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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


2 players? I would not want to deal with cards or pieces for a tabletop game on a plane, assuming economy class. Do you have a tablet for pass and play? Lords of Waterdeep and Ticket to Ride have great apps with pass and play. How long is the flight?

Edit: Summoner Wars too, I keep forgetting I have that. And Elder Sign

Edit 2: and Alien Frontiers, god damn I have a lot of board game apps I forgot about

I don't have a tablet but I'll check, yeah two players, thanks for the suggestion

Mista Koo

Played Cosmic Encounter last night. After the game was ever we realized that we didn't add a player who arrived late to the encounter deck lol.
He had a joint victory with me and another player. We had the Masochist who lost all his ship but was waiting for his turn. I was the Devourer who got two points thanks to the Masochist and was planning a joint victory with him.

Also saw the Wheaton effect in real life for the first time, two people asked for Concept despite having a hard time getting it to the table before.

Oh and played Apples to Apples for the first time (never even played CAH). It was weird since it doesn't seem like the game is going for funny, but sometimes the cards were ridiculously matched/mismatched that we had some laugh out loud moments.

anyne have suggestins for small games to play on a flight? Besides love letter
Hive? Maybe Hanabi if you're okay with it 2p. Jaipur would probably require two tables but otherwise doable.
For a solo game you can do Friday but it will use the entire table as well as your lap.


Just saw that Hanabi has a Deluxe Edition now that uses what look like Majhong tiles instead of cards. Pricey, but looks nice.


Probably easier to play and teach with since "Card Hanabi" goes against every other game's taught conventions in terms of how you hold and manage your hand of cards.


Just saw that Hanabi has a Deluxe Edition now that uses what look like Majhong tiles instead of cards. Pricey, but looks nice.

Probably easier to play and teach with since "Card Hanabi" goes against every other game's taught conventions in terms of how you hold and manage your hand of cards.
Deluxe editions with tiles have been available for a while but I guess the most recent version that people started picking up this year is supposed to smell absolutely terrible. I don't remember what the name of the plastic or process or whatever that causes it is, I've seen people mention it in regards to other games, but it is supposed to be just awful.


So I need a dead of winter rules ruling and I can't find the answer on board game geek.

so the rules clearly state that a survivor can't choose to to instigate an exile vote on themselves, but can a survivor that is being targeted for an exile vote to exile themselves or do they have to vote to stay in the colony?
So I need a dead of winter rules ruling and I can't find the answer on board game geek.

so the rules clearly state that a survivor can't choose to to instigate an exile vote on themselves, but can a survivor that is being targeted for an exile vote to exile themselves or do they have to vote to stay in the colony?
I don't see why you would not be allow to exile yourself. The voting section just require all vote thumb up or down be done simultaneously.

Mista Koo

I feel it'll lose something with tiles over cards. I like that Card Hanabi is so portable and easy to play.
While true, this is a nice collector item. Think of it as a nice set of dominoes.
Also it is easier to play with tiles since you have 3D positioning plus the 4 orientations.
Deluxe editions with tiles have been available for a while but I guess the most recent version that people started picking up this year is supposed to smell absolutely terrible. I don't remember what the name of the plastic or process or whatever that causes it is, I've seen people mention it in regards to other games, but it is supposed to be just awful.

I can confirm the smell is real, but just for the few initial times you pull it out, and you don't smell it while playing (just when they're all in the box together...)

When you go with the tiles, it's hard to go back to the cards. The tiles just look so nice and feel nice too, and there's a bit of metagaming with how you can order/change the tiles in front of you to help you remember.

I'm still keeping the card version tho, as it's super portable.


Finally tried Battlecon, what a cool little game system. Time to invest

Been a favorite in my collection for a long time now. And the huge amount of variety in all the characters makes it all better. Not to mention the solo mode, the boss fights, tag team and whatnot. Devastation is really worth the money.


Unless you playing straight deathmatch, then you go unlimited rounds, and also the initiative token passes back and forth each round

I was under the impression death match is no objectives unlimited rounds and passing initiative? Or am I just reading what you're saying wrong?

Either way that's what we did and the game lasts way too fucking long like that.

Edit: double checked, we played the Optional Rule correctly as described above. I'll be playing objective based rounds from here on.


Oh yeah, I forgot to say, Greed is a really good drafting game. I love the combo potential in those cards. Will probably replace 7 Wonders in my collection as we rarely play that with 6 or 7 anyway.
I was under the impression death match is no objectives unlimited rounds and passing initiative? Or am I just reading what you're saying wrong?

Either way that's what we did and the game lasts way too fucking long like that.

Edit: double checked, we played the Optional Rule correctly as described above. I'll be playing objective based rounds from here on.

Yea thats what I mean. Objectives is definitely better to play. Personally we kinda don't like the 6 round limit, we played through the 6 rounds pretty quick now that we've learned the game, it's about as quick as X-Wing once you get the hang of it, and the slower ships feel kinda gimped with only 6 rounds to go. But I see it as pretty much built in for organized play easy transitioning.


Yeah, 6 seems like it'd be too short, and like I said, unlimited was insane. I could stack engineering commands and with Wulaf I was fixing shields left and right. My TIEs made short work of the xwings with some lucky rolls, so we ended it as we were just flying ships in circles taking weak pot shots at each other. I didn't have the maneuverability to get them in my front arc reliably.

Question: does the swarm ability stack? Or it is just 1 reroll no matter how many TIEs you put on a squadron?
That isn't cheap. I think I will wait.

What happened to the days of $40 board games? :(

Well, this is a GW product, so it's much more than just a board game to it's target audience.

15 Cultists - $30

3 CSM - $10

Chaos Terminator Sorcerer (unavailable), best counterpart is Plastic Chaos Termie Lord – $25

4 Assassin (unavailable, but the old ones are $16 each)

Total for minis only: $129 (at least, but likely way more)

If this is a limited run, the mini prices will sky rocket overnight. They always do.

As far as the game itself, it had me at 4 player co-op!
Yeah, 6 seems like it'd be too short, and like I said, unlimited was insane. I could stack engineering commands and with Wulaf I was fixing shields left and right. My TIEs made short work of the xwings with some lucky rolls, so we ended it as we were just flying ships in circles taking weak pot shots at each other. I didn't have the maneuverability to get them in my front arc reliably.

Question: does the swarm ability stack? Or it is just 1 reroll no matter how many TIEs you put on a squadron?

Never really considered the stacking of swarm, no idea really. Sure it's been asked on BGG at some point probably, will have to check it out


Any thoughts on the Ascension expansions? I got the base game, Return of the Fallen, and Storm of Souls off a friend for $30 (he needed to make room and his group wasn't playing it), so I'm looking for thoughts on which of the newer ones may be worth grabbing.

I cracked it open with my group for the first time this weekend and it was a hit (moreso than Dominion was). We also played some games of Star Realms (albeit only 2p games since I only have one box - I went ahead and ordered two more so we could accommodate six players together or apart), and that was a hit too, so that gives me another boost of confidence in Ascension being a regular fit.

We played a fair bit of Dominion + Intrigue + Seaside, but didn't really touch the other expansions since I own all of the cards and we play at another dude's house and I really didn't feel like lugging boxes and boxes of Kingdom cards around for a game or two (we did random set selection ahead of time once and that was OK). The interest was there though there was some burnout over the lack of variety in any given game. So, in the end, I'm trying to avoid the 'pitfall' I ran into with that game, where I own every Dominion expansion and haven't touched most of them. Obviously where I can mix everything together we'll see more 'stuff' (and it seems like it'll add enough variety to keep it interesting from game to game), but unless the answer is "they're all really good" I'd like to eyeball adding only one (maybe two) later this year. We tend to play 5-6 players.

I'm also in a similar boat with Thunderstone (haven't touched it yet, but have a few expansions, same "$30 for everything"-type deal), and I think from a reading of the mechanics it'll 'click' with our group, so if anyone has experience with expansions being worth it or not I'm all ears. I'm a little more wary for this one, though, since it seems to have that Kingdom card-type thing going on... but the mechanics/theme might get it played more than Dominion was.


Its alot less chaotic with two and the bidding phase becomes more crucial due to how effective back to back turns can be. I would go so far as to say I like it best with two.

Cool. I've heard mixed things as it being a 2P game.

I'm slowly working my wife up in board game weight but this one is on my list once she gets more comfortable with medium weight games.


Any thoughts on the Ascension expansions? I got the base game, Return of the Fallen, and Storm of Souls off a friend for $30 (he needed to make room and his group wasn't playing it), so I'm looking for thoughts on which of the newer ones may be worth grabbing.

Storm of Souls is my favorite of the big expansions. Rise of Vigil ramps up the random factor way too high for me (energy shard cards stack up as they're drawn and the entire stack goes to whoever acquires the next non-shard card drawn). Realms Unraveled is pretty fun, but the turns get really long and pretty complex (the set is heavy on faction abilities that trigger or repeat based on the number of matching faction cards you play in a turn), so it's a bit unwieldy in physical form. Each of the big boxes has a corresponding mini-expansion, all of which are fine for adding in, but I don't like to mix sets beyond that due to dilution of set features.


I have no idea what's going on with Thurderstone's expansions since the reboot, but I liked the base game and early expansions well enough. On paper, Thunderstone seemed amazing -- deckbuilding with a party of adventurers that get equipment and treasures, meet with villager NPCs, and fight D&D-ish monsters -- but after we looked past the theme, it turned into a slower-paced Dominion in practice.


Each of the big boxes has a corresponding mini-expansion, all of which are fine for adding in, but I don't like to mix sets beyond that due to dilution of set features.

Yeah, I will say that's something I noticed when we played -- all three sets were mixed together, and some stuff just didn't seem to hit enough to be worth trying to build an engine on. It still worked well enough, but I wonder if it will end up being like RFtG where we just play with base game + one expansion at a time, generally. Which is fine -- everything there gets regular rotation play.

I have no idea what's going on with Thurderstone's expansions since the reboot, but I liked the base game and early expansions well enough. On paper, Thunderstone seemed amazing -- deckbuilding with a party of adventurers that get equipment and treasures, meet with villager NPCs, and fight D&D-ish monsters -- but after we looked past the theme, it turned into a slower-paced Dominion in practice.

I think my friend had the base game and the first three or four expansions, maybe? They're all tossed in one box so I'm not sure what's what, I just know there were like a thousand rules inserts. There having been a reboot may be enough to prevent this one from ever getting into 'expansion creep' mode for me.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. :)


Any of you guys supporting Millenium Blades on Kickstarter? Sounds like a really unique experience. And the fact that it is level99 games promises great quality.
I am currently pondering whether or not to pull the trigger on this one.


Any of you guys supporting Millenium Blades on Kickstarter? Sounds like a really unique experience. And the fact that it is level99 games promises great quality.
I am currently pondering whether or not to pull the trigger on this one.

I hadn't heard of it, but I need to look into it more, it looks like it could be fun.


Any of you guys supporting Millenium Blades on Kickstarter? Sounds like a really unique experience. And the fact that it is level99 games promises great quality.
I am currently pondering whether or not to pull the trigger on this one.

I would, but...

I think I Kickstarted a dozen games between 2012-2013, but then shipping costs went crazy and the CAD tanked... it sucks, man. I'll hope it lands at my FLGS. I haven't been able to justify backing the last few Level99 projects due to shipping. This one w/ shipping, exchange, bank fees is probably CAD$110, then whatever I get nailed with at the border because the CAD value is so high. That's a lot for a single game.


Do you need two core sets like X-wing? Ahhhh. I should really resist.

The core definitely feels like a taste of the whole thing, but at this point id just wait for wave 1 to supplement the core. The separately sold base game ships will come with new cards and the squadron packs will offer more variety.


Any of you guys supporting Millenium Blades on Kickstarter? Sounds like a really unique experience. And the fact that it is level99 games promises great quality.
I am currently pondering whether or not to pull the trigger on this one.

I am considering it, sadly it is really expensive at 93 USD to get it shipped to Sweden, but I am really close to biting the bullet.
Hey all. After posting in here previously, I ended up going with Star Realms. Played a few games with my SO and we're enjoying it. I find myself making long term strategies that don't quite pan out when I really need to be going for the throat like my SO does. >_>


Hey all. After posting in here previously, I ended up going with Star Realms. Played a few games with my SO and we're enjoying it. I find myself making long term strategies that don't quite pan out when I really need to be going for the throat like my SO does. >_>

You made an excellent choice


Hey all. After posting in here previously, I ended up going with Star Realms. Played a few games with my SO and we're enjoying it. I find myself making long term strategies that don't quite pan out when I really need to be going for the throat like my SO does. >_>

I like Star realms a ton, but the tablet apps for it just makes it so much more convenient for me.
You made an excellent choice
How are the expansions?
I like Star realms a ton, but the tablet apps for it just makes it so much more convenient for me.
Yeah, I can see how a digital version would make keeping track of things easier.

Also I really need to learn how to shuffle. Any good guides? I don't find the riffle shuffle intuitive and I don't like how the it bends the cards. It's the only way my SO knows how so I'm accepting that this deck will get damaged.
How are the expansions?

Yeah, I can see how a digital version would make keeping track of things easier.

Also I really need to learn how to shuffle. Any good guides? I don't find the riffle shuffle intuitive and I don't like how the it bends the cards. It's the only way my SO knows how so I'm accepting that this deck will get damaged.
I play with expansions on the app and while I enjoy them because it throw in new elements, overall I think it kind of wreck the balance. Some of the card just really strong like the blue that let you get any ship for free and heal for 5.

I am terrible at shuffling also so I let my wife shuffle but for game like Star Realms where there are a lot of shuffling I would invest in card sleeves.
I play with expansions on the app and while I enjoyn them because it throw in new elements, overall I think it kind of wrecknthe balance. Some of the card just really strong like the blue that let you get any ship for free and heal for 5.

I am terrible at shuffling also so I let my wife shuffle but for game like Star Realms where there are a lot of shuffling I would invest in card sleeves.
I regret not getting some sleeves along with it but I figure I'll get a second deck down the line.


Recently found time to play Small World, Mr. Jack, and Love Letter with my girlfriend. We both really liked all of them.

It's been a while since I tried new board games. Played a lot of catan, dominion, BSG, etc. in College but towards the end it got harder to have game nights. Hoping to get that going again soon,


I am considering it, sadly it is really expensive at 93 USD to get it shipped to Sweden, but I am really close to biting the bullet.

Yup I live in Denmark so shipping is insane here too.
Currently that's the one thing holding me back to.
I got my D&D adventure game "Legend of Drizzt" over the weekend and man do I love it. So much so that I grabbed Wrath Of Ashardalon @ amazon just now for $36 dollars.

I would pay $36 for the minis alone.
I got my D&D adventure game "Legend of Drizzt" over the weekend and man do I love it. So much so that I grabbed Wrath Of Ashardalon @ amazon just now for $36 dollars.

I would pay $36 for the minis alone.

I have the other 2 but not Drizzt. It never seems to go on sale while the others are frequently $40 or less. I'll grab it some day though.
I have the other 2 but not Drizzt. It never seems to go on sale while the others are frequently $40 or less. I'll grab it some day though.

I picked up Drizzt last week at Walmart for $36 with free site to store.

it seems like they aren't offering that now but its still only $40+shipping (if you throw on some bags of cereal or anything to get you to $50 you can get free shipping)


I swear the HOT DEALS section of the BGG forum is killing my wallet.


That new D&D board game coming out seems pretty cool, based on the previews. I like that there is a town/hub this time on the back side of the tiles, kind of reminds me of Diablo
I love those D&D boardgames, my group got CR and WoA at the same time. Someone picked up LoD when it came out. My experience with the games are random campaigns from each, but my thoughts on them:

CR: My favorite (which I now own)
WoA: Game screws you over with Poison
LoD: Too easy. Drizzt and his companions are overpowered which I guess is accurate since they are named characters in the D&D universe. I don't think I've ever lost a game of LoD whereas the other 2 can be quite brutal.
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