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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic

I got this used and I didn't realize how beautiful the components are. The figures are also very details and just beg to be paint. I don't know if I want to go down that road. It's been almost 15 years since I last painted any models.

I am playing this with my son and the game is marvel in its simplicity. I really like the tension of every times the Genestealers edged up closer to the Space Marine and you just watch those dice rolls with anticipation. Too bad GW is such as shitty game company, they do put out nice product.

Welcome to the fold, Brother Antique.

Space Hulk will always be the #1 quintessential board game for me. It's simplicity is its strength. Also, it's extremely easy to house rule or make up your own maps and scenarios. GW games are ridiculously priced, but there is no one in the business that matches their overall component quality. Even Dread Fleet is a thing of beauty. The game is fair at best, but after some simple tweaks and house ruling, that can also be a very fun game as well.

As for Assassinorum Execution Force, the latest GW game, it seems to be rather plain and simple. There are no scenarios to play or campaign mechanics. It's just a board game where 4 assassins maneuver around autonomous enemies who move and function with simple AI mechanics. I have yet to play a game, but after a quick read through the rule book, it ain't no Space Hulk. Great minis though, so still a win for me!


Fun time were had today with Mr. Luchador playing a couple of games using Tabletop Simulator.

Tried out Onitama this way and man what a clever game. Can#t wait until the new print is out. I am definitely going to pick this one up.

We are also planning to do another session this weekend. We don't know what we are going to play, kinda open to anything. So if any of you guys are in her maybe shoot me or him a PM and we can get this done.


Fun time were had today with Mr. Luchador playing a couple of games using Tabletop Simulator.

Tried out Onitama this way and man what a clever game. Can#t wait until the new print is out. I am definitely going to pick this one up.

We are also planning to do another session this weekend. We don't know what we are going to play, kinda open to anything. So if any of you guys are in her maybe shoot me or him a PM and we can get this done.

Is there a Steam group set up for it? I'm too busy to play a game, but I might try watching to see how it all works.


Thanks for the posts. I went ahead and ordered Tzolk'in on the offchance I find complicated people to play it with.

I might get the expansion for 5 players too. Amazon reviews on it were decent, but the price is rather high ($30 or so) for an expansion.
Thanks for the posts. I went ahead and ordered Tzolk'in on the offchance I find complicated people to play it with.

I might get the expansion for 5 players too. Amazon reviews on it were decent, but the price is rather high ($30 or so) for an expansion.
The game isn't too complicated. It requires a couple of plays to get the hang of things and to actually feel like you are in control, but the game is mechanically simple.


Decided to bite on the Millennium Blades Kickstarter, watched a couple of Youtube boardgamers talk about the prototype they played and it sounded a lot of fun. And if anything is to go by on their previous games (like one of my all-time favorites Battlecon), this will not disappoint as well (hopefully).

There are a couple of days left if anyone else is interested.


Decided to bite on the Millennium Blades Kickstarter, watched a couple of Youtube boardgamers talk about the prototype they played and it sounded a lot of fun. And if anything is to go by on their previous games (like one of my all-time favorites Battlecon), this will not disappoint as well (hopefully).

There are a couple of days left if anyone else is interested.

I'm so on the fence because that shipping is seriously murder. USD$50 for the game and USD$35 for shipping for Canada? 80/40 for the tier w/ the expansion? Bleh.
Volition so I'm guessing Champaign Urbana? I grew up around there. Will remind you to goto Geekway next year. ;)


I'm pretty oblivious to things that aren't BGGCon or GenCon, despite my ridiculous collection of games. It has nothing on our Studio Directors' collection. He's actually lent stuff out to museums in the UK, because he has complete versions of centuries old games that very few others in the world do. It's insane.

Back to conventions, I'll be at Gen Con. I'm sad there aren't any Vs System events up yet, as I'm pretty excited about that re-release and they've said they're going to do tourneys and whatnot. Also looking forward to the "Releasing at Gen Con" lists. Gotta build my Thursday morning attack plan!
I have to go to my friend's graduation (he's getting his PhD) do I can't make it to geekway. Also I'm moving this summer so gencon looks like it's out too. :(


I'm so on the fence because that shipping is seriously murder. USD$50 for the game and USD$35 for shipping for Canada? 80/40 for the tier w/ the expansion? Bleh.

Yeah, the shipping has always been the biggest problem (50 USD to Sweden), which is why it took so long for me to decide. Wanted to be really goddamn sure I wanted this and in the end, I did.


Played one of the craziest games of Glory to Rome ever: 4 players -- a 4 way tie!

Eyes open for the Mottainai Kickstarter tomorrow! (yes, I love Chudyk's stuff THAT much)
It's a good time to buy Catan; the new printing of it just came out, and it's said to be higher quality components, especially where it was lacking the most (the thickness of the cardboard).

As for a game for 2-3, Haggis is very good with either number, although it's more of a regular card game than something dressed up with theme.

It's kind of a hard range to shop for, because while a lot of games market themselves as "for 2-4 players", they are often just so-so with 2; a lot of the player interaction that works well in a 3 or 4 way contest just falls apart when it's head-to-head.

Are you perhaps interested in something more complex than what you currently have?

Thanks. Not looking for anything overly complicated as we don't really have time to play long complicated games. I might just stick with Catan. Any thoughts on the plastic game board would be appreciated!


Decided to bite on the Millennium Blades Kickstarter, watched a couple of Youtube boardgamers talk about the prototype they played and it sounded a lot of fun. And if anything is to go by on their previous games (like one of my all-time favorites Battlecon), this will not disappoint as well (hopefully).

There are a couple of days left if anyone else is interested.

I ultimately decided to not back it, mainly due to the tournament part of the game sounding, not like what I would like it to be.
I think the game will be a smash hit and great, just not what I was searching for :)
Ended up buying 5 intro packs for MTG to play with my wife. We are having alot of fun with that.


Yeah, the shipping has always been the biggest problem (50 USD to Sweden), which is why it took so long for me to decide. Wanted to be really goddamn sure I wanted this and in the end, I did.

Yeah, I looked it over last night and it seems the stretch goals are adding a lot of content (I don't actually know but it looks like it!) so I might bite the bullet. The value looks to be there, now. It's going to end up being like CAD$150 though, ugh.


I'm thinking about getting my bf this plastic Catan board as part of his birthday present - does anyone have any experience with it? I'd love to get a wooden board but can't see any reasonably priced that ship to the UK. I'm going to get him the game as well as we don't have it and he loves it. But if anyone has some recommendations for games that can be played by 2 or 3 (or more, but there are 3 of us in the flat so it's fine if it's only 2 and 3) I'd love to hear them - we already have a bunch of games including Pandemic, Dominion, BSG, Betrayal at the House on Haunted Hill and Dixit).

I normally just play with my wife so some games we enjoy
Eldritch horror
Castles of burgundy
Lords of water deep
Mice and mystics
Sentinels of the multi verse
Ghost stories
Forbidden desert
I normally just play with my wife so some games we enjoy
Eldritch horror
Castles of burgundy
Lords of water deep
Mice and mystics
Sentinels of the multi verse
Ghost stories
Forbidden desert

I play almost these exact games with my wife too. Good list!
Oh, cool! I just found this thread. Instant sub.

I normally just play with my wife so some games we enjoy
Eldritch horror
Castles of burgundy
Lords of water deep
Mice and mystics
Sentinels of the multi verse
Ghost stories
Forbidden desert

And what do you know, right away I find a post with exactly what I'm always looking for: games that are fun with two people. Like you, it's pretty much always just my wife and I. I'll have to check out some of those!
Oh, cool! I just found this thread. Instant sub.

And what do you know, right away I find a post with exactly what I'm always looking for: games that are fun with two people. Like you, it's pretty much always just my wife and I. I'll have to check out some of those!

Just take note that those cater to a very specific crowd. There are also very good couple's games with non high-fantasy/superhero/cthulhu themes.
Just take note that those cater to a very specific crowd. There are also very good couple's games with non high-fantasy/superhero/cthulhu themes.

We are definitely a part of that very specific crowd. Arkham Horror is one of our favorite games (on the rare occasion we find ourselves with 6 hours to spare to play it...) and Shadows Over Camelot is basically how we were introduced to the wider world of board games.


They weren't all that theme I had castles of burgundy. >_>. Though yes I like a good theme. Another one I forgot to mention was robinson Caruso and one I just picked up and mentioned earlier onirim. Good solo or 2 player


I normally just play with my wife so some games we enjoy
Eldritch horror
Castles of burgundy
Lords of water deep
Mice and mystics
Sentinels of the multi verse
Ghost stories
Forbidden desert

How is Eldritch 2 player? Only played it with like 4 or 5.


Played it about 20 times I think it works great. It scales very well. Runs a lot quicker in my experience though since my wife and I have played it so often we can get a game done in like an hour and a half to an hour
Well I do have the core and master set.

Same! It's one of my favorites.

Picked up the Star Wars LCG last night. My almost 9 year-old daughter has gotten into card games something fierce, which is awesome, because my 13 year-old son never really latched onto them. She's able to beat me, without help, in MtG already. Hoping that we like SW.


Played 2P Can't Stop last night; that was fun! The German version of that game is quite nice to play with - nice chunky wooden components, much nicer than the weird plastic stop sign version we get.

It makes me wish Europe would come up with a nice version of Acquire, which might be my favorite old game.
How is Eldritch 2 player? Only played it with like 4 or 5.

My brother in law and I play 2 players Eldritch a few times and it actually was very enjoyable. We try both 2 characters and 4 characters (one controlling 2), and 4 char game to us was more enjoyable because you can explore more (and we find 2 char game to be quite easy since you need a lot less clues to finish the Mythos task, also the reason why odd number characters make game much harder).

We actually enjoy 2 players, it make the game goes faster as there is less downtown. We did couple of 4 players and 5 players games and found those drag on way too long and my kids loose interest two hours into the game.

Sadly my wife have no interest in anything complicate she prefer simple game (3 actions or less) so we usually play Splendor, Hanabi and Art of Wars.

Played it about 20 times I think it works great. It scales very well. Runs a lot quicker in my experience though since my wife and I have played it so often we can get a game done in like an hour and a half to an hour

Do you have the Mountain of Madness expansion? I am thinking about picking it up now that it is widely available again. I got Forgotten Lore right before it went out of print and I find that It make the game a lot harder. I don't think we have yet to win against Yig.


I do have it. The new focus ability is great (as an action gain a focus token which allows you to reroll like a clue). as well as all the new investigators. I like the new sideboard but it's a great expansion without it. The Ithaca or whatever that elder gods name is is a bastard in it, as he keeps giving you hypothermia. More expedition locations and expedition centric goals help make those locations more useful. More encounter cards are always good too


Forbidden Desert, Dominion and (note: dungeon crawling for 2p) Claustrophobia are mine and my gf's go-to 'just us playing' games. Our collection is still pretty small, but I can heartily recommend the mentioned three.


I normally just play with my wife so some games we enjoy
Eldritch horror
Castles of burgundy
Lords of water deep
Mice and mystics
Sentinels of the multi verse
Ghost stories
Forbidden desert

that is a solid list.

only game off the top of my head that I would add is dead of winter a crossroads game.... and maybe ascension, and that would fit me and my wife fairly well as well.
I really have a love-hate relationship with this game. This is my go to game when I want a quick solitaire game but everytime I finished (usually in defeated) I just want to throw that dice across the room.

I really have a love-hate relationship with this game. This is my go to game when I want a quick solitaire game but everytime I finished (usually in defeated) I just want to throw that dice across the room.

I admire how you're "all in" on everything Space Hulk.

The expansions to the card game are interesting but actually make the game even harder. It makes a win so satisfying though.


that is a solid list.

only game off the top of my head that I would add is dead of winter a crossroads game.... and maybe ascension, and that would fit me and my wife fairly well as well.

Isn't the 2 player game of dead of winter more of a variant? Thats what kept me from buying it. The 2 player version didn't seem like it would be very good. What experience do you have with it? Otherwise I would love to pick it up.

sassy robot

Neo Member
I'm thinking about getting my bf this plastic Catan board as part of his birthday present - does anyone have any experience with it? I'd love to get a wooden board but can't see any reasonably priced that ship to the UK. I'm going to get him the game as well as we don't have it and he loves it. But if anyone has some recommendations for games that can be played by 2 or 3 (or more, but there are 3 of us in the flat so it's fine if it's only 2 and 3) I'd love to hear them - we already have a bunch of games including Pandemic, Dominion, BSG, Betrayal at the House on Haunted Hill and Dixit).
Jaipur and Splendor are my two favorite brief 2-player games. My partner, who normally hates board games, loves both!

Other two-player games:
-Forbidden Island
-AEG Love Letter

But seriously, get Splendor and Jaipur!

For the person who mentioned Zombicide: I love, love it, but how long does it take you guys to play normally? Our Zombicide games always take several hours, and I can't tell if it's because we spend too long talking about our moves instead of just doing them.


For the person who mentioned Zombicide: I love, love it, but how long does it take you guys to play normally? Our Zombicide games always take several hours, and I can't tell if it's because we spend too long talking about our moves instead of just doing them.

Six player zombicide usually takes us 2 hours or so, depending on the scenario & how many players are new to it (usually 1 or 2 these days at most). I tend to keep that group moving otherwise they'd talk & talk & over-think every single decision in every single co-op.

sassy robot

Neo Member
Six player zombicide usually takes us 2 hours or so, depending on the scenario & how many players are new to it (usually 1 or 2 these days at most). I tend to keep that group moving otherwise they'd talk & talk & over-think every single decision in every single co-op.
Oh god, we take like three hours to play it with 5-6 players. Maybe next time I'll suggest we get properly drunk while playing so everyone loosens up and doesn't over-analyze everything. :p
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