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New Board Gaming |OT2| On Tables, Off Topic


Didn't people warn ya? Glad they took care of you though!
I think someone posted a similar impression from a playtest. Honestly, I liked Inception enough that the briefcase + the game was cool enough for me to back, even if the game turns out not so great. =P

I don't mind randomness in games, but this was a little more than I'd prefer.


Neo Member
Finished my third Foamcore insert. This is the first one I have actually liked.

The other set of encounter cards in the second picture also come out in a tray.




Finished my third Foamcore insert. This is the first one I have actually liked.

The other set of encounter cards in the second picture also come out in a tray.

Great job with that. I went the Plano route with my copy of Eldritch Horror.

Mista Koo

Played a bunch of new to me games in the first game night of the year:

• Superfight: Apples to Apples/CAH meets Story War. While not necessarily my type of game, it was fun and we had a bunch of good laughs. It fixes the problem I had with Story War since it doesn't have a story-telling aspect and is more of a pure "who would win in a fight?" game.
The cards were fun especially since we didn't know what to expect. Also I appreciate that they made a separate pack for the "offensive" stuff.

• Spyfall: Played a text only Print & Play version. Fun but pretty hard to come up with questions/answers. It was awkward when someone asked me a question straight up from the Dice Tower playthrough and I couldn't come up with any other answer than the one they had (he knew we were the only ones to watch that playthrough).
I made us lose twice due to obvious answers, one of which was the first question: "What movie does this location remind you of? [Ocean Liner]" "Ummm.. Titanic :3?" (To be fair I rarely watch movies).

• Ca$h 'n Guns (second edition): This was fun, more often than not I didn't know who to point at and started pointing randomly. I wasn't necessarily a fan of telling everyone that I'm more than a couple of years older than them :(

• Forbidden Desert: I knew the rules of this one and watched playthroughs of it ages ago, even made a game with a bunch of mechanics based on it. Yet I was surprised how much fun it was and how different it is from Pandemic/Forbidden Island when we played it.
Despite playing on novice and doing well, we lost quite early on due to an unlucky draw of two subsequent Sun Beats Down cards.

• Dominion: I've played at least two deck builders inspired by Dominion, but never Dominion itself. I didn't really know which cards to purchase nor when to start purchasing victory points. Ended up losing badly. Weirdly enough I didn't have such problems with Thunder Stone.


Finished my third Foamcore insert. This is the first one I have actually liked.

The other set of encounter cards in the second picture also come out in a tray.

Very nice.. mine is in bags :(...

On another note I got a copy of Shadows of Malice. Some people really hate this game but it makes my imagination really take over, and as far as the rules I got them very easily. The system of rolling and all of the effects seem to bother people but I adore it. Takes up such little real estate for a game that is so huge in scope.


• Dominion: I've played at least two deck builders inspired by Dominion, but never Dominion itself. I didn't really know which cards to purchase nor when to start purchasing victory points. Ended up losing badly. Weirdly enough I didn't have such problems with Thunder Stone.

The game can be kind of tricky as a newcomer depending on what kingdom cards were being used. It's the kind of game where you need to formulate your overall strategy first, then start working towards it as soon as possible. If you mill around buying a card here and a card there to "try out" it can be tough to outrace a more focused/efficient deck by an opponent. I've had many games where I see a card performing well for an opponent and think "I'll buy one too!", but by that point I'm already too far behind for it to be a good strategy.

Really great game overall, I haven't busted it out in ages.


admittedly have a hard time with dominion. Too dry compared other deck builders. Dominion doesn't feel like I'm doing anything other then buying cards. I need the theme to be somewhat relevant on my games.
I have to admit I haven't really tried any other deck-builders aside from Dominion, but then again, I don't really feel the need to. Dominion, at least the base set, can get very boring once you figure out the ideal play on most kingdom setups. Yes, there are a variety of combinations for kingdoms, but strategic options are fairly limited. But when you add the expansions, it becomes such a deep strategic game especially as with 2 players. Finding those optimal engines and outsmarting your opponent is what I enjoy most about Dominion.


I've played all manner of deckbuilders and dominion is still by far the best. The fact that it uses the kingdom piles rather than a lineup like so many others alone is enough to make far more enjoyable. I could see how, if you don't have any expansions, you might get tired of it, but there are already 7 expansions with another on the way. Even just adding 1 or 2 makes the game infinitely more interesting.


Hail to the KING baby
Dominion is definitely the cleanest and most strategic, but I'm a big fan of Legendary just for the theme and fun of it. Also like Ascension, but only on iOS at this point. The iOS version has basically obsoleted the tabletop version for me.
Thunderstone is a more thematic and fun version of Dominion. Mechanically they're almost exactly the same. I also quite enjoy Legendary but the pool of cards to choose from is obviously more random in a way that Dominion and Thunderstone aren't.


Speaking of Dominion, did you guys see where the Adventures expansion marks the return of the G.O.A.T. Dominion mechanic, duration cards?

Hell. Yes.


Thunderstone is a more thematic and fun version of Dominion. Mechanically they're almost exactly the same. I also quite enjoy Legendary but the pool of cards to choose from is obviously more random in a way that Dominion and Thunderstone aren't.

I like Thunderstone (I've got a ridiculous amount of it sitting on the shelves) but I think it's a fair bit more fiddly to play & definitely harder to teach than base Dominion; monster strength, combat flow, light & depth penalties, XP for upgrading heroes, visiting village, etc. Dominion is much easier game to teach, with some of the later expansions adding mechanics, sure, but nothing as 'fiddly' as Thunderstone in my experience.

Far easier to set up too :)
I played Roll for the Galaxy tonight. Man, that game is awesome. When it was first announced I thought it would be a typical dice game version of a big game (think Yhatzee with a twist) I'm really glad that they didn't do that here. Roll feels a lot like Race but different enough to where I didn't feel like I should just be playing Race instead. Its a really smart design and while there is some luck there are ways to mitigate that luck to your benefit. I love this game and wanted to play it again immediately afterwards.

Anybody else play it?


I played Roll for the Galaxy tonight. Man, that game is awesome. When it was first announced I thought it would be a typical dice game version of a big game (think Yhatzee with a twist) I'm really glad that they didn't do that here. Roll feels a lot like Race but different enough to where I didn't feel like I should just be playing Race instead. Its a really smart design and while there is some luck there are ways to mitigate that luck to your benefit. I love this game and wanted to play it again immediately afterwards.

Anybody else play it?

Posted some impressions a page ago or so maybe?

My thoughts pretty much echo yours, its awesome.


I played Roll for the Galaxy tonight. Man, that game is awesome. When it was first announced I thought it would be a typical dice game version of a big game (think Yhatzee with a twist) I'm really glad that they didn't do that here. Roll feels a lot like Race but different enough to where I didn't feel like I should just be playing Race instead. Its a really smart design and while there is some luck there are ways to mitigate that luck to your benefit. I love this game and wanted to play it again immediately afterwards.

Anybody else play it?

Sweet. One of my board game friends has his eye on this one but hasn't pulled the trigger yet.


My impressions of Roll for the Galaxy were "It's annoying when you have to watch people play it while you're waiting for them to finish so you can play a game as a larger group". :p

It's probably fun while you're playing it, if you're the sort of player who likes that sort of game. It did look like it had a lot of starmap options.


admittedly have a hard time with dominion. Too dry compared other deck builders. Dominion doesn't feel like I'm doing anything other then buying cards. I need the theme to be somewhat relevant on my games.

My wife feels the same. I actually like Dominion but since she is my main gaming partner we traded it away.
Instead we got Core Worlds which is fantastic.


I could see how, looking at the bigger picture, the flavor of Dominion might not work for some people, but on the individual card level, Dominion resonates much better than any other deckbuilder I've played. Cards like Torturer, Rats and Tactician are home runs when it comes to design matching flavor.

I could see how, looking at the bigger picture, the flavor of Dominion might not work for some people, but on the individual card level, Dominion resonates much better than any other deckbuilder I've played. Cards like Torturer, Rats and Tactician are home runs when it comes to design matching flavor.

I love Dominion. :D


Speaking of Dominion, did you guys see where the Adventures expansion marks the return of the G.O.A.T. Dominion mechanic, duration cards?

Hell. Yes.

Holy shit, didnt even know they announced a new expansion.

On a sidenote, as a new table top gamer, whats a good site to go to to keep tabs on news like this?

Big One

Speaking of Dominion, did you guys see where the Adventures expansion marks the return of the G.O.A.T. Dominion mechanic, duration cards?

Hell. Yes.
Completely missed this announcement. How am I going to fit all of these cards?! I haven't even finished sleeving up my Dominion sets!

Glad to see the return of Durations though. Seaside was so good.


Holy shit, didnt even know they announced a new expansion.

On a sidenote, as a new table top gamer, whats a good site to go to to keep tabs on news like this?

Anything worth posting is going to end up on Boardgamegeek.com. Usually their news guy is the first to break something outside of certain publisher websites.

I think Dicetowernews.com also stays pretty updated although I don't personally use it, so I could be wrong.


Anything worth posting is going to end up on Boardgamegeek.com. Usually their news guy is the first to break something outside of certain publisher websites.

I think Dicetowernews.com also stays pretty updated although I don't personally use it, so I could be wrong.

Cool I just started using boardgamegeek for help when I play lotr lcg. I need to poke around more at that site and make sense of it. Thanks.
For Dominion in particular, I visit forum.dominionstrategy.com every now and then. That's actually where I found out about the large expansion coming out this year.

But yeah, I saw the Adventures page on the Hotness list at boardgamegeek.com last week and freaked out. Also found out about Suburbia's new expansion coming out this year.


I received the Guardians of the Galaxy expansion for Marvel Legendary this week, played the Infinity Gauntlet Scheme, with Thanos as the Mastermind, the Gems as the villains and the entire Guardians-roster as the heroes. As earlier games were smooth sailing, we played with a difficulty modifier we always used; attacking the mastermind always triggers the masterstrike and if a villain escapes, KO the highest value card in the HQ. Plus we agreed that no-one would be able to wield more than 3 infinity gems.

We got our asses kicked. Once we finally got Thanos down to an acceptable strength-level, as in, we were able to attack him, half the hero-deck was in the KO-pile. There were at least 4 instances where we were certain of defeat, ready to throw in the towel and try something else. In the end we managed to pull through, but only just.

I'm still bugged by the pisspoor insets for the game though. What are you lot using for storing your cards?


I thought Guilds was going to be the last expansion for Dominion aside from some kind of small box stuff? I haven't been keeping tabs on the timeline for the whole thing so maybe they felt it had been long enough to have a new big one. I almost bought an expansion the other day, but now I'll wait for this one if it looks good.


This is just base game + Forsaken Lore. I don't have mountains of madness yet, and might need to change it up a bit when I do.

Yeah, that's the main reason why I am holding off on Foamcoring...I am getting that expansion. Though my cutting lines aren't so straight :/


I thought Guilds was going to be the last expansion for Dominion aside from some kind of small box stuff? I haven't been keeping tabs on the timeline for the whole thing so maybe they felt it had been long enough to have a new big one. I almost bought an expansion the other day, but now I'll wait for this one if it looks good.
Guilds was the end of 'original' Dominion. (Donald X. had designed the game will tons of cards, but they broke it down into expansions because no one was going to pay a million dollars for all of the cards at once as a single release). Once Guilds was released, he said that there would likely, eventually, be more expansions, but not for awhile. I guess it's been "awhile." It's sooner than i expected, but I'm not going to complain.
Guilds was the end of 'original' Dominion. (Donald X. had designed the game will tons of cards, but they broke it down into expansions because no one was going to pay a million dollars for all of the cards at once as a single release). Once Guilds was released, he said that there would likely, eventually, be more expansions, but not for awhile. I guess it's been "awhile." It's sooner than i expected, but I'm not going to complain.

Is Donald X still involved? Thought that Guilds was his last set, but that Rio Grande could still release expansions by someone else
Donald X seems to like expanding on Dominion. You'd think that he would get sick of it after 8 expansions, but his other games aren't really as successful. I wonder if he wishes he could use some of the game mechanics in the expansions as new games themselves but ended up getting stuck with doing stuff for Rio Grande.


Neo Member
Yeah, that's the main reason why I am holding off on Foamcoring...I am getting that expansion. Though my cutting lines aren't so straight :/

Someone on reddit recently posted their build for getting the base game and both expansions in one box.


I saw it after I did mine, and am not sure when I'll be getting mountains of madness, so I went ahead with what I had as all of the baggies I had everything in was getting annoying.


This week's HumbleBundle might be of interest to a few folk - "card games" - a mix of downloadable games + unlocks for various web implementations like Dominion, Star Realms, Scrolls, etc.



I got the package on Friday and we busted it out for a game day we had on Saturday. We had five people. I don't know that I've ever laughed harder playing a board game than I did while playing this. There were massive swings of fortune, intense politicking and bickering. Most of all, the emergent storytelling that came out of gameplay really wowed me. I also really like how each player gets three diplomacy tokens, and at any time you can spend one to have a private 3 minute conversation with any players of your choice. There were quite a few hushed meetings in the back room that added so much tension to the game.

(If you're not familiar, you can either win the game by yourself by having three points at the end of a round, or you can team up with someone by marrying one of your family members to someone else's to forge an alliance, and if an alliance collectively has four points at the end of a round, you both win).

My first Lord, Lord Charles, was brutally attacked by my neighbor to the south on the very first turn of the game. He lost the battle, lost his army, and was captured. Thankfully I had a secret passage card that allowed him to escape. That put me back on my heels for a good long while as I recouped strength. I tried to ally with my neighbor to the north, but he betrayed me when he was supposed to give me support. Hilariously, he was also affected by the plague in his bishopric that turn, which decimated the huge army stack he was going to use to backstab me. Even more hilariously, he was the only player willing to draw disaster cards from the deck each turn, and almost every time the roll to see what area of the board they affected landed on him. I joked he had built some bad karma by betraying me.

Anyway, I was able to make Charles the bishop of the western bishopric, and then immediately made him a Cardinal, which allowed me to get some sway when we voted for Pope and King. Eventually, I helped make the player not he far end of the map King, and in return (after a conversation in the back room), he offered to make me Pope if we allied together. At this point we had 3 of the 4 points we needed to win, and I had a massive army ready to take back the territory stolen from me on turn one and get the title to the western fief on the map (which would have given us the final one). Lowly Charles became Pope of the church and married his daughter to the King (making her the Queen and giving me some much-needed income every turn). However, on the last turn, the black player, who had heretofore not been a threat, launched a massive offensive against my ally the King, and succeeded in sieging his capital, taking the city and capturing his family. More importantly, it gave him his third point and he stole the game.

It was an amazing experience. I can't wait to play it again. Some photos (I got the Kickstarter plastic building pieces, and I really like the way they make the board pop; windmills give you bonus income each turn and fortified towers make villages harder to capture by your opponent):


My family mid-game. Charles has just become Cardinal. Guinevre is still unmarried (and despite my best pleas and her general hotness, nobody wanted to marry her for fear of letting me back into the game). I didn't know it yet, but Beaudoin (who I deemed Charles' brother) would be the game's most brilliant general; he was never defeated in battle and led me to victory in the final turns on three separate occasions.


Newly elected Pope Charles. +1VP


After turn one, my capital city was under constant threat from the green player's armies (I was white).


The situation in the east, early on. The pink player would ultimately go on to ally with me after he became King, and we were so close to victory... He just couldn't hold on against the black player who attacked him from the north.


The blue player massing up to attack me again on the final rounds of the game.


My family at the end of the game.

tl;dr version - Fief: France 1429 is basically Crusader Kings 2: The Board Game
Donald X seems to like expanding on Dominion. You'd think that he would get sick of it after 8 expansions, but his other games aren't really as successful. I wonder if he wishes he could use some of the game mechanics in the expansions as new games themselves but ended up getting stuck with doing stuff for Rio Grande.

I'm sure he likes to pay the bills and frankly most of his other games are pretty bad compared to Dominion.


I haven't heard of this game except for the pictures that have been popping up on here, but that looks amazing. I love the castle towers and windmills on the map.

Agreed. Not pictured are the little square castle walls you put around your towers when you make a capital city after buying a fief title. The expansions that came with the Kickstarter also added Templar and Teutonic Knight commanderies and strongholds.

Some images here: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1303539/review-fief-france-1429-add-items-buildings-and-co


Hail to the KING baby
I'm sure he likes to pay the bills and frankly most of his other games are pretty bad compared to Dominion.

I actually dug Android: Infiltration (keep in mind I'm total Netrunner fanboy, though the game has zero to do with Netrunner, mechanically). But yeah I really don't like Kingdom Builder or Nefarious. Nefarious is probably one of the worst games I've played in the past few years (I don't usually play crap games though) and Kingdom Builder is just beyond dry and brainburny -- not my bag. Sometimes I play some of his titles and wonder how this is even the same guy from Dominion, which is pretty genius even if some of the multiplayer-solitaire and "puzzle that's solved before you even start playing" accusations do have some merit (hey, no game is perfect).


I think Kingdom Builder does feel like its from the same vein as Dominion, even if it's obviously not a "deck builder".

If you read his notes on the design, he talks about how Dominion was a game designed on the concept of "playing cards to play more cards", while Kingdom Builder is a game where you "play buildings to play more buildings". From that perspective, there is a fair amount in common between the two.
I'm with Astrolad, Infiltration is a ton of fun. It plays like a beefier version of Incan Gold.

Besides Infiltration, the only other game I played from Vaccarino was Gauntlet of Fools. That game was trash. It felt like half a a good idea then he just winged the rest of the design. Horrible.


+1 Infiltration.

And Temporum is decent, but pretty light.

Stoked to hear those Fief impressions. Probably be next weekend until I get it to the table, but sounds like its my kind of stuff.
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