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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


This past weekend we tabled the following:

Rex: Turn 6 win by the most powerful 3 man alliance IMO. Anyone with Turtle is going to do good.

Dead of Winter: My 'main' character was Maria the school teacher. I was not a betrayer and had a Historian agenda to have 2 books in hand at the end of the game. The main objective was to get 10 food and get the heck out of dodge. I holed up in the School and was able to help my team with over half the needed supplies while completing my tasks. No betrayer unfortunately so it was a breeze.

Betrayal at House on the Hill: Haunted popped super early and suddenly we were sinking into a swamp. We couldn't find the boat in the attic before it was too late. I never have any luck with this game. I end up standing around either finding blank tokens or just bad omens like spider webs.

By this point I was done with coop games for a while.


Last game I played was the Firefly board game.

My ship full of lady crew including Inara had knocked River over the head and dropped her off at the Alliance for a cool $4000.

Inara and the rest got upset at this but still took their cut and then forgot all about River after a nice shore leave.

Life in the 'verse.

On Table Top day I picked up Spartacus and Lords of Waterdeep. To go along with Dead of Winter on the pile of games I own that I hope to get to actually play someday. IE Adult life can be hard
Played Whitechapel for the first time this weekend, just me as the cops and my wife as Jack... we had a great time. The components and especially the board are marvellous, and the game is fairly simple to grasp yet so much fun when the hunt starts.

This is going to get quite a few more plays, I'm sure.
Do people ever buy/sell old board games in this thread? I'd love to buy the old Hero Quest expansions, especially some of the U.S. ones that were never released in Aus.

Never really been into board games but over the last few months I've been playing the old Hero Quest board games with my brother and mates, it's heaps of fun. Are there any modern/more detailed equivalents or the dungeon exploration Hero Quest is renowned for?


Do people ever buy/sell old board games in this thread? I'd love to buy the old Hero Quest expansions, especially some of the U.S. ones that were never released in Aus.

Never really been into board games but over the last few months I've been playing the old Hero Quest board games with my brother and mates, it's heaps of fun. Are there any modern/more detailed equivalents or the dungeon exploration Hero Quest is renowned for?

I think in general the selling/buying of board games is contained in the neogaf buy/sell/trade thread

I don't have any of the hero quest stuff other wise I would offer as I need to get rid of some of my games as my shelf is full :p


So at TumblingHippo's suggestion, I picked up Galaxy Defenders. For those unaware (I can't tell how big this game is), it is a 1-5 player X-Com style hex-based board game where you have different missions strung together for a comprehensive campaign. While you can play with up to 5 people, I wanted a game I could play for myself, so essentially I played as all 5 character classes.

Jesus man, I can't imagine playing 5 characters just by myself on that game. Playing with all 5 characters might possibly make the game harder. I mainly play 2 player. Game is hard as hell though. I enjoy it, though have only played it about 3-4 times. Its just kinda a bear to get setup. Probably hardest game I own, and I own ghost stories. But that has a pretty variable difficulty level.
I just found out that I have a $30 gift card to Amazon!!

I'm open to anything!

What's some recomendtions in my price range?

Also! Heads up.. The D&D adventure games (castle ravenloft, wrath and legend ) are all on sale at Walmart.com

Wrath just sold out.


I just found out that I have a $30 gift card to Amazon!!

I'm open to anything!

What's some recomendtions in my price range?

Also! Heads up.. The D&D adventure games (castle ravenloft, wrath and legend ) are all on sale at Walmart.com

Wrath just sold out.

what are you looking for

edit: looked at post history

maybe sheriff of nottingham
battlestar galactica
five tribes
lords of waterdeep (has an expansion that adds a 5th player)
dungeon petz
betrayal on house on the hill
bang the dice game
shadows over camelot
ghost stories
robinson caruso (i believe has an expansion that adds a 5th player)
eldritch horror
mansions of madness


Jesus man, I can't imagine playing 5 characters just by myself on that game. Playing with all 5 characters might possibly make the game harder. I mainly play 2 player. Game is hard as hell though. I enjoy it, though have only played it about 3-4 times. Its just kinda a bear to get setup. Probably hardest game I own, and I own ghost stories. But that has a pretty variable difficulty level.

I finally tackled the first mission last night using three characters. Other then cutting the sheer length of the game in half, it also made it fairly easier, so I think that might be the sweet spot for me for now.

Luckily I have a room in the house with a table no one uses so I can I just leave the game out in a semi-set up space. I too am worried that once I put the game away, I'll have to move mountains to set it all back up again.


So at TumblingHippo's suggestion, I picked up Galaxy Defenders. For those unaware (I can't tell how big this game is), it is a 1-5 player X-Com style hex-based board game where you have different missions strung together for a comprehensive campaign. While you can play with up to 5 people, I wanted a game I could play for myself, so essentially I played as all 5 character classes.

This is easily the most complicated board-game I've purchased! It has taken me restarting the 1st mission three times as well as about two hours of reading and re-reading the Rulebook to start understanding the nuances of the game. However, I finally was able to get a good enough grasp on it to play my first mission yesterday:

Damn is this game hard! I was thinking I could get away with expending extra ammo and trying to kill as much on the field as possible, however, the game's deck-based AI continues to spawn in signals/enemies until the very end of the mission. Once my characters started dying, I had to gradually begin retreating from the mission objectives to try to take home a partial victory, but eventually I was overrun. Three hours later and three party members dead, I had to take the L and go home.

Regardless, now that I have gotten a round in, Galaxy Defenders is a pretty engrossing experience. I've played video games my entire life but now that I have a 9-5 job where I am on a laptop all day, I like having a reason to get away from screens. This has filled that niche nicely when other folks aren't around to game with me.

Anyone else give this game a try? I know Mage Knight is a popular single player game, and I was torn between the two choices, but I am pretty pleased with GD thus far.

I KS'd this project and played it about 4ish times? I'm at my third mission I believe. I've been meaning to bring it to the table with house rules. The dice rolling is what makes it so hardhard and makes it almost too annoying. I know the creators told me about "hardcore" mode which is when damage is done exceeding the number of dice rolled, you don't reroll dice. Like say you do 6 damage and only have 4 dice, you don't reroll two of them. But they said that applies to both sides.

They suggested that when I was tinkering with another use for the GD on the dice, like an instant hit. That's my only beef, it seems like there is no action and everyone is just blocking all the damage with specials and defense.


Hmmmm good question. I play everything really.

Just looking for whatever people recommend that they love.

Edit; thanks for all the recommendations!! That list is awesome.

I recently made a list of the dozen games I ought to pare my 100+ game collection down to. Perhaps it would be helpful? In alphabetical order:

Age of Steam -- so tight, so mean, so good
Battlestar Galactica -- meaty, thematic, epic team game
Dixit -- social creativity with an actual game
Hanabi -- cooperative logic game without being multihand solitaire (unlike Pandemic et al.)
Imperial -- highly interactive shareholding masterpiece with no randomness and no hidden information (ideally)
Lords of Waterdeep -- light worker placement game that just flows
Kingdoms -- highly interactive tile-laying gateway/filler
One Night Ultimate Werewolf -- quick social game of bluffing and deduction
Power Grid [Deluxe] -- a classic interactive Euro that rewards thinking ahead, not just for yourself, but for everyone at the table and yet remains accessible
Princes of Florence -- tight, auction-heavy optimization with a side of Tetris
Race for the Galaxy -- a more varied Puerto Rico, dialed up to 11, and sped up to lightspeed
Terra Mystica -- meaty, elegant Euro that combines area control, varied factions, and economic engine building without turning into point salad

If I had to go down to two, it would be Imperial for a main course for gamers and One Night Ultimate Werewolf for winding down or non-gamers. Race is my most played and possibly most loved, but anyone/any group I'm likely to play with will have a copy. ;)

EDIT: All of the above, except Kingdoms (4P), play at least five players (Race requires at least one expansion for that number). Imperial and Dixit work great with six, and Age of Steam and Power Grid do so as well, depending on the [expansion] maps (China, coincidentally, for both). Lords of Waterdeep can play six with the expansion, but it gets pretty random/chaotic. Battlestar Galactica can play six as well, although it's best with five. I am of the opinion that Imperial is the best medium-length six player strategy game that exists, btw.
I finally tackled the first mission last night using three characters. Other then cutting the sheer length of the game in half, it also made it fairly easier, so I think that might be the sweet spot for me for now.

Luckily I have a room in the house with a table no one uses so I can I just leave the game out in a semi-set up space. I too am worried that once I put the game away, I'll have to move mountains to set it all back up again.
Game looks fun I might have to put it on my next to buy list (not that I don't have enough games to play). I usually left my solo game set up often on formal dining room table only problem is our cat loves to go knock things off the board or lay on them. I am always up for any co-op solo able games. Might and Mystics from Amazon sales came a day early but the rest of the stuffs I ordered later are all missing. May be Amazon will give me another discount. They really suck lately as far as delivery on time.

After resisting and want to keep the insert that came with the game, I decided that Mage Knight needed a foamcore. Tear down and set up just take way too long with the included vacuum form trays that it comes with. I kept the Plano for tokens but might do custom one later to decrease the weight and replaced plastic card boxes with paper tuck boxes. Next game should be easier to set up. Though currently getting my butt kick by my son playing Conflict of Heroes. He is definitely more tactical mind than me also it doesn't help that he knows the rules better. He definitely like it better than Memoir 44.



I KS'd this project and played it about 4ish times? I'm at my third mission I believe. I've been meaning to bring it to the table with house rules. The dice rolling is what makes it so hardhard and makes it almost too annoying. I know the creators told me about "hardcore" mode which is when damage is done exceeding the number of dice rolled, you don't reroll dice. Like say you do 6 damage and only have 4 dice, you don't reroll two of them. But they said that applies to both sides.

They suggested that when I was tinkering with another use for the GD on the dice, like an instant hit. That's my only beef, it seems like there is no action and everyone is just blocking all the damage with specials and defense.

Yeah there have definitively been crucial moments where I need to get a kill and somehow, I roll a god-tier, lightning bolt enhanced defense for the alien and don't end up pulling it off. However, that makes the overkill rolls.

While there is an element of luck in this game, there is an aspect of enhancing your luck depending upon the proximity of the attacks. Sometimes it's better to just stay outside of the Line of Sight and let the aliens close in on your so you can come out from outside the LOS and overwhelm them with an attack. It does feel tactical in that sense, however, I've only done Mission 1 and perhaps as the difficulty ramps up it won't even matter.

Game looks fun I might have to put it on my next to buy list (not that I don't have enough games to play). I usually left my solo game set up on often on formal dining room table only problem is our cat loves to go knock things off the board or lay on them. I am up for any co-op solo able games. Might and Mystics from Amazon sales came a day early but the rest of the stuffs I ordered later are all missing. May be Amazon will give me another discount. They really suck lately as far as delivery on time.

I slaved long and hard on trying to pick the best solo game for me between this and Mage Knight. While I am enjoying GD, this is also my first experience to this "genre" of board game. You might find that Mage Knight scratches the itch adequately already.

I will say though, the one thing that swung me on me GD was the fact that you can bring leveled up characters can be persisted from mission to mission, which really makes it feel like more of a "campaign". There is a nifty app that allows you to save information about character/mission progress in the event it does leave the table and need to be resumed later.
I slaved long and hard on trying to pick the best solo game for me between this and Mage Knight. While I am enjoying GD, this is also my first experience to this "genre" of board game. You might find that Mage Knight scratches the itch adequately already.

I will say though, the one thing that swung me on me GD was the fact that you can bring leveled up characters can be persisted from mission to mission, which really makes it feel like more of a "campaign". There is a nifty app that allows you to save information about character/mission progress in the event it does leave the table and need to be resumed later.

Mage Knight is more puzzle adventure than an action-RPG board game. (I knew that going in so it was fine with me). I really want sci-fi theme game for a change. . I heard Gears of Wars is good also but the subject and the fact that the game is dead sort of stop me from getting it. I wish FFG would do tactical combat X-Com game with multi-scenarios campaign with deck control AI, they really could just re-skin Gear of War but with may be over-arching economy game on top (for funding and political thing in X-Com) There are so much possibility with X-Com tactical game.


cool, my usual group is heavy into euro games but a few people need something a little more.. random? and goofy.. I think it might fit just fine.

I've played Betrayal once, and while I lean towards euro games, I do also like roleplaying or storytelling, too. My session felt a too random, and not very "acted out" by the other players (so, appealing to neither of my tastes), and it was pretty "meh" (even though we won the game).

I'd say that if you're gonna play it, get people into the theme and don't just do a dry run through it.


what do you guys think of Betrayal at House on the Hill?

my sister just picked it up and we will be playing it this weekend.

My wife and I like it. We don't take it very serious. You're going to get games where one side or the other have no chance at winning, but you just roll with it.

The worst was my wife becoming a traitor who needed to summon an elder god. She could spend movement to make knowledge checks, and needed 5 to move on to the next step. She proceeded to make all of the checks on her first turn, and then basically became Cthulu while she gleefully rampaged through the mansion, making rolls with like 10 dice versus our 4 or 5 at best.

There's one that basically turns the game into The Thing. Hidden traitor with a blood infection that needs to spread it, while people are trying to research a test and cure for it.


Our last one we got one with a typo.

One person turns into a monster who needs to be attacked by a speed test item....Monster is immune to speed attacks!

That was really confusing haha.
what do you guys think of Betrayal at House on the Hill?

my sister just picked it up and we will be playing it this weekend.
I love it. The game makes it easy to picture what is happening in your head, like scary movie tropes. It's light on mechanics which helps. If you're looking for something deep or strategic, not this game
I love it. The game makes it easy to picture what is happening in your head, like scary movie tropes. It's light on mechanics which helps. If you're looking for something deep or strategic, not this game

Perfect. We have plenty of deep strategic games, including 5e DND but sometimes we just want to goof off and roll some dice and have a good time.

seems just about right.


Neo Member
So, who in here plays tabletop simulator? I joined the neogaf group, but it seems dead.
I also started working on a Kemet module, I hope I'll finish it some day....


So, who in here plays tabletop simulator? I joined the neogaf group, but it seems dead.
I also started working on a Kemet module, I hope I'll finish it some day....

I keep waiting for a sale. I want try to it someday but wonder about the long term support for it.
3 of us learned/played Shadows Over Camelot the other day to see if it will be a good game for our group. We all liked it but didn't win any of the four times we played. We played without a traitor as suggested.

How's the ease of win when you play with more than 3 people? The seige engines and black cards once we captured excalibur/holy grail always fucked us up.
So I got Splendor and Sentinel of the Multiverse during Tabletop Day sale. I have yet to play Splendor though, so far it look a bit underwhelming. It's plan for this weekend get together.

Sentinel of the Multiverse, we played this at PAX several years ago and I came away feeling indifference. Now that I am more and more into solo / co-op gaming, I want to give it another go and at around $20.00 I figure why not. I know some people just loath the artworks, I find it actually pretty refreshing and remind me a lot of indie comic books from the early 90's. So I did a quick dry run yesterday and to my surprise the game is very fun and I have to say very thematic. It's definitely a better superhero game than Legendary or that other DC one that I could never remember the name. To me Legendary is just a deckbuilder game with superheroes skin on top and you never really feel like you are fighting supervillain or any villains for that matter. Sentinels feel like you are in one of those old Saturday morning cartoon with crazy but simplistic plot and you really do feel like you are superheroes and not just holding numerical cards with heroes pictures on them.

I have to say I come away very surprise at my opinion of Sentinel. It will be our co-op game this weekend along with Pandemic the Cure. And if I have to pull it's my birthday card, I am going to get 7 Wonders back to the table. I don't know why my family have so much disdain for it.


So, who in here plays tabletop simulator? I joined the neogaf group, but it seems dead.
I also started working on a Kemet module, I hope I'll finish it some day....

I own it, but did not really use it. Just played around with it. Any good boards available?


Neo Member
I own it, but did not really use it. Just played around with it. Any good boards available?

Plenty! A few of the games I got: Spartacus, War of the Ring, Chaos in the Old World, Sheriff of Nottingham, Descent 2nd, Belfort, 8 Minute Empire, Dead of Winter, Archipelago etc and so on.
I have put the adaptation of Kemet on hold since I discovered that there is a module for the spanish version of 1775: Rebellion - will be translating that one first.

Mr E.

Anyone like Strategy games based on logistics? WWII based Quartermaster general is your thing.
Axis verses Allies card driven Wargame. Light Wargame tho. Plays upto 6 players Germany,Great Britain,Italy,Russia,Japan and United States all get there own decks. Each deck plays differently. Italy for example has the least amount of cards to represent there weaker country. Synergies with Germany well tho.
Your deck represents your country's economy. Once you've run out of cards your in the shit.

Best game 2014, hands down. Even non wargamers can get behind this.
Thank me later.


Do people ever buy/sell old board games in this thread? I'd love to buy the old Hero Quest expansions, especially some of the U.S. ones that were never released in Aus.

Never really been into board games but over the last few months I've been playing the old Hero Quest board games with my brother and mates, it's heaps of fun. Are there any modern/more detailed equivalents or the dungeon exploration Hero Quest is renowned for?

I love Descent. Its really amazing. Id say its the modern/better version of Heroquest. Afterall, HQ was made in the late 80s. So some of the main rules are a tad archaic.

Also - if you want variants of heroquest, people on tabletop simulator run Heroquest D20 which is a modified version that makes it more DnD like. There is also regular heroquest on there as well.

So, who in here plays tabletop simulator? I joined the neogaf group, but it seems dead.
I also started working on a Kemet module, I hope I'll finish it some day....

me me me! im always on, go ahead and add me and lets play some stuff! my steam ID is the same as my neogaf name

In other news, ive been looking at maybe picking up Xwing on ebay. However, I feel like only 3 ships in the base set wouldnt be enough. Is that a substantial enough amount to get a good xwing experience?

The other game I want to get into is the Pathfinder ACG, but jesus, it seems super complicated. I want to learn how to play the Pathfinder tabletop rpg, so maybe this will help get my feet wet in the genre.


Anyone like Strategy games based on logistics? WWII based Quartermaster general is your thing.
Axis verses Allies card driven Wargame. Light Wargame tho. Plays upto 6 players Germany,Great Britain,Italy,Russia,Japan and United States all get there own decks. Each deck plays differently. Italy for example has the least amount of cards to represent there weaker country. Synergies with Germany well tho.
Your deck represents your country's economy. Once you've run out of cards your in the shit.

Best game 2014, hands down. Even non wargamers can get behind this.
Thank me later.

Thanks for the heads-up. Quartermaster General looks like the kind of game one of my group would really love and the rest of us would be willing to play, which gives it a leg up over Axis & Allies and Sword of Rome. ;)


The other game I want to get into is the Pathfinder ACG, but jesus, it seems super complicated. I want to learn how to play the Pathfinder tabletop rpg, so maybe this will help get my feet wet in the genre.

I'd say to just jump directly into Pathfinder, or find a lighter RPG or storytelling game to get acquainted with that type of play.

The card game isn't worth it, IMO.

Also, I played Quartermaster General once, and it felt very "on rails", since your deck and the order your cards come out decide all of your actions.

Mista Koo

We finally had a Resistance game where everyone knew the game so I can finally throw in some of the expansion modules, we tried the Reverser module. It was incredible. The games were super tense and we the good guys lost both games, one of which was thanks to our own reverser.

Played King of Tokyo after playing (and preferring) King of New York exclusively for some time. I get the Yahtzee appeal more of waiting for that one combination that lets you win the game. Although I disagree that it's that much easier to teach.

Also played Alien Frontiers for the first time in a while and lost bad. I finally got the missing track stickers but I didn't put them on before we played lol.
Played Libertalia with 6 probably for the first time. It's much more fun to see the chaos with the Brute and the Cook, "Do you want two deaths or a death and a curse?"


Hail to the KING baby
Played King of Tokyo after playing (and preferring) King of New York exclusively for some time. I get the Yahtzee appeal more of waiting for that one combination that lets you win the game. Although I disagree that it's that much easier to teach.

I don't know about "much" easier but I think that KoNY is definitely a clear level up in terms of complexity. They're both light games so it doesn't really matter unless you're playing with super casuals.

Mista Koo

I don't know about "much" easier but I think that KoNY is definitely a clear level up in terms of complexity. They're both light games so it doesn't really matter unless you're playing with super casuals.
In that sense I guess that's true. People always made it sound like KoNY wasn't a gateway game.
We have a great board game weekend and yes I finally get to play 7 Wonders again. (and they all still hate it, they seems to think it's a lot of cards and confusing icons and scoring for very little pay off). They all rather play Splendor. It was a huge hit with everyone.

How is Race for The Galaxy? It looks interesting and I was thinking of picking it up for me and the girlfriend?

Also, me and the gf are huge into Star Realms and I got her a core set of Netrunner to play with me. We have Pandemic and a few others, but deck building games tend to be our thing since we play Star Realms practically every day (that's the format in which we discuss our day). We tried the DC comics deck building game, but it seemed a lot slower paced than Star Realms. Any suggestions?


So I got to play some new games this last weekend.

Baseball Highlights 2045.
Only barely got to play this one, it took longer than expected to get the mechanics down, but by the end i am pretty sure we got it right and in the future it should be a lot faster. It seems like it has good potential.

Roll for the galaxy.
I'd been wanting to play this one since I really enjoy race for the galaxy. Overall it was a solid game, felt like race, but different enough to justify owning both. I will have to pick it up for myself at some point, though I do with the die weren't just printed on.

Dead of Winter a Crossroads game.
Simply put this was a great game. After my wife read the rules once we were able to get it set up and going with ease and while there is a ton of little things to keep track of everything made such logical since that it was very easy to keep track of everything. While it was co op, the secret objectives really help make you feel like an individual as I definitely took a unoptimal turn near the end for the team, but an optimal turn for myself (which let me be one of the winners and caused someone else to lose even though we overall won) I am curious to see how the betrayal objectives work in the game, but even if I dislike them the game has ton of reputability as a co op game.

Alchemy (linked to board game geek as this one isn't clear which one I am talking about)

So this was a kickstarter game a friend backed, and while I didn't dislike it, it felt unpolished and like it was missing a mechanic or two. The unpolished was due to the wording on a lot of cards, as while I am not grammar expert a lot of them still felt very poorly worded. For example my character had an ability along the lines of "When ever an opponent takes a drink of a potion put a counter on this character. You can remove 3 counters from this character to use any of your potions without removing a counter from it." which while it's not horrible the second part really should read "You can remove 3 counters from this character to use any one potion you own without removing a counter from it."

The mechanic part might have partially come from the card that effected the game overall (I don't remember the name of it) but in our scenario it was that after the 3/6/9/12 and 15th potions are made all the other ones left get counters of them for additional doses, which make the later potions made worth a lot more than the early ones. Which this wouldn't be so bad if a number of the potions were better. In the game the doses on the potion equal your final points, so each time you use a potion you lose a point effectively. The issue with this is that most of the potions are not remotely powerful enough to make that worth it. In our entire game a potion was drank exactly once and it was one of the potions that actually had a solid effect of basically making a player lose quite a bit of progress. There were a couple others that were good, but they like some cards were almost to powerful as if used they would have stalled the game out for a number of extra rounds. There were a lot of potions I didn't see which may have been more in line with effects that are powerful and thus useful in situations, but not so powerful that they stall the game out, but of the ones I saw only about 3 out of 15 of the potions really felt that way to me (and one of them was merely a copy a different potion potion)

I understand part of the appeal of the potions is to grab the good ones early and not all of them can be good, but the balance felt off to me and felt like a case of while it's nice they included so many potions in the game, it likely would have been better to include less and have a better curve with them. Though this issue could also be resolved with some other mechanics put in. If you could get points from other ways than just potions, then that could help the potion balance quite a bit. As if your standard goes from it needs to be good enough to lose a point to use, but instead perhaps it will lose you a point in general, but there are goals to work towards that can get you points back for using your potions people would be more willing to use them. I mean I did see a different global card that was drinking potions doesn't reduce doses which would cause people to drink quite a bit more, but while that will make the game quite a bit different, that much variability in a global leads to a lot of balance issues.

Long rant conclusion; while I didn't dislike the game, I can't see myself wanting to play it much. It feels like it has a decent basis for a game, and with some tweaks could actually be a lot of fun, but as it currently is it's just not a very satisfying game to play. Perhaps a future version or future expansion will really help the game.
We have a great board game weekend and yes I finally get to play 7 Wonders again. (and they all still hate it, they seems to think it's a lot of cards and confusing icons and scoring for very little pay off). They all rather play Splendor. It was a huge hit with everyone.

I played 7 Wonders for the first time this weekend after picking it up at a local store... and I loved it a lot, great mechanics, lovely artwork... but my wife hated the dummy player mechanic so it'll probably not hit the table anytime soon again...

Maybe I should get Splendor or Citadels.


Got to play the pathfinder ACG last night, its definately fun! Im not sure how much replayability it has without expansions, but its definately scratching that tabletop RPG itch(without story ofcourse).

I also got to play some x wing on table top sim and its pretty fun too. However, I think its probably best IRL rather than online. It seems veryyyy deep too, which is somewhat overwhelming.
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