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New MGS3 high rez intro cutscene


Console Market Analyst
Yeah, that slow down looked on par with Sons of Liberty, but now with this insane level of detail to the environments. Also, 5 guys were opening fire on Snake at one time. He could have at least picked a few off with a sniper rifle from across the bridge! ;)


robertsan21 said:
the vids are down the surver could not handle it...

is there anyone here that i can send them to and you can host them?
I will for a while... PM me or email me at laurent at craie.com


Oni Jazar said:
So they haven't even started recording the english dialog yet? Seems pretty late in the game.
Just because english dialogue isn't part of a Trial Version (and that Trial Version may have been sent to the magazine months ago) doesn't mean the dialogue hasn't been recorded yet.

Oni Jazar

Laurent said:
Just because english dialogue isn't part of a Trial Version (and that Trial Version may have been sent to the magazine months ago) doesn't mean the dialogue hasn't been recorded yet.

I was going by what marconelly said that the actors have yet to be identified.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Oni Jazar said:
So they haven't even started recording the english dialog yet? Seems pretty late in the game.

The MGS2 trial version didn't have English either, neither did the trailers until the last TGS trailer I believe
Awsome video's cant wait to play this. The camo system looks like it'll be pretty cool. Man they need to release a demo for this game.

Littleberu said:
August 24th.

So are you saying you figure that the MGS3 demo will be a pack in with the hopefull Halo 2 demo?

Strange marketing, but can't say I would mind :)

~Black Deatha
Oni Jazar said:
Is David Hayter doing the voice again? Can't wait to her him in this game.

It'd kinda me strange if he wasn't the voice actor. Otsuka Akio (Solid's Japanese voice actor) is still doing the voice for this "Snake" which might suggest that Hayter will be on board also. I think that leaked document though asked for a voice actor for Snake so then again Hayter might not be back. That'd be a quick giveaway from Kojima that it isn't Solid Snake if Hayter isn't back and I wonder if he'd give away that secret like that.

evil ways

It would be a funny twist if Cam Clarke does the voice over for the main character Snake/B.B. I can already hear a few of the rabid fans bickering that "Kojima lied again!!".


Wario64 said:
I promised myself I wouldn't watch any more media stuff after the E3 trailer, and that's what I'm exactly gonna do...

Same with me Wario64. I am so hyped for MGS3 and I do not want to take any chances on the experience being spoiled for me. I know we are in for one heck of a ride with MGS3.


SolidSnakex said:
It'd kinda me strange if he wasn't the voice actor. Otsuka Akio (Solid's Japanese voice actor) is still doing the voice for this "Snake" which might suggest that Hayter will be on board also. I think that leaked document though asked for a voice actor for Snake so then again Hayter might not be back. That'd be a quick giveaway from Kojima that it isn't Solid Snake if Hayter isn't back and I wonder if he'd give away that secret like that.

maybe hayter is busy helping to finsih up X-men 3 seeing as how Bryan Singer dropped x-men 3.


Hayter is currenting working on the Watchmen adaptation for Paramount & will makes his directorial debut with the Black Widow for New Line later this year.

So his schedule seems a little busy at the moment. But I'd say if he's needed for some VO work for the localization, he'll do it. Didn't he re-record all his Solid Snake dialogue for TTS?


If Hayter cannot do the voice work for snake, i really hope they get Cam Clarke to do it. I mean if it is big boss it would make the same amount of sense as Hayter doing the VO.
Goreomedy said:
Good Gameplay vids! But why did they run around like a bitch during the "CQC" section, instead of showing off more disarms? Bah!

And yes, the new alert music is great.

Yah I wanted to see more hand to hand combat moves. You could tell that he slits the one guys throat when he runs behind the tree. There also seems to be a new leg sweep move that he uses a few times in the video. The part where Snake is chasing the guy and the guy turns and runs with his head down had me laughing. That's definetly an evade animation I haven't seen in a game before.
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