New Clinton postmortem of campaign includes criticism of Sanders policy promises

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Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
(CNN)Hillary Clinton casts Bernie Sanders as an unrealistic over-promiser in her new book, according to excerpts posted by a group of Clinton supporters.

She said that his attacks against her during the primary caused "lasting damage" and paved the way for "(Donald) Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign."
Clinton, in a book that will be released September 12 entitled "What Happened," said Sanders "had to resort to innuendo and impugning my character" because the two Democrats "agreed on so much."

"Some of his supporters, the so-called Bernie Bros, took to harassing my supporters online. It got ugly and more than a little sexist," she wrote.

"When I finally challenged Bernie during a debate to name a single time I changed a position or a vote because of a financial contribution, he couldn't come up with anything," Clinton wrote. "Nonetheless, his attacks caused lasting damage, making it harder to unify progressives in the general election and paving the way for Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign."

The excerpts were first posted by a pro-Clinton Twitter account and by a user on a Clinton "super volunteer" Facebook page.

"She says a lot in this book, and some of it is going to surprise people. People should buy it, read it, and consider what she constructively lays out. It's a great read," a Clinton aide said, asking not be named because they were not authorized to discuss the book.

The excerpts represent a small number of the roughly 500-page book in which Clinton reflects on her stunning loss to Donald Trump in 2016. The few pages on Sanders are also remarkably candid for a candidate who was more known for being careful than blunt, especially when it came to the Vermont senator.

A Clinton spokesman declined to comment on the published excerpts.
imagine what she would think if she ran against the 2008 Clinton campaign instead of Bernie, who honestly was very mild in his attacks
Saw this on Vox:


She's not wrong but this doesn't really seem like the right time to say that. Guess she doesn't have a reason to gaf anymore though.


He sure didn't help and did more damage than I think he ever intended, but hopefully she acknowledges the rest of the catalysts involved in her loss.


I don't think it cost her the election but there was damn vile stuff coming from a portion of the hardcore Bernie fanbase. What she's saying there is factually correct.

The fact that there were Bernie fans booing at the convention was embarrassing and detestable.
She's not wrong but there's more than enough information we know now that makes it look like a lot of the Berniebro thing was a Russian psyop, too. Especially when more of Sanders' supporters voted for Clinton than Clinton's supporters voted for Obama.


Nice to see Inuhanyou has become such a Hillary fan. I've been trying to move on, myself, but I guess it speaks to their capacity for self-recrimination and growth.


not a medical professional
over/under on how quickly Trump uses the book as a talking point for his triumphant victory over the democrats due to infighting?
Not exactly wrong. Bit useless though now. And only one of the many factors of course. Hope the Democrats learn from it for the next election though.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I don't disagree with what she's saying but I wish she hadn't said it. Goddamnit. This is just going to make more people fight


She's not wrong.

Using GOP frames of debate, even when having a interparty disagreement, only feeds into their well crafted propaganda against all left of center policy and politics.

Democrats and Socialists need to be smarter and understand who the real enemy is.


I don't know, the hardest more anti hillary rethoric i saw came from Tumblr's LGBT community, sure Reddit had their share of Bernie bros, but if she thinks Bernie supporter's beef with her was entirely based on sexism she is very, very wrong.

She is right tho, the divide between her and Bernie supporter's prolly did a lot of damage, as an outsider seeing this unfold i was thinking "how is anybody surprised that the candidate they spent demonizing for the entire primary didn't win the presidency after they went 'fine, i'll guess i'll vote Hillary' like sore losers?"
this will be a fun thread
it sure will

Anyways, she's right that Bernie's proposals were very much style over substance and his accusations did lasting damage. I question though if she did do as much as she could do to mitigate them, and the fact that those attacks weren't entirely baseless.


This always happens in the primaries. The parties eat their own, then backtrack on all that and support the winner. Damage is still done though,


She said that his attacks against her during the primary caused "lasting damage" and paved the way for "(Donald) Trump's 'Crooked Hillary' campaign."


I'd say Hillary not campaigning in states Bernie won paved the way for Trump more than Bernie did.
Democrat blames everyone but themselves for their failure. News at 11.

Maybe Sanders was overly optimistic, but at least he actually tried. She seems content to mostly just let things stay as they are, because "republicans will block it so why try?"


the 2008 primary was orders of magnitude nastier and obama did just fine in the general

bernie took it easy on her and i wish he hadn't, he might have actually been able to win if he'd ever really gone on the offensive
She never took the kids gloves off Sanders, went out of her way to not cause more strife during the primary while Sanders went after the DNC and her when he was already eliminated from the primary.

That page excerpt is rather on point with the narrative loop.

I'll never really forgive Sanders for creating a platform that launched such toxicity within the younger generation to the only party that is has the ability to actually make decent lasting progress.
It's clear that Bernie and his followers had an effect on her campaign. But guess what, people are allowed to campaign, and if she was more sympathetic and appealed to more people, she would have won. She was a bad candidate all around and blaming Bernie for her loss is just passing the blame yet again.
She's not wrong, but I don't need to relitigate the 2016 Dem Primary.

There are more pressing concerns to worry about. Let's let wounds heal, and then one day we can start analyzing the mistakes that were made.


Yes because we all know that the primary spot was deemed hers to begin with. How dare someone more popular challenge her and the DNC?!

Anyways, she's just fueling Trump with this shit. She needs to stop.

This is a good example of the ridiculous shoe horning Bernie supporters love to perform in every one of these threads.



Unconfirmed Member
Of course Bernie had a negative impact on her, but she had a greater negative impact on herself.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Is there really someone who wants Hillary's take on why she got completely owned by Trump?


This always happens in the primaries. The parties eat their own, then backtrack on all that and support the winner. Damage is still done though,

Most of the time the losing candidates drop out after being realistically eliminated on Super Tuesday. Any other candidate would have dropped out after getting curb stomped as bad as Sanders did, but he held on because he gave 0.0 fucks how the Democratic party fared in the future.

Half of Sanders money came in after March 15th. He raised a lot of money, and half it came from people that still thought he had a chance after March 15th.


She is right. It was one of many factors that cost her the election. So were her own flaws and poor campaign management. The margin was so close that every little thing mattered in hindsight. Burying your head in the sand and absolving Saint Bernard of his role is just going to lead to a repeat in 2020
Hillary lost because everyone was against Hillary except intelligent people who knew the stakes.

Those who voted on raw emotion cost America a decent president.
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