of them

Goodbye, little guys! I hope you see more table time than you ever had with me

That monk guy on the right is giving me the creeps. :p

Still, nice paintjob on them.


I'm math trading away a game where my wife and I had painted the minis ;_;

It's Talisman which I don't love but it still breaks my heart because I'm proud of some of them

Goodbye, little guys! I hope you see more table time than you ever had with me

You listed that as a sweetener right?! I love seeing paint jobs.
That monk guy on the right is giving me the creeps. :p

You mean THIS ONE? mwahaha

I think that was one my wife did. This is also the 2nd time we painted minis ever. The close up camera shot reveals some blemishes but I'm really proud of how they look still.

You listed that as a sweetener right?! I love seeing paint jobs.

I mentioned it in the description with pics but I had another game listed as a sweetener, one that I just COULD NOT get rid of. I'm not proud of owning it, the game is pretty bad. The funny theme drew me in but playing it sucked

Shootin' Ladders: Frag Fest


You mean THIS ONE? mwahaha

I think that was one my wife did. This is also the 2nd time we painted minis ever. The close up camera shot reveals some blemishes but I'm really proud of how they look still.

It was more the angle of the shot that made all characters look to the side -except- him who stares right at you with empty eyes. :p
It was more the angle of the shot that made all characters look to the side -except- him who stares right at you with empty eyes. :p

I'm sure it doesn't help that he doesn't have pupils. That shit is impossible. I was using a pen instead of brush and paint for that but I don't think I've ever pulled it off.


I'm sure it doesn't help that he doesn't have pupils. That shit is impossible. I was using a pen instead of brush and paint for that but I don't think I've ever pulled it off.

Never got it either back when I painted Warhammer figures, had a High Elf spear man that was cross-eyed so I just put him in the front of everyone else so he would die quicker and I could remove him from the table. :p


I'm still a sucker for dominion. Picked up Adventures. Hoping to play it this weekend.

I really wish isotropic could come back. They even had the DougZ program the new cards into his site for play testing. Maybe they'll release an actual mobile app for it some day.

Until then, I have Hearthstone.
anyne have suggestins for small games to play on a flight? Besides love letter
2 players? I would not want to deal with cards or pieces for a tabletop game on a plane, assuming economy class. Do you have a tablet for pass and play? Lords of Waterdeep and Ticket to Ride have great apps with pass and play. How long is the flight?

Edit: Summoner Wars too, I keep forgetting I have that. And Elder Sign

Edit 2: and Alien Frontiers, god damn I have a lot of board game apps I forgot about
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