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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


haha it's funny that there is now a whole culture of people who know exactly what you mean when you say or write 'NAANNII' like that. It's sort of a mental bro box that you can give to both geeks and lovers of japanese art flicks alike (the latter of which I mention because this will make it OK for you to shout NANI to a girl when she asks you to get out of bed and give her some water even though she's closer to the goddamn bathroom).

Also, is ReaperXL07 just INCREDIBLY STOKED or a part of the 38 Studio's PR crew?

Naw man, don't get me wrong I actually think it could be a pretty sweet gig being a PR rep for a game company, but I don't have the credentials sadly.

Personally I'm just really stoked for it as you said, for alot of different reasons, but the main ones being that this is a brand new IP in a sea of sequels, a brand new IP in my favorite genre of games (Open world RPGs), I'd love a new studio to actually give Beth some competition. I've also become a pretty big fan of the development team, and the people working on the game, I've never experienced a dev team thats so interested in actually talking to the fans, they do it all the time on their forums and it's impressed me quite a big how open, and hopefully honest they are.

I'm doing the OT for the game and putting alot of work into because i'd like to see the game get some recognition, and maybe help people out who don't have the time, or interest in going to other forums to get said info. Reckoning could turn out to be a giant turd for all I really know because I have not had my hands on the game, and if it does i'll be the first to eat some crow, however the Dev team, the videos, the previews, and the talent behind the game give me alot of reasons to be hopeful that it will turn out great.

lol really though I have not been this pumped for a game in awhile.


Neo Member
Looking good. Hope a possible PC demo is coming out next week as well. Definitely want to give this a shot. Is this on Steam as well? If they do pre-order bonuses, if I could buy it on Steam, I'd be sold on doing it.

Pretty sure that IS Claudia Black narrating the trailers, though.


I'd never even heard of this game until I saw someone tweet an image of the ME3 cross-promotion. I've watched some videos and read a bunch and now I am pretty excited! Last time this happened to me was with Darksiders, hope I end up liking this as much as I liked that.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I'd never even heard of this game until I saw someone tweet an image of the ME3 cross-promotion. I've watched some videos and read a bunch and now I am pretty excited! Last time this happened to me was with Darksiders, hope I end up liking this as much as I liked that.

you know you have problems with marketing when even Aeana hasn't heard of your RPG.
Looking good. Hope a possible PC demo is coming out next week as well. Definitely want to give this a shot. Is this on Steam as well? If they do pre-order bonuses, if I could buy it on Steam, I'd be sold on doing it.

Pretty sure that IS Claudia Black narrating the trailers, though.

I´m guessing that it will be an Origin title, so my interest in the PC version is pretty slim. If the PS3 version has a good framerate, then I might be interested in that.


Well, I am noticing some interesting combat and some chunky loot...did they say anything on the co-op front or if the game has New Game+ options?


I´m guessing that it will be an Origin title, so my interest in the PC version is pretty slim. If the PS3 version has a good framerate, then I might be interested in that.

I'll never understand that. You dont need Origin to play this game and it wont be Origin only.


Well, I am noticing some interesting combat and some chunky loot...did they say anything on the co-op front or if the game has New Game+ options?
No co-op for sure. Wouldn't hold your breath for new game+ since you can respec.

I hope it's not origin only, because I refuse to install that shit.


I hope it's not origin only, because I refuse to install that shit.
There is only one game that requires Origin to run [Battlefield 3] and only game that is Origin only in terms of DD [The Old Republic], every other game uses Origin as a downloader only and as a downloader, Origin is great and servers are fast.


There is only one game that requires Origin to run [Battlefield 3] and only game that is Origin only in terms of DD [The Old Republic], everything other game uses Origin as a downloader only and as a downloader, Origin is great and servers are fast.

I play SWTOR and haven't even installed Origin.


Is this really an open-world RPG? Open-world ala GTA or Bethesda RPG? From the few videos I've seen the world seems more like a FFXII style but with out loading screens.


you know you have problems with marketing when even Aeana hasn't heard of your RPG.

They should have put a cute slime monster in the game right off the bat!

It even says in the demo faq you don't need the Origin software to run it. The only thing you need is the EA account (also named Origin) for the game.

Is this really an open-world RPG? Open-world ala GTA or Bethesda RPG? From the few videos I've seen the world seems more like a FFXII style but with out loading screens.

From a level design perspective, that's really a rather fine distinction. But if you're talking about the "one huge grid" style map vs "zones", it's more the latter. You can't climb sideways up an impassible mountain to jump down the other side to get to a new area like in Skyrim.

You can still wander halfway across the world as a lvl 1 character and get yourself killed, if you so desire.


Well, I am noticing some interesting combat and some chunky loot...did they say anything on the co-op front or if the game has New Game+ options?

No, sadly no co-op, that kind of stuff will probably just be for the MMO later on. As for new game plus, you don't get a new game plus exactly, what happens is you will "beat" the game, or mainquest, and then you can just continue on from there. Bascially like an Elder scrolls game. However in KOAR there are quests, and other things that you will not be able to access until you beat it.

Pretty much the game will just keep going without a need for NG+.



Why is she wearing such little clothing?


From a level design perspective, that's really a rather fine distinction. But if you're talking about the "one huge grid" style map vs "zones", it's more the latter. You can't climb sideways up an impassible mountain to jump down the other side to get to a new area like in Skyrim.

You can still wander halfway across the world as a lvl 1 character and get yourself killed, if you so desire.
I'm ok with that! My hype is steadily increasing as the release approaches. I actually started following Amalur just a few weeks ago and I'm now feeling the urge to pre order this.

Anyone know if there'll be any kind of level scaling. I loved in FFXII how some low level enemies couldn't do any damage if you were high leveled and how some enemies could kill you with just one hit.


Why is she wearing such little clothing?

Don't know, they have not gone into alot of detail about most of the characters just yet. Best reason I can come up with is that she looks like a roguish type so shes got to stay light, could be some sort of slave, could just be sex sells type of situation, but I kind of doubt the last option because stuff like that has to go through R.A and he wont let stuff into the game unless it has a purpose or fits the lore/world.


Don't know, they have not gone into alot of detail about most of the characters just yet. Best reason I can come up with is that she looks like a roguish type so shes got to stay light, could be some sort of slave, could just be sex sells type of situation, but I kind of doubt the last option because stuff like that has to go through R.A and he wont let stuff into the game unless it has a purpose or fits the lore/world.

My current theory is cosplay-bait.

Though if you've ever seen some of the McFarlane toy line, that outfit really isn't much of a surprise. R.A.'s books have scantily clad females galore as well.

Too bad my funny story about that character isn't fit for GAF standards. ;)


My current theory is cosplay-bait.

Though if you've ever seen some of the McFarlane toy line, that outfit really isn't much of a surprise. R.A.'s books have scantily clad females galore as well.

Too bad my funny story about that character isn't fit for GAF standards. ;)

yeah that makes sense too as you look at most boris vallejo, or julie bell paintings and they feature plenty of skin.


New trailer showing the the demo brifely and shows the unlocks for both amalur, and Mass Effect. Sadly The Items you get from the amalur demo for the full game are not featured. Just the cross promo stuff.


The pieces look cool, but I have to wonder how useful they will really be in the end. This stuff will probably get dropped pretty early with the massive amount of loot in Reckoning, but we will have to see.


New trailer showing the the demo brifely and shows the unlocks for both amalur, and Mass Effect. Sadly The Items you get from the amalur demo for the full game are not featured. Just the cross promo stuff.


The pieces look cool, but I have to wonder how useful they will really be in the end. This stuff will probably get dropped pretty early with the massive amount of loot in Reckoning, but we will have to see.

They're supposed to be really good low level equipment. There's a special Giant Bombcast edition with some Amalur guys.


Been hyped for a while now. Trying to stay on media blackout mode for this though. It's hard! I want to watch the videos! :c

So close though!


Holy crap, I just found out about this game today.
How did I not know of this sooner?!
I'm surprised a game like this slipped under my radar.

Game seems very promising based on the info I read in this thread. Haven't watched any videos yet, as I tend to limit exposure to stay clear of as many spoilers as possible.
Still, a mix of many great RPG/MMO titles thrown into one delicious package? I'm sold!

... Will still check out a few videos to make sure it's as awesome as it sounds, or just wait for the demo. Though that quote about not playing the demo to avoid spoilers has me wary. Perhaps I ought to wait and see what other gaffers say about that.


First time I actually heard of this game is through the ME3 promo. Interested to try out the demo. Could use more RPGs.


a mass of phermones, hormones and adrenaline just waiting to explode
So, perhaps I've missed it, but has there been any type of information discovered about enemy and loot scaling relative to your character level? Will this be Oblivionesque in that everything scales to your level, or will there actually be risk/reward scenarios where you can get loot well beyond your current level if you choose to take the chance? Hoping earnestly for the latter...


So, perhaps I've missed it, but has there been any type of information discovered about enemy and loot scaling relative to your character level? Will this be Oblivionesque in that everything scales to your level, or will there actually be risk/reward scenarios where you can get loot well beyond your current level if you choose to take the chance? Hoping earnestly for the latter...

Here is a description of the level scaling found in reckoning, in an interview from Aus Gamers:

Q: Another popular area of discussion with games like this -- and many get it right and many get it wrong -- is scaling, level scaling -- especially with enemies and the like. Can you talk to us about how you guys have approached that?

A:Ian Fraizer: Yeah absolutely. As you said, it is a challenge and something we’ve seen done very well and very poorly in different contexts. What we do is sort of a... we try not to mention other games but I’m going to do it anyway -- it’s sort of a hybrid between World of Warcraft and Fallout 3 in terms of how it’s structured.

So you start the game off and the very first area that you step into, Allestar Glade, it’s level one; it’s only ever going to be level one. So if you start off there, it’s about right for you. If you come back later, you can just destroy enemies there.

As you get further into the game, individual areas will have a level range to them, this is somewhere between three and seven, or twelve and fifteen or whatever. When you get there, it checks your level and sets the level of that zone to your level or whatever that is within the range, for the rest of time.

So as a result, as you play through the game, you will generally find things at about your difficulty level, unless you just truck through and go way outside the bounds -- in which case, you’ll find really hard stuff. But if you then return to earlier areas, you don’t suddenly need Grand High Wizard in the starter zone, because you return and you’re level 30 -- no, you still meet starter enemies and you just crush them like bugs.

Equipment scaling from what i've seen in the demos seems like Diablo style, i've seen people get stuff way above, below, and at their level. I'm trying to see if I can find an actual description how it works. I'll re-edit this post if I can find it.

Because we wanted to have that re-travesal be fun, where you feel like you’re hercules when you’re going back through earlier areas.


If you guys are interested Hanar made a developer index over at the 38 watch wiki, in it you can find all kinds of information on different topics. Including leveling, their world building, quests, customization, all kinds of stuff. This is all stuff they have answered on their forums, they are really pretty open on just about everything you'd want to know.

He did a great job with this and it's a great resource for finding answers to lots of questions,

you can find it here:

Just saw this on Invisible Walls and I have to say, it looks a lot better than what that first CG trailer from months back suggested. And it comes out pretty soon too, I will definitely look into picking it up.
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