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new conker single player f00tage


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
the trailer on the fable disc was pretty funny


The graphics in single player are seriously mindblowing to me. As someone who absolutely loved the N64 title, it almost makes me want to have an XBox to play it, but alas. The thing that blew me away was the bales of hay. Amazing stuff.
There's no denying Rare's technical expertize, that trailer looks amazing. I only wish they were half as creative and original.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So they are making a brand new single player game too?

Are they including the orignal 64 version?


Those are some of the best graphics for any platform that I've ever seen. The particles, textures, color palette, lighting, polys all top notch.


First tragedy, then farce.
the great thing about this is I see one of the best looking games this gen, and I allready know its one of the best games in its genre... and Ive heard the Xbox Live play is alot of fun.. so I really dont see how you can go wrong.
this game is looking amazing..

never played the single player game, so that looks like tons of fun.. and the multiplayer looks like it could be one of the best xbox live experienecs this side of halo 2.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this footage but I'm getting it right now anyway..

The footage I have seen of 1 player is simply amazing. The graphics look like Star Fox Adventures on steroids! So beautiful. I really enjoyed this game on N64 and can't wait to play through this remake. Looking forward to the new multiplayer mode too.

Has there been any hints as to additional stages or stages that didn't make the original N64 cut being added to the single player? That would be good..


Seems like Conker is shaping up real well, now quit fucking around with this Kameo and GBA shit and give me my Perfect Dark sequel!!!


Chili Con Carnage!
'tis old, but i never get tired of those explosions in the multiplayer footage, truly stunning.


I thought that footage looked familiar. :(

Damn it! I need a new insanely high res, direct feed, all new 5 minute KICK ARSE Conker trailer.


Somehow I missed the MP footage at E3. DAAYUM! That looks crazy fun, and yeah the graphics in both vids are really incredible.


...including camera-guided rockets, an acid thrower, and loads of grenade types. You can also see some of the vehicles featured in the game including the Sky Steed, the Mule Bomber and Tankus and various types of equipment such as anti-infantry sentries, medi-guns, and a snoop camera.

Wow! I didn't know there would be vehicles in multiplayer. I wish this game was coming sooner.


so finally all the asses that didn't play the n64 version and never took my advice to do so are coming around...
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