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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Hail to the KING baby
I'm not familiar with the BB rules (just BBTM :p). Are they that good that they really couldn't have benefited from some polishing six years later? Was kind of disappointed by that. Then again I know I'm not they're target audience (LOVE the theme but not a GW person really when it comes to games).
Blood Bowl has gone through several revisions throughout the years, and the final rules were part of a living document on their website for years that underwent a few updates as well. Overall I do have to agree, the rules themselves were excellent, they don't need touching. Lot of fans still play it in leagues and such, I assume they also wouldn't have liked the rules changing much.

The only thing that I personally think could use some tweaks, are individual team statistics and such. Some teams to me were clearly superior than others, but at same time it felt like some teams were more for fun, rather than being competitive.
If GW just gives me Necromunda now, they'll have covered all of my major legacy favorites.

I am currently painting Space Hulk (after all these years). I believe Warhammer Quest will likely be next on my list.
Space Hulk figures are a lot of fun to paint though the Genestealers do get tiresome. I got Warhammer Quest on pre-order though now I am thinking I should pick up Kingdom Death expansions before they all go OOP.


A Fake Artist Goes To New York is my new favourite party game. Ended up playing a handful of games today and it went over great. Especially when people started putting silly terms (someone wrote "The Great Depression" on all of the cards...)

For people who don't know, basically one person writes a thing on a card for each player, except one who gets an X instead. Then everyone has to take turns trying to draw a part of that word, then after two turns of that all the artists need to guess which of them doesn't actually know what they're drawing.

I might upload some of our terrible drawings if people are interested.

Yeah, I tried this at work with 4 aduls and 4 children, it was a success. The younger children were confused though and didn't really play the game (7yo is a bit too low then).

Then we tried telestrations, have you tried that one? It was hilarious.


Yeah, I tried this at work with 4 aduls and 4 children, it was a success. The younger children were confused though and didn't really play the game (7yo is a bit too low then).

Then we tried telestrations, have you tried that one? It was hilarious.

I have never heard of it, I'll take a look :)


Played Dead of Winter for the first time last night. We all loved it, so damn good. We love coop games, and we're huge fans of the flavor in Betrayal at House in the Hill, and this game hit a really sweet middle ground between narrative and mechanics which I think Betrayal doesn't do as well. The game components are beautiful too; so damn cool seeing all those standees and decks and tokens laying around the board. We fell in love, can't wait to play it again, specially because we were able to exile the Betrayer on the second turn of the game (they gave themselves away) and they didn't really play as aggressively as they should have during exile, which gave us an easy win. Seriously can't wait to play it again.


Saint Nic
Is the new WHQ like the old one in that it doesn't really require a DM? I may preorder it. Currently out of town and nowhere near a computer to do major research, though.


What's your q, dude. I know you said you for it answered, but I wouldn't mind providing additional perspective
I guess it's a philosophical question: As a GM, what's more important / enjoyable to YOU -- carefully planning out encounters and then letting them run their course, or having the ability to tweak things on the fly in case things go bad?

I personally like the idea of adapting on the fly.


I believe it was originally slated for an earlier release but the release date for Potion Explosion has said May 14 for a while. I know that tabletop game release dates aren't set in stone like video game release dates and are subject to change but I was really hoping that they would have had it in and that it would have shipped today. Bummer...

I think I will try to learn Blue Moon Legends and take that to a local store.


One of the first Scythe reviews is out. It also covers game rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKAzRgzIS8A
*edit* I'd say the video is worth watching / listening to, but in case you don't have time: He thought it was an excellent game. He plays with a diverse group of people and said everyone he played with had fun. He says it's not the best game ever, and won't set the world on fire, but it's sort of representative of where strategic war boardgames are today. What it tries to do, it does in a very polished way.

Unboxing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLuhcP_UrTg

The email update today showed the games being packed into shipping crates. They're still estimating early July for delivery, or maybe late June for Asia and Australia.


One of the first Scythe reviews is out. It also covers game rules: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKAzRgzIS8A
*edit* I'd say the video is worth watching / listening to, but in case you don't have time: He thought it was an excellent game. He plays with a diverse group of people and said everyone he played with had fun. He says it's not the best game ever, and won't set the world on fire, but it's sort of representative of where strategic war boardgames are today. What it tries to do it, it does in a very polished way.

Geekway announced they will have a copy of Scythe available in the Play-to-Win area... but only one copy. #008. And they will be raffling it off to a random winner. The line to play this game is going to be massive.


Again, thanks for the advice all! I got ticket to ride both US and Europe (not the special edition) and I got both with expansions. I also got the monster expansion! Also, I bought Pandemic as well and I had no idea there were expansions for that so I will get those eventually. I just ordered them so they aren't here right now, but a friend came over today so I needed something. I got Forbidden Island since Target had it and it's pretty fun! I want to try the desert version next I think.


You may find TtR US and Europe are pretty much the same game (Europe just has some extra mechanics), but other than that those are some damn solid purchases. I own all 3 (TtR, Pandemic and Island) and they're tons of fun. Co-op games like Pandemic and Island are tons of fun, and Island is particularly beginner-friendly. Enjoy!
Again, thanks for the advice all! I got ticket to ride both US and Europe (not the special edition) and I got both with expansions. I also got the monster expansion! Also, I bought Pandemic as well and I had no idea there were expansions for that so I will get those eventually. I just ordered them so they aren't here right now, but a friend came over today so I needed something. I got Forbidden Island since Target had it and it's pretty fun! I want to try the desert version next I think.

I actually don't like desert that much, since I think it sits a bit awkwardly between the friendly intro in island and the more fleshed out pandemic experience.

Still all great games though.
I had been eyeing Voyages of Marco Polo since the mood for something a little more Euro was striking and when I finally decided to go for it it was sold out everywhere ={

In researching, I came across another dice placement game called Thrash'n Roll. The heavy metal theme is unlike anything else seen in board games and won me over immediately. Rahdo liked it and reviews seem positive, so it's on the way.

I also picked up Viticulture and Orleans in yhe same order. At least one of these games will be good! Trying to find friends to play Euros with is a real challenge though.


I had been eyeing Voyages of Marco Polo since the mood for something a little more Euro was striking and when I finally decided to go for it it was sold out everywhere ={

In researching, I came across another dice placement game called Thrash'n Roll. The heavy metal theme is unlike anything else seen in board games and won me over immediately. Rahdo liked it and reviews seem positive, so it's on the way.

I also picked up Viticulture and Orleans in yhe same order. At least one of these games will be good! Trying to find friends to play Euros with is a real challenge though.
Yea, Voyages of Marco Polo is in between prints but I think it will be available again in a few months. I think I'd like that game a whole lot. I really like Orleans and Viticulture EE is one of the next on my to-get list. So good taste - I'd play games with you. 8) I'll have to look into Thrash'n Roll.


If anyone does end up grabbing Voyages of Marco Polo, grab the BGG promo as it expands the game with more character options and is a great value. This was one of my favorites from last year. I must have 20+ plays of it already.
I'm on vacation in Japan visiting family and picked up a few games:

Nastu no Takaramono
Cat & Chocolate
Kobayakawa (Japan version uses metal coins!)
Sanzen Sekai
Lost Legacy

I love the look of Nastu no Takaramono, which is actually the Japanese version of Circus Flohcati.


I completely forgot about it, after the initial announcement, but the Descent 2E: Road to Legend app has been released. I have yet to ever play my copies of either Edition due to the Overlord requirement; not easy to get it on the table when you have no friends or gamer buddies. So a coop mode on the app where the app takes the place of the Overlord was immediately desirable to me when they unveiled it because it meant I could play it solo. I saw a thread on BGG just now and rushed to download it. I loaded up the intro quest and it seems like it is intuituve. The introduction to the quest was voiced, it immediately tells you what tiles to lay out after, and tells you what to do from there. And there is a link to a rulebook pdf online (though I would have rather had the rulebook located in-app rather than require an Internet connection to view the rules, in case I took the game and iPad somewhere outside the house).
Anyway, here are the links:
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/es/app/road-to-legend/id1098000926?uo=4&mt=8&at=10lazE
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fantasyflightgames.rtl

Cool! Any chance sometthing similar will be released for Imperial Assault? I face the exact same issues as you do with Descent :)


I had been eyeing Voyages of Marco Polo since the mood for something a little more Euro was striking and when I finally decided to go for it it was sold out everywhere ={

Yeah I've been watching out for Marco Polo since January but there hasn't been a new print run since then. And I'm not desperate enough to pay aftermarket/Amazon marketplace prices for it yet. But hopefully it does come back soon. I have in-stock notifications set at both Miniature Market and Cool Stuff Inc.


Cool! Any chance sometthing similar will be released for Imperial Assault? I face the exact same issues as you do with Descent :)
I haven't seen any rumors that FFG is considering doing one for Imperial Assault but I know a lot of people were saying the said the same thing you did right after Road to Legend went live. I can't imagine it would be tough for them to do an app for Imperial Assault and Imperial Assault is a game that still has a lot of hype around it. In addition to my issues with Descent, I also own Imperial Assault and of course have not played that either (because I have more money than sense, possibly more "hope that one day I'll have friends who will want to game with me" than sense also).
I don't think I will need to buy any of the additional in-app Descent campaigns any time soon but I would pay for an Imperial Assault app day-one. Here's hoping FFG is looking at releasing one.

EDIT: Not news, but here is a thread on the FFG forums with people expressing their desire for an IA app: https://community.fantasyflightgame...o-you-think-this-shouldwill-come-to-ia/page-1
So FFG at the very least is aware that people want one.

EDIT 2: Just found a thread on BGG where people were discussing potential problems with licensing. FFG doesn't have any license for digital games and it could be tricky if the app was considered a game. They already ran into a couple issues with IA and how they don't have the license for board games. Maybe it could be hashed out easily between Disney and FFG or it could have already been worked out or accounted for, but licensing problems was something that did not even occur to me.

I'm hoping to get some games played next week. I didn't go to the local store for board game night last week because I didn't want to play Clue. I didn't go this past Tuesday because they were playing some CAH-esque game called Red Flags and I didn't want to play a game like that in a group of random people where I wouldn't know what kind of sense of humor they had and what they would each be comfortable with. I did stop in for X-Wing night last night because I really want to play and have been thinking of a list I could run maybe next wing but it has been so long since I played, so I wanted to watch the regulars run through some skirmishes. Unfortunately, I showed up a half hour after start time and no one was there. The owner said someone showed up and stayed for 15 mins before leaving. I told him I would be in next Wednesday, though I am pretty nervous about playing with these guys who have played it for a lot longer than I have and a lot more recently than I have.

I also plan to stop in on Tuesday for Quarriors. I've played the Quarriors app maybe a hundred times or more since downloading it last year but have only played the physical version once since TT Day '14 when I was introduced to it (and hated it). I think I might have posted about that day in the last thread but if not: had been playing for 15 hours or so by the time we got to Quarriors and the guys I was playing with all knew how to play it. I didn't really get a good grasp of the mechanics when they explained it to me and did not know what I was doing throughout the whole game. I decided to give it another shot a few months later though after picking up the first Dice Masters starter and bought the second edition of Quarriors and got it to the table once in Greenland.

I may take a couple games with me too. I really want to introduce BattleCON to people at the store and maybe play it in tournament format since it is 1v1, but I don't know if I will ever get my War Remastered, Devastation, and Fate boxes organized or even sleeved. I do have my OG War box that is sleeved, separated, and ready-to-play, so maybe I could take that in. I also want to take in Zombie Tower 3D and Alien Frontier still, and want to play Formula D and Smash Up there again.
The problem with taking games in is that the store "closes" at 8 and I don't know that the owner likes staying past that (and tbh, I don't know if he does, it might not "close like some stores but actually stay open until people are done playing" but could possibly close at that time). Not many people show up either, so there aren't too many people for the scheduled game or people waiting to play something else. Even on a weekend when a lot of stores do open-gaming in addition to regular minis and CCG events, I don't think I could take any games in to this store because the only people who are in there are there to play card games. The store has nothing scheduled for Monday nights though so I have been thinking about asking the owner if Monday could be an open-gaming night and advertised as such on the events section of his FB page. Maybe people who wouldn't turn out for something like "Tuesday Night Board Game Night: Clue" would be more interested in a free-for-all game night. But I don't know, there just might not be enough people in the area who would show up.

Also, I watched my first episodes of Tabletop. Previously, I had only watched one Rahdo video and that his run through of Space Hulk: Death Angel because I wanted to be sure I was playing it right. When people talk about other the other different series out there, I tend to gloss over it because I have never been interested in podcasts, streams, Let's Plays, etc. I just got done watching all of The Guild on Netflix and decided to look up what episodes of TT featured Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and other Guild cast members. While, looking through the episode list on Wiki, I saw that they Wil played Formula D in one episode. As I mentioned in the above section, I have been wanting to play that again. So I decided to watch the episode to get my fix and I was surprised to find out afterwards that I enjoyed watching it! I then went and found their X-Wing episode and watched that as well. I've already bookmarked a couple other videos I want to see, especially ones for games like Resistance and Coup (which I own but will never get a chance to play).

So I guess I like Tabletop now.
I'm on vacation in Japan visiting family and picked up a few games:

Nastu no Takaramono
Cat & Chocolate
Kobayakawa (Japan version uses metal coins!)
Sanzen Sekai
Lost Legacy

I love the look of Nastu no Takaramono, which is actually the Japanese version of Circus Flohcati.

Agreed, Nastu no Takaramono is really nice. I'd recommend picking up other oink games (deep sea adventure, nine tiles, fake artist ), okazu brand (minerva, yokohama) games and Vampire Radar.
I completely forgot about it, after the initial announcement, but the Descent 2E: Road to Legend app has been released. I have yet to ever play my copies of either Edition due to the Overlord requirement; not easy to get it on the table when you have no friends or gamer buddies. So a coop mode on the app where the app takes the place of the Overlord was immediately desirable to me when they unveiled it because it meant I could play it solo. I saw a thread on BGG just now and rushed to download it. I loaded up the intro quest and it seems like it is intuituve. The introduction to the quest was voiced, it immediately tells you what tiles to lay out after, and tells you what to do from there. And there is a link to a rulebook pdf online (though I would have rather had the rulebook located in-app rather than require an Internet connection to view the rules, in case I took the game and iPad somewhere outside the house).

If you have iPad you can download the rulebook into the iBook section, click on the corner of the Safari when it ask you to open in iBook. I am pretty sure it keep the file there.

I gave this a try as a solo with four characters over the last couple of day. The app is really good for the first outing and really improve on the co-op version of Print on Demand (POD) system that they have been releasing during the last few years. Road to Legend took part of the POD system then combined it with the story style of the Descent campaign mission maps and then tied them all together with the over-world adventure and "shopping" phase in the city.

What it is not -

One of the biggest complain I see on BGG is people were expecting this app to be a dungeon generator. I think many people still want Descent 2.0 to be like Descent 1 and they will be very disappointed. The dungeons in Road to Legend are not randomly generated but rather a predefine setting much like the one in the core box and the expansions. This is also another departure from the POD co-op game. In the POD game you have a deck of cards that determined the room and tile you use and this get shuffle up and drawn, while it does work, there is a draw back since you loose the cohesiveness and the card you draw is more like puzzle to be solve rather than dungeon to fight through. So if you are looking for random generator then you are better off picking up Shadows of Brimstone.

The app also doesn't replace the Overlord or play as Overlord deck. There is no digital Overlord cards that get drawn or Overlord monsters re-deployment phase. The Overlord system is replaced in the app version by a system modified from the one in POD version. In the POD version you draw "adventure card" and monster AI card which determined the room condition and objectives and the movements of the monsters (the POD games limit to just core with exception of the last one which throw in the Lair of Wyrm expansion). Overlaying on top is the Peril system but unlike the POD game, there is no Overlord (doom) track so to speak. In this app instead give you have the knock out counter (depend on how many characters) if you exceed the count by one then the game ended and to prevent you from lingering too long in a room, the game punish you with Peril (also adapted from the POD game) that is essentially an event that are bad for the party at the end of each round.

The app as mention above, is not digital version of the game Overlord, so the app does not let you play with campaign from the core or expansion. The app campaign will be all new campaign and the free one included with the app is a short two missions and two side quest campaign. So if you going in expecting to use the campaign from the box, then you are still out of luck. May be someday they will adapt those campaigns into digital version for this app but I doubt that will happen as the game play is quite differences than the Descent campaign.

What this app is -

This app is all new campaign that turn your components from Descent 2.0 into a full fledge co-op version instead of one VS many. The app act as dungeon master but unlike the Overlord in the campaign, the app is more like the POD version. It tells you how to move the monsters where to spawn them and what "special" they have. The big improvement this have over the POD is that you have more coherent and may be more "intelligence" behavior of the monsters. That said, like the POD, this still very dependent on the players to make sure the monsters make the most optimal moves against the players. The system try to mitigate this somewhat by giving the monster "bonus", this is where the app have advantage over the card system that is in the POD version. Being a digital, they can have so much more variety for monsters behavior and movement and can even do scripted version.

The app tell you how to set up the room and keep certain part of map hidden. The app however is not a random map generator, the map in the game (so far) are fixed and use only the tile from the core box set of Descent. I am sure the main reason they are doing this is because they want to reach as many players as possible and the one guarantee is that everyone who use this app must have the core box. May be in the future they could make certain expansion a requirement (like they did with the last POD). While the idea of random map every time you play is good, the problem I have with the POD system is that the map that get generate can be incoherent and sometimes outright impossible. You also have to implement the extra hash Peril system that pretty much force you to do a mad dash into the next room.

The way the app handle the map for me is definitely improvement over both the POD style of random tile and the campaign map. It is in essence a combination of both. One of the main gripe I have with Descent when we used to play it, was that majority of the map the heroes pretty much make the mad dash to objective and the monsters are simply there to block the way (though most of the time ineffectively). Unlike the POD which pretty forced you to go through the map in X-numbers of turns, the app allow for some extra time for players to explore but you are still on the clock and lingering too long you will pretty much doom your party. This eliminate the mad-dash of the original core box campaign and the POD system and give you something in between. People often think Descent is about monster killing (We used to think that too) but it is not, it's more about how best to dispatch the monster so you can get to the objective and the app version still retain that aspect.

What I like -

The app implemented some of the changes from Imperial Assault and instead of all heroes activated then the monsters, it is now alternate between heroes and monsters. This give the game a more tactical and stop what probably our worst problem with original Descent 2.0 campaign, where the heroes would completely wipe out all of the monsters before the Overlord players could react. The app also have big advantage over the fix system in the POD version as they could give monsters more variety and the choice of which one to activate first.

Another thing that the app allow over the POD is the monsters variety in the game. Though the map tiles are still limit to the core box, the app will throw in all monsters and even the lieutenants along with all the items and conditions that you have from any expansions that you tell the app you own. To be sure, the app sill mostly use the monsters from the core but the "open" group monster is pretty much drawn from the entire spectrum of monsters that you have.

While some might have concern about using app to run board game and what could lead into turning the board game into a video game. I think what FFG did with the app is a good balance between making the app a tool to help setting up the game and replace certain aspect of the game (like the AI decks and event decks) and still keep the feeling of you are playing miniatures board game. To be sure, you probably could forgo all this and make this into a full video game and eliminate all the bookkeeping but fear not (if you are like me and love the physical nature and the tracking of tokens and chits) the app only track minimally of what you have. It doesn't track hit points, damage or movements or anything else. What it does is very minimal and least intrusive and honestly the best way to implement this type of apps into board gaming.

Ok, so what start out as a quick answer to the in-app rule book turn into a long essay and block of text about the app. I really like what they did with this app so far. It is not perfect and there are something they could improve. And for those that want random map generator, may be someday FFG will provide a campaign that does that since they could adapt the one from POD system but currently this app is essentially a marriage of the POD version and the core system of Descent. For me this app let you play Descent as co-op game, and if you have long move on from Descent (like we had) but still have the box game and expansions sitting around in your collection, this app will breath some life into them. To me this is an add-on to Descent 2.0 and not a replacement and if you look at this app as such, then it is a nice bonus and best of all it is free to try.


Hail to the KING baby
Also, I watched my first episodes of Tabletop. Previously, I had only watched one Rahdo video and that his run through of Space Hulk: Death Angel because I wanted to be sure I was playing it right. When people talk about other the other different series out there, I tend to gloss over it because I have never been interested in podcasts, streams, Let's Plays, etc. I just got done watching all of The Guild on Netflix and decided to look up what episodes of TT featured Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and other Guild cast members. While, looking through the episode list on Wiki, I saw that they Wil played Formula D in one episode. As I mentioned in the above section, I have been wanting to play that again. So I decided to watch the episode to get my fix and I was surprised to find out afterwards that I enjoyed watching it! I then went and found their X-Wing episode and watched that as well. I've already bookmarked a couple other videos I want to see, especially ones for games like Resistance and Coup (which I own but will never get a chance to play).

So I guess I like Tabletop now.
Tabletop definitely has some positives to it. The production values are very good for a board-game show, and often some of the guests are quite engaging. I also give it a lot of credit for bringing many great games to the mainstream (they pick duds here and there but imo their overall selection is very good).

The downside is that Wil Wheaton can be pretty grating I think to a lot of people and they often get rules wrong which is not the end of the world but also not great. Sometimes they have dud guests too -- like the people who at the end admit they barely understood how to play but overall even though I'm not a superfan I'd say the pros outweigh the cons even if the show with Wheaton and the production values surely does lend itself to skepticism/criticism.
Agreed, Nastu no Takaramono is really nice. I'd recommend picking up other oink games (deep sea adventure, nine tiles, fake artist ), okazu brand (minerva, yokohama) games and Vampire Radar.

I might pick up the other Oink games, but they are also available on Amazon. I saw Yokohama and was tempted to get it, but I'm on a strict budget on this trip. I was trying to find Rocca Town, but no luck.


Very nice and thorough write-up for the Descent app. Thanks for pointing that out about the rule books too; I have a bunch of rule books saved in iBooks, to include X-Wing manuals and FAQs which came from the FFG site, but for some reason it didn't occur to me to grab the rules for Descent that way.

Tabletop definitely has some positives to it. The production values are very good for a board-game show, and often some of the guests are quite engaging. I also give it a lot of credit for bringing many great games to the mainstream (they pick duds here and there but imo their overall selection is very good).

The downside is that Wil Wheaton can be pretty grating I think to a lot of people and they often get rules wrong which is not the end of the world but also not great. Sometimes they have dud guests too -- like the people who at the end admit they barely understood how to play but overall even though I'm not a superfan I'd say the pros outweigh the cons even if the show with Wheaton and the production values surely does lend itself to skepticism/criticism.
I liked the guests they had for Formula D and X-Wing. Seth Green and his wife were pretty funny. I don't have much of a problem with Wil either; though it is on my list, I haven't ever watched that much TNG (so I don't have any residual bias against him from that). The only things I have seen him in besides the odd documentary appearance or two is Big Bang Theory and The Guild and I like him in both of those. He just seems like a guy I would want to hang out with.
I have heard the complaint a few times about rules being wrong and I saw a couple mistakes in both videos I watched (and saw lots of complaining in the comments about it) but what got me to continue watching past the first couple minutes was the banter between everyone and seeing them enjoying each other. I knew how to play and wouldn't use a group play as a tutorial vid when there are so many videos dedicated to teaching people to play. So that didn't bother me.


Hail to the KING baby
Are there any good 5p co-ops? I'm kind of drawing a blank here. Pandemic games aren't really good at 5 imo. Mysterium I guess?


Are there any good 5p co-ops? I'm kind of drawing a blank here. Pandemic games aren't really good at 5 imo. Mysterium I guess?
Mysterium would work. Flash Point and its expansion(s) may also support 5 players. Sentinels of the Multiverse might work but I've never played it.

I haven't played these, but they support 5 players apparently (from a random geeklist https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/38501/best-co-operative-games):
  • Arkham Horror
  • Descent: Journeys in the Dark
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Space Alert
  • Shadows over Camelot
  • Fury of Dracula (team vs. one)
  • The Republic of Rome (sort of cooperative)
  • Betrayal at House on the Hill (I think I played this once and didn't care for it)


Are there any good 5p co-ops? I'm kind of drawing a blank here. Pandemic games aren't really good at 5 imo. Mysterium I guess?

Escape: The Curse of the Temple? Space Alert? Shadows Over Camelot? Say Bye to the Villains (although this game is hard)? These are all games I'd recommend with 5


I haven't seen any rumors that FFG is considering doing one for Imperial Assault but I know a lot of people were saying the said the same thing you did right after Road to Legend went live. I can't imagine it would be tough for them to do an app for Imperial Assault and Imperial Assault is a game that still has a lot of hype around it. In addition to my issues with Descent, I also own Imperial Assault and of course have not played that either (because I have more money than sense, possibly more "hope that one day I'll have friends who will want to game with me" than sense also).
I don't think I will need to buy any of the additional in-app Descent campaigns any time soon but I would pay for an Imperial Assault app day-one. Here's hoping FFG is looking at releasing one.

EDIT: Not news, but here is a thread on the FFG forums with people expressing their desire for an IA app: https://community.fantasyflightgame...o-you-think-this-shouldwill-come-to-ia/page-1
So FFG at the very least is aware that people want one.

EDIT 2: Just found a thread on BGG where people were discussing potential problems with licensing. FFG doesn't have any license for digital games and it could be tricky if the app was considered a game. They already ran into a couple issues with IA and how they don't have the license for board games. Maybe it could be hashed out easily between Disney and FFG or it could have already been worked out or accounted for, but licensing problems was something that did not even occur to me.

I'm hoping to get some games played next week. I didn't go to the local store for board game night last week because I didn't want to play Clue. I didn't go this past Tuesday because they were playing some CAH-esque game called Red Flags and I didn't want to play a game like that in a group of random people where I wouldn't know what kind of sense of humor they had and what they would each be comfortable with. I did stop in for X-Wing night last night because I really want to play and have been thinking of a list I could run maybe next wing but it has been so long since I played, so I wanted to watch the regulars run through some skirmishes. Unfortunately, I showed up a half hour after start time and no one was there. The owner said someone showed up and stayed for 15 mins before leaving. I told him I would be in next Wednesday, though I am pretty nervous about playing with these guys who have played it for a lot longer than I have and a lot more recently than I have.

I also plan to stop in on Tuesday for Quarriors. I've played the Quarriors app maybe a hundred times or more since downloading it last year but have only played the physical version once since TT Day '14 when I was introduced to it (and hated it). I think I might have posted about that day in the last thread but if not: had been playing for 15 hours or so by the time we got to Quarriors and the guys I was playing with all knew how to play it. I didn't really get a good grasp of the mechanics when they explained it to me and did not know what I was doing throughout the whole game. I decided to give it another shot a few months later though after picking up the first Dice Masters starter and bought the second edition of Quarriors and got it to the table once in Greenland.

I may take a couple games with me too. I really want to introduce BattleCON to people at the store and maybe play it in tournament format since it is 1v1, but I don't know if I will ever get my War Remastered, Devastation, and Fate boxes organized or even sleeved. I do have my OG War box that is sleeved, separated, and ready-to-play, so maybe I could take that in. I also want to take in Zombie Tower 3D and Alien Frontier still, and want to play Formula D and Smash Up there again.
The problem with taking games in is that the store "closes" at 8 and I don't know that the owner likes staying past that (and tbh, I don't know if he does, it might not "close like some stores but actually stay open until people are done playing" but could possibly close at that time). Not many people show up either, so there aren't too many people for the scheduled game or people waiting to play something else. Even on a weekend when a lot of stores do open-gaming in addition to regular minis and CCG events, I don't think I could take any games in to this store because the only people who are in there are there to play card games. The store has nothing scheduled for Monday nights though so I have been thinking about asking the owner if Monday could be an open-gaming night and advertised as such on the events section of his FB page. Maybe people who wouldn't turn out for something like "Tuesday Night Board Game Night: Clue" would be more interested in a free-for-all game night. But I don't know, there just might not be enough people in the area who would show up.

Also, I watched my first episodes of Tabletop. Previously, I had only watched one Rahdo video and that his run through of Space Hulk: Death Angel because I wanted to be sure I was playing it right. When people talk about other the other different series out there, I tend to gloss over it because I have never been interested in podcasts, streams, Let's Plays, etc. I just got done watching all of The Guild on Netflix and decided to look up what episodes of TT featured Wil Wheaton, Felicia Day, and other Guild cast members. While, looking through the episode list on Wiki, I saw that they Wil played Formula D in one episode. As I mentioned in the above section, I have been wanting to play that again. So I decided to watch the episode to get my fix and I was surprised to find out afterwards that I enjoyed watching it! I then went and found their X-Wing episode and watched that as well. I've already bookmarked a couple other videos I want to see, especially ones for games like Resistance and Coup (which I own but will never get a chance to play).

So I guess I like Tabletop now.

I went to the interwebs after your post and found the same issues. I also found a solo variant on BGG that's well received, maybe I'll convert that to a digital (webbased) version. I'll host it publicly even, so others can benefit :)
Mysterium would work. Flash Point and its expansion(s) may also support 5 players. Sentinels of the Multiverse might work but I've never played it.

I haven't played these, but they support 5 players apparently (from a random geeklist https://boardgamegeek.com/geeklist/38501/best-co-operative-games):
  • Arkham Horror
  • Descent: Journeys in the Dark
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Space Alert
  • Shadows over Camelot
  • Fury of Dracula (team vs. one)
  • The Republic of Rome (sort of cooperative)
  • Betrayal at House on the Hill (I think I played this once and didn't care for it)

There are co-op rules for Fortune & Glory and it can handle 8 players (the basic rules are competitive, and its probably easier to learn the game with those rules). Both rules variants are in the basic book, though.

Eldritch Horror can also handle more players.
I've now played Hostage Negotiator about 10-15 times.

Solo fans: Despite it being an easy, and relatively fast game, I don't really recommend it unless you're totally cool with all the results coming down to luck. I'd prefer a bit more control. There are a few cards you can use to impact your results, but they're extremely rare - chances are you won't see them in most games.


I know there was some small discussion about Super Hazard Quest a few pages back; a poster who has tried it alerted the thread to the existence of its Kickstarter and myself and another poster expressed concern that it had started so slow and the good stretch goals were far away.
Well I ended up backing right now at the $40 "Game, all expansions, and free shipping" pledge. It ended up hitting a couple good stretch goals, most notably the $50K solo mode. I also watched the video of the creators playing it, and I NEVER watch Kickstarter videos. I know that sounds bad, since I have admitted to backing more than a few games in here and I SHOULD be watching the videos to get a better idea of what I am interested in throwing money at, but the bulk of the projects I backed were while I was still in Greenland and could barely stream a short song with no video on YouTube. So anyway, I watched this video of a group of four playing the game and it looked pretty simple but fun. Plus I am a sucker for retro game art. It seems like a better game than Boss Monster (which I bought, as well as the expansion, and backed the digital version for the tier with "game + physical promo card pack") at least, so if I HAD to trim my collection down, I could get rid of that and still have a good pixel-y retro game in this.


Played about 10 games of Raptor with my girlfriend. Of those games, there was 1 raptor victory, and it was a struggle. What am I missing here? The game seems heavily favoured toward the scientists.
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