Gohan has more personality in his droopy front hair piece than all of Goku.
Also he's a heartthrob, just look at this shit
I'm swooning right now.
All that false bravado.
This is the real Gohan. An actual heroic character.
Failure Gohan would have retired and taught physics if he lost an arm in a fight.
Toriyama can't make up his mind. I thought he didn't want any more transformations?
Did it get hot in here? I'm not gonna disagree with you there. Future Gohan is easily best Gohan.
...Can Freiza fuck shit up and leave everyone except Gohan and Trunks for dead?
Did it get hot in here? I'm not gonna disagree with you there. Future Gohan is easily best Gohan.
...Can Freiza fuck shit up and leave everyone except Gohan and Trunks for dead?
Edit; All these gohan pics
Piccolo as well pls
If Gohans gonna get mad enough for him to achieve some new bullshit form then Piccollo is gonna have to die.
True, ain't like he's gonna care if Goku bites it. Dude was never around anyway.
There was a time in Middle School, where i actually thought this was real. I had 5 or 6 people all telling me it was on HBO, and giving me detailed episode synopses. I spent days trying to watch it, before i looked online, and found out it was fake. -_-
Didn't his dad die during cells match and it took some random ass android that talked to birds to get him to go SSJ2?
There was a time in Middle School, where i actually thought this was real. I had 5 or 6 people all telling me it was on HBO, and giving me detailed episode synopses. I spent days trying to watch it, before i looked online, and found out it was fake. -_-
Gohan has more personality in his droopy front hair piece than all of Goku.
Also he's a heartthrob, just look at this shit
I'm swooning right now.
Toriyama can't make up his mind. I thought he didn't want any more transformations?
so handsome I wonder how he'll like when he's an even older
Didn't his dad die during cells match and it took some random ass android that talked to birds to get him to go SSJ2?
Didn't his dad die during cells match and it took some random ass android that talked to birds to get him to go SSJ2?
so handsome I wonder how he'll like when he's an even older
Didn't his dad die during cells match and it took some random ass android that talked to birds to get him to go SSJ2?
so handsome I wonder how he'll look like when he's even older
What is Broly SSJ4 doing in there?
Are we SURE that the dude in the green tracksuit isn't Yamcha?
man everytime I come back in here I see future gohan and swoon then I scroll down to see F gohan and...
how great is it that Toriyama is fucking shit up worse than GT
i love that
Are we SURE that the dude in the green tracksuit isn't Yamcha?
Somebody buy me a chibi Gold Freeza
He looks like a DreamWorks character.
He's so happy with himself.
I am so glad that terribad GT is being blown out by this greatness. Cat gods, birthday parties, Vegeta karaoke, Super Frieza, Gohan jobbing again, the Pilaf crew, Goku and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamhair, it's all so good.
GT and Majuub and pink gorilla and Para Para brothers and balding super 17 and all of it into the trash.
It's not, sadly. Is Yamcha even in this movie? I don't think he is.
Gohan is a good looking guy when AT isn't trolling but I still maintain that this Future Trunks is the true hearthrob of DBZ.
The manga adaptation (for whatever changes it may have from the actual film) says that Tien told Yamcha to stay home... like Chiaotzu.
Gohan says that he hasn't been training at all but thinks he might be able to still turn Super Saiyan.
The manga adaptation (for whatever changes it may have from the actual film) says that Tien told Yamcha to stay home... like Chiaotzu.
Gohan says that he hasn't been training at all but thinks he might be able to still turn Super Saiyan.
It didn't work out? What does that even mean.
Gohan has more personality in his droopy front hair piece than all of Goku.
Also he's a heartthrob, just look at this shit
I'm swooning right now.