First, my career is in the health insurance game and Obama is ruining it right now. Do I believe in the way the UK has it? Yes, but Obama's way is not the way it should be done.
I just don't want another democrat in office, especially Hillary. Do I have something against a woman president? Absolutely not, I would love to have one and think we should have had our first one by now.
But as I get older, I learned to separate my day to day beliefs and the politics that will effect me, and with that said , I want a republican in office.....but let's be realistic, Obama's been in office for 8 years, or will be, republicans did nothing but bitch about him, yet their selection is ass.....8 years and they have nothing, nobody.
I am NOT a fan of the two party system and I much rather have a libertarian as president, but I live in reality. Our country is going down hill. Having peace between races and religion are not going to increase or fix our economy. It's not going to generate jobs, it's not going to do anything special to be honest.
The elimination of racism shouldn't be tied up in politics, it's something we as the human race should strive for.
To circle back to Trump, he is the start of something new. For someone that is not "run of the mill" is a great opportunity for our future. There are many great people in Anerica that can be leaders , but because they are not a puppet on strings like republicans or democrats they don't get that fair chance.
I don't trust democrats, I don't trust republicans, democrats has their chance and IMO I'm sick of them