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New drunk. Thread. Hahahah fuuuuuuu.


Neo Member
Karjala , Lapin Kulta, Karhu and Olvi.

These are the 4 cheap lager brands you can get from any bar or a local store.

They all taste like shit though and most of the (heavy drinking) finnish people import their alcohol from Estonia. It's a lot cheaper.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
"Barkeep, I'll have another round of Lapin Kultas for the table." I like the sound of that. Does Finland have a craft beer scene? What are the premium beers you guys drink?

I enjoyed playing the Defense of Finland scenario on Panzer General 2.


Neo Member
"Lappari" is short for Lapin Kulta, so it's more like : "a round of Lapparis" for short if you're ordering Lapin Kulta for the whole table.

Finland has a strong scene for local and craft beers. It seems like today every city or a village has a local brewery.

Here's a link for my local brewery : Top Fuel Beers

My grandma lives on an island that has like a 100 permanent residents and even they have a local brewery.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Interesting. I would have no idea that site wasn't an American brewery. Clever names and label design.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I've been a pretty chronic nail biter ever since I was a kid up until about a year ago I guess.
Whats weird is how much fucking effort it takes to keep your nails clean! Goddamn everytime I look down I have dirt under them and I'm like FUCK. Good thing I use toothpicks to clean my marijuana vaporizor constantly because they're good for nail cleaning I've found.

Drinking some Anchro Steam and spacing pretty damn hard. Helped hang two ~10foot paintings at work today it was pretty scary.


Neo Member
Round 2 let's go.

Last night ended at a McDonalds drive in where we spent 55e with a friend. Bought 4 Double Quarter Pounder meals and 40 nuggets.

Slept 5 hours and then back to drinking. Feeling kinda shit at the moment but i think it'll pass in a few hours.


I remember this thread

so somehow I've managed to go nearly a month without drinking....I also (temporarily) quit smoking weed (for job purposes) and went back to a vegetarian diet #cleanliving

gonna do this no booze thing for a couple more weeks and then probably go back to the weekend routine again. it's been a pretty productive (and money saving) 3 weeks or so but man I'm really looking forward to that first post booze hiatus drink.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I went two nights last month. 🤘

Just got back from dinner, Star Trek time.

Working on a million dollar case mod.


Guys I'm with this gulemi rlly like and I think k Imma blow it. Back myup. I'm like 4 beer deep and hud had an argument about the consitituati9n.


erotic butter maelstrom
Just drunk bought dark souls 3. Impulse purchase but I've been working so ridiculously hard and often lately, maybe I actually deserve something in return.
My drunkness is kinda wearing off and I'm in bed with like a pounding head ugh I also had the worst night out and for some reason when I'm drunk I send audio messages on whatsapp I think I sent my friend around 10 of just anger; ugh

There's no punctuation up there but oh well


are you trying to sleep or something? 50mg usually knocks me out pretty quickly...but yeah I would say no more than 4.

don't take my medical advice

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What is up with cocktails that require eggs/egg whites?


i want to thank obama for this wonderful weather
i was supposed to watch fireworks
now im home debating between replaying lesbian visual novel or dankest dungeon


sick glove Jtwo! used to have some mizuno batting gloves in my little league days 😎

I think my rawlings mitt is laying around somewhere in my house.....need to befriend one of the neighborhood kids so I have an excuse to play catch
My internet at home has been down for 10+ hours now. On top of that Vodafone also had problems in my area, so I couldn't even browse on my phone for a couple of hours.

I had to read 15 year old magazines on the toilet :(

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
There's some sourdough by the toilet and like wtf who's eaten a baguette on the pot



So I'm drinking some cheap ass whiskey, and dipping into my home made mead. Gotta a good buzz going on but sadly, I'm working outta town... not a lot of fun to be had. :(

Probably just pass out watching my favorite anime :(

What's everyone else doing??

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
On probably like 4 occasions I've said "m'lady" through sms


So, I'm done with school but live/work in a college town. All the kids decided to throw a "party" downtown this weekend because they're all bored of working or whatever their summers entail. I haven't been blackout drunk in forever but my girlfriend is gone for the week so I might go partake in some of the festivities tomorrow. Tonight is a high life night for me, gonna try to get some gaming in since I'm long overdue. Wish me luck. Also, blasting this:

Drunk + Back to the Future

oh shi, that's me but part 2

gaf, I'm drinking Old E for the first time in a long time

It's not as bad as I remember it. I always preferd Mickeys


what's everyone up to tonight?
Bar exam prep is giving me a break for the weekend, since I live minutes from a liquor store and a grocery store with a decent beer selection, got a fifth of vodka and some oatmeal stout. Getting fuuuucked uuuuuuuuuppp


11AM here and going to be traveling three miles east, to my family's summer cottage by the Baltic Sea.

Already started with one Ginger Joe beer. And this is what I got left to use today
A mixture of ciders and craft beers :) Don't know how much is left in the daqarui-thing, but I'm, gonna bring it anyways :)

Also - bonus pic on our cottage's guard


Anyone in here like Alfa? It's one of my favorite Dutch beers along with Brand. I don't have a very sophisticated palate tho, so please don't crush me


I went on a 10km trek by foot this afternoon Pokemon'ing only to mostly catch a buncha garbage ass rattatas and pidgeys.

I'm gonna drink tonight too!
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