Tonight was a another lame night at the local store. Definitely sucked compared to last week. I went last week and two people were there playing Cardfight: Vanguard when I walked in and another guy who used to show up a lot (prior to starting college) came in after me. We played a couple rounds of BRKTS, a game that a local guy designed that all four of us had play-tested earlier in the summer. I had brought in Exploding Kittens, Zombie Tower 3D, and Elder Sign. The three of them wanted to try Exploding Kittens, so we played that until people needed to start leaving.
This week, I took in Exploding Kittens again, as well as Space Hulk: Death Angel and Flick 'Em Up. Flick 'Em Up was what is as really hoping to play and thought might go over well with last week's group. I spent an hour before going to the store cultivating a good mix of old-school country western music, rockabilly, folk and bluegrass, and Ennio Moriccone songs (Fistful of Dynamite, Ecstacy of Gold, and more) for an Amazon Music playlist on my iPad that we could play while knocking out the first couple scenarios in the mission book. I reread the rules, scenerio book, FAQ, and the expansion rules just so I could tell them what is in store for them in both expansions that I have, provided they liked it.
I showed up and there was three people there, none of whom were there last week. One guy was someone who was interested in playing BattleCON with me in the Summer and tried a match but had a bad schedule and we never could sync up times when we would both be at the store. He was there sorting YuGiOh cards in his collection. Another guy was playing some hex-and-counter war game with the store owner. And finally the third guy was someone who I had played Splendor, Potion Explosion with in the past. After making some small talk I finally said I had a couple games in the car and offered to bring them in if anyone was interested. The second guy finished the war game and was going to play YGO with the first, so I began pitching games to the third guy. Exploding Kittens was out since there was only two of us. I handed him the rules for Flick Em Up on my iPad and opened the box so he could see the components, but he wasn't interested. He asked what SH

A was so I explained it to him but he didn't seem interested in it either. He said he wanted to play Chess. I tried not to be an ass but I told him "I like Chess but I could play that anywhere, man. I could be playing that on the couch back home right now." So he just sat there for a bit. I said "[The owner] put up some shelves of demo games recently. There's Risk, Legendary Marvel, and some other things I've never tried." He reiterated that he "hadn't played chess in a long time and kinda wanted to play it." So I said "Looks like there are some chess sets on the shelves to" and he jumped up and ran in and grabbed one. So I sat down and played three games of chess before he left. I sat around for a bit longer looking at some rule books on iPad and then left also.
I was so hyped for Flick Em Up, so I guess I set myself up for disappointment. Should have known better, I guess. I get uncomfortable always bringing games in because I do understand that other people might not want to play them, so I get worried that I am coming off as pushy to them. That is why I started leaving my games in the car and waiting to see if anyone asks "Did anyone bring anything?" or "Are we gonna play something for game night?" The guy I played chess with brought the same two games he always has with him: Marvel Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity (the only two things he owns). I know the one time I don't bring games is the time it's just him and I and we have to try to play Cards Against Humanity two-player or something.
Ah.... Oh well. Maybe next week. I can get Flick Em Up onto the table. Of course my son is due to be born any day now, could even be tomorrow. So odds are that everyone will start showing up for game nights again and I'll be at home with a newborn unable to attend.
Got MM notifications that Arkham Horror LCG and Robinson Crusoe were back in stock while I was work. They are back to being sold out.
Bummer. I've got Robinson Crusoe on hold (for $30, no less!) and will probably wait a while until I can find enough things to pad the order for free shipping.