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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I'm looking for gift suggestions for a friend who is into board games.

He loves Arkham Horror, and plays it by himself occasionally. I was thinking of Eldritch Horror, but I'm getting mixed reviews on it, especially if he already has or is used to Arkham.

He also likes Small World and Mage Knight. I thought about getting him MK, but the price is a little more than I'd like to spend. $60 is about the cap, I think.

We have a gaming group, but a game like Arkham that can be played single player would be great, but not necessary.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
You may not be able to get it by Christmas, but the Warhammer Adventure Quest card game people have been talking about seems decent.

I played through the tutorial with a friend yesterday. It's pretty trivial, but I'm hoping they'll at least agree to play one normal quest with me, and then we'll see how it goes. The 4 characters are relatively similar, and there are only 5 quests in the game, but it has promise.

It can play 1-4 players.


You may not be able to get it by Christmas, but the Warhammer Adventure Quest card game people have been talking about seems decent.

I played through the tutorial with a friend yesterday. It's pretty trivial, but I'm hoping they'll at least agree to play one normal quest with me, and then we'll see how it goes. The 4 characters are relatively similar, and there are only 5 quests in the game, but it has promise.

It can play 1-4 players.

Do you have to be invested in the Warhammer universe to enjoy it? Or is it fine as a stand-alone game? I've never heard him talk about Warhammer, but as long as it's enjoyable, I don't think he would care.


Do you have to be invested in the Warhammer universe to enjoy it? Or is it fine as a stand-alone game? I've never heard him talk about Warhammer, but as long as it's enjoyable, I don't think he would care.
I'm not really into the Warhammer universe and I like the mechanics better than Elder Sign. It feels like the player interaction works better. As long as he doesn't mind general fantasy stuff (goblins, wolves, vampires, ogres, fireball mages, whatever) he should be fine.
I'm looking for gift suggestions for a friend who is into board games.

He loves Arkham Horror, and plays it by himself occasionally. I was thinking of Eldritch Horror, but I'm getting mixed reviews on it, especially if he already has or is used to Arkham.

He also likes Small World and Mage Knight. I thought about getting him MK, but the price is a little more than I'd like to spend. $60 is about the cap, I think.

We have a gaming group, but a game like Arkham that can be played single player would be great, but not necessary.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Does he has a bgg account? If so, check his wishlist there.


I have read so many favorable things about the Warhammer Quest card game that I am now struggling to keep myself from buying it. Everything sounds great about it to me, except it being the Warhammer Fantasy theme. I like the 40K universe a lot but couldn't care less about WFB/AoS. And with there being a current 40K LCG out, I cannot imagine that FFG would retheme Warhammer Quest Adventure Card Game to a 40K theme.


I give no fucks about the Warhammer universe, and the ACG is fine. It's typical fantasy stuff. If you know what an elf and an orc are, you'll be fine.


I'm not really into the Warhammer universe and I like the mechanics better than Elder Sign. It feels like the player interaction works better. As long as he doesn't mind general fantasy stuff (goblins, wolves, vampires, ogres, fireball mages, whatever) he should be fine.

Cool, I'll check that out! He likes games with interesting mechanics.

Does he has a bgg account? If so, check his wishlist there.

I don't think so. If he does, I wouldn't know what it is.

Does he own Small World or just like it?

He owns it. I bought it for him a couple of years ago. I was thinking about maybe getting an expansion for it.

The problem is that we have a friend who owns just about every game in existence. There are a few games that I've thought about getting for him, but that friend owns all of them (or most of them.. I don't know how many he actually owns, but he has tons of games).

Hopefully I didn't wait to long to reply, I got busy at work and after work with x-mas shopping.


He owns it. I bought it for him a couple of years ago. I was thinking about maybe getting an expansion for it.
That was what I was going to suggest if he did. Getting a new game is better but an expansion is a surer bet. Small World has a lot of good ones too.


Made my first order in a while.

Sheriff of Nottingham, Grand Austrian Hotel, Codenames, and Mottainai.

My group's a big fan of Glory to Rome, but it can take a while. Mottainai looks like we can get the same experience but with a tighter, faster timeframe.


Looks like The Warhammer game is sold out everywhere, online and locally. It sounds good enough that I may just order it and give it to him late. Having it by Christmas isn't a huge deal, especially if it turns out to be a great game.

Thanks for the input and suggestions!
Kills any interest I have in dealing with FFG again though. I don't have an FLGS, I live in the fuck end of nowhere. I like X-Wing, but each small ship isn't worth the $15-20 MSRP.

Practically nothing is actually worth MSRP.


The Asmodee thing is going to either hit Australia like a sack of bricks or not at all. If you want games at a decent price, especially in my state, you buy them through the online arm of a brick-and-mortar from the eastern states. Amazon is a non-factor at the moment because shipping is $50+, CSI and MM are also American and their shipping is even worse so nobody uses them. If Asmodee decide to extend this policy across the pond it will be very, very bad.

They want to make MSRP mean MSRP, as it protects their own online store and lgs.
More like they want MSRP to mean MMRP :p


Looks like The Warhammer game is sold out everywhere, online and locally. It sounds good enough that I may just order it and give it to him late. Having it by Christmas isn't a huge deal, especially if it turns out to be a great game.

Thanks for the input and suggestions!
It's on Amazon but you may have to check the third-party resellers or pay a little more -- or yeah, just wait and get it late. :)


It's on Amazon but you may have to check the third-party resellers or pay a little more -- or yeah, just wait and get it late. :)

I bought it for him. It'll come Dec 28, which is fine. I'm busy with family stuff anyway. Thanks again for the suggestion. I'm hoping the fact that it's sold out everywhere means that it's pretty awesome!


I bought it for him. It'll come Dec 28, which is fine. I'm busy with family stuff anyway. Thanks again for the suggestion. I'm hoping the fact that it's sold out everywhere means that it's pretty awesome!
I just don't want to oversell it! Now that you bought it, the regret can set in: Like most anything, it's probably better than people who don't like it think, but worse than people who love it think. :p


They want to make MSRP mean MSRP, as it protects their own online store and lgs.

Well I sure hope they enforce it the other way too. My LGS sells all games at MSRP+10%. They seem to always get new games first so distributors clearly love them, but as a customer, at those prices, I really don't like them at all.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
so the wife and I decided this christmas to buy each other board games.

Can gaf recommend me a couple? I'm looking for something that is 'awesome' with no qualifications AND one that is also fun for a bunch of people that like to play casually.

My impression browsing boardgamegeek is that some of the games are so heavily involved that it will fast disinterest a lot of people that wont invest time...

the wife had a blast with

30 seconds (describe the word without using the word)
trivial pursuit (the easier gambling based one, not the hard as balls regular one).

for something 'harder' we've collectively played roborally and had great fun with it. For what I was describing above (difficulty and how involved it is) my impression is this is about the max level of entrance difficulty for our group.

Coup was something else we played that was a lot of fun.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Consider Codenames, Dixit, and One Night Ultimate Werewolf. You'll probably want to stick with the party games subgroup at Boardgamegeek ( http://boardgamegeek.com/partygames ) or maybe the family games subgroup ( http://boardgamegeek.com/familygames ).

cool thanks! nice they have a subsection. I was just generally going through top 10 lists...
my idea would be to get something simple and fun (dixit sounds quite nice) and something that pushes into the more complex. sort of introduce some people to more complicated mechanics.


I'm getting too curious about coop cardgames and wonder now which one people would recommend, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, the Warhammer Adventure Card Game or the Lord of the Rings Living Card Game?

I am leaning towards the Warhammer one since I am a big fan of Warhammer, but I would like to know which one people prefer.


Saint Nic
I'm getting too curious about coop cardgames and wonder now which one people would recommend, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, the Warhammer Adventure Card Game or the Lord of the Rings Living Card Game?

I am leaning towards the Warhammer one since I am a big fan of Warhammer, but I would like to know which one people prefer.

I want to play Warhammer, but LotR LCG is fucking incredible. However, it's VERY geared towards people who like to build decks. If that's not your thing, you may want to stay very far away.
I'm getting too curious about coop cardgames and wonder now which one people would recommend, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, the Warhammer Adventure Card Game or the Lord of the Rings Living Card Game?

I am leaning towards the Warhammer one since I am a big fan of Warhammer, but I would like to know which one people prefer.

Lord of the Rings is good, but involves lots of deck building for the whole party of players for each scenario. Warhammer is similar game without deck building aspect. Pathfinder is also a similar concept, yet the mechanics attempt to emulate a simplified RPG/version of the pathfinder pen and paper.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Consider Codenames, Dixit, and One Night Ultimate Werewolf. You'll probably want to stick with the party games subgroup at Boardgamegeek ( http://boardgamegeek.com/partygames ) or maybe the family games subgroup ( http://boardgamegeek.com/familygames ).

hey thanks for the recommendations. Managed to find a place in NL that shipped me one night ultimate werewolf just now and should have it for christmas with the family. We watched the vid reviews and all those games look great!


I think our group is done with Blood Rage after two plays. The hidden draft of six cards followed by highly tactical play of actions is simultaneously too AP-inducing and too chaotic -- ironically, much moreso than Blood Rage's older brother, Chaos in the Old World. Comparing the two, Blood Rage is like Chaos in the Old World with all of the fun and flavor sucked out. And we're generally a Euro-heavy group. :/

On a related note, I've come to the conclusion that I don't care for hidden drafts in my games (e.g., Seasons, Agricola (much prefer draw 10 keep 7)). Open, MtG/7-Wonders style drafting is lovely, though.

I wonder if there's some way to make Blood Rage's draft more palatable. Quests and Combat cards would both be tremendously weakened by being public (via either an open MtG auction or 7W draft), so I don't think that's the way to go. Would drawing one card from the first hand, two from the second, and three from the third (discarding the remaining two) be reasonable? That ought to speed up the draft and also allow for greater control, while still allowing for some semblance of balance.


I want to play Warhammer, but LotR LCG is fucking incredible. However, it's VERY geared towards people who like to build decks. If that's not your thing, you may want to stay very far away.

Lord of the Rings is good, but involves lots of deck building for the whole party of players for each scenario. Warhammer is similar game without deck building aspect. Pathfinder is also a similar concept, yet the mechanics attempt to emulate a simplified RPG/version of the pathfinder pen and paper.

Hm, I am not against deck building so it might not be a terrible idea. Its more if my friends are. I'll check out LOTR and Warhammer then, thanks. :)


My favorite card games are basedon GW IPs.

Space Hulk
Blood Bowl Team Manager

So I should probably pick up HQ soon.

Mind giving me your thoughts on Conquest? I always wanted to play it, but it will cost me around 160 to get all the way in. It is between that and 2nd Edition Thrones whenever they get core sets reprinted for that.


Junior Member
Played Skull and the Camel Up Camel Cup expansion last night at the local brewery. Good times, the expansion was a huge hit! I can't believe how much better this makes the game, it takes what I think most people consider a kid's luck fest and actually makes it, dare I say, kinda thinky?

All the new options really add a lot to what decision to take on any turn, the pyramid tiles are actually worth it now, and being able to try to save bets mid-round is very interesting.
I want to see whats happens the closer you get to 10 players, it must get fucking nuts! Going to a party tonight with One Night Werewolf and this, can't wait.


Yeaaah....It was not cheap. Selling off Galaxy Defenders helped a bit. ;) But still was quite the investment. I even custom printed Playsets of the starter set so I didn't have to buy multiple cores.

I like my copy of GD but how much did you get for it? Not sure what I should do with it after finishing the campaign; it is my XCOM.


Spent yesterday afternoon at my favourite co-op brewpub playing Food Chain Magnate.

Typical Splotter euro-game - lots & lots of "bits", lots of strategies, lots of ways to score.

You manage a food chain, and have to get food/drinks to serve houses dotted around the map, while at the same time handling advertising to control exactly what those houses want. You hire people (the cards shown in the pic) & decide what to play each turn by building a pyramid of cards at the start, with the ability to hire more folk, train people to be better versions of them (but with an ongoing salary cost). So it's this great mix of hand building, resource management, money management, and a huge spatial element going on with the map.

Loved it. Not everyone's cup of tea, and not something I'll get to play often, but I'm glad I had the opportunity. And the beer was great as always.



Man, you are brave playing a game with all those pieces in a pub! I'm nervous just looking at that pic.

Anyway, thanks for the impressions. I have been on the fence for it for a while now. This just may push me over the edge.


Just got the Pixel Tactics Deluxe kickstarter in. So many boxes and cards!

I love Big Boxes that consolidate all the smaller sets.
Yep, the Camel Up expansion has been a huge hit with my group too and we concur with your comments. We haven't even played three of the options in the expansion yet, merely the extra dice one. Considering how cheaply the base game and expansion can be picked up for if one shops around it has given us amazing value. Have fun tonight! :)

Played Skull and the Camel Up Camel Cup expansion last night at the local brewery. Good times, the expansion was a huge hit! I can't believe how much better this makes the game, it takes what I think most people consider a kid's luck fest and actually makes it, dare I say, kinda thinky?

All the new options really add a lot to what decision to take on any turn, the pyramid tiles are actually worth it now, and being able to try to save bets mid-round is very interesting.
I want to see whats happens the closer you get to 10 players, it must get fucking nuts! Going to a party tonight with One Night Werewolf and this, can't wait.
Ghostbusters musta been a flop of a game, like 3rd time CSI has put it up for huge sale. So many kickstarter games keep getting tossed on the clearance pile after release.


Ghostbusters musta been a flop of a game, like 3rd time CSI has put it up for huge sale. So many kickstarter games keep getting tossed on the clearance pile after release.

Game was counting on the nostalgia factor and it lost.
Played it twice at the local shop and each time it's simply not fun. Also, for a mini-heavy game, the mini's are all the same unless you shell out for all the kickstarter only bosses.

My advice, save your money unless it's like 75% off.


Just got the Pixel Tactics Deluxe kickstarter in. So many boxes and cards!

I love Big Boxes that consolidate all the smaller sets.
Nice. I'm sure that it is quite a bit of stuff. I've been home for a little over a month and every time I look at the big-ass box of BattleCON War: Revised stuff that I got in from that Kickstarter, I get disheartened and leave it sitting there. I really wanted to get the game and love playing the BattleCON games but man is that a lot of cards between all three base games, the extended editions, the small expansions, and all of the promos that came with it. I shudder to think about how long sleeving will take.
I guess maybe it is a good thing that I have no one to play it with; it means I don't need to sort it anytime soon.

I got Loopin' Chewie for $6 yesterday. I never played Loopin' Louie but I can see why it is well-liked. My daughter loved it of course and I think my wife liked it too. It seems like a great beer and pretzels game, I can't wait to bring it out at some point in the future at a game group meeting or something.


Nice. I'm sure that it is quite a bit of stuff. I've been home for a little over a month and every time I look at the big-ass box of BattleCON War: Revised stuff that I got in from that Kickstarter, I get disheartened and leave it sitting there. I really wanted to get the game and love playing the BattleCON games but man is that a lot of cards between all three base games, the extended editions, the small expansions, and all of the promos that came with it. I shudder to think about how long sleeving will take.
I guess maybe it is a good thing that I have no one to play it with; it means I don't need to sort it anytime soon.

I got Loopin' Chewie for $6 yesterday. I never played Loopin' Louie but I can see why it is well-liked. My daughter loved it of course and I think my wife liked it too. It seems like a great beer and pretzels game, I can't wait to bring it out at some point in the future at a game group meeting or something.

I hear you on Battlecon, I kinda got intimidated on how many different products there is for that. The PIxel Tactics deluxe box that stores everything has a smaller footprint than Devastation of the Undines, so it's no where near as imposing.


Got a nice haul of Imperial Assault, Dominion: Seaside, Shadowrun: Crossfire, Jaipur, Hive and Castles of Mad King Ludwig. I shall have to put in effort to get them all played by the end of January. Might try and start the Imperial Assault campaign after we finish Pandemic Legacy.
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