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new boxarts GTA:SA(post them)


Banstick Emeritus
Game Informer had a big splash last issue, to paraphrase:

Protagonist moves out of South Central (or whatever they're calling it) to start a new crime-free life. Crooked cops put pressure on his family to entice him to rejoin his old gang. Shootery and gang-related tomfoolery ensues.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
efralope said:
Well, the PS2 is aging, doesn't seem like an out-of-place statement...

Exactly! As we start to see new technology on the horizon, it is obvious that the three consoles are starting to age. Thankfully, they are aging much better than the systems from last gen. Like the SNES/MD era, the current day games actually look pretty decent even when compared to the upcoming stuff...


This thread is hilarious.

-I do believe I've read several times that the "gangsta" aspect makes up maybe 1/4 of the actual game. Do you actually think that there will be rampant urban gang wars in the 'hardcore' streets of San Francisco? Do you actually invision drive bys outside of those "gritty" casinos??? I think not. The ghetto setting is merely one aspect of the game, and just happens to be ONE of the main backdrops considering the main characters background.

But after a certain point you as a gamer has the choice to completey alienate yourself from that aspect of GTA:SA. Run a Casino or other business in Vegas, or race along the streets of San Fran, no one is forcing you to spend 100hours within the "Thug live" setting..

And on a side note, Menace to Society and Boys and the Hood have more depth to them than the average Mafia flick with the Godfather and Godfellas being some exceptions.


"What is the story, anyone know or are the most of you guessing based on some images and the boxart."


Well, my friend, the industry insider, tells me the story is about an asthmatic young black man raised in a lovely suburban neighborhood. He has an AK-47 for an earing and a sleazy blonde transvestite for a girl(?)friend. One day a 47 year old sales executive rides up to him on his tricked out BMX and gets all up in his face. The vato down the street sees that something may go down and calls up his pops who happens to be gambling away his family's life savings at Sycuan Casino to the bittersweet harmonies of Willie Nelson. Pops calls the LAPD. Upon discovering that the youths involved are black they ignore the situation and continue with their helicopter races. The tension between the asthmatic and the sales exec escalate and lead to a dramatic trolley car accident, a drive by laser tagging and odious amounts of posing.

Well, that's what I've heard.


actually that IS good art, where else you gonna see hot puerto rican mamasitas?
too bad i dislike the GTA gameplay.
nitewulf said:
actually that IS good art, where else you gonna see hot puerto rican mamasitas?
too bad i dislike the GTA gameplay.

Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic. I always thought the GTA had good art (not in-game though).


neptunes said:

any more?

Man I cant wait till this game hits, so I can see The Rev. Jesse Jackson and the "honorable" Al Sharpton bitch about how this game shows the black community in a bad light.

Gta has always relied on its great sense of freedom but once you get past that the gameplay mechanics themselves are pretty damn broken IMO.


Bob White said:
Until Tommy V returns, all gta related topics will be derailed, all of them.

PFFF. tommy V sucks. the original no name GTA3 guy(he didnt have a name right?)>>>>>>>>>Tommy V by far.


man, If I need my thread about boxarts would cause people to act like an ass (and get them banned) I would have thought twice. :)


What pisses me off about the storyline is it sounds like you are playing a GOOD guy. Why change that now? I liked being the bad guy for a change. Not to mention he's being framed by crocked cops... :\

Other than that little issue, I can't fucking wait to play this game. Bring it out now!!


Razoric said:
What pisses me off about the storyline is it sounds like you are playing a GOOD guy. Why change that now? I liked being the bad guy for a change. Not to mention he's being framed by crocked cops... :\

Other than that little issue, I can't fucking wait to play this game. Bring it out now!!

A car-jacking murderous good guy who can now plan breaking into homes!

Think about that :b

Lil' Dice

So what happens if I ( a black man) opposes the subject matter of this game, and prefer Mafia movies to stories of ghetto life, will i get booted for the sake of argument?
Bishop, i agree with you pretty much all the time when it comes to social issues, and i think you may have been a bit too sensitive this time....

Ever since i found out the story line behind this i was turned off by it, i lost 2 friends to the same gangs glorified in this game and personally it's nothing to get pumped up about. Then again, maybe the hood characters depicted in the game will be total antagonists with no redeeming qualities, nor a false sense of glory gained from their devian ways.
There is no glory whatsoever in being a gangster, and i hope the developer realized this....


Banstick Emeritus
Lil' Dice, I see what you're saying - but in the same vein, Italian Americans who object to the depiction of their people as gangsters and thugs in mainstream television and games would also have a legitimate beef (and I'm not saying that they don't).

I'm just happy whenever I get to play a game or watch a movie with a protagonist that looks like me - and it's not locked into portraying a sports athlete, or magical African-American sidekicks, or upstanding good guy - I can play whoever I want to play, and I'm not a Japanese ninja or big-eyed anime white guy or musclebound android dude or whatever. Not that I have anything against those characters, but for once I get to play someone who looks like me. It's nice change of pace, and the fact that it's happening in one of my favourite gaming series is the icing on the cake.

And man, you know I'd never ban you - us brothers gotta stick together, ya know. Word.*

*this is not actually true

Bob White

There is no glory whatsoever in being a gangster, and i hope the developer realized this....

There's glory in being a mobster, or a yardie, or a yakuza? Says who? I don't see rockstar gloryfying anything. They poke fun at sterotypes and create games around a lifestyle, not gloryfying it.

Sorry this hits so close to home for you, but this game will rock.
MrAngryFace said:
Haha, change the character to a little short asian guy. Will the voice over be the same? haha, or a little girl character model, equipped with a 9mm. haha. Classic.
Actually I think we should combine the two of them. GTA: Japanese Middle School. The main character is based on Nevada-tan and is voiced by Mitsuishi Kotono.

Lil' Dice

bishoptl said:
Lil' Dice, I see what you're saying - but in the same vein, Italian Americans who object to the depiction of their people as gangsters and thugs in mainstream television and games would also have a legitimate beef (and I'm not saying that they don't).

I'm just happy whenever I get to play a game or watch a movie with a protagonist that looks like me - and it's not locked into portraying a sports athlete, or magical African-American sidekicks, or upstanding good guy - I can play whoever I want to play, and I'm not a Japanese ninja or big-eyed anime white guy or musclebound android dude or whatever. Not that I have anything against those characters, but for once I get to play someone who looks like me. It's nice change of pace, and the fact that it's happening in one of my favourite gaming series is the icing on the cake.

And man, you know I'd never ban you - us brothers gotta stick together, ya know. Word.*

*this is not actually true

You're right, i just thought trippingmartian was being genuine, and not inciting a racist riot in GA, he just became a little frustrated by the peanut gallery who jumped down his throat(some of which aren't exactly qualified to preach about inner city culture, if you know what I'm sayin').
I just hope the main character is a true "protagonist", not just a common hoodrat.

There's glory in being a mobster, or a yardie, or a yakuza?

I meant "gangster" like LA, gangster. The mob and the Yakuza at least try to live by a code of honor, and do not randomly shoot up homes killing infants and innocent women like they do here in LA. You can't walk down Crenshaw Blvd without the feeling that you'll get your wig split at any second just because it's some 15 year old's initiation party.....


Jesus Christ. It's GTA for crying out loud. A lot of people in here are being hypocrital by making fun of the main character in San Andreas.
From what i've read the additions are going to make this game much more fun than the previous ones. So whether you're playing with a LA gangster, or some Italian mob boss it's still going to end up being the one of the most fun games this year. And that's all I really care about.


I hope the PAL box looks just like that. Yummy :)

And yes, I have it pre-ordered already. I don't wanna run around the whole city looking for a copy like I did with Vice City.

evil ways

I remember Vice City, there were like 50 people going to pick it up at Gamestop besides me, and the employees had a lil' 80's themed party with trays of Doritos/Chips and sodas. They were also dressed in hawaiian shirts and shades and had the Vice City music CD's on a loop.

Maybe they'll do the same this year for San Andreas.


Lil' Dice said:
The mob and the Yakuza at least try to live by a code of honor, and do not randomly shoot up homes killing infants and innocent women like they do here in LA. You can't walk down Crenshaw Blvd without the feeling that you'll get your wig split at any second just because it's some 15 year old's initiation party.....


Bob White

The mob and the Yakuza at least try to live by a code of honor, and do not randomly shoot up homes killing infants and innocent women like they do here in LA. You can't walk down Crenshaw Blvd without the feeling that you'll get your wig split at any second just because it's some 15 year old's initiation party.....

Alright, how the hell do you guys know how the REAL mob and REAL yakuza live? You're a member? Or is it the way they come off in movies?

Crime families are BAD. Black gangs are no more or less evil than any other gang. Honor? The hell? I bet TONS of innocent people have died in all types of gang related crime from other countries too.

LA gangs = new nazi's?! MAYBE!
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