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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


You are not using two investigators for solo? I think with the committed mechanic this would be optimal number. I did couple of solo runs and I like that the deckbuilding aspect is minimal. I know this will change as card pool get bigger but I agree 30 card deck is a better way and feel more personal.

Nope, I use one. I used one in LOTR as well. Eventually I may run 2 for giggles but I mainly try to solo them with one character. Arkham seems much more suited to this than LoTR to be honest. The card pool is just a bit limited now.


Hail to the KING baby
So I won that Vasel charity auction for the new Blood Bowl painted by Sam Healey & Rob Oren for their show. It was just too cool an item to pass up and was my big one for the year. Guess I'll have to dig into the rules now. :p Worst case I suppose I'll have some really cool painted minis in honestly what's one of my favorite game universes (Blood Bowl).


Vital Lacerda & Ian O'Toole return with a new game on KS. Lisboa's board looks really gorgeous. Gotta say after getting Vinhos Deluxe and The Gallerist, I'm in love with their work. Both art style and mechanic. Finding someone to play with is a rather difficult task tho as they are quite heavy to my group.

Although I think Vinhos just looks scary and intimidating but nothing close to heavy.


Ya, I am in on Vinhos. I've not kickstarted anything for a while and right now I am currently in on three big ones: Mythic Battles: Pantheon, Feudum and this. Jesus.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so quick recommendation..

looking for my first "campaign adventure" game.. I know some.. so looking for the best of the best from these or something I'm missing??

Shadows of Brimstone
Imperial Assault
Mansions of Madness
Shadows is fun, but prepare for a ton of randomness in campaign play. Go to a doctor after an adventure? roll a die... oh you died.... start over. The game is also huge, so many components, you need a big play space for it and it can be a bit of a chore, you really need to invest alot of time into this one and table space.

Imperial Assault I like to recommend cause it's very simple and much smaller scale overall, the campaign system is also really streamlined and quick to play. Descent is similar game, though I find IA game play tweaks to the system to make it a superior game. Kinda depends though if you want fantasy game or rather do star wars as it's very very similar mostly.
so quick recommendation..

looking for my first "campaign adventure" game.. I know some.. so looking for the best of the best from these or something I'm missing??

Shadows of Brimstone
Imperial Assault
Mansions of Madness

Depends on how much you want to pay. Descent (and by extension Imperial Assault, though I never played it) is readily available at a good entry point. However, the expansions would seem to add up to quite a bit over time. Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is also pretty good too. The first base set should be found for pretty cheaply now that 2-3 more have come out.

I must also mention Kingdom Death: Monster. It's not available yet, but the kickstarter for a 2nd full printing will be launching on Black Friday. It's not for everyone as it'll be pretty expensive, the artwork may be outside your comfort zone, and it can be incredibly random at times. However, I do suggest you keep an eye on it when the KS launches as the print run is likely to not reach wide distribution outside of backers.


Unconfirmed Member
Finally got a chance to play the first scenario in tye AHLCG. Really enjoyed it. I pull chaos tokens about as good as I roll dice :p
so quick recommendation..

looking for my first "campaign adventure" game.. I know some.. so looking for the best of the best from these or something I'm missing??

Shadows of Brimstone
Imperial Assault
Mansions of Madness

How many people will you be playing with?


so quick recommendation..

looking for my first "campaign adventure" game.. I know some.. so looking for the best of the best from these or something I'm missing??

Shadows of Brimstone
Imperial Assault
Mansions of Madness

If you're looking for something that's competitive, no overlord, and a little less heavy Arcadia Quest is a great option.
so quick recommendation..

looking for my first "campaign adventure" game.. I know some.. so looking for the best of the best from these or something I'm missing??

Shadows of Brimstone
Imperial Assault
Mansions of Madness

Mansions is really good, but not really a campaign game. Imperial Assault is probably better, but dammit, I love Descent. There's a mountain of content available and no reason you couldn't implement the gameplay tweaks from Imperial Assault for your overlord games. That's not to mention the app, which makes solo games viable. My roommate hated playing D2E when I overlorded it, but the app made him a believer.

The only caution here is this: if one person in your group doesn't dig it, your campaign is never happening again. I'd hesitate to buy in if you're not sure that you'll have 5 willing participants. Otherwise, 1 person is gonna have to go find something else to do for two hours while you're dungeon crawling with 4.


Tonight was a another lame night at the local store. Definitely sucked compared to last week. I went last week and two people were there playing Cardfight: Vanguard when I walked in and another guy who used to show up a lot (prior to starting college) came in after me. We played a couple rounds of BRKTS, a game that a local guy designed that all four of us had play-tested earlier in the summer. I had brought in Exploding Kittens, Zombie Tower 3D, and Elder Sign. The three of them wanted to try Exploding Kittens, so we played that until people needed to start leaving.

This week, I took in Exploding Kittens again, as well as Space Hulk: Death Angel and Flick 'Em Up. Flick 'Em Up was what is as really hoping to play and thought might go over well with last week's group. I spent an hour before going to the store cultivating a good mix of old-school country western music, rockabilly, folk and bluegrass, and Ennio Moriccone songs (Fistful of Dynamite, Ecstacy of Gold, and more) for an Amazon Music playlist on my iPad that we could play while knocking out the first couple scenarios in the mission book. I reread the rules, scenerio book, FAQ, and the expansion rules just so I could tell them what is in store for them in both expansions that I have, provided they liked it.

I showed up and there was three people there, none of whom were there last week. One guy was someone who was interested in playing BattleCON with me in the Summer and tried a match but had a bad schedule and we never could sync up times when we would both be at the store. He was there sorting YuGiOh cards in his collection. Another guy was playing some hex-and-counter war game with the store owner. And finally the third guy was someone who I had played Splendor, Potion Explosion with in the past. After making some small talk I finally said I had a couple games in the car and offered to bring them in if anyone was interested. The second guy finished the war game and was going to play YGO with the first, so I began pitching games to the third guy. Exploding Kittens was out since there was only two of us. I handed him the rules for Flick Em Up on my iPad and opened the box so he could see the components, but he wasn't interested. He asked what SH:DA was so I explained it to him but he didn't seem interested in it either. He said he wanted to play Chess. I tried not to be an ass but I told him "I like Chess but I could play that anywhere, man. I could be playing that on the couch back home right now." So he just sat there for a bit. I said "[The owner] put up some shelves of demo games recently. There's Risk, Legendary Marvel, and some other things I've never tried." He reiterated that he "hadn't played chess in a long time and kinda wanted to play it." So I said "Looks like there are some chess sets on the shelves to" and he jumped up and ran in and grabbed one. So I sat down and played three games of chess before he left. I sat around for a bit longer looking at some rule books on iPad and then left also.

I was so hyped for Flick Em Up, so I guess I set myself up for disappointment. Should have known better, I guess. I get uncomfortable always bringing games in because I do understand that other people might not want to play them, so I get worried that I am coming off as pushy to them. That is why I started leaving my games in the car and waiting to see if anyone asks "Did anyone bring anything?" or "Are we gonna play something for game night?" The guy I played chess with brought the same two games he always has with him: Marvel Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity (the only two things he owns). I know the one time I don't bring games is the time it's just him and I and we have to try to play Cards Against Humanity two-player or something.

Ah.... Oh well. Maybe next week. I can get Flick Em Up onto the table. Of course my son is due to be born any day now, could even be tomorrow. So odds are that everyone will start showing up for game nights again and I'll be at home with a newborn unable to attend.

Got MM notifications that Arkham Horror LCG and Robinson Crusoe were back in stock while I was work. They are back to being sold out. :(
Bummer. I've got Robinson Crusoe on hold (for $30, no less!) and will probably wait a while until I can find enough things to pad the order for free shipping.


Hail to the KING baby
Is your game store like some Twilight-Zone dystopia? Honestly reads like one sometimes -- sorry about that! Dude coming to a game night to play chess? bahahaha. I woulda bailed the minute he suggested it, and it's probably best he didn't begrudgingly play one of your other games as he probably woulda just disliked it from the jump (especially a light one like Flick 'Em Up).

Flick 'Em Up is such a beautiful-looking game with a fantastic theme, but after a few tries I don't really like the way the game actually plays. Feels too fiddly to me with the scenario rules. SU&SD suggested making up your own scenarios (they really nailed in their review pretty much exactly how I feel about the game), but if I'm going to do that I'd probably be better off just getting components rather than an actual game. I'm not a game designer and I kind of buy finished games to avoid having to be one. :p Junk Art from Pretzel otoh -- that game is quite good.
Mansions is really good, but not really a campaign game. Imperial Assault is probably better, but dammit, I love Descent. There's a mountain of content available and no reason you couldn't implement the gameplay tweaks from Imperial Assault for your overlord games. That's not to mention the app, which makes solo games viable. My roommate hated playing D2E when I overlorded it, but the app made him a believer.

The only caution here is this: if one person in your group doesn't dig it, your campaign is never happening again. I'd hesitate to buy in if you're not sure that you'll have 5 willing participants. Otherwise, 1 person is gonna have to go find something else to do for two hours while you're dungeon crawling with 4.

Vyrah the Falconer and sky are awrsome


Is your game store like some Twilight-Zone dystopia? Honestly reads like one sometimes -- sorry about that! Dude coming to a game night to play chess? bahahaha. I woulda bailed the minute he suggested it, and it's probably best he didn't begrudgingly play one of your other games as he probably woulda just disliked it from the jump (especially a light one like Flick 'Em Up).

Flick 'Em Up is such a beautiful-looking game with a fantastic theme, but after a few tries I don't really like the way the game actually plays. Feels too fiddly to me with the scenario rules. SU&SD suggested making up your own scenarios (they really nailed in their review pretty much exactly how I feel about the game), but if I'm going to do that I'd probably be better off just getting components rather than an actual game. I'm not a game designer and I kind of buy finished games to avoid having to be one. :p Junk Art from Pretzel otoh -- that game is quite good.
What made it worse was what happened after a couple games. I enjoy playing Chess and I know how to play and know the names of the pieces, which puts me ahead of 90% of people out there who call them "The horsey," "the castle," and "the nippley dude" and try to move them all diagonally like checkers pieces. I don't care if I get beaten, I just enjoy getting a chance to concentrate on something and stretch my brain a bit. I wouldn't say this guy was leaps and bounds better than me or anything but he was better. I felt like he had the upper hand but he was making some mistakes here and there that were frustrating him and I was catching some things he wasn't. After his second win though, he looked at me and said "Do you normally win a lot at this game?" I didn't know how to take it so I sat there for a bit and then told him "Not really, I guess. I just like playing." He responded with a simple "Oh." That third game saw a lot of back and forth between us and I had a much better position on the board. I had been putting him in check for a while and saw a move that seemed like a good one that would put him in check again. By the time I had stopped analyzing and made the move I had forgotten about my queen putting him in check and forgot to announce it. He took a pawn of mine to put me in check and while I was looking at the board for moves I saw my previous mistake. I said "Oh man, you're already in check from my last move. Sorry about that." He said he had already forgotten what had just happened. I said "Well, you took this pawn here, so these two just need to switch." He said "No, before that." I told him I had moved my queen which put him in check. It wasn't a whole lot of stuff that had happened or keep track of, but he knocked his king over and said with a half-smile "Well, you win" and then announced that he had to be leaving, that he couldn't concentrate without getting some food in him.
Kind of soured me on the idea of ever playing chess with him again.

Some of the rules for Flick Em Up do seem like they might be a bit fiddly but I like how they are only added one at a time to new scenarios. I haven't played it though, so I can't guess how I'll feel about them yet.
I had seen people mentioning Junk Art and hadn't payed attention to it but then I saw the box at another store while there to get some counter trays. I saw the wooden box that looks just like Flick Em Up's and said "Oh, I didn't know Pretzel did Junk Art." I took a look at it when I got home that evening and I do like how it looks, but I don't know I need it right this moment, not if I can't even play Flick Em Up. I bought Flick Em Up last year on a whim though after seeing it pop back up in stock after being sold out everywhere. I bought into it being The Hotness after seeing everyone who had been at GenCon talking about it and seeing it selling for twice the price from people who had gotten their hands on a copy. I might watch the SU&SD review sometime today though. The only thing I've watched was the "Watch It Played" video.
sad to learn that robinson crusoe portal version was delayed to dec 21st :/
MinMart says my copy is waiting for release, which I took to mean it had switched from a preorder to waiting for me to release the customer hold. Now I am wondering if it might have said that this whole time since I placed the order in Oct. I didn't pay enough attention, lol.


Looks like 7 Wonders Duel finally got a restock in the UK if anyone is looking for it. Infact today looks like restock day. Even Cry Havoc is back in (though I chose buying Kemet first over it, I hoping I didn't make a mistake).


Tonight was a another lame night at the local store. Definitely sucked compared to last week. .

Dude. Find a local restaurant/coffee house/whatever and see if they have a slow night they would be interested in having more people there for weekly or bi-weekly. Start a Meetup Group and FB group for it, promote the hell out of it, and host game nights there. You'll get waaaaaaaay more people from all levels of gaming to show up, from the casuals into Flick 'Em Up and Catan to the people bringing new shit every week hot off of Kickstarter.

My bi-weekly board game meetup is at a pizza place with a bar and it's awesome. I've met really cool people there, and you don't get sick of seeing the same people since it's two days out of a month, there'd good food, and beer makes the most casual of games more fun.


My weekly meetup is at a pub with an activity room in back. Always get a good crowd. Almost too many people show up most times that's why we got moved to the back.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
well... I balked on the campaign adventure.. group is too inconsistent right now to get any sort of value out of a campaign style game.. will keep options open going forward.

So I was able to grab a copy of Fury of Dracula from B&N (apparently online is impossible to get a copy even at retail...) I was trying to decide between Letters from Whitechapel and Fury of Dracula.. FoD ultimately won for two reasons.. a) collectible.. it's becoming difficult to find and has officially gone OOP. b) compared to LfW.. I like that LfW seems more sleuth-y.. more deduction required. However for the group I'm with, I like that FoD is much more confrontational. actual battle and such.

will still grab LfW at some point.

As for the campaign games.. if/when I can actually establish this group as a regular group, I'll move more into one of the other games (or just a pnp RPG)


Unconfirmed Member
Finished the campaign in Arkham Horror LCG solo and didn't do great. Pulling back to back insta fails while using lots of resources sucked, lol. Really enjoyed it though. Next game ill probably try playing with two investigators.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
How good is Legends of Andor? Anyone here has it?

All depends what you want from it. Its a very good game... for what it tries to be. It has nowhere near the depth of the other party miniature games, but its an incredibly polished experience for newcomers or even boardgame newcomers. I would consider myself more of a veteran, but even then you can find quite a bit of enjoyment through the individual scenarios, which are quite refreshingly different. When I started it, I found myself playing it quite often to check out more scenarios and I think its definitely worth looking into, but do not expect the tactical depth of games like Descent.

Also plus: It has a ton of fanmade scenarios in the official forums. If you can grab it for a good price and are not only looking for hardcore experiences, I would definitely recommend it.


I finally went and found a weekly game/beer night on Meetup. Went last week and had a really good time. Was tired of having significantly more games then I actually get to play. Last week I didn't bring anything and only got to play one new thing (Rattlebones which was eh) plus some standards (Citadels, Codenames). It is really nice to know I have at least one weekly evening to play a few games I can go to.


Dude. Find a local restaurant/coffee house/whatever and see if they have a slow night they would be interested in having more people there for weekly or bi-weekly. Start a Meetup Group and FB group for it, promote the hell out of it, and host game nights there. You'll get waaaaaaaay more people from all levels of gaming to show up, from the casuals into Flick 'Em Up and Catan to the people bringing new shit every week hot off of Kickstarter.

My bi-weekly board game meetup is at a pizza place with a bar and it's awesome. I've met really cool people there, and you don't get sick of seeing the same people since it's two days out of a month, there'd good food, and beer makes the most casual of games more fun.
I'm sure that is what I'll have to do, probably after the new year when my household is more adjusted to having a crying newborn in the house.
When the X-Wing group decided to stop attending X-Wing nights at the local store (for a bunch of reasons, with the owner wanting to charge being what made all the other issues not worth it to the other guys), there was a lot of discussion on where we would play after that and we couldn't come up with a location. It's mainly chain restaurants here in town but I guess there might be some non-chain pizza places or something around if I looked.
I did just start thinking that maybe I'll begin looking for work again after the new year too. It's been a fun 10 month vacation of sitting around doing nothing and I am still doing well savings-wise but I need to start getting out of the house more and eventually I'll start getting low on cash. Someone tipped me off to a job that is always hiring in the area that would be great to have while I work on getting some networking certifications. But anyway, having a job again means that I'll at least be able to meet other people again and maybe some of my coworkers would be interested in playing some games too.

Fantasy Flight's Black Friday sale has started. There is a ton of other Asmodee product in the sale, like some stuff from Queen Games. Notable items include Claustrophobia and both expansions, a ding n dent copy of Talisman 4E for $20, Relic and both expansions ($40 total), Shogun and the Tenno's Court expansion, a lot of the Warhammer 40K Conquest LCG, and more.
I got the following:
-Relic $20
-Relic: Halls of Terra $10
-Relic: Nemesis $10
-40K Dice Bag (Aquila) $3
-40K Dice Bag (Inquisitor) $3
-Formula D Track 6: Austin/Nevada $10
-Edo $10
People have been complaining of some high shipping costs but mine was $13 for UPS Ground. I was happy to nab Relic and the expansions though since those began getting harder to find for cheap when news broke over the GW license being lost. I wanted to get into the Deathwatch, Only War, and Rogue Trader RPGs and 40K RPG books are $5ea but they don't have the core books. And it is tempting to buy up all of the 40K Conquest LCG but I would never be able to play it, so I would really only be getting it so I could flip through cards and check out the artwork.
Here's the link: https://holiday-sale.fantasyflightgames.com/
All depends what you want from it. Its a very good game... for what it tries to be. It has nowhere near the depth of the other party miniature games, but its an incredibly polished experience for newcomers or even boardgame newcomers. I would consider myself more of a veteran, but even then you can find quite a bit of enjoyment through the individual scenarios, which are quite refreshingly different. When I started it, I found myself playing it quite often to check out more scenarios and I think its definitely worth looking into, but do not expect the tactical depth of games like Descent.

Also plus: It has a ton of fanmade scenarios in the official forums. If you can grab it for a good price and are not only looking for hardcore experiences, I would definitely recommend it.
Would you recommend it for 27 dllrs?


Hail to the KING baby
I hate US International shipping cost to Asia :(

How can shipping Hyperborea cost $73? Mental.

FFG shipping in general is pretty terrible. I feel like their shipping prices are basically the same that I would get going to the post office and shipping something. :p


I grabbed all the Conquest stuff I was missing. Thanks for the heads up!
No prob. I'm thinking that I should have at least bought the Ragnar pack, since I love Space Wolves, but that might have made me want to buy the rest to go with it. I'm sure that in time people will be selling entire collections in GeekAuctions for cheap; I've expectations passed up a few massive Warhammer Invasion collections that were really good prices just because I decided that a good deal wasn't a good enough reason to make me get an Old World game. I may yet buy into Warhammer 40K Conquest when people start offloading it; I don't have anyone to play with or have a competitive LCG scene near me (I've never seen a single person buying or playing any LCG at any stores I've been too, or even talking about one like "Hey, anyone know how that Netrunner game plays?") but it makes sense for you guys who like the game now to get as much of it now for as cheap as you can, while you know people are still getting games of it going.
How does Eclipse compare/contrast to TI3? I'm thinking of getting it while it is half price. I love TI3, even if I rarely get to play it.

also I went to get the Relic expansions, but they sold out of Nemesis while I was checking out. so mad
Wow. This sale is fantastic, a lot of stuff I've been wanting to get. Eclipse Ship Pack 1, Claustrophobia, Ghost Stories White Moon.

Also, Eclipse is a more Euro, resource management version of a 4x game. I've played TI3, Eclipse, and Exodus and if you want more of a TI3-lite, Exodus fills that role much more. It focuses more on combat (it has two combat phases per round) and has political cards that can change the current game state. I don't get to play this one as much because I find it really fiddly though, even compared to Eclipse. But the expansion looks amazing.


Hail to the KING baby
Wow. This sale is fantastic, a lot of stuff I've been wanting to get. Eclipse Ship Pack 1, Claustrophobia, Ghost Stories White Moon.
Yeah, a lot of really great games in the list. Although I will say as a Ghost Stories fanatic I've never been too huge into White Moon just b/c it makes the game about 25% too fiddly/complex imo.

Also, Eclipse is a more Euro, resource management version of a 4x game. I've played TI3, Eclipse, and Exodus and if you want more of a TI3-lite, Exodus fills that role much more. It focuses more on combat (it has two combat phases per round) and has political cards that can change the current game state. I don't get to play this one as much because I find it really fiddly though, even compared to Eclipse. But the expansion looks amazing.

This. I find that people who are big into TI3 get pretty disappointed by Eclipse, whereas people into Euros get pleasantly surprised by it. :p
Yeah, a lot of really great games in the list. Although I will say as a Ghost Stories fanatic I've never been too huge into White Moon just b/c it makes the game about 25% too fiddly/complex imo.

This. I find that people who are big into TI3 get pretty disappointed by Eclipse, whereas people into Euros get pleasantly surprised by it. :p

At this point, once I enjoy a game, I'm likely to get all the expansions for it. I already have Black Secret, though I've yet to play it.

I really like TI3, but I love Eclipse. While I do lean towards heavy Euros, I'm pretty much an omni-gamer. I did play Eclipse first, so I don't really see the connection between the two except for being a 4x in space. There's plenty of different ways to design a game with that conceit.


Hail to the KING baby
At this point, once I enjoy a game, I'm likely to get all the expansions for it. I already have Black Secret, though I've yet to play it.
Same on all counts there. :p I've played White Moon three times, and it's definitely manageable, just now with my group we prefer to play various permutations of base (with the promo bosses just for fun) rather than WM. BS though...whoo boy...I've owned it for years and finally got into the rules a few months ago and absolutely was not feeling it. Even more fiddliness than WM and of course it requires someone controlling the baddie. I might finally sell it since I doubt I'll ever play it because there are just way too many prerequisites to me actually choosing GS+BS to play. GS played right and at the higher difficulties is already super crunchy; kind of coming around to the idea that it doesn't really need expansions but ymmv.


$25 was a decent price for the Eclipse Ship Pack expansion but I decided that I didn't need it at this time. I haven't played my copy of Eclipse of the first expansion. I was just surprised to see that there was additional expansion content in that one; this entire time since it came out, I have thought it was only a box of new ship models for all the players. I did not know that there was other content in there.

Not related to the big sale, but has anyone in here played both the first and second edition of Cash n Guns? If so, I was curious which edition you preferred. I've read some reviews from people who have played both and it seems like there are a lot of things that people liked about the second edition but the second edition was missing some mechanics from the first game that they liked. I have been thinking about picking it up but wasn't sure which version to get.
FFG shipping in general is pretty terrible. I feel like their shipping prices are basically the same that I would get going to the post office and shipping something. :p

Yeah, it seems they pretty much just charge you shipping rate base on postal rate. The sale is good but after shipping and tax added, it's not much better than me buying from on-line store with free or low shipping.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Would you recommend it for 27 dllrs?

Yep, if you think your gaming group would like a well designed, breezy cooperative game that isnt too hard on the rules, then its definitely worth that investment.


Rahdo did his Lorenzo Il Magnifico runthrough. I posted this on reddit but we really liked it too for four players.

We love games like Mombasa, Caylus, and Voyages of Marco Polo. This is a great game for four players. It's very tight and I love the fact that the same cards are in the game every time but just come out differently (like Le Havre, another favorite). It's definitely a great brain burner and I would definitely recommend it so far.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I'll throw out Warhammer Quest:Silver Tower. I may still be in the honeymoon phase, but goddamn it's fun!

yeah I was looking into that.. curious on more thoughts. I looked it up on BGG and the consensus is.. well, there isn't one. Basically something like

"Warhammer Quest was great. This isn't quite as good, but does some things better. But WQ might not have been that great and might have just been nostalgia"

"WQ was not good. Majorly tinted by nostalgia. This still isn't good because of RNG, but better than WQ"

"WQ:ST is amazing. way better than WQ."

"WQ:ST isn't as fun as I remember having with WQ"

Me = ??????

I also looked at the WQ:ST app. Horrible. Well I mean it's free.. and is only supposed to be a character shee.... nope.. it is in fact horrible. :(

So I am a huge wannbe GW guy.. would love to be talked into WQ:ST. Also curious as to what GW's post-launch support will be. I see they added a ton of stats for AoS models which is awesome.. but would still like game expansion beyond just additional rules for models (though still... that is REALLY clever)
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