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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


Tag, the lead programmer for Reckoning is the one that made the posts about the PS3 version. He provides some pretty good detail in posts 2 and 3, but they're more technical. Here's his first post that gives his stance on the PS3 version.

12-12-2011 10:44 AM
Tag said:
Hi all!

We've spent a lot of time nurturing this game for every platform it is being released on. We feed and water it, expose it to sunlight, even sing to it if needed. And when all else fails we roll up our sleeves and write some code.

Each platform has its own unique technical strengths and weaknesses. Our goal while coding Reckoning has been to play up the strengths and play down the weaknesses of each to the point that you have the expected, optimal experience on each platform. We've logged thousands of QA hours on all platforms, and are pleased with what they have to say...

I preordered my own Special Edition of this game (Amalur dice are just plain cool)...on the PS3. Hopefully that will help allay any worries that you may have. In fact, around the office everyone seems to have their own platform of choice to play the game on, evenly divided amongst all 3.

Hope that helps,
BHG Coder, far too infrequent forum poster

There are a lot more posts about the differences between versions, game engine, etc. here.


Yeah knew I had seen that somewhere, I think I posted it elsewhere aswell. It's a good thing to hear at this point. It could very well be PR to address concerns, but this dev team has not given me any reason to be distrustful of them with how open they have been about pretty much everything.


Are people really worried about a Skyrim issue with this game? It's obvious it doesn't have near the level of stuff in the world to keep track of. It's obviously not a game involving loading up a shelf with books and other stuff.


Are people really worried about a Skyrim issue with this game? It's obvious it doesn't have near the level of stuff in the world to keep track of. It's obviously not a game involving loading up a shelf with books and other stuff.

Not sure which skyrim issue your referring to(there are many) but if your talking about lag and issues like that Nista might be the best to answer. There is tons of stuff in the game though, they have talked about there being alot of books to read and what not. I'm not sure if objects behave the same way as they do in skyrim though where most objects are completely indepenant of each other.

All of the vids looked like the game played solid, and most of the hands on time that journo's have had with the game was unguided( they could do whatever they want). they get into alot of the tech details on their forums quite often. I have not had my hands on the game yet sadly, so I can't comment on personal experience yet.


Not sure which skyrim issue your referring to(there are many) but if your talking about lag and issues like that Nista might be the best to answer. There is tons of stuff in the game though, they have talked about there being alot of books to read and what not. I'm not sure if objects behave the same way as they do in skyrim though where most objects are completely indepenant of each other.

It's not like Skyrim where you can pick up a ton of items and scatter them about an area, and then expect the game to keep track of them as you travel half a world away and back. However there are other things that the game has to track dynamically for quest and dungeon scripting to work, including interactive items like books and lorestones and such. That's about as specific as I can get under NDA. :)

I wouldn't be worried about PR bs from the programmers - it's not in their nature. The other lead programmer is a fan of the PC version, and I'll probably end up playing XBox first cause I want 1000 awesome rpg points on my account.


It's not like Skyrim where you can pick up a ton of items and scatter them about an area, and then expect the game to keep track of them as you travel half a world away and back. However there are other things that the game has to track dynamically for quest and dungeon scripting to work, including interactive items like books and lorestones and such. That's about as specific as I can get under NDA. :)

I wouldn't be worried about PR bs from the programmers - it's not in their nature. The other lead programmer is a fan of the PC version, and I'll probably end up playing XBox first cause I want 1000 awesome rpg points on my account.

Thanks alot Nista, just out of curiousity, are reviewing the game? I know you can't really talkabout much due to NDAs but i'm curious as to if you think having R.A attached is paying off from what you've gotten to experience. A simple yes or no will suffice if need be. Really curious to see how the lore/narrative elements are going to play out and there is only so much you can read right now with the amalur site and what not.

I really liked a game that R.A was attached to last gen called Demon Stone. So i'm looking forward to seeing if this is better than that. Always been a fan of his work overall though so i'm sure i'll find a good portion of it interesting.


Shame, even 2 players coop would have been great.

But there is going to be an mmo of this?

Yes, the plan from what Shilling describes is to make amalur into a huge deal. When they picked up Big Huge Games, the main studio 38 was already working on the MMO. They wanted to create something bigger though and when they picked up Big Huge they decided to create a Single player RPG in order to help introduce people into the world, and get people interested.

They have already stated aswell that as long as they see success with KOAR that it will not be the last single player KOA title made. The "series" seems like a big deal for them. I know it's alittle dissapointing to some that there is no co-op, but game still looks phenomenal, and then when the MMO comes it will focus on the multiplayer.


It's more as if Reckoning is an offshoot of the MMORPG than the other way around. The MMORPG will have a different art style, but locales will be recognizable. It happens in the same universe (Reckoning is during the "Age of Arcana" while Copernicus is the "Age of Heroes" -- see Amalur.com, the lore site).

38 Studios is making the MMORPG, and that has been going on since 2006-2007. We'll see it for the first time this year. Big Huge Games was acquired by 38 and is making the RPG within the same unvirse.

R.A. created the history for the universe and it spans a 10,000 year time period and has a 90+ page history lore book that the stories are all based off of.

There are some great people working on the content side of the MMORPG. I really can't wait for that.


Neo Member
This looks really, good I have quite a few videos to watch, but I can feel some hype growing in me for this game.
Just gonna say it...

I hope the eventual MMO succeeds, but not so much that it becomes the sole focus of 38/Big Huge Games. I understand that Reckoning lives to serve the MMO, not the other way around, but if the franchise finds success I truly hope they don't discount the possibility of making more single-player entries in the future. I despise MMOs, and I'd hate to become hooked on the lore of Amalur only to have the bulk of the action take place in an MMO I'll never play.

Hopefully Recknoning convinces then that making quality single-player entries can be just as (if not more) profitable than making MMOs in a crowded, fickle MMO market.


Just gonna say it...

I hope the eventual MMO succeeds, but not so much that it becomes the sole focus of 38/Big Huge Games. I understand that Reckoning lives to serve the MMO, not the other way around, but if the franchise finds success I truly hope they don't discount the possibility of making more single-player entries in the future. I despise MMOs, and I'd hate to become hooked on the lore of Amalur only to have the bulk of the action take place in an MMO I'll never play.

Hopefully Recknoning convinces then that making quality single-player entries can be just as (if not more) profitable than making MMOs in a crowded, fickle MMO market.

Well said. Could not agree more.
Kinda crazy how this game has come on for me. Three weeks ago, I hadn't really heard about it. Thanks to GAF for posting videos and articles, I now have the game (360 version) and strategy guide preordered (love the Future Press guides, good quality).

Probably my most anticipated title coming out in the next 2-3 months.


Thanks alot Nista, just out of curiousity, are reviewing the game? I know you can't really talkabout much due to NDAs but i'm curious as to if you think having R.A attached is paying off from what you've gotten to experience. A simple yes or no will suffice if need be. Really curious to see how the lore/narrative elements are going to play out and there is only so much you can read right now with the amalur site and what not.

I'm not reviewing the game, since I'm not a game journalist. I'll probably post my thoughts and criticisms in the OT once the game is out. :)

I think R.A. and Ken and the rest of the visionary team attached to the game is a plus, but it mostly resonates at a high level. The rest of the narrative team are the ones fleshing out the vision for the world, and the writing and quests are varied enough to suit me. There are a few characters that I feel veer a little too close to fantasy tropes, but it's not enough to detract from the game. So that's probably a qualified yes.

I think it is a common failing in most CRPGs (including Reckoning) that often you get a lot of wordy lore thrown at the player right off the bat, instead of allowing him/her to discover it slowly by exploring the world.

I understand that Reckoning lives to serve the MMO, not the other way around, but if the franchise finds success I truly hope they don't discount the possibility of making more single-player entries in the future.

That's a highly probable plan, thus my exhortations to friends to give the game a try. It's no secret that money talks when it comes to game publishers green-lighting sequels.


Just gonna say it...

I hope the eventual MMO succeeds, but not so much that it becomes the sole focus of 38/Big Huge Games. I understand that Reckoning lives to serve the MMO, not the other way around, but if the franchise finds success I truly hope they don't discount the possibility of making more single-player entries in the future. I despise MMOs, and I'd hate to become hooked on the lore of Amalur only to have the bulk of the action take place in an MMO I'll never play.

Hopefully Recknoning convinces then that making quality single-player entries can be just as (if not more) profitable than making MMOs in a crowded, fickle MMO market.

Well your in luck, here is a statement that Curt made on the forums, that seems to confirm that they have alot of plans for much more then just Reckoning, and the MMO.

Ngruk(shilling):Working on Post Launch DLC, which needs to be meaty, large, fun and tons of cool stuff, Reckoning 2 in discussion as well.... No shortage of work in the Baltimore Studio I can assure ya!

This is from an FAQ on the reckoning site

Will there be other products available set in the same world?

38 Studios has created a vast and original universe, Kingdoms of Amalur™, which contains far more content than can be included in a single game. The team’s goal is to immerse guests in this universe through an interconnected, transmedia entertainment experience, including books, toys, comics, and, of course, videogames. The cornerstones of Kingdoms of Amalur™ are the RPG Reckoning and the MMO codenamed Project Copernicus.

Seems like they really want to make something out of the IP. It's always hard to tell how much a new IP like this will catch on with people, but I know i'm interested.


Just gonna say it...

I hope the eventual MMO succeeds, but not so much that it becomes the sole focus of 38/Big Huge Games. I understand that Reckoning lives to serve the MMO, not the other way around, but if the franchise finds success I truly hope they don't discount the possibility of making more single-player entries in the future. I despise MMOs, and I'd hate to become hooked on the lore of Amalur only to have the bulk of the action take place in an MMO I'll never play.

Hopefully Recknoning convinces then that making quality single-player entries can be just as (if not more) profitable than making MMOs in a crowded, fickle MMO market.

Thankfully, Big Huge Games and 38 Studios are two separate studios, so while 38 works on the MMO, BHG can work on whatever else.


I'm not reviewing the game, since I'm not a game journalist. I'll probably post my thoughts and criticisms in the OT once the game is out. :)

I think R.A. and Ken and the rest of the visionary team attached to the game is a plus, but it mostly resonates at a high level. The rest of the narrative team are the ones fleshing out the vision for the world, and the writing and quests are varied enough to suit me. There are a few characters that I feel veer a little too close to fantasy tropes, but it's not enough to detract from the game. So that's probably a qualified yes.

I think it is a common failing in most CRPGs (including Reckoning) that often you get a lot of wordy lore thrown at the player right off the bat, instead of allowing him/her to discover it slowly by exploring the world.

That's a highly probable plan, thus my exhortations to friends to give the game a try. It's no secret that money talks when it comes to game publishers green-lighting sequels.

Ahh, sorry I assumed with the information you seem to posses that you might be reviewing it, Apologies. Still thanks for relaying what info you can, I know NDAs can restrict what you are allowed to talk about, but in some cases any answer is better than no answer.

Kinda crazy how this game has come on for me. Three weeks ago, I hadn't really heard about it. Thanks to GAF for posting videos and articles, I know have the game (360 version) and strategy guide preordered (love the Future Press guides, good quality).

Probably my most anticipated title coming out in the next 2-3 months.

Glad the threads have sparked your interest :) . I've been following the game for along time now, and I think it's going to be worth it. I also fully believe this dev teams deserves all the support they can get, especially because of how awesome they are with their community.

Yu Narukami

One thing I don't understand is how you increase your attributes. If I put one point in Might, for instance, will Strength increase as well? Or, can you distribute points in attributes with each level up?


One thing I don't understand is how you increase your attributes. If I put one point in Might, for instance, will Strength increase as well? Or, can you distribute points in attributes with each level up?

To my knowledge this is how leveling works.

When you level up you can increase two different aspects of your character. You can increase the number of points in one or a mix of the three trees Might, Scorcery, or Finesse by picking and upgrading abilities in each tree. You can also combine them in any way you wish.

The second pieces of the leveling process is choosing which profession skills to put points into. Skills like Lockpicking, Detect hidden, Blacksmithing, etc. When you level up you get 3 points for tree progression, and 1 for skill progression. Depending on how you distribute points in your ability trees you will unlock destiny cards which act as swappable buffs to make your preferred build a viable playstyle. Then at certian key moments in the game you will get an option to gain whats called a twist of fate card. This card will be perment based on the choice you make in that perticular questline wether it be tied to a faction quest, the main quest etc. These Twists of fate will also give you bonus/stat buffs, but which bonuses they give are determined by how you choose to complete the quest.

You then also have your gear/loot which is a major part of character progression, these will also contribute to your overall stats, some sets or pieces will be locked unless you have the specified amount of points in one of the three trees, or a mix of specific trees. There are also other ways to increase your attributes, like lore stones which are smiliar to standing stones in Elder scrolls games, but these stones will also give you information on the history and lore of the world when you find them. There is no tradtional D&D style stat pillar, but realisictly it would alittle redunant if there were because each of these things is already covered by other systems within the leveling/exploration systems.


Kinda crazy how this game has come on for me. Three weeks ago, I hadn't really heard about it. Thanks to GAF for posting videos and articles, I now have the game (360 version) and strategy guide preordered (love the Future Press guides, good quality).

Probably my most anticipated title coming out in the next 2-3 months.

I was in the same situation. I had no idea what this was until I clicked on this thread. A quick google search later and I was all over it. Day 1 for sure. I love a good loot whore game!


There's a demo hitting xbox live Tuesday(1/17)

source: http://majornelson.com/2012/01/10/a-look-at-content-coming-soon-to-the-xbox/

Ok, well there is apprently going to be a "reason" for people who are already sold on the game to give the demo a go aswell. Curt won't confirm exactly what it is, but he's hinting at some news in the next week or so.

Someone asked him if it might be using our character from the demo in the final game and this is what he said.

Quote from Shilling:

Ngruk(shilling):No. Not confirming anything like that. My point was if you want to play the real game and not have ANYTHING spoiled, and you've already bought the game, I would not play the demo EXCEPT for reasons that will become clear over the next few weeks, which AS BADLY as I would like to I can't, spoil

So it's more than likely either going to be transferable characters, equipment, or something similar.


What? No PSN?


it's coming to all platforms, Major Nelson is an Xbox only thing so he's not going to list the PS3, or PC demos. All three have been confirmed on their forums though. More info is coming on the demo in the next week probably.


it's coming to all platforms, Major Nelson is an Xbox only thing so he's not going to list the PS3. or PC demos. Both have been confirmed on their forums though. More info is coming on the demo in the next week probably.

Whew, thanks for clearing that up.


Is that Claudia Black's narrating? Does she provide voice work for the game too?

No most of us thought it was at first but here is alittle on the VO work, the first person Abby Craden is the woman doing the VO for the trailers :

A: With roughly half a million spoken words in Reckoning, VO was an ENORMOUS undertaking.

We started by taking the 900-odd NPCs in the game, and working with the Designers to determine which were so unique or crucial to the story line that we needed to find actors with very signature voices to perform them. Once we had the list of "Unique Voice Types", we created a character bible, and sent it out for auditions. About a week later, we were drowning in great reads for all our NPCs, and the Creative Director, Audio Director, Lead Narrative Designer and I sat down and selected our top picks for each.

Once the VO Session Director (Douglas Carrigan) confirmed the actors' availability, we created a 10-week schedule to get everything done. If only schedules had the ability to control the chaos that is life…. Mostly, everything went swimmingly, but as family emergencies, baby births, and other jobs came up for our actors, we scheduled sessions around the globe in England, New York, Seattle, Portland, San Diego and LA in order to finish on time.

To prepare the recording scripts, our team in Baltimore locked the text for any given session about 2 weeks before recording, giving us time to make final edits for spelling, continuity, and tone. I'd then take the lines, organize them by voice-type, and create recording scripts for the individual day. More than once, a Designer would run into my office calmly stating "So-and-So was labeled as the wrong NPC in the tool, when do we record?!" about 10 minutes before the actor was to read for said NPC. Let it be known, it is harder to make scripts while pretending to talk to an actor about their commute than one might think.

For each session, I or another producer along with a designer would sit in a room with the script on an LCD screen, dialed in to the recording studio where we could listen and talk to the studio tech (the lovely and talented Jaimie Siedow), the session director (the aforementioned Douglas), and the talent. Doug did an amazing job ingesting the lore of Amalur, as well as the part each character played in the world of Reckoning. We were on hand for the rare occasion someone didn’t read a line with the proper inflection, as well as the frequent occasion where someone didn't know how to pronounce a fantasy word or name we'd made up. Jaimie was a rock star, secretly keeping a list of pronunciations that ended up longer than 1,000 terms!

I won't name-drop every actor we have in Reckoning, as this would be an even longer response than I could write or most would have the stamina to read, so I'll just hit a couple that stand out for me:

Abby Craden voices the sultry and necessarily violent Alyn Shir.

Alan Shearman was an absolute joy to work with, amazing voice and great personality!

Cam Clarke (of Ninja Turtle fame) was a BHG favorite! We never asked him to do Leonardo, but we could hear it in his speaking voice (which would set us to giggling like the geeks we are).

Eliza Jane Schneider is super talented, super funny, and an all-around great gal.

Erin Fitzgerald was great for all the same reasons.

Greg Ellis did an amazing job with every character we could throw at him, including the Wolf-turned-Human (look for him north of Gorhart!).

Jim Cummings, of…well, everything fame, was so great to work with. He just "got" his characters, with almost every read a keeper. We've spoken earlier of his willingness to say "hi" to our kids in Pooh's and Tigger's voices, and he's an absolute joy to work with. Definitely some of our favorite sessions!

Jim Ward (Captain Qwark to some) did a great job jumping in as Fomorus Hugues when our original actor fell ill before finishing the character, as well as nailing every other character he had.

Kair Wahlgren was great and funny and awesome.

Laura Bailey was fantastic! She's also done "Lust" for Full Metal Alchemist and, ironically, is engaged to the voice of Captain Mustang from the same!

Liam O'Brien (known to me as "War" from Darksiders) was also really great to work with and very talented.

Simon Templeman is a personal favorite of mine from his work on the Legacy of Kain series. His work with Michael Bell and the late Tony Jay was A. Maze. Ing. When we had Simon in the booth, I stepped out of my "dispassionate producer" persona to ask if he had risen above receiving compliments for his work. He laughed and invited as much praise as I could throw at him, which I did. That was one of my biggest geek moments working on this project.

Again, there are far more actors in Reckoning than are listed here, and I would (hopefully will) work with all of them again in the future. I hope this bit of behind-the-scenes look at the Voice Acting helps you appreciate it that much more when you have the final game in your hands! – By Sean "notthatseanbean" Bean, Producer

This is the character she plays:

Not to be Cap'n Buzzkill, but I'm betting this will be another superior 360 console version.

I hate xbox controllers for action games, but Bayonetta taught me that some things are worse than a bulky controller.

I'm going to guess that you unlock some day 1 DLC via playing the demo.
Not to be Cap'n Buzzkill, but I'm betting this will be another superior 360 console version.

I hate xbox controllers for action games, but Bayonetta taught me that some things are worse than a bulky controller.

I'm going to guess that you unlock some day 1 DLC via playing the demo.

There's no reason not to assume that for any given game nowadays. I'm still getting it for PS3 because it's all I've got, but I hold no delusions after Skyrim. The best I can hope for is a relatively stable product. Make it more stable than Skyrim at launch and I'll be happy.


What? No PSN?


haha it's funny that there is now a whole culture of people who know exactly what you mean when you say or write 'NAANNII' like that. It's sort of a mental bro box that you can give to both geeks and lovers of japanese art flicks alike (the latter of which I mention because this will make it OK for you to shout NANI to a girl when she asks you to get out of bed and give her some water even though she's closer to the goddamn bathroom).

Also, is ReaperXL07 just INCREDIBLY STOKED or a part of the 38 Studio's PR crew?

Did you see how I did not use the word geek there.

And as an afterthought, or maybe a question for the PR crew: I am going to Dark Souls now, or at least trying to, and I bloody well hate how it keeps punishing me for fuck knows what I'm doing or not doing. The game seems to be more about REplaying than playing, and it's on purpose because you need to be able to learn from your multiple deaths. Something games have stopped doing a while ago. Now while the fun factor goes down while playing in Dark Souls, the Role Playing elements get more interesting. Because you really want to build an awesome character, find those awesome weapons and explore the world because of these things. To me it seems Reckoning is more geared towards the 'Have Fun Kill All', which might put a lot of fans now accustomed to Dark Souls off. Simply because Reckoning probably won't be difficult, because it wants to please as many gamers as possible (hence the generic artstyle Todd had to use).

Another note, because there is no co-op and this game screams co-op(!!!), how will this game make sure it will be replayable? Or maybe if co-op is not possible, have some sort of trading system through the internet connection made possible to promote replaying and exploring more. New Game Plus with harder difficulties? Then again, if the adventure is 30-40 hours I will probably have gotten my fix.


Ahh, sorry I assumed with the information you seem to posses that you might be reviewing it, Apologies. Still thanks for relaying what info you can, I know NDAs can restrict what you are allowed to talk about, but in some cases any answer is better than no answer.

It's more that my information is... interestingly patchy and unofficial, so I don't want to give the wrong impression of things. I'm less concerned about lawyers hunting me down than by losing access to my stash of beer!

Just my luck that the demo comes out on my monthly movie night. :p

Also, is ReaperXL07 just INCREDIBLY STOKED or a part of the 38 Studio's PR crew?

And as an afterthought, or maybe a question for the PR crew: I am going to Dark Souls now, or at least trying to, and I bloody well hate how it keeps punishing me for fuck knows what I'm doing or not doing. The game seems to be more about REplaying than playing, and it's on purpose because you need to be able to learn from your multiple deaths. Something games have stopped doing a while ago. Now while the fun factor goes down while playing in Dark Souls, the Role Playing elements get more interesting. Because you really want to build an awesome character, find those awesome weapons and explore the world because of these things. To me it seems Reckoning is more geared towards the 'Have Fun Kill All', which might put a lot of fans now accustomed to Dark Souls off. Simply because Reckoning probably won't be difficult, because it wants to please as many gamers as possible (hence the generic artstyle Todd had to use).

I think Reaper's just stoked for what an awesome OT the game will have. I don't think we need to sic GAF-Detective force on him.

The game's not as punishing as Dark Souls, nor is it a cakewalk like FF13-2. It is a good middle-of-the-road experience like Skyrim.
I've seen the "You might want to decrease the difficulty" dialog kick in for my friend, after dying a number of times in the same spot. (I then gave him proper derision for being bad at one's own game)


I think Reaper's just stoked for what an awesome OT the game will have. I don't think we need to sic GAF-Detective force on him.

The game's not as punishing as Dark Souls, nor is it a cakewalk like FF13-2. It is a good middle-of-the-road experience like Skyrim.
I've seen the "You might want to decrease the difficulty" dialog kick in for my friend, after dying a number of times in the same spot. (I then gave him proper derision for being bad at one's own game)

I was mostly just entertained by Reapers stokedness.

Alright. There'e no point in trying hard to make your character better if you never really die. Big flaw in a lot of modern RPG's these days IMO. Even though Dark Souls takes this argument a bit too serious IMO. Or maybe have a hardcore mode like diablo 2 and the witcher 2-- if the normal game's too easy for hardcore rpg fans. Should be easy to implement with a patch or so, no?

Also, because of my addiction of diablo 2 that I do not want to have again I will not play diablo 3, but this seems like a nice alternative.


I was mostly just entertained by Reapers stokedness.

Alright. There'e no point in trying hard to make your character better if you never really die. Big flaw in a lot of modern RPG's these days IMO. Even though Dark Souls takes this argument a bit too serious IMO. Or maybe have a hardcore mode like diablo 2 and the witcher 2-- if the normal game's too easy for hardcore rpg fans. Should be easy to implement with a patch or so, no?

Also, because of my addiction of diablo 2 that I do not want to have again I will not play diablo 3, but this seems like a nice alternative.

Having to reload from a save game is enough motivation for me to try and increase my character's buffness and to pay attention when I'm fighting. Though I agree it is a modern RPG crutch that you can just save/reload to avoid any actual repercussions for your actions. But it's a given for most mass-market games these days.

Patching is less easy than you think when console manufacturers are involved. Especially for anything that changes game behavior over a broad spectrum of systems.


It's more that my information is... interestingly patchy and unofficial, so I don't want to give the wrong impression of things. I'm less concerned about lawyers hunting me down than by losing access to my stash of beer!

Just my luck that the demo comes out on my monthly movie night. :p

I think Reaper's just stoked for what an awesome OT the game will have. I don't think we need to sic GAF-Detective force on him.

The game's not as punishing as Dark Souls, nor is it a cakewalk like FF13-2. It is a good middle-of-the-road experience like Skyrim.
I've seen the "You might want to decrease the difficulty" dialog kick in for my friend, after dying a number of times in the same spot. (I then gave him proper derision for being bad at one's own game)

Can You confirm that this game has 4:3/5:4 resolutions support? Minimum 720p get me worried a little.
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