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New drunk. Thread. Hahahah fuuuuuuu.


... any tips for trying to remember what happened when drinking?

Got invited to drink with a friend and his co-workers. 3 cute ladies and us guys. Get all you can drink wine, cheap stuff but I was ok. Ladies are fairly drunk, so were the other guys but they wanted to tag along to my friends club. One lady starts grabbing my arm and rubbing it for like 10 minutes but I consciously decided to not do anything... though I really wanted to. Other guy was giving her all his attention so I did not want to just be that guy.

Anyway go to the club, and the red wine kicks in hard. No idea what happened after this point but I apparently went until like 6am, woke up at home and remember NOTHING.

Ahh I remember we went to my friends bar but they wern't there so we made ourselves at home. Made drinks, and were playing videogames... Or so I was told... I have an absolute brief flash of a memory being there playing couples jenga with ... some lady. Cannot remember her at all! she definitely wasn't in the group of ladies that we were drinking with. But I got messages from her with <3s and what not.

Guys im so confused,but apparently I am charming when zombie mode drunk. Hmm that helped me remember a bit lol. Still missing a solid 4 hours of that night though.

The thing with a drinking black out is that you aren't forgetting the memories from the time, it's more akin to your brain never having "recorded" them in the first place. You won't get them back because your brain didn't make note of them.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, blacking out is a strange thing.

goddamn they cut the grass at a local school and its windy and ive been having a gnarly allergy fit for like 4 hours now


Haven't had Southern Comfort for a long time. Shit is fucking good. Im all liquored up and feeling good. Listening to Ryan Adams and shite.


Enjoy, dude!
The game is safer in the hands of a drunk thread bro than a random gaffer haha
Lol perfect! Also....

...I'm predictably drunk already for Nintendos day 2 of the conference, looking to get jazzed about Monster Hunter. Zelda already has me hype to infinity.


i just moved into a new apt and the previous tenant left 2 pizzas in the freezer
they were past expiration on monday but still good to eat
soon i will living your lifestyle
Lol that's awesome. For some reason I was imagining you opening the freezer like Link and discovering the pizzas in a chest, complete with sound effects.
I've got Zelda on the brain these days :/
Le sigh..... look sisters (my actual sisters), I know my life is in shambles. You don't have to keep reminding me that. I know I have to look for plenty of jobs. I know we don't have alot of money. But can y'all please, PLEASE just leave me alone and let me wallow in my own terrors?!

I just hate it when people bring stuff like careers and jobs, etc. into a conversation when it was never brought up. You deal with your stuff and I'll deal with mines. I'm a decent listener and when people bring up stuff like that, I will dwell on it for a long, long time.

I'm depressed and jobless. Don't make it harder for me.

Please don't kill my vibe.
i just moved into a new apt and the previous tenant left 2 pizzas in the freezer
they were past expiration on monday but still good to eat
soon i will living your lifestyle
I'm proud of you &#128077;&#128076;That could've ended badly for me, but it was somehow still very enjoyable.


man darkest dungeon. i was stubborn and brought a melee team to the second flesh boss fight. ended with one survivor killing the boss in a do or die situation. my party (including the crusader from the tutorial) got wiped out by a fanged tentacle shooting out from a pigs asshole lol
lesson learned

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
was gonna play titanfall but instead am reading about feral children


is it just me, or does Skyrim feel lifeless? Like, I never really played it when it first came out, maybe the first 10 hours or so. So I reinstalled in and installed a bunch of mods. I never really knew why the game didn't grab me the first time, but now I feel like the entire world is just...barren and lifeless. This comes after me beating everything there was to in the Witcher 3 and the DLC's. Idk, maybe if I drink more I'll like it.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yikes is someone offing themselves in ot right now

I just wanna eat mashed potatoes with my lady


Yeah, it's probably the best album of the year so far. What's your favourite track?
Man.. I've been meaning to get back to you on this. Ever since you asked I was forced to dive head first into this album hard and seriously consider the entire cosmos according to Radio Head, I'm obviously drunk but this is drunk Gaf, bare with me lol.

My favorites:
Burn the Witch.
Decks Dark.
Desert Island Disk.
The Numbers.
True Love Waits.

The thing about this band is its mileage truly varies upon the person listening, so my tastes will differ vastly....but one things for certain, listening to Radio Head seems to conjure "the strange" outta me and force it into broad daylight. I mean... If they want me to feel paranoid, somber, uneasy, or even mercifully grant me life's epiphany I'm hanging on their every word and note. It's there. I'm drunk so all apologies if I'm not making sense lol, hopefully you get the gist??? :)

Also: anyone here brew there own stuff? Just curious...

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
My butt is in a seat for &#128079;&#127996; Independence Day


shitty rose, doritos, and cyberpunk bartending. and art vandelay just showed up. hhis is like 4chan the game thanks venezuela
Man.. I've been meaning to get back to you on this. Ever since you asked I was forced to dive head first into this album hard and seriously consider the entire cosmos according to Radio Head, I'm obviously drunk but this is drunk Gaf, bare with me lol.

My favorites:
Burn the Witch.
Decks Dark.
Desert Island Disk.
The Numbers.
True Love Waits.

The thing about this band is its mileage truly varies upon the person listening, so my tastes will differ vastly....but one things for certain, listening to Radio Head seems to conjure "the strange" outta me and force it into broad daylight. I mean... If they want me to feel paranoid, somber, uneasy, or even mercifully grant me life's epiphany I'm hanging on their every word and note. It's there. I'm drunk so all apologies if I'm not making sense lol, hopefully you get the gist??? :)
I totally feel you! Man, I really should just go ahead and buy tickets for Lollapalooza in Berlin.
You didn't include Daydreaming :(


Daydreaming is the only song on the album I didn't like. Thought it was boring and always ended up skipping it.

Internet boobs are best boobs hello!?

Pulled pork sandwich, oh ya baby.
Daydreaming calms me down like no other track.

Boobs are always good and there are plenty of free ones on the net, but camgirls also need money to survive I guess.

I just had an amazing kebab &#128056;
I listen to Daydreaming every morning now to chill me out before my shit job.

Enjoying a nice Pendleton whiskey while wrapping up work (work from home today).

Already saw real boobies today (work from home today).

Now I am craving a good Cuban sandwich, may settle for bahn-mi.


I listen to Daydreaming every morning now to chill me out before my shit job.

Enjoying a nice Pendleton whiskey while wrapping up work (work from home today).

Already saw real boobies today (work from home today).

Now I am craving a good Cuban sandwich, may settle for bahn-mi.
Pendleton... Never heard of it, or never noticed it. What's it like??? (Price,flavour,ect.)
Also, now I wanna see some realtime bewbs, feeling left out here :(
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