The group I play with are all fascinate with board gaming now, so I now want to gradually up the complexity level of the games we play. Of course without scaring them away just yet.
We've played thus far Avalon, DC deck building, Codenames, Exploding Kittens, Dixit, Bang. Already bought Pandemic. Was thinking of Terrq Mistica but that looks a bit too complex too fast for my group. Any suggestions?
Isle of Skye is very fun, easy to grasp and introduces a mechanic that your group doesnt know yet (Bidding, Setting Prices). Up to 5 players.

Lords of Waterdeep is a good introduction to worker placement games. Up to 5 players.

Mundus Novus is a cheap and light weight Card/trading game, that is still fun to play after multiple years and facilitates up to 6 players.

Machi Koro is a great introduction (colorful, inviting) to engine building games. Up to 4 players.

Another huge recommendation is Paperback, as its blending a game people know (Scrabble) with more board game like elements, like abilities and coop play. Up to 5 players.

Port Royal is a fun and lightweight Push your luck game. Up to 5 players.

Ascension is a great little deckbuilding game that doesnt require as much preparation and card learning as games like Dominion, and (at least in DE) the base game can be gotten for dirt cheap atm. Might be worth a try, but it really starts shining once more expansions are added to it.

Mysterium and Marvel Legendary are great recommendations too (but a bit more involved and expensive).