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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


It's not like this is going to be keeping me from playing this game, but it really makes me wonder about who is taking the marketing of this seriously.

I solved this problem by making personalized LE box artwork for my friend without the beefy dude on the cover. The wartorn background is actually rather pretty without him.

I'll have to post it in the custom box art thread once the game comes out.


watched bits and pieces of the vid, but trying to keep myself free of spoilers so I skipped around a bit. Game looks great though despite not understandin german, it sucks that the majority of gameplay vids have people talking over them because I really want a taste of the music, but i'll end up with the soundtrack anyway so not that big a deal.

Just one more month before release though, gotta start prepping the OT soon.
I love how it looks like a streamlined Oblivion/Diablo/DragonAge/Fable mix. Very interested in how it turns out. Will probably pick it up on PS3 but the PC-version looks tempting as well


I've only heard of this game and it's never been enough to sway me, and seeing the gameplay didn't help.

Reminds me of too human


I've only heard of this game and it's never been enough to sway me, and seeing the gameplay didn't help.

Reminds me of too human

It doesn't look that bad at all, but I am also not entirely convinced but what we have seen so far. This is one of those titles where I really need reviews and GAF opinions.


It doesn't look that bad at all, but I am also not entirely convinced but what we have seen so far. This is one of those titles where I really need reviews and GAF opinions.

It's just that I see the gameplay and can think of 5 different games it looks like. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt but reading about it didn't do it and now seeing it paints a picture of it being a mishmosh instead of its own game


It's just that I see the gameplay and can think of 5 different games it looks like. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt but reading about it didn't do it and now seeing it paints a picture of it being a mishmosh instead of its own game

I can understand that, for me personally though, I can't think of another RPG that combines all of these different elements into one game, and I think thats part of what makes it look unique. It basically to me seems like a game that would be made from a bunch of RPG fans sitting around talking about making the perfect RPG out of pieces from all of our favorite RPGs.

The Open nature of an Elder scrolls game(if a bit more focused), the dialog stuff of a classic Bioware game, The loot whoring of Diablo, a possibly great story/lore element created by one of our favorite fantasy authors, etc. I understand why some people look at the concept of borrowing elements from other games as a negative, but I think that with the right combination of borrowed elements especially when they are good, can be used to make something really unique.

We will know soon enough if the game is going to be great though, but so far most who have played it seem positive even a few gaffers I believe have had their hands on it, so thats a good sign.


I can understand that, for me personally though, I can't think of another RPG that combines all of these different elements into one game, and I think thats part of what makes it look unique. It basically to me seems like a game that would be made from a bunch of RPG fans sitting around talking about making the perfect RPG out of pieces from all of our favorite RPGs.

About the way I see it as well. The art style is like WoW and Fable, the gameplay is like an action game with fantastic animations and effects, and yet it still has some depth RPG-wise. Tie it together with the depth and freedom of the Destiny system and I think it is definitely doing it's own thing enough to stand out. Can't wait.


couple of newish character shots, both female toons:



Yo Gotti

So torn on this game.

The hyper-fantasy art style continually turns me off. This time the proportions on the characters just seem so wrong.

Then I watch a gameplay video and it looks like so much fun, not just as an open-ended RPG but as an action game.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Oh god, the game looks better and better with every gameplay vid.
Gameplay looks fun and visually it looks pretty good too, I just hope they work on movement animations some. In that last video posted the character looks like they're gliding along the ground without any weight to them, especially when changing direction.
this game looks incredible. It's a shame that there is no buzz and EA is marketing it (read: as good as no marketing).

EA's marketing priorities will be with ME3.

I'm looking forward to Kingdoms more then ME3 though. KoA's deep combat married to the TES story/faction/quest structure seems like the perfect match. Hopefully it will also have action & consequence as deep as Obsidians games.


They also released another one of the final destiny cards today - the Archmage:

The Archmage is unrivalled as the greatest spell-caster of Amalur. With this Destiny you rain fire from the heavens down upon your enemies with ease, and control the elements with a mere thought. Your mastery of the arcane is so potent that Echoes of Fate rise from the corpses of your fallen enemies to aid you in combat.



This is oddly the only game I'm actually looking forward to at the moment. Every single video I watch makes me want it more and more. Since it's a third person game I'm worried that it'll have a lot of input lag on my TV, but I'm willing to risk that.


Worst internet slang in the history of the world right here.

Agreed. I blame The Realm for this abomination of a term.

It doesn't look that bad at all, but I am also not entirely convinced but what we have seen so far. This is one of those titles where I really need reviews and GAF opinions.

I could give my GAF opinion on the shipped build of the game, but I don't want to be accused of bias towards the dev team. :p The combat is fun, the world is interesting to explore, and the character systems allow for experimentation and replay value. I have a few nitpicks here and there with UI and conversations, but nothing gamebreaking.

We need new RPG IPs to grow and flourish these days, even if they might seem superficially derivative. Most AAA games are not going to take big chances on the first iteration.

I suggest pre-ordering it if you are a fan of WRPGs or console action-RPGs at all. It's going to have to be a word-of-mouth seller in Feb.
I can understand that, for me personally though, I can't think of another RPG that combines all of these different elements into one game, and I think thats part of what makes it look unique. It basically to me seems like a game that would be made from a bunch of RPG fans sitting around talking about making the perfect RPG out of pieces from all of our favorite RPGs.

The Open nature of an Elder scrolls game(if a bit more focused), the dialog stuff of a classic Bioware game, The loot whoring of Diablo, a possibly great story/lore element created by one of our favorite fantasy authors, etc. I understand why some people look at the concept of borrowing elements from other games as a negative, but I think that with the right combination of borrowed elements especially when they are good, can be used to make something really unique.

We will know soon enough if the game is going to be great though, but so far most who have played it seem positive even a few gaffers I believe have had their hands on it, so thats a good sign.

You summed it up perfectly.


I'm still not sold, saw some pure mage combat and it looked atrocious compared to the rogue combat that's been seen in most videos. It may just be that I'm used to glass cannon mage style in games, but the video had the caster taking more damage and dealing way less than the rogue videos :(.


Game is getting a 500 page FuturePress guide (Dark Souls and Bayonetta dudes)


Guide Description

Release Date: 06 January 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – The Official Guide

Diving into Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning can be daunting. The world is vast, the combat is brutal and your potential choices are almost infinite. This encyclopedic guide aims to make everything clear; to show you how every element of the game fits together and let you take advantage of each of them to get the experience you want. See the whole thing and cut your way through it in style.

Master Your Destiny
Building your character isn’t too stressful when you can change your destiny at any point, but really taking advantage of the possibilities in Reckoning requires planning and knowledge. We explain how every aspect of the Destiny and Skill systems can be used to create the most powerful characters of each type.

Fight to the End
Reckoning’s Main Quest can be a real challenge, but if you want to see its end our complete walkthrough will ensure you never falter. Every battle is fully covered and maps reveal everything about the areas you’ll traverse along the way.

Control the Battle
The beauty of Reckoning is in its visceral combat. You can be as strong as you want if you have the skills and knowledge to excel at combat. We show you how to master Reckoning Mode to gain more XP and get better items, and how to slash, cancel and combo your way through the game’s battles with style.

Leave Nothing Unexplored
In a world this vast it’s hard not to miss things. Our illustrated maps and detailed Area Guide chapter will ensure that you’ll always find what you’re looking for. Every town is explored in full and even the most remote cave has its deepest secrets exposed.

See All Sides of the Story
The game is filled with hundreds of Side Quests, Tasks and major Factions to explore and complete, and it’s only through these that you’ll see the full picture of the world of Amalur. We provide walkthroughs, maps and tips for every one of these optional quests and all their possible rewards are outlined.

Unlock Everything
Players wanting to know everything about the world of Amalur and ensure they’ve squeezed every last drop out of the game will find everything they’re looking for. We provide tips for unlocking every Achievement/Trophy and the locations of all of the game’s rarest items.

Explore Beyond
Get deep into the world of Amalur with our exclusive story timeline and selection of beautiful concept atwork and sketches, and an in-depth interview with the visionaries behind the game.

Looks good (for a guide), I like that they went with Future press because of how great a job they did for stuff like Deus Ex, and Dark Souls. They always seem to be pretty good quality, and offer alot of good information.

I'm still not sold, saw some pure mage combat and it looked atrocious compared to the rogue combat that's been seen in most videos. It may just be that I'm used to glass cannon mage style in games, but the video had the caster taking more damage and dealing way less than the rogue videos :(.

They explained in the pax east demo along time ago, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_2mQNszBCo&list=PL2B60BFBFEEC42449&index=4&feature=plpp_video . Basically what they said was that they did not want glass cannon mages, but your still much more at risk in close quarters situations then say, a warrior, or rogue will be. Also I don't know which video you saw, but in terms of the person taking alot of damage that could be tied to how good the player is.


Most of the time I've played was with a mage character. Scepters and chakrams are fun, not as big of a fan of the staff. My main problem was forgetting I had the spells over on the side menu, and kept wailing away with my two weapons. :)

I might go for the triple-class generalist build just to make the game extra hard for myself.


Btw, can you respec your character? I have stopped following the game since late last year, because I want it to be as fresh as possible.


Btw, can you respec your character? I have stopped following the game since late last year, because I want it to be as fresh as possible.

yes, at any point in the game you can go to a fate weaver and respec your character however you wish. Each time you do it though it costs money, and the amount increases each time you respec.

Personally I think i'm going to go with a Might/ Scorcery build for my first playthrough. I love the Blink(teleport) ability, but i almost always play warrior style characters, so it's nice that I can actually mix the two in this and not be punished for doing so.

The weapon choices are alittle harder, as they almost all look cool in different ways. I'll probably end up rolling with Great Swords, and Chakrums, but those faeblades are tempting aswell.


yes, at any point in the game you can go to a fate weaver and respec your character however you wish. Each time you do it though it costs money, and the amount increases each time you respec.

Personally I think i'm going to go with a Might/ Scorcery build for my first playthrough. I love the Blink(teleport) ability, but i almost always play warrior style characters, so it's nice that I can actually mix the two in this and not be punished for doing so.

The weapon choices are alittle harder, as they almost all look cool in different ways. I'll probably end up rolling with Great Swords, and Chakrums, but those faeblades are tempting aswell.

I'll be playing a rougeish mage.


Here's an OXM video of the first 30 minutes of Reckoning:


Was just about to post this, was debating on making a new thread for it, but considering were just a month away now, i'm just going to wait until I do the OT to make any new threads. Game looks awesome to me, it's got to be really hard to instill what to expect in a game that could take you hundereds of hours to complete into such small chunks of footage. It's also why i'm not sure Demos are always the right thing for these types of games, but I would not argue with one.
I'm really interesting in this but something bothers me and I can't quite put my finger on it. Does anybody know if there will be fist weapons in the game?


I'm really interesting in this but something bothers me and I can't quite put my finger on it. Does anybody know if there will be fist weapons in the game?

Sadly there is no hand to hand weapons which has been a big topic before on their boards.

The weapons types are these

Might Tree:

Great Swords

Sorcery Tree:


Finesse Tree:


Alot of the reasons why they chose what they did is due to the amount of time that goes into animating stuff for each weapon type, and they sadly did not have time to do it for hand to hand weapons.

Fun fact and one that I am alittle dissapointed with, Curt Shilling originally wanted a playable centuar race in the game, but due to animations, equipment fitting, and some other issues it just was not possible to fit into the game the way they wanted. So maybe they could be a playable race somepoint in the future.


Alot of the reasons why they chose what they did is due to the amount of time that goes into animating stuff for each weapon type, and they sadly did not have time to do it for hand to hand weapons.

Fun fact and one that I am alittle dissapointed with, Curt Shilling originally wanted a playable centuar race in the game, but due to animations, equipment fitting, and some other issues it just was not possible to fit into the game the way they wanted. So maybe they could be a playable race somepoint in the future.

Hand to hand combat also requires a higher fidelity of enemy animation and reactions, so it's a lot more work. Especially when you have non-humanoid enemies. Otherwise it really looks really odd and sloppy in so many action games where it's an afterthough.

I hope the brony market doesn't boycott the game now. ;)


yeah, the only niggling problem I have with the first 30 minute vid is the facial animations, I understand that there VO work was a massive undertaking for the game, I just wish the faces were alittle bit more expressive, but issues like this arent game breaking for me, it's just stuff that they can look at for future games.


In related news, Grant Kirkhope (composer of Reckoning, among many other things) has a panel at MAGfest on Saturday morning.

If anyone is in the NoVA area stop by and get a one-day pass.


In related news, Grant Kirkhope (composer of Reckoning, among many other things) has a panel at MAGfest on Saturday morning.

If anyone is in the NoVA area stop by and get a one-day pass.

Wish I could go to this, but i'm in FL so it's not possible. Am trying to get stuff together so that I can go to PAX East though, won't be surprised if we get atleast something on Copernicus.

I have not been interested in an MMO in a very long time, but if we can expect the same level of fan intereaction, and customer relationions than I will most deff check this one out. i'm just really curious what types of things will be different between Reckoning and the MMO.


They just posted the System requirements for the game. Here they are for anyone picking up the game on PC.

Official Reckoning System Requirements
Below are the minimum and recommended system requirements for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on the PC.


Windows XP with Service Pack 3
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1

Intel Core2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 2.2GHz or greater
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

At least 1 GB for Windows XP
At least 2 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Disc Drive:
CD/DVD ROM drive (required for installation only), 8x or faster CD/DVD drive

Hard Drive:
At least 10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512MB or better
ATI Radeon HD3650 512MB or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0
Minimum Resolution Supported is 1280x720

9.0c Compatible


Windows XP with Service Pack 3
Windows Vista with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 with Service Pack 1

Intel Core 2 Quad (or equivalent) running at 2.4GHz or greater
AMD Phenom X4 (or equivalent) running at 2.6GHz or greater

At least 3 GB for Windows XP
At least 4 GB for Windows Vista and Windows 7

Disc Drive:
CD/DVD ROM drive (required for installation only), 8x or faster CD/DVD drive

Hard Drive:
At least 10.5 GB of free space

Video Adapter:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 1GB RAM or better
ATI Radeon HD4850 1GB RAM or better
Supporting Pixel Shader 3.0

9.0c Compatible

You will also need an internet connection for product activation/registration.


The game seems to run smooth as silk on the 360. Hopefully, the PS3 version will as well. Anyway, I can't get enough of the animations and the gorgeous effects. Everything just flows together like liquid, yet has a real sense of weight and impact. It looks like a real pleasure to sit down and play.


The game seems to run smooth as silk on the 360. Hopefully, the PS3 version will as well. Anyway, I can't get enough of the animations and the gorgeous effects. Everything just flows together like liquid, yet has a real sense of weight and impact. It looks like a real pleasure to sit down and play.

Well the devs seem pretty confident on their forums about the PS3 version being a solid choice, I posted it elsewhere but the lead programmer stated he would be buying the game on PS3, and if anyone is going to know about major issues i'd think it be the programmers. Only the actual release will tell us though.

I agree with the rest aswell, it's going to be alot of fun, and really interesting to see how they can marry, a deep well crafted RPG with the combat of a more intense action adventure game, but so far most signs seem to point to them being successful on most fronts.

Just can't remember the last game I was this excited for, the rest of this month is going to be a long wait. Probably going to pre-order that guide aswell, if only because it'll look good with all my art books, and other CE guides.


Curt Shilling commented on SOPA, and 38's view on it for anyone interested in that whole mess, here is it:

38 and SOPA...
At 38 Studios, we are very strong supporters of copyright and trademark protection for creators of intellectual property. Having said that, we cannot in good conscience support the SOPA legislation as it's currently written. We hope there are continued efforts to amend the legislation that will protect creators' works, while also maintaining the freedom and openness the Internet provides people worldwide.
Curt Schilling
Chairman/Founder 38 Studios

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