Junk Art is legit! Such a great game night game, especially if you remove the imo more boring and less-balanced (pun) Cities of Hometown & Amsterdam. Combining some light gaminess like drafting with just classic mechanics like stacking usually works out well for me, and it definitely does with Junk Art, my new favorite dexterity game.
What's on everyone's upcoming radar? For me, it's:
- Cry Havoc (pre-ordered) (I'll give almost any area control a shot)
- Warriors of Middle Earth (pre-ordered) (already have everything else for WotR)
- Inis (pre-ordered) (see #1)
Then, after the pre-orders, I'm definitely looking into:
- Lorenzo il Magnifico (Marco Polo is probably my most played game this year)
- Great Western Trail (Mombasa is probably my second most played game this year)
I won't make it to Essen, so I'll just be getting the last two when I can.
I guess the Scythe expansion is also on my radar too. It wasn't a hit with my group. Not that we hated it but we have just enjoyed other games like those above and Mare Nostrum Empires more. Nobody seems to be asking to play Scythe again.
Ooh good question! I was actually looking at Essen hotness because I'll be at BGG.Con this year and you can order through funagain, but nothing super jumped out at me? In terms of stuff I have on preorder:
Pandemic Cthulhu and Iberia (what can I say, I love Pandemic

, and like TTR they haven't let me down yet -- except Rails & Sails TTR which I know to steer clear of)
Arkham LCG (missed the boat on LOTR because I had never played an LCG before and was just getting into meaty board games in general when it came out, but I'm fully ready and excited for this)
Mechs vs. Minions (game looks amazing to me -- I love RoboRally and co-ops and this seems to mash everything together quite well for a fantastic price)
Legendary: Aliens expansion (feels like UD has been really falling off a cliff art-wise with Firefly and BTILC but their gameplay seems as good as ever; this is probably one of my top 30 games of all time so no-brainer to get the xpac)
Pandemic: The Cure expansion (told you I love Pandemic! actually prefer The Cure to base Pandemic nowadays so really excited for this)
I'll also keep an eye on the various crazy euros coming out of Essen. Feast for Odin looks interesting, but brutally complex. Feel like maybe Rosenberg has passed me by in terms of length and complexity I'm looking for out of a Euro anymore. Feld is just right in that sweet spot. But I'll still keep a close eye out for this or others and do plan to pick up one crunchy Euro this year.