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New Forza screens!

Thanks to Xboxyde.com for hosting them.







Sorry but those cars look awfully plastic.

Maybe they should look like that though. What I mean is that they don't "shine/reflect" right.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Lighting is nice.

Damn that frame rate tho.

Developer - Please sacrifice AA, not the frame rate. You have it backwards.


DaCocoBrova said:
Lighting is nice.

Damn that frame rate tho.

Developer - Please sacrifice AA, not the frame rate. You have it backwards.

They won't. Not because it's a tradeoff, but because sacrificing AA won't double the framerate.


It just doesn't look shiny enough. It sort of makes the main color look flat.

Hard to explain... oh well... it certainly doesn't look bad, but I've seen much better Forza shots.


looks damn nice. I find it amazing that I would rather look at screenshots and videos than to bother playing a simulation racing game. I've tried so many, but I honestly just can't get into them.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
IGN thinks so...

Pff, IGN certainly isn't an authority you can trust in regards to framerate. They claimed that RE-Code Veronica was a 60 fps game...which it most certainly is not.

F-355, however, does run at 60 fps. The game looks pretty simple by today's standards, though, but the crisp look still makes for an appealing visual presentation.

I hope next gen racing games look as good as those renders. Almost there.

Which renders? Those shots posted above represent the in game visuals but simply have a high level of anti-aliasing applied to them. The game couldn't look that clean on a TV, of course, but the actual content is the same. It certainly isn't very impressive in motion, however...
I think the producers might've mentioned it'll run at 30fps. I just remember thinking "blahblahblahdeformingroadsandbloomeffects yeah that sounds nice but why isn't it 60fps?"

I don't really understand why anyone's excited by this game any more than the next racer. It's just unremarkable in so many ways. I'm still miffed by how Microsoft is trying to pitch this against Gran Turismo 4.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dagon said:
Nice, but I'd rather see some in-game stuff. I don't understand all the wanking over replay shots.

We've gone over this a million times...

What is the point of seeing in game shots? Replay shots and in game shots are both representative of what the game engine can produce. Replays are MORE demanding on the hardware, so it isn't like they have anything to prove either. Replay shots are used most often simply because they can display much more interesting angles and also allow people to clearly admire the car models. The shots are still, so it isn't like you are actually playing the game. Why would you want to see a bunch of first person shots? There is a difference between actually playing the game...and looking at screens. A first person screenshot is not interesting because you aren't actually doing anything!


Dagon said:
Nice, but I'd rather see some in-game stuff. I don't understand all the wanking over replay shots.

True. i'd rather wank over some new replay FOOTAGE which allowed me to evaluate the physics..
Anyway, there's some new in game footage here (i think it's new, i haven't been here in the past 6 days)


I have to say it looks much better than i expected. But 30 fps... :(

(1st and last shots look real good, btw)


I liked the way the game looked in the videos I saw the other day but everytime I look at screenshots I cant help but think how much I hate the way the tires look. do they look to have too big a sidewall profile to anyone else? especially on the actual race cars. other than that it looks nice. heres hoping the gameplay is good.


The thing I dont get is with the 30 fps framerate, some d1ckhead somewhere decided to use an ultra accurate reflection calculation algorythm, wich reflects like, anything, but is so intense is runs at about 15 fucking frames per second (you can see that in videos)

My question to this idiot is: Why the hell dont you understand that in a racer, smooth = better? shit, those reflection are gonna be blazing by so fast on the car body you wont be able to make out anything anyways, so:

what. the. fuck?

In the long Game conference video you could see that really well when the Toy GT One was in the tunnel: the resulting effect of the ceiling lamps swimming in the car's finish was utterly pathetic.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
mr2mike said:
The thing I dont get is with the 30 fps framerate, some d1ckhead somewhere decided to use an ultra accurate reflection calculation algorythm, wich reflects like, anything, but is so intense is runs at about 15 fucking frames per second (you can see that in videos)

My question to this idiot is: Why the hell dont you understand that in a racer, smooth = better? shit, those reflection are gonna be blazing by so fast on the car body you wont be able to make out anything anyways, so:

what. the. fuck?

In the long Game conference video you could see that really well when the Toy GT One was in the tunnel: the resulting effect of the ceiling lamps swimming in the car's finish was utterly pathetic.

Honestly, I prefer the simplified reflection model of GT3 and 4 updating at 60 fps to ANY of the XBOX games which used the more advanced cubic environment maps at 30 fps. Forza is even worse in this regard...


mr2mike said:
The thing I dont get is with the 30 fps framerate, some d1ckhead somewhere decided to use an ultra accurate reflection calculation algorythm, wich reflects like, anything, but is so intense is runs at about 15 fucking frames per second (you can see that in videos)

Exactly. And the worst part is, there's absolutely no point in making every fucking blade of grass reflect on your car WHEN YOU TOTALLY SCREW THE COLOURS AND GAMMA of the whole reflection map anyway.
I can't believe no one could understand this is not the kind of detail that would make the game look photoreal. Your brain won't "record" those missing particulars, or it would on such a low subconscious level that it won't affect the whole credibility at all. Just nail the colours right, just make the sky reflect and affect the lightning correcty and you can get away with a much simplified polygonal setup for reflection maps calculations.

Similarly, there's no need to go for a more accurate 'cube environment mapping', since a well done 'spherical' would do the trick just fine.

What would look odd is like, if your car was speeding between 2 rows of tall skyscrapers and didn't reflect anything but the sky; so odd, in fact, that while you may not notice on a conscious level, your brain would tell you there's something strange about that image and label it "fake". But there's no need to have every roadsign and trackside detail reflect, since that won't make the picture look any better or more natural while you race.

Well, same goes for a moving picture with reflection stuttering at half the frame rate of the rest; there's no way you can cheat your brain and have it tricked into thinking you're looking at a real race footage, with such a weird looking visual artifact.

Optimization and good programming is all about this; achieving the best result with the
smaller possible effore for the system, by using all means of invisible, or less visible tricks.
What they generally do on xbox is "use hardware features" and cut something else when they prove too demanding...
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