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New GCN Zelda rumors!


thanks to jb_spel at gon.nu

Some new rumors on the new Zelda has arrived:

1) The game is said to be released in summer 2005 in Japan and at the end of 2k5 everywhere else.

2) Link might, for once, not be confronting Ganon but a new, evil army called "The Horde".

3) Possible titles include "A Link to the Darkness" or "Legacy of Link"

4) Myamoto has apparently again re-iterated that just because this game uses realistic graphics does not mean that Zelda may never again return to cel-shading in the future.

The very poorly translated article:

One starts to know some about new Zelda to appear a little more on GameCube. All d'abord, the game should leave in summer 2005 to Japan and end l'année everywhere in the world. However, all modifications of date, former or later, is possible. What is interesting, c'est to know that: The play proposes an original scenario where Link will have for once not to face Ganon but a called mysterious army "La Horde".

One has heard for a few weeks at Big N the titles "The legacy of Link" or " In Link to the Darkness" but let us guarantee qu'il will have a modification there. However, by analyzing these titles, one knows that the play will be centered on the character of Link and qu'on will s'aventurera in a dark universe. This next Zelda wants to be very modern, limit avant-gardist and perfect transition with the play such qu'il could l'être on the next consoles new-gen. A very new and very fresh demonstration should be proposed d'ici the end of l'année.

Last thing, and not of least: Miyamoto made well include/understand qu'il can remain several facets of its legend. So new Zelda (not that one, one is d'accord!) could very well again use Cell-Shading. In fact, l'ambiance graphic is corrolée with the maturity of the character. It does not matter graphics as long as the play shines of thousand fire. But it is clear that the return of Link such as everyone l'attendait risk really to make more than sparks. A fire of passion in the heart of Nintendophiles? One will speak again about it in the months to come.




1.) Highly possible, probably likely.

2.) Doubtful. The enemies in the trailer have been Ganon's minions in the past.

3.) Nope and Nope. "A Link to the Darkness"? Give me a fucking break.

4.) He hasn't said anything regarding this.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

The only thing I seriously doubt is the subtitle. I don't think they would leak it so soon. Other than that I think the rest is possible.


wow I almost got scared there when I read that miyamoto might go back to celshading I thought they gonna change this zelda back to celshading, and I was wtf! Appearently he talked about future Zeldas...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
*the horde!!!!*

"who do want me to kill?"


Queen of Denmark
SantaCruZer said:
wow I almost got scared there when I read that miyamoto might go back to celshading I thought they gonna change it back to celshading, and I was wtf! Appearently he talked abotu future Zeldas...
You have to admit, though, it would be absolutely hilarious if Nintendo teased us with a more realistic-looking trailer, and then changed the game to cel-shading...again.

I would be disappointed, but I would also laugh long and hard at the messageboard eruptions.


Mike Works said:
How do you know this?
It's common logic. The subtitle would not be released this early. Remember how long it took for Wind Waker's subtitle to be revealed, and the numerous 'rumored' subs that appeared before it?

There's also the fact that A Link to the Darkness is obviously too similar to A Link to the Past, and Legacy of Link is too cliche'd. Also consider that the current Zelda subtitle trend is to name the game after the most important item. (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, etc.)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
human5892 said:
If 2 and 3 are true, I'll cry for weeks.

Why? Were AOL and MM so bad? Ganon wasn't in those either. As far as subtitles go, they already hit rock bottom with Wind Waker so anything else could only end up being an improvement. Besides, theres no way these are the real subtitles anyway.


human5892 said:
You have to admit, though, it would be absolutely hilarious if Nintendo teased us with a more realistic-looking trailer, and then changed the game to cel-shading...again.

I would be disappointed, but I would also laugh long and hard at the messageboard eruptions.

true, the world would probably explode if it happend...
Tritroid said:
3.) Nope and Nope. "A Link to the Darkness"? Give me a fucking break.

Take a pill. He said it was a possible name. Games go through dozens and dozens of names before one is finalized.

Besides, how stupid did "Wind Waker" sound when you first heard it?


as cliche as it sounds, I take " a link to the darkness" any day over "wind waker"

Edit: It sounds wrong that Japan will get this game like 4-5 months ahead of USA/Europe. Why can't Nintendo do like they did with Zelda OoT and release it Worldwide. Atleast it was very close to a worldwide release.


Ferrarisimo said:
Take a pill. He said it was a possible name. Games go through dozens and dozens of names before one is finalized.

Besides, how stupid did "Wind Waker" sound when you first heard it?
The point is those names aren't even possible, let alone logical.

Think about it. A Link to the Darkness - A Link to the Past. You seriously see Nintendo naming it that?

No, these subs were pulled from some random fan's ass. As all the rumored subs are before the final is released.


hyperbolically metafictive

omfg kirk cameron

and i think they should call it "the legend of zelda: dark legacy of linkness: sanity's requiem." because that would be a really dark, mature name.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tritroid said:
The point is those names aren't even possible, let alone logical.

Think about it. A Link to the Darkness - A Link to the Past. You seriously see Nintendo naming it that?

No, these subs were pulled from some random fan's ass. As all the rumored subs are before the final is released.

A link to Darkness makes some sense.... A link to the past was a major changing point for Zelda games... and so it this one..... we no nothing about the story so for all we know it could make perfect sense....


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Tritroid said:
The point is those names aren't even possible, let alone logical.

Think about it. A Link to the Darkness - A Link to the Past. You seriously see Nintendo naming it that?

No, these subs were pulled from some random fan's ass. As all the rumored subs are before the final is released.

I dont think anyone can say what names are even possible unless they know the actual story of the game...and since we don't, maybe you shouldn't jump on someone for liking one of those names.

I don't see how the names aren't logical, we don't have the slightest idea about the story. For all we know, Link finds that he has to use some darkness to have an edge against whoever he is against in this one.

I don't imagine that will be the name, but who knows. I bet the people working on the damn game don't know yet. Lets not fight over something like this. :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Tritroid said:
I will literally bet my right nut that the final title will not be A Link to the Darkness.

Put that bad boy on the table now, I'll give it back when the official title is announced. Promise.


Queen of Denmark
JC10001 said:
Why? Were AOL and MM so bad? Ganon wasn't in those either. As far as subtitles go, they already hit rock bottom with Wind Waker so anything else could only end up being an improvement. Besides, theres no way these are the real subtitles anyway.
It's not the lack of Ganon that I would care about, it's that the enemy would be called The Horde, which is one of the most cliched, stupid names for an evil force that I can possibly think of.

As far as the subtitles, yes: the Wind Waker was pretty bad. That's why I don't want to see that tradition continue by using "A Link to the Darkness" -- which, by the way, makes the Wind Waker sound incredible by comparison.


Grizzlyjin said:
Put that bad boy on the table now, I'll give it back when the official title is announced. Promise.
If I could I would, that's how certain I am that this title is fan shit.


well of course it is.

They are just making news.

We know its going to be at e3 2005. The title news is fake.


It's not that it will be called "link to the darkness" it's that it's to early to speculate on which title it can be named.
Tritroid said:
It's common logic. The subtitle would not be released this early. Remember how long it took for Wind Waker's subtitle to be revealed, and the numerous 'rumored' subs that appeared before it?

There's also the fact that A Link to the Darkness is obviously too similar to A Link to the Past, and Legacy of Link is too cliche'd. Also consider that the current Zelda subtitle trend is to name the game after the most important item. (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, etc.)
1) It's not common logic, you're simply guessing.

2) The subtitle has not been "released", these are rumors.

3) Your reasoning as to why these potential subtitles are plausably impossible is faulty at best. It's too cliched? That's it? Do we even know if there will be an "important item" in this game?

Tritroid said:
The point is those names aren't even possible, let alone logical.
They are possible, it'd be extremely ignorant to state otherwise.

Do I think either of those subtitles will wind up on the box? Not really. This however doesn't cause me factually denounce these rumors under my sporty Zelda avatar. Give me a break.
Blackace said:
A link to Darkness makes some sense.... A link to the past was a major changing point for Zelda games... and so it this one..... we no nothing about the story so for all we know it could make perfect sense....

First off, these obviously aren't rumors, just speculation (only a slight difference).

That name connection is what they're laboring to reach to make it sound plausible, but it's so hackneyed it sounds like a fan-fic someone has been dreaming about for 10 years.

And really,it was NoA that changed the name of the SNES Zelda for the US to avoid reference to "gods" in the original title, so that's not the type of connection they're likely to go for.

I mean the thing about the name is that it's so much easier to throw that out there and people will be more hesitatnt to call that BS, which is why it seems to happen every time. But the fact is that the name is such a low priority, there's no way they're even concerned at all about coming up with a title this far out. If they were that far, I'd expect the game much sooner.

I never understood why anyone would make up news...When everyone finds out it's fake, you lose all credibility and respect.

Well that's why you go with something this. Somerthing small like this will most likely be forgotten, and even if it's not, they're not committing to a lot. If the game doesn't use one of those titles, and Gannon is in the game, it doesn't really contradict what they said.


Mike Works said:
1) It's not common logic, you're simply guessing.
Judging by the way in which past subtitles have been released to the press, yeah, it's common logic.
2) The subtitle has not been "released", these are rumors.

No shit they're rumor subs, that's the entire point. They're bad rumors.

3) Your reasoning as to why these potential subtitles are plausably impossible is faulty at best. It's too cliched? That's it? Do we even know if there will be an "important item" in this game?
Usually Zelda subtitles do not follow a cliche'd trend. Aside from The Adventure of Link, all of the games have had a unique title involving something that happens in-game, or a unique item. 'Legacy of Link' isn't as far fetched as 'A Link to the Darkness' I'll admit, but it still doesn't seem to follow the trend in which past Zeldas have been titled. And what Zelda game hasn't had an important item in game? :p (Besides AoL technically)

They are possible, it'd be extremely ignorant to state otherwise.

Do I think either of those subtitles will wind up on the box? Not really. This however doesn't cause me factually denounce these rumors under my sporty Zelda avatar. Give me a break.

If you don't think they're going to be the subtitle that's actually released, then what exactly are you arguing against? You think the same way I do, besides the fact that you for whatever reason think that there's a possibility that one of them might actually be the subtitle. And what does my avatar have to do with anything? omg! I have a Zelda avatar and commented in a Zelda thread! TEH SHOCK!


All I can say it's nothing wrong to speculate. This is probably the last speculation thread on the new Zelda for another 4 months or so.
There's definitely nothing wrong with speculating. But no one should get the impression that these names are actually coming from Nintendo as it says. They're about as likely as (or unlikely) as anything anyone here could come up with on the spot.


well it's not like it's coming from some fake fan site. It doesn't have to be true, but's from an official french Nintendo Magazine. I bet Ganon is still in the game though :p


SantaCruZer said:
well it's not like it's coming from some fake fan site. It doesn't have to be true, but's from an official french Nintendo Magazine. I bet Ganon is still in the game though :p

Similar to how TWW was about Link rescuing his sister from a giant bird.


Has problems recognising girls
The Legend of Zelda: Link Strikes Back <- it's official.

More reasons to ignite the old rumours of Shigeru Miyamoto actually being George Lucas.


SantaCruZer said:
2) Link might, for once, not be confronting Ganon but a new, evil army called "The Horde".

"For once?" Ganon only appears every other installment, almost.

Zelda - Ganon
Zelda 2 - no Ganon... and who was the real bad guy? I'm still lost on that one.
Zelda: LttP - Ganon,
Link's Awakening - No Ganon, Nightmares rule the roost
Ocarina of Time - Ganondorf becomes Ganon
Majora's Mask - No Ganon, the real threat here is Tingle
Oracle Ages/Seasons - Two new baddies, but really just tools of Ganon
Wind Waker - Ganondorf again, but when he's Ganon, he's retarded
Four Swords - Vattai
Four Swords Adventures - Vattai again

So as you see, Ganon is not, in fact, like Dr. Wily or Sigma. He has a life and better things to do than obsess over boys in green oufits like Tingle does.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm taking a wild guess that Tingle is Ganon's bitch.

Some terrible homosexual relationship, but when Ganon gets home pissed, Tingle spreads his arse to a giant boar in rage.
speedpop said:
I'm taking a wild guess that Tingle is Ganon's bitch.

Some terrible homosexual relationship, but when Ganon gets home pissed, Tingle spreads his arse to a giant boar in rage.

Really disturbed by that post. I can't get the image out of my head :p


Still Tagged Accordingly
heh, those titles are terrible and obviously fake at this early stage.

Oracle Ages/Seasons - Two new baddies, but really just tools of Ganon
The real ending of the Oracle games has you fighting Ganon himself iirc.

I once saw an ingame screenshot of the battle, but here's some artwork of him for the oracle games. The main differences between this artwork of Ganon for the Oracle games and the artwork of Ganon for LttP are his feet. In LttP he has clawed feet but in the Oracle games he has hooves. I like the Oracle one more.
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