Would this be the place to talk about Heroscape?
Well I have a friend who really love modular boards but had never heard of it.
So I tell him one day when we have a game night at my place I have to show him the Heroscape land pieces that are in a chest below my newt.
I finally had the chance to show him it and now he really wants to play it.
I used to play this a ton with my brother and 2 other friends years ago and I have quite the sizable collection but the idea of plying it has made me realize how much I love this game despite not playing it in years.
I can't believe how expensive it still is after they discontinued it please WotC reprint this even if new stuff does not comes out, or at least give us better land with your Mtg board game.
So now I'm thinking up board ideas and seeing who else I know would be interested in playing it.
I don't think we will use all the rules in our first game but enough for it to be complex.
What a fun game.
Here is an image for those who don't know of this game.