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New Member Rush 2024




you’re not gonna find a lot of young people on internet forums. Not saying there aren’t any.

Im not a boomer but I don’t know what younger people use these days. Internet forums just feel like something 20+ year olds are into.

I grew up on forums before the likes of MySpace/Facebook/Twitter/Discord/Reddit existed and I still much prefer them.
I'm not sure if my children know what a forum is. The boys? Fortnite. My daughter? TikTok and social media channels I didn't even know about before. Likee.

I still remember my youth. There were chats. Proper sites for chatting. With regional channels. Wild. I don't think there's anything like that today? Not that I'm interested in that today. Let alone would I still go to an Internet café. But there used to be stuff like that. :D


They communicate on Fortnite? I don’t understand lol unless they just chat as they are gaming. I’m too old to understand lol. Yeah seems TikTok and all that are the cool things now.

I used to go on chat rooms too around the late 90s and early 00s. Later on it was MSN and Yahoo messenger before MySpace/Facebook.
No. Sometimes with friends over a party on the side. If they are not playing with randoms. Or with mum ... I've got 190 and 200 the last two seasons. Exhausting ... This one I'm out.

I find TikTok absolutely dreadful. You really notice how the attention span goes into freefall. My daughter even listens to TikTok playlists. Horrible. It's like you're constantly skipping songs. Because it's always just short snippets. I can't stand that. I think I'm more or less on the ball because of the kids. It's important for me to know where and what they're doing. Some things are forbidden.


I did join TikTok to see what it was all about but I did notice I was just mindlessly scrolling through it for way too long and my attention span was getting worse.

A few months ago I deleted all my online accounts. Reddit, twitter, instagram, TikTok. I never posted on them I just like to read and keep up to date. I don’t miss any of them. I only had instagram and TikTok for a couple months but I had been on twitter since about 2008 and Reddit 2011.
I do have Reddit because I rarely write anything there myself and don't just read. But I'm only there for a very small number of subreddits on specific topics that interest me. Everything else is tedious and often just karma farming anyway.

But I find Reddit a good resource for seeking and exchanging advice on individual topics. But that probably also depends a lot on the subreddit. I've experienced a situation where I was looking for advice and my findings were pure gatekeeping. It probably depends a lot on the mods.

Forums are pretty much out and especially if you don't live in an English-speaking country, the sources can be very limited.

A lot happens on social media these days. But I find these platforms rather unappealing. Facebook in particular ... Try having discussions about games with a real photo. As a woman. No fun I tell you. Especially when it's more technical and about hardware. There are sometimes guys who want to tell you the biggest nonsense and respond to arguments with ‘Why aren't you at the cooker?’ No basis for discussion at all.


Gold Member
I do have Reddit because I rarely write anything there myself and don't just read. But I'm only there for a very small number of subreddits on specific topics that interest me. Everything else is tedious and often just karma farming anyway.

But I find Reddit a good resource for seeking and exchanging advice on individual topics. But that probably also depends a lot on the subreddit. I've experienced a situation where I was looking for advice and my findings were pure gatekeeping. It probably depends a lot on the mods.

Forums are pretty much out and especially if you don't live in an English-speaking country, the sources can be very limited.

A lot happens on social media these days. But I find these platforms rather unappealing. Facebook in particular ... Try having discussions about games with a real photo. As a woman. No fun I tell you. Especially when it's more technical and about hardware. There are sometimes guys who want to tell you the biggest nonsense and respond to arguments with ‘Why aren't you at the cooker?’ No basis for discussion at all.

Reddit has began to become extremely hostile to new users. In most subs that arent dead you need an account with over a month of registration to participate and you are still at risk of being shadowbanned by the website due to agressive filtering made to combat bots, smaller subreddits are dominated by spam bots and big subreddits are personal echochambers of a dozen of moderators.
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Reddit has began to become extremely hostile to new users. In most subs that arent dead you need an account with over a month of registration to participate and you are still at risk of being shadowbanned by the website due to agressive filtering made to combat bots, smaller subreddits are dominated by spam bots and big subreddits are personal echochambers of a dozen of moderators.

I'm probably far too inactive to have noticed anything about it. The number of subreddits I use is very small and I'm hardly ever active myself. I often only read my regular subreddits on my smartphone, where I'm not logged in. If I want to reply, I do it on my PC.

Most of the ones I visit are in the sports area and tolerant. One of my favourite places is the archery subreddit. Some cool people there.

Maybe the subreddits I visit are just not small enough to be dead and not big enough to fall into the annoying category. Personally, I haven't had any problems posting anything so far. Probably because my account is not that young and has some karma. To be honest, I'm never on the really big subreddits. Maybe these are stricter. Oh and I avoid gaming subreddits. I actually find them rather difficult - even just reading along.
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