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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Looks like Rio Grande Games / Donald X wised up and didn't renew the digital rights to Dominion with Goko/Making Fun. Hopefully the new developer is competent and can implement good matchmaking and a better UI.

There are tons of digital card games now, so it doesn't have the potential to explode like Hearthstone anymore, but I think there are plenty of people who want a good version of Dominion on their phones (no shuffling!) for it to be successful.
I just got opened it up this morning and was really surprise how nice the components are. My local stores have stack and stack of them when I was there this past weekend.


This is one amazing insert if a bit pricey.


And we got snowed in today so I finally opened A Feast for Odin .. that's a lot of card boards to punch.

Arkham (lovecraft) is scifi horror right?

I guess technically but I would say Gothic Horror is more apt.

Or "cosmic horror" - some of the creatures are aliens, but in practical terms, they're often indistinguishable from gods or supernatural monsters. There's some "mad science" stuff and occasional bits of alien technology, but it's mostly about people in the 20s dealing with unimaginable, inconceivable horrors.


The Trickerion inserts make a great looking game even better. I still haven't played my copy.

I've put New Angeles on the Christmas list along with the Scythe expansion and Clank. My wife just doesn't know what to get me otherwise. Anyone else asking for boardgames for Christmas?


Anyone else asking for boardgames for Christmas?
I definitely did. Gave a list to my mom, and I'm putting together one for my wife now (still trying to find some other things). I doubt I'll get everything, but I like to give them a larger list, so that I can have some surprise as to what I actually got.

Descent, Arkham Horror: The Card Game expansions (Dunwich and PODs), The Gallerist, Eldritch Horror, Codenames: Pictures, Orleans, and Signorie. I think that's it so far. I'm contemplating throwing Imperial Assult on there too, but kinda want to wait until a more solid date on the app.
That new Pandemic looks great. I tend to see reskins of popular games as kind of an easy cash grab. Things like Zombicide Black Plague, Survive: Space Attack, and countless others feel a bit to samey to justify another purchase. I would rather get a game I haven't played yet. Although many times there are enough rule and gameplay changes to make me change my mind.


I asked for A Feast for Odin and Dunwich Legacy. I usually end up with a gift card to my FLGS but I would love to actually open a game.


I also asked for some custom wooden resource tokens for the Arkham Files games from Meeplesource. I'm really pimping out my Arkham Card game, and I can also use them for the other Mythos games I have. I decided against the acrylic tokens from Stonemeier Games, as those are a little too ornate for me, I think.

Anyone else here pimp out their games with special game bits or inserts?


I also asked for some custom wooden resource tokens for the Arkham Files games from Meeplesource. I'm really pimping out my Arkham Card game, and I can also use them for the other Mythos games I have. I decided against the acrylic tokens from Stonemeier Games, as those are a little too ornate for me, I think.

Anyone else here pimp out their games with special game bits or inserts?

I will for Arkham LCG as well. Just deciding how to go about it.


Unconfirmed Member
For the Arkham LCG i got the 4 player play mat and will likely get the minis of the investigators. For now im pretty happy with the tokens. Would like to get a nicer chaos bag and an awesome card storage.


The 2016 version of Citadels is in stock for $33 shipped on CSI, if anyone is interested.

What is the blue fuck did they add to make that a 33 dollar game?
Edit: Ah, shipped. 26 is still pretty steep for a deck of cards and some tokens.

Also, Arkham LCG question. Is the core set one whole story? Or is a cycle? How does deckbuilding carry over? Do you start with a fresh beginner deck when you start on the packs? How do?


For the Arkham LCG i got the 4 player play mat and will likely get the minis of the investigators. For now im pretty happy with the tokens. Would like to get a nicer chaos bag and an awesome card storage.

Here's what I've got going on so far. It's getting there, but not pimped out quite enough yet.

I'm waiting for these custom dividers from a BGG user to be finished up, and will be printing those out on thick cardstock.

And then finally, some custom wood resources from Meeplesource.com. I'm thinking hearts, brains, magnifying glasses (obvious choices there). Then green money for resources, silver bullets for ammo, and open book tokens for spells. I don't have anything nailed down for doom counters yet, but they do have some purple tentacles only available in the Eldritch Horror/Elder Sign upgrade packs, and they said they may be able to split some of those after Christmas.


Also, Arkham LCG question. Is the core set one whole story? Or is a cycle? How does deckbuilding carry over? Do you start with a fresh beginner deck when you start on the packs? How do?
The core set is one three scenario campaign. The big box expansion (Dunwich Legacy) starts a brand new campaign that will last eight scenarios. There are also currently two "stand-alone" print-on-demand scenarios that you can insert into any campaign. If you choose to do these, they cost your character a certain amount of XP to play them, forcing the players to make a risk/reward decision.

With each campaign, you start fresh and do some minor deckbuilding in between scenarios by spending XP on cards. You can choose to continue your old decks throughout campaigns (it's co-op, so as long as your group is okay with it). I believe the official rules say that you must start with some mental/physical trauma if you choose to go this route.


What is the blue fuck did they add to make that a 33 dollar game?
Edit: Ah, shipped. 26 is still pretty steep for a deck of cards and some tokens.
The original is still going for $19-20, so it's basically a $7 small expansion for more cards and upgraded art.

It's a better deal if you don't have the original game. I'm getting it anyway because I've always had a soft spot for Citadels.


Hail to the KING baby
The core set is one three scenario campaign. The big box expansion (Dunwich Legacy) starts a brand new campaign that will last eight scenarios. There are also currently two "stand-alone" print-on-demand scenarios that you can insert into any campaign. If you choose to do these, they cost your character a certain amount of XP to play them, forcing the players to make a risk/reward decision.

With each campaign, you start fresh and do some minor deckbuilding in between scenarios by spending XP on cards. You can choose to continue your old decks throughout campaigns (it's co-op, so as long as your group is okay with it). I believe the official rules say that you must start with some mental/physical trauma if you choose to go this route.

Yep the core set is a full campaign. Personally I'd recommend getting a number of cores equal to the number of investigators you plan to have in a campaign, but that's only if you want to optimize and deckbuild with flexibility. You can certainly play 2p with a single core, and that's what the suggested decks are. You can also proxy if you're OK with that.

I have four cores but that's b/c I have three campaigns going right now, one at 3p. :p


Another LCG question: has FFG said what is going to happen to the print status of cycle packs once they're not in tournament rotation any more?


Another LCG question: has FFG said what is going to happen to the print status of cycle packs once they're not in tournament rotation any more?
Since it's a co-op game, I'm pretty sure there won't really be a tournament scene. I'd go with LotR's model where all player cards are legal, no matter how old they are. I'd imagine everything being in print all the time as well.


Since it's a co-op game, I'm pretty sure there won't really be a tournament scene. I'd go with LotR's model where all player cards are legal, no matter how old they are. I'd imagine everything being in print all the time as well.

I was actually asking more for Netrunner/SW

There's still some packs I need to pick up.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's what I've got going on so far. It's getting there, but not pimped out quite enough yet.

I'm waiting for these custom dividers from a BGG user to be finished up, and will be printing those out on thick cardstock.

And then finally, some custom wood resources from Meeplesource.com. I'm thinking hearts, brains, magnifying glasses (obvious choices there). Then green money for resources, silver bullets for ammo, and open book tokens for spells. I don't have anything nailed down for doom counters yet, but they do have some purple tentacles only available in the Eldritch Horror/Elder Sign upgrade packs, and they said they may be able to split some of those after Christmas.

Awesome. I only have Wendy too. Nothing wrong with using a different character till I pick up the other ones. The coin holders is a cool idea.

Picked up my play mat today. Looking forward to using it (need to finish up a game of Eldritch I got going on first). Also a single core set was sitting on the shelf so I caved and picked up another one and some more sleeves.

Edit: The first POD scenario will be in next week too! :)
Aeon's End is rad and does a lot of stuff that's really fun for a deckbuilder. My favorite bits are how discarding works (you choose the order) and how shuffling works (you don't).
Visited my FLGS and they had Mage Knight Lost Legion and Krang on sale/clearance. Snagged both for $35. :D

Speaking of Mage Knight, I finished the tutorial earlier in the week. Looking forward to starting a proper solo scenario this weekend.
Another LCG question: has FFG said what is going to happen to the print status of cycle packs once they're not in tournament rotation any more?
I don't think they have. I've been following Netrunner and I'm well aware of when rotation will happen, but I don't think anybody knows what will happen to the product that rotates out. My guess, that stuff goes OOP. I seriously doubt they would officially support a Legacy Netrunner format and there would be little reason to keep the rotated product in print. That being said, you have like a year before rotation hits so you'll have plenty of time to grab packs.


Hail to the KING baby
Team Covenant with their playthroughs and tutorials are always remarkably good at showcasing a game. Their Star Wars: Destiny tutorial definitely makes me want to play it, but I just have a problem with competitive CCGs/LCGs in that I either have to play tournament or bust because (fairly or not) I've never been a fan of just being like "here's your deck dude" and just handing someone a deck since imo a lot of the fun is just matching up and being surprised. Also don't think we'll get any sort of community at work like we did for Netrunner. Game looks really light and fun though! Which is really not surprising given Lukas Litzsinger's involvement.
Visited my FLGS and they had Mage Knight Lost Legion and Krang on sale/clearance. Snagged both for $35. :D

Speaking of Mage Knight, I finished the tutorial earlier in the week. Looking forward to starting a proper solo scenario this weekend.

Great price, considered Krang was going for $40 on eBay just a few months back. Lost Legion is a great expansion for the game that is already perfect.!

I got a chance to set up A Feast for Odin and this is my first Uwe's game. I just try the solo to get used to all the rules so far it's actually pretty simple despite all the stuffs on the table.


There were couple of rules I have to look up and a few I am not so sure (may be if Blizzard is around he can answer). 1 - the items you put on the board are fix once you placed them? ie you can't just rearrange them. I was watching youTubes and I saw someone redo their arrangement but it could be he just take back what he did. 2 - what the mountain icon bonus give you? a free trip to the mountain?


Great price, considered Krang was going for $40 on eBay just a few months back. Lost Legion is a great expansion for the game that is already perfect.!

I got a chance to set up A Feast for Odin and this is my first Uwe's game. I just try the solo to get used to all the rules so far it's actually pretty simple despite all the stuffs on the table.


There were couple of rules I have to look up and a few I am not so sure (may be if Blizzard is around he can answer). 1 - the items you put on the board are fix once you placed them? ie you can't just rearrange them. I was watching youTubes and I saw someone redo their arrangement but it could be he just take back what he did. 2 - what the mountain icon bonus give you? a free trip to the mountain?
I'm pretty obsessed with the game, plus I'm running the weekly solo scenario thing on BGG, so I'm happy to answer any rules questions here or there. Frank Heeren is one of the main developers and he provides official answers on BGG.

1. You can't move any tiles once you've made your choice "official". As in, you can puzzle them around during the action phase as long as you remember which ones were left from previous rounds. Those can't be moved. Once you've decided to place a tile on the board "for real", e.g. to get income or a bonus square, you can't move that tile anymore. https://boardgamegeek.com/article/24188677#24188677

2. What mountain icon bonus are you referring to? On an occuption card?

Also, here are a couple of common mistakes people make (there's an errata at https://boardgamegeek.com/file/download/uo6qc8uohn/ODIN_EN_FAQ_v1.2.pdf):
  • Always remove 1 resource from each mountain strip in the mountain phase. If you remove 1 resource and that leaves 1 silver, LEAVE THE SILVER. It will be removed next round. The rules are poorly written about this.
  • Then, always add 1 mountain strip (except in 4 player game on the last round).
  • You can buy ships at any time with silver. Don't forget this.
  • You can upgrade sheep or cattle to green tiles. Don't forget this. (You can also eat them as food but this is usually an awful strategy.)
  • If you go raiding/pillaging, you can get a grey OR blue tile since they all have sword values.
  • If you forge ore, don't forget you can get the Crucifix (not in the ore section of the board) or the jewelry (in the resource trays).
  • You have to cover ALL 8 surrounding squares to claim a bonus square, not just the 4 immediately adjacent squares.
I'm pretty obsessed with the game, plus I'm running the weekly solo scenario thing on BGG, so I'm happy to answer any rules questions here or there. Frank Heeren is one of the main developers and he provides official answers on BGG.

2. What mountain icon bonus are you referring to? On an occuption card?

Also, here are a couple of common mistakes people make (there's an errata at https://boardgamegeek.com/file/download/uo6qc8uohn/ODIN_EN_FAQ_v1.2.pdf):
  • Always remove 1 resource from each mountain strip in the mountain phase. If you remove 1 resource and that leaves 1 silver, LEAVE THE SILVER. It will be removed next round. The rules are poorly written about this.
  • Then, always add 1 mountain strip (except in 4 player game on the last round).
  • You can buy ships at any time with silver. Don't forget this.
  • You can upgrade sheep or cattle to green tiles. Don't forget this. (You can also eat them as food but this is usually an awful strategy.)
  • If you go raiding/pillaging, you can get a grey OR blue tile since they all have sword values.
  • If you forge ore, don't forget you can get the Crucifix (not in the ore section of the board) or the jewelry (in the resource trays).
  • You have to cover ALL 8 surrounding squares to claim a bonus square, not just the 4 immediately adjacent squares.

The one on the island tile, there's like a snow cap mountain bonus (or I think it's bonus box). I will try to read the rule books (all three) completely today and see what I might have miss from the first two plays. I miss a few action spots that would net me more points (like the one that convert all green to blue). Also once you place ore on any boat it stuck on that boat.

My 2nd game I try to go with income but I think I make a mistake of covering up too many blank spot instead of focus on the side board and then grab another board. I also miss the fact that you can use ore to cover up box but I find silver coin to be more economical (which could be not true). Another thing I didn't really do was building houses I am not sure what would be benefit to them.

Thanks for all the info. I need to look for your solo challenge on BGG when I am more confidence at this game.


Gold Member
So, Feast for Odin. How thematic is it? Do you feel like you advanced a narrative? I get that Uwe does great mechanics and game play, I have Agricola and Caverns, but for solo play is it just a points game or is there a sense of growth and achievement?

Not that I need yet another meaty game for solo play, but damn I do love me some solo games :)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Team Covenant with their playthroughs and tutorials are always remarkably good at showcasing a game. Their Star Wars: Destiny tutorial definitely makes me want to play it, but I just have a problem with competitive CCGs/LCGs in that I either have to play tournament or bust because (fairly or not) I've never been a fan of just being like "here's your deck dude" and just handing someone a deck since imo a lot of the fun is just matching up and being surprised. Also don't think we'll get any sort of community at work like we did for Netrunner. Game looks really light and fun though! Which is really not surprising given Lukas Litzsinger's involvement.
Honestly Destiny is one of the most refreshing traditional C/LCG card games I've played in a while (as well as Arkham Horror). Because of the dice, randomness is a huge component, but the game is all about balancing your deck to both mitigate your RNG and punish your opponent's. It's different from like Hearthstone where one or two major blows from RNG can basically cost you the game at any point "thanks for playing".

The worst that can be leveled against it is the collectible aspect, but that's been beaten to death for almost 25 years now.

We have three players at work right now, and two more who only have starter sets. Once boosters are actually available we should have 5 regular players at work, which is 3 more than we've EVER had for Magic and X-Wing.


Sailor Stevenson
Honestly Destiny is one of the most refreshing traditional C/LCG card games I've played in a while (as well as Arkham Horror). Because of the dice, randomness is a huge component, but the game is all about balancing your deck to both mitigate your RNG and punish your opponent's. It's different from like Hearthstone where one or two major blows from RNG can basically cost you the game at any point "thanks for playing".

The worst that can be leveled against it is the collectible aspect, but that's been beaten to death for almost 25 years now.

We have three players at work right now, and two more who only have starter sets. Once boosters are actually available we should have 5 regular players at work, which is 3 more than we've EVER had for Magic and X-Wing.

yeah, I went from HELL NO on Destiny to when they announced it

to waiting for a lot of product to show up next week....



Hail to the KING baby
Honestly Destiny is one of the most refreshing traditional C/LCG card games I've played in a while (as well as Arkham Horror). Because of the dice, randomness is a huge component, but the game is all about balancing your deck to both mitigate your RNG and punish your opponent's. It's different from like Hearthstone where one or two major blows from RNG can basically cost you the game at any point "thanks for playing".

The worst that can be leveled against it is the collectible aspect, but that's been beaten to death for almost 25 years now.

We have three players at work right now, and two more who only have starter sets. Once boosters are actually available we should have 5 regular players at work, which is 3 more than we've EVER had for Magic and X-Wing.

Nice! That's cool. If I had a work group for it I'd definitely pick up a couple boxes to build a decent deck, but right now w/ the regular group we're sorting of doing Arkham LCG and then also getting back into Netrunner cube drafts (sogood). As this picks up some more widespread distribution though I'll keep an eye out, especially to see if there are good monthly store tournaments nearby. The timing on this might be really good. Could see a lot of ex-Netrunner, Conquest, etc. players getting into this just because they have a slot open for serious LCG/CCG play now and because of the buzz of a new game (in addition to Magic folks, as I feel that this is way closer gameplay-wise to Magic than either of those games).
Played two rounds of Mage Knight. I feel so limited in what I can do, especially with the movement system. I worry that the game will be over when it starts getting interesting. I have leveled up twice and have one unit, so I have made a little progress. Also conquered two keeps. So far it is hard to enjoy the game as I am still learning it. Having to constantly look through the manuals. Definitely need to get a good player aid.


The one on the island tile, there's like a snow cap mountain bonus (or I think it's bonus box). I will try to read the rule books (all three) completely today and see what I might have miss from the first two plays. I miss a few action spots that would net me more points (like the one that convert all green to blue). Also once you place ore on any boat it stuck on that boat.

My 2nd game I try to go with income but I think I make a mistake of covering up too many blank spot instead of focus on the side board and then grab another board. I also miss the fact that you can use ore to cover up box but I find silver coin to be more economical (which could be not true). Another thing I didn't really do was building houses I am not sure what would be benefit to them.
About the island, you get BOTH those rewards from the bonus box. I think the appendix mentions this, if you're curious.

Bear in mind some islands have solid blocked spaces, like the blocked pillars in the longhouse, that you can't put anything on top of.

About the houses, they can be very useful if you are going for a strategy combo with tons of food. For example, there is one occupation that lets you use stockfish for feasting and then immediately put it into your houses after the feast is over. That can fill up a bunch of longhouses really quick.

So, Feast for Odin. How thematic is it? Do you feel like you advanced a narrative? I get that Uwe does great mechanics and game play, I have Agricola and Caverns, but for solo play is it just a points game or is there a sense of growth and achievement?

Not that I need yet another meaty game for solo play, but damn I do love me some solo games :)
I'm guessing it's Uwe's most thematic game, and the theme works really well with most of the mechanics (some luck for hunting, whaling, pillaging, lots of information in the appendix about various viking things, occupation titles mostly make sense). One of the only weak connections is probably the tetris tile filling. It works well in the game, but it doesn't make too much sense why vikings would need to organize their loot so carefully.

However, there's not really any narrative. It's definitely a mechanic-focused euro game, just one that is quite nicely themed and pretty to look at.
I have a budget for two more games this year and I'm having a very though time nailing down which two to get.

I've researched all of them but I need a bit of help from someone who has played them before as there's only so much I can gather without actually hands on experience. Please help.

Cosmic Encounter. This one is pretty much unanimously praised. Tom Vasel speaks very highly of it. I was looking into the Game of Thrones reskin but it seems very limited when compared with what comes included in Cosmic Encounter. That gives me pause despite loving the Game of Thrones IP.

Legendary Encounters: Alien. This one has been recommended to me by my fellow gaffers. One of the best deck builders out there and dripping with theme. My group loves DC deck building, but I understand this game is fairly more difficult. I don't mind that much since I want them to grow in the hobby by getting exposed to more difficult and involved games.

Descent Second Edition: A Journey in the Dark. This one is interesting since it would be our first foray into dungeon crawlers, which is both a pro and a con (uncertain my group will like it). I've heard the first edition is better in many places, but that this one is more streamlined and balanced. The game look beautiful, especially if you paint the figures included. Sadly, I know next to nothing about doing that. Now, a key thing here is that I don't want to have to buy the expansion out of the bat. I'm fairly new to the hobby so I want to build a solid collection before getting too much into expansions. Hoping it offers enough with the base box.

Inis: Also would be my first game of it's kind in my collection. Had been looking into buying Kemet for quite a long while now, but I'm leaning towards Inis because of the praise I've seen here.

Argent: The consortium. I have Manhattan Project and my group likes it. The theme doesn't draw them in as much as I would hope, despite the mechanics in play being solid. Argent seems to have a lot more strategy involved, with tons of replayability, and they may like the art style a bit more.

Potion Explosion: Most of my games are more in the casual friendly end of the spectrum, that's why Im weary of adding this to my collection despite how fun it looks. I'm worried my group will play it, love it and then when the novelty wears off, it looses its appeal. I'm basically worried about it's staying power.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
I have a budget for two more games this year and I'm having a very though time nailing down which two to get.

I've researched all of them but I need a bit of help from someone who has played them before as there's only so much I can gather without actually hands on experience. Please help.

Cosmic Encounter. This one is pretty much unanimously praised. Tom Vasel speaks very highly of it. I was looking into the Game of Thrones reskin but it seems very limited when compared with what comes included in Cosmic Encounter. That gives me pause despite loving the Game of Thrones IP.

Legendary Encounters: Alien. This one has been recommended to me by my fellow gaffers. One of the best deck builders out there and dripping with theme. My group loves DC deck building, but I understand this game is fairly more difficult. I don't mind that much since I want them to grow in the hobby by getting exposed to more difficult and involved games.

Descent Second Edition: A Journey in the Dark. This one is interesting since it would be our first foray into dungeon crawlers, which is both a pro and a con (uncertain my group will like it). I've heard the first edition is better in many places, but that this one is more streamlined and balanced. The game look beautiful, especially if you paint the figures included. Sadly, I know next to nothing about doing that. Now, a key thing here is that I don't want to have to buy the expansion out of the bat. I'm fairly new to the hobby so I want to build a solid collection before getting too much into expansions. Hoping it offers enough with the base box.

Inis: Also would be my first game of it's kind in my collection. Had been looking into buying Kemet for quite a long while now, but I'm leaning towards Inis because of the praise I've seen here.

Argent: The consortium. I have Manhattan Project and my group likes it. The theme doesn't draw them in as much as I would hope, despite the mechanics in play being solid. Argent seems to have a lot more strategy involved, with tons of replayability, and they may like the art style a bit more.

Potion Explosion: Most of my games are more in the casual friendly end of the spectrum, that's why Im weary of adding this to my collection despite how fun it looks. I'm worried my group will play it, love it and then when the novelty wears off, it looses its appeal. I'm basically worried about it's staying power.

Cosmic Encounter will probably be a very good fit for what you want. Its a gateway to some heavier mechanics, like diplomacy, player powers and interesting card combinations, but if you all start on the same level it just starts fun. It has basically endless replayability due to the 50 races included in the base game, you will never run out of weird situations that will get everyone to think and laugh equally and its one of the best examples of how a game can grow on a group, once they have a better understanding and feeling for the mechanics and start developing more complex strategies.

Legendary Encounters: Alien is a magnificient game and one of my personal favourites. It ups the ante compared to DC, with mechanics that definitely feel more on the disempowering side of things, like monsters you might get into your deck and once they hatch, you might turn into an alien and attack your friend. Lovely stuff and if you group actively asks for more Legendary, this would be a great choice to add more complexity and dread to it.

Descent and most dungeon crawlers in general are a bit hardcore, because its a thinking your group apparently wasnt exposed to yet. They are also very unforgiving. Descent is a very good game, but I highly suggest not using it as a gateway. If you want to ease them into dungeon crawling/roleplaying, I highly suggest starting with Legends of Andor, which also has dozens of fan made campaigns online, so you can play many more rounds after your are done with the ones from the box.

Inis would be a good choice as well, because it has relatively simple rules, yet allows for some interesting strategic choices. If your group is as open as it might seem from the games you are looking at, this should fit right in.

Potion Explosion is a fun little warm up, but I would not recommend grabbing it for the purpose you want to go for. I like using it as a short game to pass the time untl someone arrives or as a game to ease newcomers into boardgames, but I dont think it will give you the kind of experience you are looking for right now, as its not really suited as a gateway from easy to medium games.

Didnt play Argent.

If your group wants more Legendary: Legendary + Cosmic/Inis
If you want longevity/replayability or to diversify your game collection: Cosmic + Inis/Andor


Played two rounds of Mage Knight. I feel so limited in what I can do, especially with the movement system. I worry that the game will be over when it starts getting interesting. I have leveled up twice and have one unit, so I have made a little progress. Also conquered two keeps. So far it is hard to enjoy the game as I am still learning it. Having to constantly look through the manuals. Definitely need to get a good player aid.

Watch Ricky Royals play through. He boils down the game quiet well.
Mage Knight is actually quiet simple to play, it just has a horrible rule book.


Saint Nic
Played two rounds of Mage Knight. I feel so limited in what I can do, especially with the movement system. I worry that the game will be over when it starts getting interesting. I have leveled up twice and have one unit, so I have made a little progress. Also conquered two keeps. So far it is hard to enjoy the game as I am still learning it. Having to constantly look through the manuals. Definitely need to get a good player aid.

The first few games I played felt very similar to this. The best thing you can do is watch some tutorials, walkthroughs, check out some session reports...See how experienced players take control of the board. A few low level beginner tips I used to get myself to the point of at least being able to get to the end game:

  1. Mana gems are your friend and should be stockpiled early game.
  2. Wounds suck, but if a wound means a level up/new unit/spell/etc, it's almost always worth it.
  3. Getting a ranged or siege option early will expedite the beginning levels.
Of course, keeping the rules at your side will be nearly mandatory until you've got more games under your belt. There's also a lot of super easy to forget rules. I love the game, but it IS rule dense which is kind of annoying at times.
When it's time for OT 3, I think the OP should have a few suggestions for first timers or those going a little deeper into the rabbit hole.

Single player games is one we get asked about a lot. Same with dungeon crawlers. Finally, 2 player games get a lot of requests. We could also have beginner/entry level games as well as some suggestions for families and those with younger kids.
Been thinking of picking up a Cthulhu-based game for my game night friends, and I'm trying to decide between Call of Cthulhu and Arkham Horror. We all play DnD, so the role-playing and character creation (also all the random phobias and manias) or CoC are really appealing, but I've heard a lot of good things about Arkham Horror. Any thoughts about the games?

I'm trying to get a small CoC game with the Quick Start book going, so that might help solidify things too. Also, any tips or tricks for a first time keeper would be cool :)


Unlimited Capacity
Played two rounds of Mage Knight. I feel so limited in what I can do, especially with the movement system. I worry that the game will be over when it starts getting interesting. I have leveled up twice and have one unit, so I have made a little progress. Also conquered two keeps. So far it is hard to enjoy the game as I am still learning it. Having to constantly look through the manuals. Definitely need to get a good player aid.

This is how it will be for a few playthroughs. I wasn't too big on it for like 4 or 5 games. Now it is probably my favorite and have played it close to 100 times.


Been thinking of picking up a Cthulhu-based game for my game night friends, and I'm trying to decide between Call of Cthulhu and Arkham Horror. We all play DnD, so the role-playing and character creation (also all the random phobias and manias) or CoC are really appealing, but I've heard a lot of good things about Arkham Horror. Any thoughts about the games?

I'm trying to get a small CoC game with the Quick Start book going, so that might help solidify things too. Also, any tips or tricks for a first time keeper would be cool :)

I'd pick Ark ham Horror, it's the better game although it has a long setup time.
Played two rounds of Mage Knight. I feel so limited in what I can do, especially with the movement system. I worry that the game will be over when it starts getting interesting. I have leveled up twice and have one unit, so I have made a little progress. Also conquered two keeps. So far it is hard to enjoy the game as I am still learning it. Having to constantly look through the manuals. Definitely need to get a good player aid.

Mage Knight is still one of my favorite co-op experiences, and a big part of that is how strong you grow over the course of the game. You get to see the reward of all your growth, but not become bored with "well I've won but still gotta play two more rounds..."

At the beginning it's easy to feel like there's no way you can take on the later dungeons or cities, but by the end of a game you're laying waste to entire armies, and around that point, you're also pretty ready for the game to end.
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