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New GTA SA pics (56k shirtless fat people!!)

evil ways

Gamespot captures are always crap, plus seems like they are playing the game with trails on, that gives a blurry, and a bit disorted look to the game.


Some of those screens are pretty bad looking, the game almost looks like a user made mod for VC in some screens. I wish they hurry up and bring on the high res pics.


Wyzdom said:
You're kidding or something? if you're not: Can't you see this engine runs MANY MANY things at the same time? We aren't on Xbox3 or PS4 here dude. You just can't except really better than this for this gen i guess.
You really think this is the best graphics this gen?
dorio said:
You really think this is the best graphics this gen?

Not really, but it's Rockstar afterall. What games have they made that are graphically impresisve? You play their games for the gameplay, you don't worry about the graphics because they aren't going to be that good.

Ranger X

dorio said:
You really think this is the best graphics this gen?

This is not the best graphic this gen. What's the link with what i said? You don't understand my point. It's an engine that handles many things and do alot of stuff. You just can't except to have character models with double the polys as what you see here or again, a different texture on everything you can see...

For this type of game that pushes so many different elements and type of gameplay at the same time, we won't see better than that for the present gen.
I wish they could pull some better tricks out of the PS2's graphics hat. I mean we know it can do much better than that. I think for me, this looks like the most promising GTA title of the series, but they really need to do something with the visuals. I would have rather they delay it and custom build it for a future console.
Didn't you hear? Rockstar has a free pass when it comes to graphics, hence the near-perfect review scores of their GTA games.

I happen to like their art style, but I do think it's getting a bit tired at this point. I think it was at it's worst in Manhunt. However I've yet to see Red Dead Revolver.


Mistaken iRobbery!

Have you ever thought that GTA3 and Vice City got their high scores because it was a game where you could do almost anything you want, such as completing the missions or wreak havoc on your own, when you wanted in the open ended game and not based on graphics alone? You also say you like Rockstar's artstyle, but what happened to you in a thread that had this in it:

By art style I'm referring to in-game. But I'm also getting pretty tired of the same models being used over and over again with different textures.
SolidSnakex said:
Don't people always yell and scream about how games are "always about gameplay". Now reviewers are reviewing games based on that and people are yelling and screaming about them not judging a game on it's graphics also.
except other games don't get the same "free pass" when it comes to graphics
The Faceless Master said:
except other games don't get the same "free pass" when it comes to graphics

It could be because those games just aren't fun so the graphics just make everything even worse.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Well Rockstar doesn't get this "freepass" when it comes to their other games...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
trippingmartian said:
That's because not only do their other games look as shitty as GTA, they don't even play half as well.

Ok... so there is the answer! Gameplay for everyone!
The Faceless Master said:
yeah, but why do other awesome gameplay filled games with shitty graphics not get 95%?

Probably because they aren't as good. GTA isn't getting a free ride. The series never was really popular before GTA3, and it's basically had to earn the respect it gets now because it doesn't have pretty graphics.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
The Faceless Master said:
yeah, but why do other awesome gameplay filled games with shitty graphics not get 95%?

What other games are you talking about? examples please...

Ranger X

Wow. Big deal with the graphics here. Find another game with that much stuff on screen and with as much as different elements and physics in it and tell me how is it supposed to look like. Guys you are very picky on graphics. Do you think this game is supposed to look like The Getaway or something? --- forget it.


I'm not too keen on HAVING to eat and HAVING to exercise in the game, seems a bit restrictive and having to watch your calories sounds complicated. I'm worried. :(


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Borat said:
I'm not too keen on HAVING to eat and HAVING to exercise in the game, seems a bit restrictive and having to watch your calories sounds complicated. I'm worried. :(

I don't think it is that deep.... but I could be wrong


It was this bit that sounds like it could be a bit much:

Each of the menu items we've mentioned has a specific caloric value that will affect how much CJ's energy and fat levels will increase. Finding the right balance between the two is a must, because eating too much can have some unpleasant results.
Wyzdom said:
Wow. Big deal with the graphics here. Find another game with that much stuff on screen and with as much as different elements and physics in it and tell me how is it supposed to look like. Guys you are very picky on graphics. Do you think this game is supposed to look like The Getaway or something? --- forget it.
The ugly graphics aren't limited to Rockstar's "free-roaming" titles. What does that tell you? It tells me alot.
trippingmartian said:
The ugly graphics aren't limited to Rockstar's "free-roaming" titles. What does that tell you? It tells me alot.

As he pointed out though, none of them give you the amount of freedom that GTA does. The Getaway, Driver 3 and True Crime all have restrictive gameplay in comparison to GTA. And as Blackace asked, what other games have bad graphics and awesome gameplay but don't get good reviews?
SolidSnakex said:
As he pointed out though, none of them give you the amount of freedom that GTA does. The Getaway, Driver 3 and True Crime all have restrictive gameplay in comparison to GTA. And as Blackace asked, what other games have bad graphics and awesome gameplay but don't get good reviews?
My point wasn't that The Getaways and the True Crimes look better, it was that no matter how small a draw distance Rockstar's games require (manhunt for example), they all look equally shitty.


this ps2-first thing has paid off well, so i can't fault them for it, but i can't wait for the first gta on a next gen system.
what is gamespot doing? Looks like some GTA fan sites got owned :(

Saturday, July 24, 2004
New SA Screens Online
16:41 PST | Jordan
The news has been deleted.

Gamespot does not seem to want to share and allow us to post news from their network at all and asked us to remove everything.

We have not personally been asked this by Game$pot, however other webmasters on the GTA scene have. Game$pot want the fan sites to remove all of their screens and news.

The same Game$pot who took the exclusive fan site screenshot from one of the fan sites to post. The same Game$pot who hadn't posted ANYTHING about San Andreas until they got an EXCLUSIVE from Rockstar, while the fan sites who update every day got NOTHING.

Thanks to Jordan from PlanetGTA for letting me know about Game$pots antics

Nine new screenshots...but they can only be seen in "one place?" Maybe we will get some screenshots and video soon that we can show you like the fan site exclusive screenshot of Carl Johnson in front of the Los Santos Convention Center that the same "one place" stole from the fan sites without giving any credit...



Personally, I find it funny that most games are knocked on for bad graphics, but GTA gets the "Well the stuff, the lots of stuff!" treatment. Sure, its true. Personally I agree on the concept, but if you go to another genre, RPGs for instance, a lot get knocked for not having great graphics, even though some have great gameplay. Granted, there aren't too many games like GTA, which is a shame cause its a decent formula, its just not very interesting to me material wise. And well, if you can find the GTA games enjoyable (which I haven't since the original) more power to you, the graphics shouldn't stop you.

I really hate when people give the whole $ treatment to names, it really makes the author look, well, like a douche.


the thing about GTA graphics is that they suck (they do) but still manage to create a gameworld that is more visually pleasing than most other games

it's not the actual graphics that look nice, but the world that those graphics display (most games do this the other way around, IMO...that is to say they display their worlds beautifully, but their worlds are often bland and 'dead')
One thing I love about GTA3 and onward are Rockstar's environmental effects, such as rain, sunrise/sunsets. Also the atmosphere in Liberty City with the subway and monorail.

I think it'd be really neat to have the next GTA take place in NYC/Liberty, but during winter. Imagine all the snow, icy roads, etc. Especially cool if they based it more off Toronto.
SolidSnakex said:
Not really, but it's Rockstar afterall. What games have they made that are graphically impresisve? You play their games for the gameplay, you don't worry about the graphics because they aren't going to be that good.

Exactly. However, with that said, if the screens are any indication, these graphics are far from being bad. They already look better than Vice to my eyes, and that's saying a lot since the San Andreas will feature 3 large cities instead of one. When I buy a GTA game, I'm not expecting Rockstar to match Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eaters graphics. The cities are huge, the gameplay is ace. That's all I expect.


Junior Member
Gattsu25 said:
the thing about GTA graphics is that they suck (they do) but still manage to create a gameworld that is more visually pleasing than most other games

It's tought to say they suck when you look at the graphics from an aerial view. Technically, they may not be the best but from up high in a chopper, it gets it right. Realistic and good looking. I've never had a problem with the graphics, besides popup. But to be able to go anywhere, it gets the job done and does it well. Even on the ground.
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