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New(?) Gran Turismo 4 screens


Ante Up
Lumix said:
The drifting in the GT series is nice, but still is lacking a few things.
Until clutch-kicking is included, and the emergency brake sensitivity is improved, I would have to disagree with this statement.

What sim does it better, then?

Even in GT3, the technique was surprisingly true-to-life. Amazing for a physics engine that didn't have that facet of the game specifically programmed in...


dark10x said:
Ah, forgive me, I mis-understood...

I was under the impression that you were referring to the fact that the screens presented consist mostly of replay shots. I do not believe that to be the basis for a valid complaint...

However, if you are complaining about the resolution of the shots, that is more acceptable. However, I would think that you would be used to them by now...

GT4 is far from the only guilty party, you see. High res shots are very common these days for all games. To be quite honest, though, a frame buffer grab viewed on a PC monitor will end up looking worse than what you will see when you play the game on your TV (even though it is the most accurate image you could capture).

I just don't believe that there is a good reason to act as if any single game is trying to mis-lead the public with high resolution shots when almost every new game these days is guilty of it...

I'll never get use to it, I don't care what game and by who. I hate it. I want to see the actual game every time, not some mock up.

The games that do this are misleading the public though. Go to any forum and post the hi-res shots. Hell, look at this forum! It's always, "OMG, best looking game EvAR!" Theirs always a lot of people talking about how great it looks, its so real..blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, I'll shut up now.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Scoobert said:
I'll never get use to it, I don't care what game and by who. I hate it. I want to see the actual game every time, not some mock up.

The games that do this are misleading the public though. Go to any forum and post the hi-res shots. Hell, look at this forum! It's always, "OMG, best looking game EvAR!" Theirs always a lot of people talking about how great it looks, its so real..blah, blah, blah.

Anyway, I'll shut up now.


If you know the truth, why get worked up? Does the hype bother you that much? I KNOW what games will actually look like on a real TV, so I do not mind viewing high-res shots.

It sounds to me like you are against the hype these types of shots create rather than the actual shots themselves.

Like I said, the shots YOU want wouldn't even proplerly represent the game. As long as you are viewing them through your PC monitor, they will generally end up looking much worse...


I say look at the vids to see how good the game looks. Recent gt4 vids look better than the pics released. The pics are just high-res, with AA, that's all. The texture res is the same, nothing has been upped but the res. Now ingame, you'll see more jaggies, ofcourse but that photorealistic look you see in the pics will be present ingame on your tv. Gt4's visuals are a nice leap from gt3's. This is halo2 to halo we are talking about.


SolidSnakex said:
They've recently announced that the AI will now have a memory to react to your driving style. So that's definetly a step in the right direction.
That's three or four steps. I can probably assume then that they also don't drive in pre-determined lines anymore? And that they try and realistically prevent you from passing?


Here's a nice comparison pic




GT4's model seems more polished. It seems to have more detail and looks finished, whereas Forza's model looks unfinished (low res textures on the low front where XANAVI and BRIDGESTONE (?) should be written. The decals on the hood is the part where i don't know which one's more faithfull to reality, but it looks cooler on GT4's model. Let's hope that Forza keeps improving on the little details, they still have time.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
What's interesting is that the Forza car has 4-5 times the amount of geometry in it...
There must be some new trick to do fake backgrounds on PS2 because Monster Hunter has backgrounds like that too and it looks phenominal.

It's not full 3D but it's like prerendered or something.


joaomgcd said:
Here's a nice comparison pic




GT4's model seems more polished. It seems to have more detail and looks finished, whereas Forza's model looks unfinished (low res textures on the low front where XANAVI and BRIDGESTONE (?) should be written. The decals on the hood is the part where i don't know which one's more faithfull to reality, but it looks cooler on GT4's model. Let's hope that Forza keeps improving on the little details, they still have time.

Ironic that the cars in Forza are packing ~10k tris but don't show a visual difference over GT4.
The most glaring difference between the GT4 and Forza Xanavi Nismo GTR is that they didn't model the vents on the hood correctly on the Forza car for some reason. There's suppose to be 7 small vents on each side, while the Forza car has 4 big vents.


So the number of vents is actually accurate on Forza's model and not GT4's. :)

If you look at it there are definitely unfinished looking textures on Forza's model. Namely the low front ones like i said before. Bridgestone is unreadable and the "Z" word on the front sides are unreadable aswell.


Actually, they are both right. Their's more than one hood and the vents look different at varying angles.


I see 10. See, different angles and different hoods. Forza and GT4 are both correct, just using different hoods. I believe theirs even a hood with no vents and the hood appears seamless.


That's a great comparison pic joaomgcd (can I just call you J? :)).

You are right dark...featuring 10 times the poly count on the car...but it looks marginally better than GT4's model, and only because of the real time lighting.

Let me point out a few things, and then make a strong point at the end.

FM's car is lit up in real time with vertex lighting. GT4's car is as well, but to simulate the highlights and more detailed lighting, a texture is used. Note that it repeats the texture of the left side onto the right side. Secondly, FM does the highlights appropriately on the right edge of the car in the pic. GT4 doesn't do that. Plus FM has pixel shadows while GT4 tries to mimic the shadows with some polygons.

BUT, these differences aren't recognized by most gamers! I'm sure most of you couldn't see how FM has vastly superior lighting and modelling. It's only a handful of graphics whores on this forum that could do so...and most of you aren't new to gaming either.

So it should be a lesson to MS that they are going the wrong route as far as designing FM from a visual standpoint. MS's philosophy...let's emulate it in real time. PD's philosophy...let's fake it. Both results are nearly the same.

In the comparison pics, though the lighting is far more advanced in FM, I'd rate the GT4 pic better for one big reason. Look into the cab of the car in both pics. PD did a better job of making it look more true to life. That one thing breaks FM's pic for me.


seismologist said:
There must be some new trick to do fake backgrounds on PS2 because Monster Hunter has backgrounds like that too and it looks phenominal.

It's not full 3D but it's like prerendered or something.
No pre-renders. If anything was pre-rendered in gt4, you wouldn't be playing the game in 3d.


not an idiot
it's all about the vents

by the way, i see exactly 10 vents in every real life picture, even the one Gek posted where he says 14... i see 10 there.

in Forza I see 4 on each side (for a total of 8), although the top 2 on each side are wider than normal which makes it look sorta right, but technically not (it only has 8, not 10)

GT4 I see 7 vents on each side for a total of 14..

i also don't see "different hoods" as the one guy said. every real life pic in here has exactly 10 vents (5 on each side of the hood).

not that i care about any of this lol, just being anal ;)


forza's cars dont look all that hot in motion. The wheels on the forza cars look at the same and dont have the off snyc wheel motion gt4 has. The cars look very arcade like, the game over all looks like an arcade game. I'm yet to see one forza pic that looks convincing. Hell gt3 looks more realistic as some points.


not an idiot
lol, i think they both look great and although GT4 does look better, i wouldn't say Forza doesn't look impressive at all... that's fanboy talk. in all honesty, the difference between the graphics is minimal, but the BIG difference is that GT4 is somehow able to look a little better AND have 60fps, which is impressive. but as far as the graphics go, they are pretty close.


Wyzdom said:
Hey junior, apply the same photo effect on Forza pics and you'll drool just as much.
those are straight captures from a vid, well the first one isnt but the one with the falken skyline came from a vid, if you want I'll post the vid. forza can't hang with gt4's realistic look, period.


not an idiot
drooling all over GT4's graphics then going to the other side of the spectrum with Forza and saying they aren't impressive at all just makes you look silly. not that I ever seen you as objective or anything. ;)

Ranger X

ok you deserve to live because i thought it was high compressions of photo mode shots or something ;)

I saw that vid too. The lightning of the graphics in GT4 definetely kills and make the game look better than Forza BUT (i know it's not the reality righ now) with good lightning Forza would look the exact same.


shpankey said:
it's all about the vents

by the way, i see exactly 10 vents in every real life picture, even the one Gek posted where he says 14... i see 10 there.

in Forza I see 4 on each side (for a total of 8), although the top 2 on each side are wider than normal which makes it look sorta right, but technically not (it only has 8, not 10)

GT4 I see 7 vents on each side for a total of 14..

i also don't see "different hoods" as the one guy said. every real life pic in here has exactly 10 vents (5 on each side of the hood).

not that i care about any of this lol, just being anal ;)

Are you ready?



6 large + 8 small:



Wyzdom said:
ok you deserve to live because i thought it was high compressions of photo mode shots or something ;)

I saw that vid too. The lightning of the graphics in GT4 definetely kills and make the game look better than Forza BUT (i know it's not the reality righ now) with good lightning Forza would look the exact same.
Goes to show you, photomode really isn't all that different visually from the ingame visuals :)

Ranger X

cobragt3 said:
Goes to show you, photomode really isn't all that different visually from the ingame visuals :)

Yeah i know that ;)
I'm waiting for people that bitch high res shot will be impressed by the actual graphic quality when they play. It's not all that better than GT3 though. I seems to look pretty much the same + some ameliorations in the backgrounds.
I suppose the first error of people is the play GT series for it's graphic anyway.


not an idiot
Scoobert said:

yup, see them now. but of note, these weren't presented earlier when i made that comment. i was only saying that I had only seen 10 on any pic in here back then. ;) but you're definately right... lots of different hoods.


gt4 looks alot better than gt3 imo. I mean, just look at it in motion, look at how real it looks. gt3 does not look nearly as realistic.


What makes GT3 or 4 so realistic in motion is how true to life the cars animate. They have great animations. And they also feel like they're actually in the tracks they're racing in, unlike many other games where you don't feel the wheels are in contact with the road. (BTW i was using joaomgcd's account, it was me who posted the comparison shots)

Anyway, doing a wrap up of what you've been saying about how many more polygons Forza's using, just imagine what PD could do with Xbox's polygonal power. Get all those extra polygons off the cars and make for some truly spectacular background and sidetrack details. (trees being the first to get treatment :) )

Ranger X

cobragt3 said:
gt4 looks alot better than gt3 imo. I mean, just look at it in motion, look at how real it looks. gt3 does not look nearly as realistic.

nah, look again at some replay movies of GT3 i tell you. GT4 is just slightly better.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Fight for Freeform, since you seemingly missed it last time, you were incorrect about how the reflections in GT4 were handled...

You continued to use Vanishing Point as an example, and that is incorrect.


not an idiot
whoa, that last Foza pic you posted has the hood having 7 vents on each side, but the previous forza pic only had 4 on each side... this means that the game literally lets you chose between the different hoods????

what tha....??? that's some cool attention to detail and depth. i mean in reality it doesn't really change the game or anything but that's just kind of one of those "cool" things heh.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
mashoutposse said:


huh. I've never seen that forza image before. Where'd it come from? It's funky--the ground and grass textures would seem to have taken a major hit--I mean, they look fucking awful, all of a sudden, and the shadowing on the cars seems fucked up--not subtle and realistic, like the earlier pictures. That, and the mountain backdrop looks like it took one in the face--like a poor attempt at a cardboard cutout of a lovely vista. the draw distance is usually better than that--and what's with the photo trees all of a sudden? It's certainly pretty, but not consistant with everything else that has been released. The resolution is a bit odd, too. I don't know of any machines that'll output to that degree--and MS doesn't usually doctor their shots so much. . .

in fact, for SOME odd reason, the picture just screams "I'm not online playable."[/QUOTE]

Ahahahah...that was pathetic. Now you're saying the *trees* are photos too? You are hopeless.

Edit: OMFG! :lol :lol @ Your edit. :lol :lol :lol :lol

[QUOTE]I don't know of any machines that'll output to that degree--and MS doesn't usually doctor their shots so much. . .[/QUOTE]

Stop! Stop! :lol :lol The pain...:lol


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
Holy lord, you really have absolutely NO clue, do you? :lol
there's a subtle message there. Try HARD now, to see it. :D

and, btw, you've used up your ":lol" quota for the month ;-)

You know that that shot isn't Forza, rather GT4. And now you're talking about all of the supposed drawbacks of GT4. Then you go on to say that MS doesn't doctor their shots. I sensed no sarcasm.


The shots are amazing, I hate the textures for the mountain, though -- sloppy and mistmatched. Everything else is butter.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
Then CONGRATULATIONS! You've been promoted from subtotal to COMPLETE DUMBASS. :D Take your sign on the way out, nimrod.

Uh...ok, that was obvious. Still doesn't change the fact that you were clearly being serious with your GT4 trolls...


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
get it? :p or do I need to draw you a graph, now? maybe with some shiny gold stars? :D

What the hell is your point? I know about that post. What does that have to do with you being a troll though? I know that you know that that was a GT4 shot. But your comments about photo trees and (barely) visible mountains just don't seem sarcastic. I've (we've, actually) seen you make stupider statements. Giving you the benefit of the doubt is not an option, and hasn't been for a while.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
Holy shit, really? Wait, you might be right--it said so in the same memo that stated you didn't know your ass from a hole in the ground, right?

Dude, why are you getting upset? Stop saying such mean words to me. It's hurting me. :(


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
m0dus said:
Well, alright. But you must promise never to type without asking permission first ever again, okay?

c'mon, wipe away those tears. HEY, I know! Who wants icecream?

Alright, dude. Stop. You're really not funny.
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