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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


I just got back from the local store. We played Betrayal at House on the Hill, my second time playing that (explorers survived the Zombie Lord haunt and won, thanks to the 7 dice from my sacrificial dagger wrecking zombie face), and then we played Cards Against Humanity. I've owned CAH for a while and never played it. While I do understand that it can get old quick, and I understand that people just going for the most shocking choice every time can get old, i apactually had a lot of fun with it. I put thought into each choice and was the dominant winner. I was choosing winners that I personally found funny, or things that others didn't 'get,' but the cards I was choosing were golden. I'm pretty proud of some of the combos I put together, because they weren't just "Random Question _____________" = "Random Penis Joke."
After getting into the hobby just recently and buying my first batch of games almost blindly (Exploding Kittens, Codenames, Pandemic, DC Deck Building Game, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones card game - 2 core sets, Escape: The curse of the temple, Dixit, Resistance Avalon, Bang), I'm closing in n buying my next game, but I'm trying to be more thorough with my research.

I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight
And I really want to try a horror game like MoM and Betrayel at house on the Hill.

It's really though between these games. So far I like Pandemic and DC the most but I have only played Dead of Winter once and I haven't gotten to play Game of Thrones at all.


After getting into the hobby just recently and buying my first batch of games almost blindly (Exploding Kittens, Codenames, Pandemic, DC Deck Building Game, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones card game - 2 core sets, Escape: The curse of the temple, Dixit, Resistance Avalon, Bang), I'm closing in n buying my next game, but I'm trying to be more thorough with my research.

I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight
And I really want to try a horror game like MoM and Betrayel at house on the Hill.

It's really though between these games. So far I like Pandemic and DC the most but I have only played Dead of Winter once and I haven't gotten to play Game of Thrones at all.
That's definitely a good set of games that you started off with. I would cast my vote for Mage Knight out of the list that you are thinking about. Betrayal would be a good one to get if you have a regular group you play with; Halloween is coming up soon and you could have some really cool events. The group at my local store is planning a Halloween Betrayal session, since a lot of them are excited about the expansion coming out in a few weeks.


I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight

If you want a largely solo game, get Mage Knight.
If you want lots of player-vs-player combat, get Kemet.
If you want a strategic, interactive Euro, get Terra Mystica.
So I'm not saying they should never reuse, just maybe we could draw some lines like maybe only reuse art twice at most. Or have a game be at least half new art. It also kinda screws the artists too to just reuse their stuff under I'm sure contracts where they aren't seeing much if anything for the reuse, instead of commissioning new stuff.

Yeah, they get nothing for reuse because artwork are all own by FFG. I think the new Arkham uses a lot of new artwork.


Unlimited Capacity
After getting into the hobby just recently and buying my first batch of games almost blindly (Exploding Kittens, Codenames, Pandemic, DC Deck Building Game, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones card game - 2 core sets, Escape: The curse of the temple, Dixit, Resistance Avalon, Bang), I'm closing in n buying my next game, but I'm trying to be more thorough with my research.

I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight
And I really want to try a horror game like MoM and Betrayel at house on the Hill.

It's really though between these games. So far I like Pandemic and DC the most but I have only played Dead of Winter once and I haven't gotten to play Game of Thrones at all.

You really can not go wrong with any of those games. I will say that Kemet will be the easiest to get into out of the three. Mage Knight is my favorite game though.


Great catch. I backed it too!

we aren't big into worker placement, but it didn't seem like one with a heavy focus on screwing over other players so we figured why not give it a try.

plus my wife loves dragons... if they were real I would find a way to have one as a pet :p
If you want a largely solo game, get Mage Knight.
If you want lots of player-vs-player combat, get Kemet.
If you want a strategic, interactive Euro, get Terra Mystica.
Do you not recommend Mage Knight as a group game? Which one do you think has the most replay ability?

Pardon the ignorance, what does being an Euro game entail in terms of how a game plays?


Do you not recommend Mage Knight as a group game? Which one do you think has the most replay ability?

I haven't played Mage Knight, but I always see that one recommended more so for 1-2 players than 3-4.

Commenting on replayability is tricky because most board games are, generally speaking, already very replayable (unless they're awful games that you just don't want to play again).

Pardon the ignorance, what does being an Euro game entail in terms of how a game plays?

This is the debate for the ages, haha. It's mostly a stereotype that really isn't true anymore, IMO.... But I'm sure others here will disagree.
After getting into the hobby just recently and buying my first batch of games almost blindly (Exploding Kittens, Codenames, Pandemic, DC Deck Building Game, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones card game - 2 core sets, Escape: The curse of the temple, Dixit, Resistance Avalon, Bang), I'm closing in n buying my next game, but I'm trying to be more thorough with my research.

I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight
And I really want to try a horror game like MoM and Betrayel at house on the Hill.

It's really though between these games. So far I like Pandemic and DC the most but I have only played Dead of Winter once and I haven't gotten to play Game of Thrones at all.

Funny enough, Pandemic and DC Comics Deck Building Game were the first two board games I bought that weren't the classics. I've played over 200 games of DC (or one of the other core sets). Played a lot of Pandemic too back in the day, though I prefer Defenders of the Realm now. That's a really solid group of first games, I especially love Codenames as well.

For a horror game, MoM and Betrayal are solid choices. And I'll just put up Mysterium as another if you liked Dixit. Also Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective. I know it's not really horror and more mystery, but if you are able to do a few of those cases in back to back game sessions with the same people and see the overarching story unfold, I think it gets pretty creepy. Like hairs standing on the back of your hair.

As for a meaty game with lots of replayability, I would offer a few others as suggestions:
Nations: Amazing civilization game, based around building a tableau of cards. Mechanically simple, but so many decisions and only 60% of each deck is used per game, combined with several different player powers make for a ton of replayability. (if you play with 2 normally, insert Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization here instead)

Eclipse: A more resource-focused 4x game. With alien powers and the different ways the galaxy is laid out and research becomes available, every game will certainly be different. Can be a bit on the long side though and best with 3+ players

As for the ones you chose out...

Terra Mystica: Would probably be the best one by itself. I'm not sure how Kemet fares with the expansion. There's a reason Terra Mystica is rated so highly on boardgamegeek. But it's not a game that's bursting with theme and the interactions between players is fairly minimal and usually consists of taking an action that someone else wanted.

Mage Knight: I would shy away from this one for now. It's a beast of a game, and tough to learn. Tougher to teach and play with other people too. With the games under your belt now, I would get comfortable with a meaty game of a different sort before heading into Mage Knight.

Kemet: A solid game. Questions abound about the balance of the three different colors, but I think I've heard that every color is overpowered, so it's probably the case that none of them are. If you want conflict and dudes on a map can't go wrong here. (Cyclades or Mare Nostrum: Empires are suitable substitutes).


I've felt like starting a board game newsletter (via email) for a while now. What kind of things would you subscribe to one for?

I'm subscribed to BoardGameGeek's Geek Weekly, but it still comes off a lot like a community newsletter ("Here's what's going on within BoardGameGeek") that only really makes sense to you if you're already part of the BGG community.


How frequent would it be?

I guess that ultimately depends on the content, of which I'm only trying to get an idea of now.

I guess this thread gives me some idea about what the community cares about, but there's no use in reinventing the wheel if people already like the way they get news and stuff.

Mr E.

Just backed The Captain is Dead episode 3. Game crafter game but components are pretty good.

The Captain is dead is one of my all time favourite co-ops.


I guess that ultimately depends on the content, of which I'm only trying to get an idea of now.

I guess this thread gives me some idea about what the community cares about, but there's no use in reinventing the wheel if people already like the way they get news and stuff.

Yeah, I guess to be fair, this thread is basically a newsletter for me. I check in periodically to see what new stuff is being talked about, and if I have anything more specific that I need, I just ask and usually have a good answer within a few hours.

I'm not sure what a newsletter could do that this thread doesn't.


Pardon the ignorance, what does being an Euro game entail in terms of how a game plays?
Opinions may differ a lot, but I think the general stereotype is that "Euro" games tend to:

  • Be more focused on complex mechanics, less thematic (maybe there's a theme, but you're moving little wooden pieces around, instead of constantly reading flavor text on cards with pictures of Batman and Cthulhu)
  • Be more strategy-focused, less luck-based (not pure dice rolls etc.)
  • Have less player interaction (maybe you can block your opponent or get in their way, but not as much invade-and-crush wargame stuff)

I tend to like these aspects, but of course it depends on the game group.
Opinions may differ a lot, but I think the general stereotype is that "Euro" games tend to:

  • Be more focused on complex mechanics, less thematic (maybe there's a theme, but you're moving little wooden pieces around, instead of constantly reading flavor text on cards with pictures of Batman and Cthulhu)
  • Be more strategy-focused, less luck-based (not pure dice rolls etc.)
  • Have less player interaction (maybe you can block your opponent or get in their way, but not as much invade-and-crush wargame stuff)

I tend to like these aspects, but of course it depends on the game group.

Pretty much all those. And for theme, lot of euros are barely themed, you could slap whatever art on it and say it's a game about such and such, and it works. This doesn't sit well with some people.


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah haha, I know a lot of people (especially on BGG) bristle at the Ameritrash/Euro distinction (and names, especially the former!) but to me I find it super useful both in getting a rough sense of games and in explaining them to people. Sure there is increasingly a lot of overlap, but Feld games, and cube-pushers all with awfully boring themes are still pretty clearly Euros, and FFG games where you're checking dice and reading narrative are Ameritrash. :) I actually like both but for very different reasons. I'd say I'm almost 50/50 in terms of playtimes and my top 10 games in terms of which category they fall into.


I still think it creates needless antagonism to throw "trash" into one word and not the other. Even "thrash" still sounds like "trash". If I have to justify a term repeatedly because it annoys/offends a bunch of people, a more respectful and efficient approach is probably to skip using the term (see also: the PC Master Race meme referencing Nazi genocide).

We could just say "American" if the other is called "Euro".


Hail to the KING baby
I stumbled about this BGG page on "Ameritrash":
"Some people feel that the term "Ameritrash" is unnecessarily negative and prefer not to use it. Others feel that the reference to America is a problem because not all of these games are published in America. Suggested alternative terms include Amerigames, Amerigold, and Ameritreasure. To date none of these has gained traction. BoardGameGeek has recently created a category system for games, and named the category for these games "Thematic Games", argueably a more professional name for the category and less offensive to the game publishers themselves."

And I totally need to start using "Ameritreasure" sarcastically. Like, "oh that comes with ten boxes of minis, already has three FAQs, and takes nine hours to play? Sounds like an absolute Ameritreasure."


The thing is, I feel like the distinction is growing more meaningless nowadays because there are a lot of games coming out from American designers that might as well be considered "Euro".

The hottest hotness of recent games developed in America, Scythe, is what you might consider a Eurogame with more expensive pieces. Pandemic Legacy, based on Pandemic, is very much a game designed with the "Euro" mentality.

Likewise, there are lots of games designed in Europe that have a lot of theme, interaction, player fuckery, and a lot of their recent output (including a Euro company buying all of board gaming) seems determined to break out of the stereotype.


Hail to the KING baby
I dunno, I personally find most European designed games to have pretty terrible themes still, almost like they're trolling me? (I'm pretty sure Feld is at this point.) Europeans are just better at mechanics and balance though. #stereotypes

I do also find IRL that people tend to prefer one style or the other, again allowing for yes there is more and more synergy.


I dunno, I personally find most European designed games to have pretty terrible themes still, almost like they're trolling me? (I'm pretty sure Feld is at this point.) Europeans are just better at mechanics and balance though. #stereotypes

I do also find IRL that people tend to prefer one style or the other, again allowing for yes there is more and more synergy.

That will be hard to argue when American games often use licensed material (comics, movies, shows).

But IMO, as far as a game having mechanics that fit a cohesive theme, I think there are plenty of Euros that do that. Maybe not your typical Feld "Cityname Market Trader" eurogame, but lots of games that fall outside that.

Mind you, I'm talking about how thematic the game mechanics feel, not the amount of art/flavor text/gloss thrown on top.
Alot of the themes take imagination. You will go "oh I get that this moving of a wooden block represents this...." but really you can exchange that mechanic and often vaguely paste it onto any other game. Obviously some games have a thematic element involved or something that makes you go "oh neat". Swap some art and it's a whole new game setting!

Course same happens with ameritrash games too, you just wonder if the game had anything to do with the theme at some point or a different theme before it was released.


Looking for Hallowe'en recommendations. Mostly looking for games that would feel like a 80s slasher flick, or that type of cheesy horror vibe. I'm waiting on The Last Friday to arrive, but I want other options. I've looked into Camp Grizzly but I doubt it would arrive on time (I live in Canada).


The first time I saw the term 'Ameritrash' on BGG, I bristled a bit at it. I automatically assumed it was an insult from snobby fans of "thinking-man's" games. I learned pretty quickly that most people accepted the term and that it didn't have the negative connotation anymore that it may have had when it was first thought up. So I've embraced the term, but even if I didn't like it, I would prefer it to "Amerithrash."

I'm definitely more of an Ameritrash fan than a Euro fan but I have been warming up to some of the more dryer, theme-less titles recently. I find that I can't get that excited about a game with a boring or tacked-on theme but after trying more and more Euros I discovered that I do still have fun working out the strategies and playing them. Both types of game scratch different itches. If a new and unknown AT and Euro game were both sitting side-by-side on a table, I would more than likely take a close look at the AT game first though.
Looking for Hallowe'en recommendations. Mostly looking for games that would feel like a 80s slasher flick, or that type of cheesy horror vibe. I'm waiting on The Last Friday to arrive, but I want other options. I've looked into Camp Grizzly but I doubt it would arrive on time (I live in Canada).
Psycho Raiders may be the exact game you are looking for: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/165748/psycho-raiders
It is by the same guys that did Cave Evil.


Looking for Hallowe'en recommendations. Mostly looking for games that would feel like a 80s slasher flick, or that type of cheesy horror vibe. I'm waiting on The Last Friday to arrive, but I want other options. I've looked into Camp Grizzly but I doubt it would arrive on time (I live in Canada).

Check out Fearsome Floors, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Room 25, Shadow Hunters, Pandemic Cthulhu?


Check out Fearsome Floors, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Room 25, Shadow Hunters, Pandemic Cthulhu?
Well of course Betrayal at House on the Hill. For some reason I thought he mentioned that too, but if he doesn't have that, it should be on the list. Last Night on Earth might work too, I guess.


I'm a bit hesitant on Betrayal because I already have several games with a traitor element to it. Is it a big part of it?


I'm a bit hesitant on Betrayal because I already have several games with a traitor element to it. Is it a big part of it?

Kind of. You play some intro rounds to setup the board - then somebody is more or less randomly picked to be "it", and then you go into one of the game's scenarios, with that player playing against the group. The difference is that they likely weren't plotting against you this entire time.
I'm a bit hesitant on Betrayal because I already have several games with a traitor element to it. Is it a big part of it?
The traitor doesn't know they're the traitor until The Haunt is revealed. Each Haunt has specific criteria to determine who is/are the traitor(s) -- for example it could be the person with the lowest sanity, or some other attribute.

Edit: You can't exactly prepare for the Haunt, because you don't know when it'll happen or who will become the traitor. It's very random.


I don't like Betrayal because if I recall correctly, there is tons of reading, and either one group or the other ends up grumpy and feeling shafted.


Unconfirmed Member
The Mansions of Madness app got updated with two new scenarios if you own the first edition content or bought the tile/mini expansions.
After getting into the hobby just recently and buying my first batch of games almost blindly (Exploding Kittens, Codenames, Pandemic, DC Deck Building Game, Dead of Winter, Game of Thrones card game - 2 core sets, Escape: The curse of the temple, Dixit, Resistance Avalon, Bang), I'm closing in n buying my next game, but I'm trying to be more thorough with my research.

I want a meaty game with lots of replayability. I'm interested in:
Terra Mystica
Mage Knight
And I really want to try a horror game like MoM and Betrayel at house on the Hill.

It's really though between these games. So far I like Pandemic and DC the most but I have only played Dead of Winter once and I haven't gotten to play Game of Thrones at all.

So of three, I can try to tell you about Mage Knight since it is the only one I am most familiar with. I am currently playing solitaire game of Star Trek Frontiers (which is a re-theme of Mage Knight and somewhat streamline version).


Mage Knight (or Star Trek Frontiers) at it core is a deckbuilding game. The way you go about getting better cards is by exploring location, fighting enemy and leveling up. If you are familiar with Heroes of Might and Magic video game, it's sort of like that. You have over view map with locations and enemies you can fight. You are free to do and go wherever you please as long as you have enough movement points to spend or interaction point (you get one of this per turn though if you do interaction before moving you forfeit your movement).

You do your action by playing cards from your hand. Characters you pick from all have the same standard 15 starting action cards along with one special card that is unique to your character. The card can either generate movement points, diplomacy points, defense or attack points. Some card can generate more than one type. Each card have two version (top and bottom), the bottom part of the card is a more powerful version but require mana (or data in Star Trek) to power up. At beginning of the round you roll dice and the dice will generate mana (again data for Star Trek) for that turn. You can use one dice per turn unless you have card that let you get more. You can also power up the card with crystal which you gain as reward or from card you play. The fun part of the game is trying to optimize what you have in your hands for that particular turn.


Here I was able to use Warp Manipulation and pop up on the other side of the tile and explore the next tile. I am however facing with dilemma of either taking on the Borg sphere and add more damage cards to my hand (you can see I already took a damage earlier). So the game is in a way like a big puzzle with a lot of parts and pieces you can try to make the best use of. Beside cards in your hand, you also get ability token as you level up which give you more option and you also recruit character to fight with you, which give you more options.


So while the game give you a lot of things to do, you can not do them all and often time you have to pick and choose what would be your most optimum route. The game has round limit so you can't just go around powering up and if you play multiplayers other people will take resources, explore the locations or take the objective before you do. Which lead to the last point, the game is a bear to learn and while I didn't find it hard to teach, there are a lot of nuances and rules. The combat part (especially Mage Knight) can be very confusing to wrap you head around. As you can see even the streamline version and solitaire game can take up most of our dining room table (which seated 8). The game can and will induced serious Analysis Paralysis and I usually never play Mage Knight with more than two people.


If you are still interested, it is a very good game with a lot of replayability. If you get Mage Knight there are several expansions you can get but the base box itself offer a lot of variety. If you like Star Trek (or don't mind it), it is a little easier to learn. The round is simpler (no day or night), simpler power source dice, and one less deck of cards (the artifacts and spells in Mage Knight got roll into one deck called the Undiscoverd for Star Trek Frontiers). Again, this is my number one solitaire game, it's alway satisfying every time I finished the game even when I loose. Above my Sisko, is taking on the Borg cube with cloaking ability (how perfect right? especially with the Defiant as my ship).
As awesome as Mage Knight looks it does seem to be a bit too heavy a game for me at this point in time.
Watched the Shut Up and Sit Down and Tom Vasell reviews of Terra Mystica and Kemet.

SUaSD loved both games (they absolutely adored TM), while Vasell wasnt very big on Terra Mystica while he loved Kemet. It seems like Kemet is the safest bet for the level of complexity I'm accustomed to. Tough choice.


Saint Nic
As awesome as Mage Knight looks it does seem to be a bit too heavy a game for me at this point in time.
Watched the Shut Up and Sit Down and Tom Vasell reviews of Terra Mystica and Kemet.

SUaSD loved both games (they absolutely adored TM), while Vasell wasnt very big on Terra Mystica while he loved Kemet. It seems like Kemet is the safest bet for the level of complexity I'm accustomed to. Tough choice.

Mage Knight is amazing and worth the cost (you can get a used copy for cheap on the Facebook group basically whenever as there's always a few for sale). If you DO decide to pick it up, a few pages back included some great tips and tricks. It's hard to learn, but only because there are so many little rules. There are very few challenging or confusions rules, so that helps.


As awesome as Mage Knight looks it does seem to be a bit too heavy a game for me at this point in time.
Watched the Shut Up and Sit Down and Tom Vasell reviews of Terra Mystica and Kemet.

SUaSD loved both games (they absolutely adored TM), while Vasell wasnt very big on Terra Mystica while he loved Kemet. It seems like Kemet is the safest bet for the level of complexity I'm accustomed to. Tough choice.

Mage Knight is liquid dogshit. Kemet is great!


I remember seeing that Mage Knight was getting a Star Wars retheme months and months ago but I forgot about it. Frontiers had a lot of buzz post-GenCon but it didn't 'click' what game it was when I saw people talking about it. I am not that big of a Star Trek fan but I need to get that down the line.


Care to elaborate? It does seem complex, but altogether bad?
That seems to be the consensus on Kemet.

I'm mostly just getting a rise out of the MK fanatics around here.

I legitimately don't like it, and would never play it again though. I find the deckbuilding weak, the exploration anticlimactic, and ultimately way too complicated for what the end product delivers.

That being said, I'm apparently in the minority.
Had to stop for the night during my first game of Space Hulk: Death Angel. I don't think I like it. :( Will pick up my game tomorrow and see what happens.


Hail to the KING baby
Had to stop for the night during my first game of Space Hulk: Death Angel. I don't think I like it. :( Will pick up my game tomorrow and see what happens.
That's too bad. Been playing this game a ton recently. Difficulty level is just perfect and the die rolls are all brutally important.


I'm mostly just getting a rise out of the MK fanatics around here.

I legitimately don't like it, and would never play it again though. I find the deckbuilding weak, the exploration anticlimactic, and ultimately way too complicated for what the end product delivers.

That being said, I'm apparently in the minority.

I'm with you. I've played it a handful of times, and never really found any massive amount of enjoyment out of it. There are a ton of games I'd much rather spend hours playing.
I'm mostly just getting a rise out of the MK fanatics around here.

I legitimately don't like it, and would never play it again though. I find the deckbuilding weak, the exploration anticlimactic, and ultimately way too complicated for what the end product delivers.

That being said, I'm apparently in the minority.

Kind of agree. It's like they decided to just mash together a bunch of different games and create this epic looking game, but it's kinda just too bloated.


Saint Nic
Mage Knight is a love it or hate it game. There is no in between.

It's the kind of game that really rewards repeat plays as you learn how to manipulate your deck and utilize your options more efficiently. That said, it only requires one play to know if you're going to want to depart on that journey or not. It plays long, has a lot of rules, and requires you to really think about every single action you take.

Star Trek Frontiers is supposed to be a slightly more streamlined and easier version of Mage Knight. It's worth looking into that if you're curious about the style.
That's too bad. Been playing this game a ton recently. Difficulty level is just perfect and the die rolls are all brutally important.
The 50% success rate for basic attacks is unsatisfying and my marines missed more than they hit. On the second location and I'm already down two marines. I think I picked a weak combination of teams. Reading on BGG that playing with four teams (thus 2 player) is considerably easier.
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