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New(?) Gran Turismo 4 screens


Junior Member
I want to defend a game, that looks slighty if an better than an other in pictures yet can only run at half the framerate, too. Can I be diluted too???? Please!


I'd have to disagree, if you were referring to the car interior--Forza's car has better detail apparent--from the driver to the roll bar. The GT4 pic appears much more angular upon closer inspection. Again, it's nitpicking, at best, but hey . . .

Actually I'll have to take back my remark, because when I compare each pic to the REAL pic, FM's is actually more closer to reality than GT4's. GT4's is too dark.

Fight for Freeform, since you seemingly missed it last time, you were incorrect about how the reflections in GT4 were handled...

You continued to use Vanishing Point as an example, and that is incorrect.

I wasn't talking about reflections, I was talking about the car's lighting. VP and GT3/4 use the exact same technique. It's faked by putting a texture on the car. Heh, how many times do I have to say it? :)


and I have not seen ONE xbox game handle replays as well as the GT series

Hell, we (and i think i speak for most people here) haven't seen any other car game handle replays aswell as the GT series, be it PS2, Xbox or GC for that matter. I know this sounds like an Xbox vs PS2 issue, but why go that way? This is all about a dev team that knows their sh*t when going for overall visual appeal.

About that fake Forza pic (that's actually GT4's ?), i am surprised by how PCish kind of look it has. Even though the car detail is as good as any, the overall look (i have said this before) is just not as convincing/detailed as Forza's. I was actually disappointed with that shot when i first layed eyes on it.

What actually jumps out to my eyes is the fact that what makes GT4 seem so visually appealing in shots or in movement, it's all about the smart use of PS2's limitations. It's as if they apply all the best textures to the key spots, leaving the rest behind (which really isn't that noticeable to the average Joe). They also apply most of the polygonal detail to the cars, and in key structures like bridges or other stuff that's more evident when looking at the tracks' detail. The way they handle the depth of view blurring effect is also spot on and the reflections, although not exactly true to their surroundings in some spots, are very good looking when racing.

If they had an Xbox to work with i'm convinced they could've upped the aint a bit more. (it's not like Xbox is much better than PS2, but it's better enough to make a glaring difference)


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Goes to show you, photomode really isn't all that different visually from the ingame visuals
Photo mode and dev kit shots of a game from any system this generation are not good representations of the actual product (especially those games with only interlaced output supported) because it takes more performance to add those enhancements than it took to render the whole scene in the first place, making that extra IQ which isn't actually in the real game the most impressive part.


Lazy8s said:

Photo mode and dev kit shots of a game from any system this generation are not good representations of the actual product (especially those games with only interlaced output supported) because it takes more performance to add those enhancements than it took to render the whole scene in the first place, making that extra IQ which isn't actually in the real game the most impressive part.
I'm feeling you on that but I rather see a vid than a photomode pic. Some photomode pics make gt4 look unrealistic and what not, make it look too perfect and clean but no photomode pic I have seen has the textures upped in res, the only big difference I see in the ingame visuals are pics are the jaggies on screen while playing the game compared to the pics.


Although I and many others feel GT4 out does Forza in the graphics department... I will admit they come down more to a matter of preference than anything else; the differences on the screenshot level are more subjective than objective in their differentiation.

But in motion, I think people weakly positive on Forza might be pulled strongly by GT4's consistent 60 FPS...

Throw in the actual game; with more than 600 cars and 50+ tracks... and finally the GTForce steering wheel... full FFB, 900 degree range of motion, locked for each car...

And the actual decision for the real racing sim afficiodano becomes all too easy.

Oh, but it doesn't have online play. Well, in that case go buy Forza and GT4... then just ditch Forza completely when GT4 online comes out.



Damn that's easily the best Forza pic I've seen..seems odd when compared to the other Forza shots though. I can't understand why would there be such a discrepancy, it's like the game's car models have been improved ten-fold just from that 1 screen.

The most amazing thing about that Forza shot is even as a still shot it screams to me 60 fps racer, not the original 20 fps we all heard it runs at. Amazing...Forza!!


Some of those shots in the airport or whatever that building is look almost photorealistic. At first glance I thought they were real pictures. That leads me to believe that it won't look as good on a PS2 though. MAybe it was just the composition of the shot that made it look extremely good, and the engine just naturally looks much more amazing on certain corse, but I haven't seen graphics that amazing on anything yet. That's next gen to me, and I don't expect to see that on PS2, replay mode or otherwise


Damn that's easily the best Forza pic I've seen..seems odd when compared to the other Forza shots though. I can't understand why would there be such a discrepancy, it's like the game's car models have been improved ten-fold just from that 1 screen.

This has made my day! :D


And the actual decision for the real racing sim afficiodano becomes all too easy.

I agree that 60fps and a 900 degree FF wheel will make it really fun, but on the other hand, I hope not to be spoiled by the tweaking of the cars in Forza, plus the damage model.

Playing online, while remembering that one accident can ruin your entire race...it's going to be intense!

Hmm...that reminds me, did PD get the go ahead to allow the cars to flip over?


Fight for Freeform said:
I agree that 60fps and a 900 degree FF wheel will make it really fun, but on the other hand, I hope not to be spoiled by the tweaking of the cars in Forza, plus the damage model.

Playing online, while remembering that one accident can ruin your entire race...it's going to be intense!

Hmm...that reminds me, did PD get the go ahead to allow the cars to flip over?

No. they said the number of parameters on the cars would have to increase (or something like that) and that they were already dealing with the limit of what the PS2 could handle.

Oh well, as long as you're not an unco driver, 95% of GT4 races will be >>> Forza.
Makes me wonder what new mode GT5 will have. The new one for GT2 was rally, then for GT3 it was F1 and now it seems like GT4's gets 2 with drag racing and drifting events. The superbike stuff made sense but it didn't make it in obviously. So that could be for GT5. He was asked during GT4's development if he'd ever include a NASCAR mode and laughed and said no because its boring.


Junior Member
SolidSnakex said:
He was asked during GT4's development if he'd ever include a NASCAR mode and laughed and said no because its boring.

Then why the fuck did they have endurance races on that damn Test Course, which is infact a bigger track than the ones they use in NASCAR. I swear I fell asleep once on that one, it was probably 4 in the morning but still.


They should include mountain racing. By that I am refering to courses in mountain tracks a la Initial D.
That would rock. There is nothing greater than passing your rival in a small straight part to then brake and face the next turn :). All this in a hill of course.
There was a nice Rally track on GT2 along with Grindewald...Hope they ADD them.


SolidSnakex said:
They should just make an full arcade racer of GT. Corner both markets. :)


but actually, I just meant they should have several cities modelled with multiple tracks in each city... then have traffic in there and allow the player to free roam in the city if the want.

But the cherry of this idea would be to give the player multiple short scenarios; which restrict car and component availability, giving narrative and setup to a series of races, from Tokyo street battle, to a season of F1 racing as so and so driver.

Sho Nuff

I think it would be cool if you had a free roaming mode where u could walk around the city and u could talk to people who would give u challenges and would reward u with new parts like spoilers and stuff. Kind of like GTA.


Had you guys seen these Forza pics before?




The 1st one is very impressive, the other ones are not so breathtaking, as the angles aren't very good aswell. That's the McLaren F1 in the 1st shot isn't it? I think i saw a similar model in GT4 prologue. :)


No. they said the number of parameters on the cars would have to increase (or something like that) and that they were already dealing with the limit of what the PS2 could handle.

Well, the PS2 could do it, but at 30 fps.

This is why I don't get why people are haggling FM for being 30 fps, because the developers want to make it the most realistic console racing game.


Each car in gt4 uses 300 parameters, where as forza's cars use only 30, according to ign/car mail bag. As a driving sim, gt4 will be more realistic than forza. I have heard from ppl who went to tgs and saw forza and they weren't all that impressed and said it wont be a contender for realistic driving simulator. It does seem very arcade like to me.


Actually PD has admitted they've left out parameters to make the game more fun. I think they even said that in those very words.

I haven't played both games so I can't say, but when comparing feature lists, it's obvious that physical damage, and even damage caused by temperature changes, will make FM more of a simulation in some regards. Though in other regards (like handling, which I consider far more important and interesting, but I can see how people would disagree), GT4 looks to still be king from what I've read on both games.
Best of all it looks like we'll have 2 quality sim racers. I've become bored of arcade racers as of late so this is definetly good news.


Fight for Freeform said:
Actually PD has admitted they've left out parameters to make the game more fun. I think they even said that in those very words.

I haven't played both games so I can't say, but when comparing feature lists, it's obvious that physical damage, and even damage caused by temperature changes, will make FM more of a simulation in some regards. Though in other regards (like handling, which I consider far more important and interesting, but I can see how people would disagree), GT4 looks to still be king from what I've read on both games.
Can you provide some proof? Because from opm uk's preview of gt4, gt4 seems to be going hardcore. And having that many parameters is idea for a hardcore racer. Sorry but I dont believe what you are saying because gt4 has gotten seriously accurate in physics and like I said, it shooting for the hardcore driving.


not an idiot
SolidSnakex said:
Best of all it looks like we'll have 2 quality sim racers. I've become bored of arcade racers as of late so this is definetly good news.

really nice post, and i agree. it kind of bothers me when some of these zealots act like one or the other sucks when in comparison to the other. both look great and both have amazing physics and both will kick ass. i personally think both have their positives and negatives and the exaggerations by some of the fanboys are just getting stupid.


Forza is the new SEGA GT2k2.

This is all deja vu for me (GT3, SEGA GT2k2).

Certain fanboys of certain systems holding onto the gleaming idea of another sim or semi-realistic racer will be on GT's level with absolutely no bases. As a Gran Turismo fan I've seen this all happen many times before. :)
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