New Girl Season 5 |OT| (feat. April O'Neal) Tuesdays 8/7c on Megan FOX

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big ander

I really wanted Sam to choose that other girl. do not give a shiiiiit about his and Jess's relationship, especially this second time and especially when we all know Jess will end up with Nick eventually

Two good, funny episodes though. Nothing too special, since they went pretty conventional with A-B-C storylines of two characters apiece, but there were plenty of jokes.

"Winston is hot as hell. Some days, I'd like to drawer this badge and hold him like a baby."


The backing away gag killed me. The Grinder did the same joke on the same night and channel too, weird synergy.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
The last couple episodes have been quite solid - not bad for Season 5.


Just like most episodes this season, great stuff outside of Jess. But Zooey Deschanel's dress at the wedding oh my god.


Really good episodes to finish the season, I hate that they are going back to the Nick & Jess thing, now with Reagan in the mix.

Jess in the wedding ba ba boom where was she hiding those?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Nick and Jess is the endgame and was always going to happen. Jess in that wedding dress though... lord.


I am marathoning all of season 5. We are going to need to talk yah.

But damn it is Winston the heart of this show. Like fuck I just got to the episode where he slowly walks away from Sam and fades into the crowd.. My sides.

Also that road trip to Vegas episode is one of the greats. That fight scene made me stop so I can wipe tears form my eyes.


Fail out bailed
I am marathoning all of season 5. We are going to need to talk yah.

But damn it is Winston the heart of this show. Like fuck I just got to the episode where he slowly walks away from Sam and fades into the crowd.. My sides.

Also that road trip to Vegas episode is one of the greats. That fight scene made me stop so I can wipe tears form my eyes.
I am on board with everything you are saying here


The way the entire season went for me.

Reagan is good.

Anyone that Winston reacts with becomes good for as long as they are interacting with him.

Nick is a doofus and he can be funny but is more funny when he's with Schmidt.

Jess is eh, and occasionally funny.

Jess and Cece are aight

Aly <3

For season 6, I'm not looking forward to the possible Jess and Nick relationship revival. I don't think that they won't go that route unless they make Reagan a regular.


I'm pumped for Nick and Jess. Nick nails serious moments and I love me a good Jess cry. As long as Winston continues knocking it out of the park I can ride this show 7 seasons. I did feel that Coach was wasted in the finale but then he normally was anyways.

big ander

Yea I'm nick Jess all the way. I understand not being a fan of their relationship but I don't get wanting nick/Reagan tbh. Don't see how their relationship would have legs at all, Reagan as a character was exceedingly fine
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