Back home from Geekway and completely spent.
Next year Geekway is leaving the Sheraton Lakeside Chalet in favor of a convention center in St. Charles. While I'm happy this means more people will get the chance to experience the best con, I'm also sad because the hotel is so awesome and is a big part of why it is the best con.
This year it never felt too crowded. We were able to get good tables every day. We were able to check out and play almost all of the Play-to-Win games that we wanted. Never tried to play Scythe, didn't even bother. Got to play Above and Below only once but someone from the group ended up winning it! Above and Below felt like the darling of the show. Between Two cities was another hot ticket, probably because of the Geekway promos you got for checking it out. Mombosa was hot but heavy, there always seemed to be a copy on the Play-to-Win shelf.
Personally for our group we really enjoyed Dead Man's Draw and Darkest Deeds. Dead Man's Draw is a super light, filler card game for 2-4 that has you pushing your luck down a deck trying not to bust on similar suits. Each suit has a mandatory action that must be taken before continuing. There are 10 suits that can combo pretty cleverly together to make a pretty good little filler. The other favorite was Darkest Deeds. I only played this once compared to the multiple play throughs from my group but I really enjoyed what I saw. There is a bid line of cards that are either citizens or guards. You must sneak past or kill guards to get at the citizens. You attempt to steal items from citizens that will make it easier to do your dark deeds against stronger guards and townsfolk. Evil deeds have you accumulating suspicion points. If you are the most suspicion person at the table certain things will happen, guards will come after you, etc. There are take-that style cards that allow you to manipulate suspicion and all that fun stuff. A fun take on a pretty crowded genre.
So many other good new games but it all blends together at this point. I will add to my picks as they come to me.
Biggest disappoint for me was World's Fair 1893. I had the highest of hopes going in and it was a hard to get game. By the time we were able to get a copy and play it it was like 1am on Friday and it just fell flat. I think we ended up playing it in our hotel room that night and went to bed asking what the hype was all about. I gave it another shot the next day at 2, 3 and 4 and it never really elevated to a point that I "got". Simple area-control game that seemed to hinge to much on the ability cards and who got them.
Non Play-to-Win stuff I remember playing: Five Tribes (x2, love this game), Eldritch Horror (x1, hate Ameritrash coops), Imminent Domain (x2, love this game), ...And then we held hands (x1, too abstract for me), Minerva (x1, fucking awesome art work, definitely picking this one up.), Spyfall, and tons more.
My free game for MiniMarket was Fury of Dracula, happy about that. I entered the trade table with 5 games. 2 games traded and I got a XMen Dicemasters box and Mtg Boardgame. All the good stuff was gone by the time I was picked but my buddy got Robinson Crusoe. Was unable to stick around for the flea market on Sunday. As mentioned before I didn't win any play-to-wins but I believe my group overall won Above and Below, Melee, and Darkest Deeds. I also traded a copy of Talisman for 6 Cherry Poptarts and a D&D dicemasters starter set. It was late, I wanted Cherry poptarts.
I'm a 5 hour drive from Missouri and wouldn't miss Geekway, what's your excuse?