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New Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Media


So how is everyone going to play the game? Im going to be focusing on sorcery and finesse, but it will probably be a 70-30 sorcery-finesse ratio.

Going the spell sword/battle mage route, with bows and a bit of stealth thrown in for good measure. That might change a bit after I start playing, though. Which is easy to remedy in this game. As you are not shoehorned into following one strict path or class in the traditional sense and you can respec as well.

Hell, there is even a 'Jack of all Trades' Destiny path you can take. The kind of approach that is typically frowned upon in most role playing games. As they traditionally require you to focus mainly on one particular path within a class system in order to get the most out of your character.

Fuck that. Sometimes I want to be a bad ass while swinging a two-handed battle axe, other times I want to hide in the shadows and snipe with a bow or backstab you, and then I may decide to engulf you in fire, while raining down brimstone on your head. Let me be rewarded for experimenting in more than one area if I choose to do so. It's my game.

In essence, do not funnel me in one direction or the other in order for me to get the most out of my build. Let me do and be what the hell I want, when I want, without being deprived of some of the upper tier abilities. This adds freedom and replayability due to the possibilities. No more being just a mage, just a warrior or just a rogue... unless you so choose.


Loading time seems very very long. That's definitely going to become annoying in the long run.

Do people you murder stay permanently dead?
Dev builds tend to have extra long load times. Will probably be half as long in the retail game.

Do people you murder stay permanently dead?
Yep. The designer was also the man behind Morrowind, where there was only one NPC in the entire game you couldn't kill. Bethesda has gotten pretty pussy about that since.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'll probably do a mix of warrior and mage. I tend to gravitate to characters like that.

Yo Gotti

So how is everyone going to play the game? Im going to be focusing on sorcery and finesse, but it will probably be a 70-30 sorcery-finesse ratio.

For the first 10-20 hours of the game I'll be a jack of all trades, and invest enough points into all skill trees to be able to at least use the basic magic stuff that'll help me get through the game.

After that, I'll split between Might and Finesse, and become the ultimate badass melee stealth warrior :D.


I went from knowing nothing about this game to absolutely needing it this instant. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. (._. )


I will probably buy this in sale as well, unless the review scores really are pumping and I don't want to wait any longer. It's just that I bought deus ex full price only to see it drop to 30 euro's a month or two later. I still have Dark Souls to complete, which will take me a year because I keep telling myself: this is it, I will not play again, I quit.

as for RPG's not giving you options: that's what I like about RPG's. The difficult decisions: do I choose this race or that, do I choose an archer or a mage or a warrior. Choosing the right skills (or just the fun ones and maxing them) has always been an addictive strategy for me. Skill wise, I think Diablo 2 (the expansion) got it right around patch 1.10 or something. At first you'd never invest skillpoints in the lower level skills because the latter ones were a lot better. But they patched it so that every skill, sort of, had it's uses when maxed. So you had to make your decisions on what kind of character you wanted to build, and that involves proper thinking and proper strategy, which is what makes a skilled rpg player.

I'm curious as to how this "it doesnt matter what you choose, it will be awesome" strategy will play out. Where I agree that the jack of all trades character has always been a big nono in every RPG and that is indeed limiting the players that can't choose, I also find that a part of the fun from building your character from scratch comes from making the right decisions. It add's layers of strategy and therefore difficulty. Also, it makes you want to play the game again. Where as now, you can try out every skill before you even finish the game. It might not be that fun as the developers claim to be. Because really, an RPG that's claiming that you DO NOT have to make decisions? Isn't that a big part of what role playing games are about?

Maybe. Hope I'm wrong.


I was dead set to buy FF13-2 but now I'm considering just switching it to this. I mean, I would have still bought it, just not at launch.

I'm enjoying it more with every video I see.


I went from knowing nothing about this game to absolutely needing it this instant. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. (._. )

Same here. I find out about it yesterday, read up on it a little, and suddenly it's my most anticipated game being released in the immediate future. (Along with Graces F). So glad it's out early next month.


never left the stone age
The more I see of this game the more I want it. It reminds me of Divinity 2 in a way thanks to the not 100% serious tone they've set for the game. Bring it!

Edit: I must say I quite like the music I've heard too, when he fought that fire-demon thingy, the fight music was kickass.
I'm curious as to how this "it doesnt matter what you choose, it will be awesome" strategy will play out. Where I agree that the jack of all trades character has always been a big nono in every RPG and that is indeed limiting the players that can't choose, I also find that a part of the fun from building your character from scratch comes from making the right decisions. It add's layers of strategy and therefore difficulty. Also, it makes you want to play the game again. Where as now, you can try out every skill before you even finish the game. It might not be that fun as the developers claim to be. Because really, an RPG that's claiming that you DO NOT have to make decisions? Isn't that a big part of what role playing games are about?

Maybe. Hope I'm wrong.

I don't think it is fair to portray it as a game where you don't make decisions (as you still have to assign points/destinies etc.), more like one where you only need to make decisions when you have enough evidence on what that choice actually entails.


I don't think it is fair to portray it as a game where you don't make decisions (as you still have to assign points/destinies etc.), more like one where you only need to make decisions when you have enough evidence on what that choice actually entails.

I've heard the dev's saying that they don't like how you, as a player, are stuck with choices you made, if they end up being bad ones.

On the one hand, you are right with what you say.

On the other hand, this implies less thinking, more trying out, because in the end you will get something out of it or just respec your previous decisions.

As I am typing this this doesn't sound too shabby, actually. I'm just defending that making decisions is a vital AND FUN mechanic in RPG's, which is for some sort of reason now a minus amongst some of the GAFers hyped for this game. WHICH MAKES ME MAD
I've heard the dev's saying that they don't like how you, as a player, are stuck with choices you made, if they end up being bad ones.

On the one hand, you are right with what you say.

On the other hand, this implies less thinking, more trying out, because in the end you will get something out of it or just respec your previous decisions.

As I am typing this this doesn't sound too shabby, actually. I'm just defending that making decisions is a vital AND FUN mechanic in RPG's, which is for some sort of reason now a minus amongst some of the GAFers hyped for this game. WHICH MAKES ME MAD

I think they said the more you respec the more it costs each time (& I believe you can only respec in certain places), also this way gives them slightly more leeway in ignoring/subverting genre conventions (i.e if you want people to pick beforehand, then a rogue/mage/whatever would have to be very traditional, their way they can change it up like with mages being competent fighters etc.)


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I went from knowing nothing about this game to absolutely needing it this instant. I don't know how much longer I can stand it. (._. )

I'm glad people are so pumped for it now. I remember watching the demo last E3, and thinking "why is no one else excited about this game?!"

I'm definitely getting the PC version. I have a nice PC, so I might as well use it. Glad to see you can switch between the KBM and controller on the fly.


I'm really digging what they have to say, I think they really "get it."

Ken Rolston is hilarious, although I bet his self-deprecating sense of humor is lost on some people. I love people of that ilk; old, nutjob academics who burnt out in the 60s and are still trucking today.


I'm glad people are so pumped for it now. I remember watching the demo last E3, and thinking "why is no one else excited about this game?!"

I'm definitely getting the PC version. I have a nice PC, so I might as well use it. Glad to see you can switch between the KBM and controller on the fly.

I wish I had a nice PC. =(
Though I'll be getting a mid-high end gaming laptop in the coming months.

still, does this game take advantage of a higher end PC's nicer features?
or will it be pretty on par with consoles?


It's DX9 only, so the PC version will add nothing but the standard higher res/better frame rate/faster loading.

The faster loading alone would sell me.
Watching a few videos, and the load times seem like they will get annoying fast.
There's only so much reading some loading screen text can help the wait.


This game is right up my alley, and I know I'll love it, but I have a feeling it will be $30 on Amazon a month after release. I'll probably wait.


Paid off my preorder of this today. Dude behind the counter at GameStop told me he has quite a few pre-orders for the game, I hope it does well. If anything that Mass Effect/ Kingdoms of Amalur promo is going to be a good shot in the ass to get some buzz out there.
Paid off my preorder of this today. Dude behind the counter at GameStop told me he has quite a few pre-orders for the game, I hope it does well. If anything that Mass Effect/ Kingdoms of Amalur promo is going to be a good shot in the ass to get some buzz out there.

That's what got me looking at the game.

I amazon'd it yesterday. :)


Has there been any videos of pure magic users released, always see the rogue or rogue/caster being shown off. That's the only reason I'm still on the fence, if the pure caster is as fleshed out as the rogue then day 1.


Everyone is born with a set destiny. You're the first motherfucker in history to be born without one (which is a very interesting way to mix story/gameplay). This obviously changes everything.

How is this possible? If a characters destiny is to kill the PC, wouldn't that make the PC have a set destiny as well? Lousy example, but you get my point. I hope they adress this in the game. Could be cool if paradoxes like that were a part of the story.


How is this possible? If a characters destiny is to kill the PC, wouldn't that make the PC have a set destiny as well? Lousy example, but you get my point. I hope they adress this in the game. Could be cool if paradoxes like that were a part of the story.

The person you quoted has it wrong, you've already died, and are brought back. The first person to ever be brought back from death and thus you have no fate, and the ability to change others fate simply by existing.


Glad that there is more interest in this game.

From the very beginning, when the game was announced, I laughed that a famous baseballer started his own studio. But with every new press release, informative anwser and trailer my interest has been growing. The only reason I might not pick it up has nothing to do with the game itself. It's my fault: I've got a backlog that is crazy, I look at it and shake my head. It doesn't help that most of the games are 20+ hour games.

(I'm waek, I'll probably own it by the end of its release month.)


So the guy on the GB podcast is not actually a game developer? I just knew from the way he talked that something was up.


I've heard the dev's saying that they don't like how you, as a player, are stuck with choices you made, if they end up being bad ones.

On the one hand, you are right with what you say.

On the other hand, this implies less thinking, more trying out, because in the end you will get something out of it or just respec your previous decisions.

As I am typing this this doesn't sound too shabby, actually. I'm just defending that making decisions is a vital AND FUN mechanic in RPG's, which is for some sort of reason now a minus amongst some of the GAFers hyped for this game. WHICH MAKES ME MAD

LOL, I am not against making decisions, I just hate being shoehorned into choosing a class. I think back to all the times I have had to restart a game because I later regretted what I chose to spend points in and hated my build. Sometimes people change their minds and that is why removing classes and just giving you the freedom to experiment in order to find what you want is so beneficial. No harm in that and it does not make it any less of an RPG simply because they are not staying inside the box of traditional rules in terms of picking a class.

As far as the Jack of all Trades Destiny, that is just one of many paths to take. They also confirmed that if you do choose this route, you will not be able to max skills out or master each skill like you would if you chose to just be more of a warrior, mage, etc. However, you will be able to become proficient enough to be balanced with some upper tier abilities.

They simply left the door open for those who want to go hybrid and still have a great build, rather than forcing you to choose one class over another. More freedom and not having to worry about hating my build and starting over is a plus in my book. To each their own, though.
I'm gonna spring for the PC version, hopefully the load times will be OK there. What sealed the deal is learning that the game will have seamless kb/m + 360 controller swapping on PC. Best of both worlds, as a third person action game like this virtually requires the use of analog sticks.

To be fair, that's the game running on a devunit. Load times and general optimizations are usually one of the last things to be done before it goes gold.


I don't think he's doing the entire soundtrack.

He's the audio director for the game. The soundtrack is his baby.

So the guy on the GB podcast is not actually a game developer? I just knew from the way he talked that something was up.

Which guy are you referring to, Ken? He does have a special flair all his own. But he's not someone who sits down and makes game assets day to day.


He's the audio director for the game. The soundtrack is his baby.

Which guy are you referring to, Ken? He does have a special flair all his own. But he's not someone who sits down and makes game assets day to day.

Yeah, maybe? Can't remember the name. I just dug his enthusiasm, which is unlike regular developer guys who are way too colored by the hardships of development.


Yeah, maybe? Can't remember the name. I just dug his enthusiasm, which is unlike regular developer guys who are way too colored by the hardships of development.

I'm sure he's seen his share of hardships, but when you get old and crazy they just don't bother you so much anymore. :)
Joe Q is pretty enthusiastic as well though, but in a more systemic sort of fashion. I'm glad they been doing more media stuff recently, it helps show off the love for the game they created.

I'm hoping for decent load times, since I saw a lot of effort being put into loading optimization. At least I'll be able to install it to the HD right off the bat, unlike Skyrim.


It's DX9 only, so the PC version will add nothing but the standard higher res/better frame rate/faster loading.

Being DX9 doesn't necessarily mean it's visually going to be the same game as the console versions.

It just means your guaranteed to not see some things such as tesselation.
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