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New Kingdom of the Planet of Apes Trailer Released




Gold Member
Huh, maybe that actress can pull off semi-feral Ciri after all, a dim ember of interest for Witcher S4 sparks to life....

What's the point of this film though? I feel like monkey dominance has been a theme for the past 2 films. Is it a secret "turn the other cheek and forgive" tale about how a minority group gains power and then enacts the same repressive measures they themselves experienced and thats bad? Do these monkeys really not know they are living in a fallen world of men? Seems pretty obvious in the first 5 minutes of walking around any humans structure that it wasn't designed for apes.

Anyway, I've never really connected with Caesar as the protagonist, IMHO these films only really work with a human narrative structure and lead. They are visually pleasing to watch but feel hollow.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
My 9 year old saw this trailer and wants to go see it. I said it is probably too violent. I should make him watch the Heston version.


The Planet of the Apes is such a fascinating premise for science fiction, especially if you're into biological evolution.
Unfortunately the modern films just never really did it for me. I would agree with J jason10mm about them feeling a bit hollow.
Doesn't seem like anything of significance has happened for the past several films.

Jinzo Prime

Remember, this same director will be in charge of the Legend of Zelda movie. I want to see it just to get a feel for what to expect with Zelda in a few years.


Gold Member
I'm sure it'll have some woke ideaology. Maybe humans will get reparations or something.
Oh, it does throw the "indigenous persons have the best claim" logic for a loop doesn't it? Most, if not all, these apes are old world primates, not new world monkeys, so if they are traipsing around North America rounding up humans, THEY are the colonizers now, eh? Guess they (the apes) could make an argument that they were brought over as captives/slaves, so their eventual upheaval of the social order is just and right and the remaining humans are just ghosts of an oppressive legacy system.

I am kinda curious WHY they round up humans though. Food? Slave labor? Prevent organization and competition? The humans are wearing fitted clothes so clearly they must have some level of technological understanding so maybe the idiot virus or whatever caused the human regression is dying out?

I'm also wondering if the apes are close enough to humans now that the arrows of cupid start to fly at both, I was just joking with my pic earlier but now I'm starting to reconsider where they may be going with the story.

Wonder if it will end with a spacecraft hitting atmosphere. Would the George Taylor storyline work nearly as well if we approached it from the ape POV?


It's cool they are continuing the franchise at least. Will watch but not expecting much. The most interesting stuff about Planet of the Apes is all the stuff you don't see and is left a mystery.
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