deadline said:In one of the brighter spots on last nights ratings report, New Girl (2.8/7) matched its season premiere rating from last week, avoiding the proverbial second-week slump.
Ratings were good at least:
Or maybe the draw is that the show is good. If it is popular, how can it be hipster?Dat hipster draw, all they need is Gordon-Levitt guest star.
Or maybe the draw is that the show is good. If it is popular, how can it be hipster?
I'm still amazed this show not only turned into something good after a fucking awful beginning, but also managed to become pretty loveable. Can't wait for the premiere.
what, this thing is good?? I remember people destroying the first couple of episodes, then I lost interest.
Start at ep 7. The thanksgiving episode is gold.Developed amazing characters and is now consistently funny. From say EP 9 of season 1.
The start of the second season is every worse then the start of the first. Please improve soon.
Man, so much negative bitching in this thread. I absolutely loved all three episodes. Great to have the best sitcom currently on tv (I don't see Louie as a sitcom) back again.
Dirty hipster neighbors. Schmidt happy about being an asshead. Nick in god mode. Great episode.
Nick's best prank was the shoes one. So subtle, yet so perfect.
Schmidt happens.Great ep. Observations:
Nick was pure fucking gold. The shoes prank was priceless.
Winston is a complete waste of time on this show. Seriously, if he was gone, would anyone miss him?
Jess... short skirt, short shorts, showing off those legs. Yum.
Schmidt -- funny Schmidt is funny and unfunny Schmidt is funny. How does that happen?
Schmidt happens.
Winston is a complete waste of time on this show. Seriously, if he was gone, would anyone miss him?
Yup. Even funnier when Schmidt was not funny because he was trying way too hard.Basically this whole episode is
I loved kid Nick going "get off my lawn"
I loved kid Nick going "get off my lawn"
When Nick walked in and saw the kids and turned around and went right out the door, I could not stop laughing. I really like this Ben and Kate/New Girl/Mindy Project block Fox has right now. I know people think they are girly, but I don't care. Cute and funny and they blend well together.