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New drunk. Thread. Hahahah fuuuuuuu.

It's some Sony Tririnitron that's a flat panel and only 20''. I know it's cooler to mod RGB and get an actual monitor but it's not something I'm willing to put effort in at the moment (but may someday). Anyway, I'm happy with it right now, since the last two TVs I've used, one would stutter and move the image if there was any kind of movement in the room (or sometimes if there wasn't), and the other had awful color balance and contrast.

This one is pretty small, but at least I know what to look for in the future when I continue these endeavors.
Trinitrons are the best! I was so happy when I finally discovered one in my area for free after a long quest on the internet.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Eat Edibles
Play Ridge Racer
Time for a long ass Drunk thread post.

I don't fucking get it. I have a good night, see old friends, have a great time, but all it takes is a couple tiny, tiny things to set me the fuck off and be miserable towards the end.

They're not even worth mentioning because I know this shit shouldn't tick me off. And my cognisant self is much better than my actual self because I know I should be a better person than I am. I should let water go under the bridge. Fucking minor things shouldn't bother me. I shouldn't let my goddamn brain let things spiral when they mean nothing.

But I can't. I know I should be better. The steps are simple. Meditation. Volunteering. Generally doing anything, meeting friends, taking drugs, travelling, creating, exercising, writing, being absolutely anything other than the average inconsequential peice of shit that I continue to be.

Life is what you make of it, but knowing that, why aren't I living the insane impulsive impressive life that I should be? Laziness is the only option and that's a fucking awful excuse.

I should be better. But I'm not. And I'm not sure if anything will push me in that direction, because I already know what I should be doing, and that's somehow not enough. And if that isn't, what will be?


I am from Brazil. I am so frunk I literally see I spelled frnk and don't matter because fucking spelling, that's brazul.

I started mu night, i went to a pub, inspired by the british, and i drank a lots of beer. on the wall there was a sign with the threee stooges and it said: gold, it takes a lot of balls.

I am brazillian and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We fuck up, we will possibly end th planet via zika and i don't bive a guck. Thre is no, I repeat, no exprience like bein g a brazillian. My friend was saying:
"We are middle class right, we watch seinfeld and stranger things and that's cool. but imagine being only that? Imagine being merely american? Isn't it great to just suck up american culture and yet being brtazillains?"
Yes it is!
I am drunk, fucking typing is difficult, I am speaking a language I learned through playing fucking final fantasy 7 and yet, I can tell you, with 100% assure that I am fucking proud to be brazillian.
Yoiu know why I am proud tobe brazilloian america? Because I am you and more.
I am america, the united states, your pop c ulture and more.
I am france, the democracy, your utopies and more.
I am germany, the philosophy, your complex thinking and more.
I am Brazil. I am Brazil and I am you. I am Brazil and I am Africa. I am Brazil and I am Europre. I am Brazil and I am Asia. I am the you you wanted to be, but I truly am. Of fucking course I am. Warts and all. Lots of fucking warts, jeus chrust we have warts, but we are. We are in the most deep and honest sense of the word. We are the genocide. We are the poverty. We are the misery. We are tgh science. We are the spiritualituy. We are the problem. We are the answer. We are. We are. We are in the most fucking deep sense of the word and we are only because we are Brazil.
We are the real. We are manking. I am you and you are me and we are all together. In Brazil.
And on that english pub getting fucking drunk wiht belgium beer before moving on to an unholhy mix of vodka and absynth in an industrial town near São Paulo I saw the olympics sarting up in my country and saying, fucking hell, this is brazil.
We fucked up, our fuckin g houses for the athletes are fuckin g up, volence is fucked up, butr fyucking hell I love being a brazillian more than I have ever loved anything in my life. And more than I will ever love anything in my life. And with tears in my eyes, I don't remember the girls I kissed or the engineers that at 3 a.m I played pokemon go with at the back of a stadium that once I saw our winning volleyball team playing.
All of that is fleeting, all I remember ius that I love this country with everything that I have and everything I am and the reason I love this country with such a passion is because it is a fucking weird country and it doesn't make snse and there is no such thing as a 'brazillian" and this is the most precious and great gift we ca ngive the world.

If nothing more, learn this from these games: we are fucking weird. We are fucking you. W are fucking all of y'all. We are what you should strive to be.
Miochlle Obama, I love you, you are a great human being, but america isn't the greatest country in the world. It is Brazil: we arew not the richest, but look around your neighbours, are you saying your richest friend is your best friend? We are not rhe most stable, the mso safe, the most unproblematic, but the test applies: among your best friends, who are the best? The most stable and safe or the most fucked up?
I love you Michelle, but Brazil is the greates country in this planet. Because we are the most fucking weird and the most fucked up. Not because we are bettewr tha n the US or Europe or Asia or Africa, but because we ARE US AND Europe AND Asia AND Africa.
And we fuck up.
Because we are human and we fuck up.
You arehuman and you fuck up.
And if you are human and you are reading this and you fuck up, this is my message to you:
You are Brazil.
The greatest.
Welcome my brother.


ay kids

went to a pub yesterday and I wanted to get away from some people so I got in a cab with a girl friend I suddenly found and she took me to this birthday party in some dude's house where I didnt know anyone

dude celebratin randomly started giving away acid, took half a tab and watched The Road Warrior projected on the corner of a wall but slightly sped up. stayed till 1pm today

weird night



erotic butter maelstrom
I am from Brazil. I am so frunk I literally see I spelled frnk and don't matter because fucking spelling, that's brazul.

I started mu night, i went to a pub, inspired by the british, and i drank a lots of beer. on the wall there was a sign with the threee stooges and it said: gold, it takes a lot of balls.

I am brazillian and I wouldn't trade it for the world. We fuck up, we will possibly end th planet via zika and i don't bive a guck. Thre is no, I repeat, no exprience like bein g a brazillian. My friend was saying:
"We are middle class right, we watch seinfeld and stranger things and that's cool. but imagine being only that? Imagine being merely american? Isn't it great to just suck up american culture and yet being brtazillains?"
Yes it is!
I am drunk, fucking typing is difficult, I am speaking a language I learned through playing fucking final fantasy 7 and yet, I can tell you, with 100% assure that I am fucking proud to be brazillian.
Yoiu know why I am proud tobe brazilloian america? Because I am you and more.
I am america, the united states, your pop c ulture and more.
I am france, the democracy, your utopies and more.
I am germany, the philosophy, your complex thinking and more.
I am Brazil. I am Brazil and I am you. I am Brazil and I am Africa. I am Brazil and I am Europre. I am Brazil and I am Asia. I am the you you wanted to be, but I truly am. Of fucking course I am. Warts and all. Lots of fucking warts, jeus chrust we have warts, but we are. We are in the most deep and honest sense of the word. We are the genocide. We are the poverty. We are the misery. We are tgh science. We are the spiritualituy. We are the problem. We are the answer. We are. We are. We are in the most fucking deep sense of the word and we are only because we are Brazil.
We are the real. We are manking. I am you and you are me and we are all together. In Brazil.
And on that english pub getting fucking drunk wiht belgium beer before moving on to an unholhy mix of vodka and absynth in an industrial town near São Paulo I saw the olympics sarting up in my country and saying, fucking hell, this is brazil.
We fucked up, our fuckin g houses for the athletes are fuckin g up, volence is fucked up, butr fyucking hell I love being a brazillian more than I have ever loved anything in my life. And more than I will ever love anything in my life. And with tears in my eyes, I don't remember the girls I kissed or the engineers that at 3 a.m I played pokemon go with at the back of a stadium that once I saw our winning volleyball team playing.
All of that is fleeting, all I remember ius that I love this country with everything that I have and everything I am and the reason I love this country with such a passion is because it is a fucking weird country and it doesn't make snse and there is no such thing as a 'brazillian" and this is the most precious and great gift we ca ngive the world.

If nothing more, learn this from these games: we are fucking weird. We are fucking you. W are fucking all of y'all. We are what you should strive to be.
Miochlle Obama, I love you, you are a great human being, but america isn't the greatest country in the world. It is Brazil: we arew not the richest, but look around your neighbours, are you saying your richest friend is your best friend? We are not rhe most stable, the mso safe, the most unproblematic, but the test applies: among your best friends, who are the best? The most stable and safe or the most fucked up?
I love you Michelle, but Brazil is the greates country in this planet. Because we are the most fucking weird and the most fucked up. Not because we are bettewr tha n the US or Europe or Asia or Africa, but because we ARE US AND Europe AND Asia AND Africa.
And we fuck up.
Because we are human and we fuck up.
You arehuman and you fuck up.
And if you are human and you are reading this and you fuck up, this is my message to you:
You are Brazil.
The greatest.
Welcome my brother.



Yeooo. Haven't posted in here in a while.

The girlfriend is already passed out. It was puppy and kitten city at the bar tonight which was pretty sweet. Is it Monday yet? I really need to play No Man's Sky.


there is joy in sucking dick
Drove to Colorado from Massachusetts. What a fucking drive. This state is legit stunning. I came here to photograph the range but gotdamn I wasn't prepared for just how beautiful it is when approaching from Kansas.

PS also currently killing some canni-gummis yassssss. When I did a search for dispensaries on Google Maps that shit lit up.


Alcohol+tramadolo for the bored and stupid doctor that I am. I was on FB, everybody seems happy, no I don't want your fake happiness, boredom make me feel alive, fuck you facebook.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Picked up Catherine at a GameStop bargain bin, it's really hard.


great game, i liked it much more then i thought i would (fuck marketing)
id recommend turning the difficulty down since the story is surprisingly good
later on some of the puzzles are absolute bullshit with the perspective changes even on easy thou


erotic butter maelstrom
I actually beat Katherine. Climbed the tower.

Overwatch is the best videogame ever aside from Souls. I will play it until I die (tomorrow)
I got Catherine for my birthday this year and only played until the first boss. I fucking suck at this game but I can't bring myself to switch to easy mode.
I hadn't drank a thing since January but the depressing nature of our political reality has me back on or off? the wagon for the first time since. I want off this ride.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I actually beat Katherine. Climbed the tower.

Overwatch is the best videogame ever aside from Souls. I will play it until I die (tomorrow)
Rip Snuggler

Maybe I'll get overwatch if you resurrect


erotic butter maelstrom
Rip Snuggler

Maybe I'll get overwatch if you resurrect
You getting No Man's Sky?? It's pretty good. Just ignoring all the controversy and just having fun drifting through space and finding spooky/gross creatures. Gotta be the perfect game when you're blazin it up 2 the max.
✌️ 😎💨4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🚀

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
You getting No Man's Sky?? It's pretty good. Just ignoring all the controversy and just having fun drifting through space and finding spooky/gross creatures. Gotta be the perfect game when you're blazin it up 2 the max.
✌️ 😎💨4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣🚀
If I don't linnet will get it. Looks really good.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Hogman and me posted same time 🐷🐖🕐💥

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I played superhypercube on a psvr today and it was insane
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